
Eine Sammlung von RocksDaddy, Stand: 2025-03-08 15:57:24

Compilations zusammenfassen Nein   Ja

Nach Systemen unterteilen Nein   Ja

 Microsoft Xbox 360

Alan Wake (Limited Collector's Edition)

Fable II (Game of the Year Edition)

Fable III

Forza Motorsport 3

Forza Motorsport 4 (Limited Collector's Edition)

Gears of War (Classics)

Gears of War 2

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

LEGO Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: Das Videospiel

LEGO Indiana Jones / Kung Fu Panda (Bundle Copy)

LEGO Star Wars: Die komplette Saga

Mass Effect (Classics)

Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition)

Mass Effect 3 (N7 Collector's Edition)

Metro 2033

Pure / LEGO Batman (Bundle Copy)

Red Dead Redemption

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Enhanced Edition) (Dark Edition)

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Limitierte Collector's Edition)

 Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download


Trials HD

Trials: Evolution

 Microsoft Xbox One

Forza Motorsport 7 (Ultimate Edition)

 Nintendo Famicom/NES


Castlevania (Re-Release)


Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road

Knight Rider

Life Force: Salamander

Maniac Mansion

Mario Bros. (Classic Serie)

Mega Man 3



Snake Rattle N Roll

Super Mario Bros. (Re-Release 2)

Super Mario Bros. 2: Mario Madness

Super Mario Bros. 3

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II: The Arcade Game

The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants

 Nintendo GameBoy

Castlevania: The Adventure

Double Dragon II

Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Nintendo World Cup

RoboCop 2

Street Fighter II

Super Mario Land (Re-Release)

Tetris (GameBoy-Bundle)

The Amazing Spider-Man

 Nintendo GameBoy Color

Men in Black: The Series

 Nintendo GameCube

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

Resident Evil

Resident Evil Zero (Player's Choice)

 Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES

Looney Tunes: Road Runner

Prince of Persia


Street Fighter II Turbo

Super Mario All Stars

Super Mario World (SNES Bundle)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

 Nintendo Switch

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Luigi's Mansion 3

Super Mario Odyssey

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

 Nintendo Wii

Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release)

Wii Sports Resort (inkl. Wii MotionPlus)

 Nintendo Wii - Download

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

 SONY PlayStation

007: The World Is Not Enough

Ace Combat 2

Ace Combat 3: electrosphere

Capcom Generations

Chase the Express

Cold Blood

Colin McRae Rally

Colin McRae Rally 2.0

Cool Boarders 3

Crash Bandicoot (Platinum)

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Crash Team Racing

Die 24 Stunden von Le Mans

Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis 2


Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Bild Interactive)

Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring

Fear Effect

Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VIII

Formel 1

Formel 1 97

Formel Eins 99


Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo 2

Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto 2

Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack #1: London 1969

Killer Loop

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor: Underground


Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid: Special Missions

Music 2000: Music Creation for the Playstation


NBA Fastbreak '98

Need for Speed: Brennender Asphalt

NHL 2000

Nightmare Creatures II

No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Pac-Man World: 20th Anniversary

Parasite Eve II

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Resident Evil: Director's Cut

Ridge Racer Type 4

Silent Hill

Sled Storm (Classics)

Soul Blade

Soviet Strike (Platinum, Electronic Arts Classics)


Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 3

Tekken 3

TOCA 2: Touring Cars

TOCA: Touring Car Championship

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider II starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft

Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Skateboarding

V-Rally 2: Championship Edition

Vagrant Story


WipEout 2097

 SONY PlayStation 2

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II

Beyond Good & Evil

Burnout 2: Point of Impact

Burnout 3: Takedown

Canis Canem Edit

Colin McRae Rally 04

Colin McRae Rally 3

Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt

Def Jam: Fight for NY

Def Jam: Vendetta

Der Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme

Der Pate (Limited Edition)

Der Weiße Hai: Das Spiel

Devil May Cry (Platinum)


DTM Race Driver

DTM Race Driver 2

DTM Race Driver 3



Freedom Fighters

Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

God of War

God of War II (Special Edition) (multilinguales Cover)

