Stefan 'Acrid' Nowak "Sprites, Shapes & Co"

Eine Sammlung von Acrid, Stand: 2024-03-24 10:12:56

Compilations zusammenfassen Nein   Ja

Nach Systemen unterteilen Nein   Ja

 Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette


 Amstrad CPC - Cassette


 Atari Jaguar

1943: The Battle of Midway

Alice's Mom's Rescue!

Alien vs Predator

Another World

Atari Karts

Attack of the Mutant Penguins


Bionic Commando

Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales

Cannon Fodder

Checkered Flag


Cybermorph (Atari Jaguar Bundle)

Defender 2000


Doom II: Hell on Earth

Dragon Breed

Escape 2042: The Truth Defenders

Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters

Flashback: The Quest for Identity

Flip Out!

Flying Shark

Hover Strike


International Sensible Soccer

Iron Soldier

Iron Soldier 2

Jeff Minter Classics

Midnight Resistance

Missile Command 3D

NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

Pinball Fantasies

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

Power Drive Rally

Protector (Special Edition)





Stunt Car Racer

Super Burnout



Tempest 2000

Theme Park

Treasure Island Dizzy (Clear Cartridge)

Val d'Isère Skiing and Snowboarding

Wolfenstein 3d

Xenon 2: Megablast

Zool 2


 Atari Lynx

Alpine Games (Re-Release)



Chip's Challenge

Crystal Mines II

Dirty Larry: Renegade Cop

Gates of Zendocon



Pinball Jam




Robotron: 2084

S.T.U.N. Runner

Shadow of the Beast


Todd's Adventures in Slime World

World Class Fussball/Soccer


Zarlor Mercenary

 Commodore Amiga

Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax Empire (Re-Release)

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Re-Release)

James Pond: Underwater Agent


Mr. Nutz: Hoppin' Mad

New Aquatic Games starring James Pond and the Aquabats

Ooops Up

Ruff 'n' Tumble

Sqrxz III

Tanks Furry

 Commodore Amiga AGA

Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep

 Commodore Amiga CD³²

Alfred Chicken

Bubba 'n' Stix

Bubble and Squeak

Bump 'n' Burn

Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck

Deep Core

Der Clou!

James Pond³: Operation Starfi5h

Kid Chaos

Pinball Fantasies

Pinball Illusions

Super Putty


Theme Park

Zerosphere (Collector's Edition)

 Commodore AmigaCD

Projekt: Lila

Street Racer

Tales of Gorluth: Das Vermächtnis des Wandermagiers/The Legacy of the Travelling Magician

 Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cartridge

Jack Attack


 Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette


ACE: Air Combat Emulator

ACE: Air Combat Emulator (Re-Release)

ACE: Air Combat Emulator (Special 64K Version)


Airwolf 2