Gran Turismo 3: A-spec

Gran Turismo 4

Gran Turismo 4: Prologue

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City



Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Hitman: Blood Money

Hitman: Contracts

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Killzone (Platinum)

Kingdom Hearts (Platinum)

Kingdom Hearts II

Medal of Honor: Frontline

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (SteelBook Edition)

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

Metal Slug 3

Need for Speed: Underground


Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

Onimusha 3

Onimusha: Warlords

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Project Zero

Rayman Revolution

Resident Evil - Code: Veronica X

Resident Evil 4

Ridge Racer V

Scarface: The World Is Yours

Silent Hill 2 (Inklusive Making-of-DVD)

Silent Hill 3

Soul Reaver 2: The Legacy of Kain Series

Spider-Man 2


Tekken Tag Tournament

Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven

TimeSplitters 2 (Re-Release)

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Tomb Raider: Anniversary (Collectors Edition)

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

True Crime: New York City

Ultimate Spider-Man (Limited Edition)

V-Rally 3

Wakeboarding Unleashed Featuring Shaun Murray

WRC 3: The Official Game of the FIA World Rally Championship

WRC II Extreme


 SONY PlayStation 3

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed II

Assassin's Creed III (Join or Die Edition)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Skull Edition)

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Special Edition)

Assassin's Creed: Rogue

Batman: Arkham Asylum (Collectors Edition)

Batman: Arkham City (Collector's Edition)

Batman: Arkham Origins (Collector's Edition)

Beyond: Two Souls (multilinguales Cover)


Borderlands (Game of the Year Edition)

Borderlands 2 (Game of the Year Edition)

Burnout: Paradise - The Ultimate Box

Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow


Colin McRae: DiRT

Colin McRae: DiRT 2

Dead Island

Dead Space


Der Pate: Die Don-Edition

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Limited Edition)

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition

Die Abenteuer von Tim und Struppi: Das Geheimnis der Einhorn

DiRT 3

Driver: San Francisco

Dungeon Siege III (Limited Edition)

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Collector's Edition)

Fallout 3

Far Cry 2

Far Cry 3 (Limited Edition)

Ghostbusters: The Video Game & The Blu-ray Movie (Special Edition)

God of War Collection

God of War Collection: Volume II (Classics HD)

God of War III (Collector's Edition)

God of War: Ascension

Gran Turismo 5 (Collector's Edition)

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

Gran Turismo 6

Grand Theft Auto IV

Grand Theft Auto V

Heavenly Sword

Heavy Rain (Special Edition) (multilinguales Cover)

Hitman: Absolution (Deluxe Professional Edition)

John Woo Presents Stranglehold

Killzone 2

L.A. Noire

LEGO Harry Potter: Die Jahre 1-4 (Collector's Edition)

Mafia II (Collector's Edition)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Max Payne 3 (Special Edition)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Limited Edition)

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (Classics HD)

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection 1987 - 2012

Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Need for Speed: Shift

Ni no Kuni: Der Fluch der Weissen Königin (Re-Release)

Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia: Die vergessene Zeit

Rayman Origins

Red Dead Redemption (Limited Edition)

Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition)

SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection

Shift 2: Unleashed (Limited Edition)

Sleeping Dogs

Spec Ops: The Line

Spider-Man: Dimensions

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Street Fighter IV

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Day One Edition)

The Last of Us (Joel Edition)

The Saboteur

The Sly Trilogy (Classics HD)

The Walking Dead: Die komplette erste Staffel (Game of the Year Edition)

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Tomb Raider (Collector's Edition)

Tomb Raider: Underworld

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Limited Edition Collector's Box)

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Explorer Edition)

Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal

Virtua Tennis 3

 SONY PlayStation 3 - Download

Assassin's Creed: Rogue - Templar Legacy Pack

Back to the Future: Episode 1 - It's about Time

BioShock Infinite

Blast Factor

Borderlands 2

Dead Nation

Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut

Disney's DuckTales: Remastered

Dragon's Lair


Faery: Legends of Avalon

Fear Effect


James Pond 2: Codename Robocod

Joe Danger

Journey (Cross Buy)

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light



LittleBigPlanet Karting

Marvel vs. Capcom 2


Metro: Last Light

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge

MotorStorm RC

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

OutRun Online Arcade

Papo & Yo

PixelJunk Racers

Prince of Persia Classic

Prince of Persia: Epilogue

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Prototype 2

Q*bert Rebooted (Cross-Buy)

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments

Sky Force Anniversary

Streets of Rage 2

Super Rub 'A' Dub

Super Stardust HD

Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter 3

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time - Re-shelled

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition


Tomb Raider (Digital Edition)

Trine 2

WipEout HD

WRC 5: FIA World Rally Championship

Yakuza 4

 SONY PlayStation 4

A Plague Tale: Innocence

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

Assassin's Creed: Origins

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (Special Edition)

Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection

Assassin's Creed: Unity

Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions

Batman: Arkham Knight (Day One Edition)

BioShock: The Collection

Death Stranding

Destiny 2

Detroit: Become Human

DiRT Rally

Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der Maske (Day One Edition)

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen


Fallout 4 (Day One Edition)

Fallout 76

Far Cry 4

Far Cry 5 (Gold Edition)

Far Cry Primal (Special Edition)

Ghost of Tsushima

Gran Turismo Sport (Collector's Edition)

Grand Theft Auto V

Hitman 2

Horizon: Zero Dawn


Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Royal Edition)

Life Is Strange 2

Mad Max (Day One Edition)

Mafia III (Day One Edition)

Mafia Trilogy

Marvel Spider-Man (Special Edition)

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series

Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Collector's Edition)

NieR: Automata (Day One Edition)

Persona 5: Royal

Project Cars

Rayman Legends

Red Dead Redemption II (Ultimate Edition)

Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20-Jähriges Jubiläum (Day One Edition)

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Shenmue I & II

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Crew 2

The Last of Us Part II

The Order: 1886 (multilinguales Cover)

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Day One Edition)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Libertalia Collector's Edition)

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Watch_Dogs (Complete Edition)

WRC 5 (eSports Edition)

 SONY PlayStation 4 - Download

2064: Read Only Memories

A Way Out


Alien: Isolation

Amnesia: Collection

Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (Cross Buy)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

Astro Bot: Rescue Mission

Batman: A Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows

Batman: Arkham Collection

Batman: The Telltale Series

Batman: The Telltale Series - Der Feind im Inneren: Season Disc

Battlefield 1

Battlefield V

Beyond: Two Souls

BioShock Infinite (The Complete Edition)


Borderlands: The Handsome Collection

Broken Age (Cross Buy)

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

Call of Duty: WWII

Child of Light (Cross Buy)

Cities: Skylines: PlayStation 4 Edition

Claire: Extended Cut

Code Vein

Conan Exiles

Concrete Genie



Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy

Cyberpunk 2077

Darksiders III

Days Gone

Days Gone (Digital Deluxe Edition)

Dead by Daylight (Special Edition)

Detroit: Become Human

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Digital Standard Edition)

Die Sims 4

DiRT 4

DiRT Rally

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen


Enter the Gungeon

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion

Fallout 4 (DE/ES/FR/IT)

Far Cry 3 (Classic Edition)

Far Cry 4

Far Cry 5


Final Fantasy XV



Friday the 13th: The Game

Game of Thrones (Season Pass)

Genshin Impact

Goat Simulator

God of War (PlayStation Hits)

God of War III Remastered

Gone Home: Console Edition

Gran Turismo Sport

Heavy Rain (DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT)

Here They Lie

Hitman 2

Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition

Horizon Chase Turbo

Horizon: Zero Dawn (Complete Edition)


inFamous: First Light

inFamous: Second Son

Injustice: Gods Among Us (Ultimate Edition)

Invisible, Inc.: Console Edition

Just Cause 3

Just Cause 4

Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Royal Edition)

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning

Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legend

L.A. Noire

Laser League

LEGO Harry Potter Collection

Letter Quest Remastered

Life Is Strange 2: Complete Season

Life Is Strange: Before the Storm (Limited Edition)

Life Is Strange: Complete Season

Little Nightmares

LittleBigPlanet 3

Lords of the Fallen

Mad Max

Mafia III

Mafia III: Definitive Edition

Mafia: Definitive Edition

Magicka 2: Learn to Spell Again

Marvel Spider-Man

Marvel Spider-Man: Silver Lining

Marvel Spider-Man: The Heist

Marvel Spider-Man: Turf Wars

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (Legion Edition)

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

MLB 19: The Show

Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame

Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne

Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Shell


Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker

NBA 2K16

Need for Speed: Payback

Need for Speed: Rivals

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)


Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty!


Outlast II


Paper Beast

Persona 5 (Ultimate Edition)

Pumped BMX + (Cross Buy)

Ratchet & Clank

Rayman Legends

Red Dead Redemption II

Remnant: From the Ashes

Resident Evil

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Resident Evil Triple Bundle Pack

Rez Infinite

Risen 3: Titan Lords (Enhanced Edition)

Rocketbirds 2: Evolution

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Secret Ponchos

Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Sky Force Anniversary

Slay the Spire

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Sniper Elite 4


SnowRunner: Year 1 Pass

SnowRunner: Year 2 Pass


Sonic Forces

Sonic Mania

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated

Star Wars: Battlefront II

Star Wars: Squadrons


Stories: The Path of Destinies

Street Fighter V

Super Meat Boy (Cross Buy)


Tales from the Borderlands (Season Pass)

Team Sonic Racing


Tetris Ultimate

That's You

The Bridge

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Special Edition)

The Last Guardian

The Last of Us Remastered

The LEGO NINJAGO Movie Videogame

The Persistence

The Surge

The Swapper

The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season

The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series

The Witness

The Wolf Among Us


This War of Mine: The Little Ones


Titan Souls (Cross Buy)

Titanfall 2

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

TrackMania: Turbo

Transformers: Devastation

Trials: Fusion

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (DE, DI, DK, FR, IT, NL, NO, SE)

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (DE, DI, DK, FR, IT, NL, NO, SE)

Unravel Yarny Bundle

Until Dawn (DE, FR, IT, NL, TR)

Valiant Hearts: The Great War


What Remains of Edith Finch

WipEout Omega Collection

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Yakuza: Kiwami

Zombie Army 4: Dead War

 SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download

A Plague Tale: Innocence

Alan Wake Remastered

As Dusk Falls



Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War (Cross-Gen Bundle)

Control (Ultimate Edition)

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition


Disco Elysium: The Final Cut

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut


Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition


Jurassic World Evolution 2

Kena: Bridge of Spirits

Lost Judgment (Digital Deluxe Edition)


Nioh 2 Remastered (Complete Edition)

Nioh 2 / Nioh 2 Remastered

Oddworld: Soulstorm

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One


SnowRunner: Season 1 - Search & Recover

SnowRunner: Season 2 - Explore & Expand

SnowRunner: Season 3 - Locate & Deliver

SnowRunner: Season 4 - New Frontiers

SnowRunner: Season 5 - Build & Dispatch

SnowRunner: Season 6 - Haul & Hustle

SnowRunner: Season 7 - Compete & Conquer

SnowRunner: Season 8 - Grand Harvest

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


Syphon Filter 3

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 (Cross-Gen Deluxe Bundle)

Trek to Yomi

Yakuza: Like a Dragon

 SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download

Evil Dead: The Game

Gran Turismo 7

It Takes Two

Sackboy: A Big Adventure (Re-Release)

 SONY PlayStation 5

Assassin's Creed: Mirage (Deluxe Edition)

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Dakar Desert Rally

Death Stranding: Director's Cut

Dredge (Deluxe Edition)

Elden Ring (Launch Edition)

Far Cry 6

Final Fantasy XVI

God of War: Ragnarök (Launch Edition)

Gran Turismo 7 (25th Anniversary Edition)

Hitman III

Hogwarts Legacy

Horizon: Forbidden West (Special Edition)

Immortals: Fenyx Rising

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (Day One Edition)

Life is Strange: True Colors

Like a Dragon: Ishin!

Marvel Spider-Man: Miles Morales (Ultimate Edition)

Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (multilinguales Cover)

Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 (Day One Edition)


Rise of the Ronin

Split Fiction

Star Wars: Outlaws (Limited Edition)

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (multilinguales Cover)

 SONY PlayStation 5 - Download

Astro's Playroom

Baldur's Gate III

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Grand Theft Auto V

Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered


Marvel's Midnight Suns (Digital+ Edition)

RoboCop: Rogue City

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection


 SONY PlayStation Portable

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

Daxter (PSP Essentials)

Die Simpsons: Das Spiel

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Gran Turismo

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

Killzone: Liberation


Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Midnight Club: L.A. Remix

Ridge Racer

Silent Hill: Origins

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials

Tomb Raider: Legend

Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix

WipEout Pure

 SONY PlayStation Vita

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate

LEGO Der Herr der Ringe

LEGO Der Hobbit

LEGO Jurassic World

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universum in Gefahr

LEGO Marvel's Avengers

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

Rayman Legends

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition

 SONY PlayStation Vita - Download

Azkend 2: The World Beneath (Cross Buy)

Child of Light

Day of the Tentacle Remastered (Cross Buy)

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Dynasty Warriors: Next

Escape Plan


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

KickBeat (Cross Buy)

Motorstorm RC

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (Cross Buy)

Tetris Ultimate

The Jak and Daxter Trilogy

Uncharted: Golden Abyss


Hinzugefügt von: RocksDaddy am 10.04.2023 17:11:30

Zuletzt bearbeitet von: RocksDaddy am 17.04.2023 10:23:46


 Diese Spiele wurden als letztes zur Sammlung hinzugefügt:
Split Fiction
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:08.03.2025 15:57:23
Notiz des Besitzers:
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (Day One Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:03.02.2025 13:40:55
Notiz des Besitzers:
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Royal Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 4
Hinzugefügt am:30.01.2025 19:30:39
Notiz des Besitzers:
As Dusk Falls
System:SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:05.01.2025 22:55:50
Notiz des Besitzers:
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
System:SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:29.12.2024 08:32:21
Notiz des Besitzers:
System:SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:29.12.2024 08:31:26
Notiz des Besitzers:
RoboCop: Rogue City
System:SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:22.12.2024 07:59:10
Notiz des Besitzers:
Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered
System:SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:15.12.2024 08:41:34
Notiz des Besitzers:
Lost Judgment (Digital Deluxe Edition)
System:SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:23.11.2024 08:38:42
Notiz des Besitzers:
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:23.11.2024 08:37:55
Notiz des Besitzers:
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (multilinguales Cover)
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:18.10.2024 07:42:23
Notiz des Besitzers:
Star Wars: Outlaws (Limited Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:30.08.2024 18:27:24
Notiz des Besitzers:
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
System:SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:07.04.2024 11:28:52
Notiz des Besitzers:
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One
System:SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:06.04.2024 07:28:44
Notiz des Besitzers:
Rise of the Ronin
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:22.03.2024 21:13:49
Notiz des Besitzers:
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
System:SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:01.01.2024 13:09:41
Notiz des Besitzers:
Dredge (Deluxe Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:01.01.2024 13:06:47
Notiz des Besitzers:
Baldur's Gate III
System:SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:27.12.2023 14:34:49
Notiz des Besitzers:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (multilinguales Cover)
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:19.10.2023 22:08:49
Notiz des Besitzers:
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 (Day One Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 5
Hinzugefügt am:19.10.2023 22:05:28
Notiz des Besitzers:
Gesamt: 1157 System mit den meisten Spielen: SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
Versionen zum gleichen Titel als 1 gezählt: 918 Region mit den meisten Spielen: Europa
Ohne Boni/Compilations als 1 gezählt: 747     Feature by OGDB - Online Games-Datenbank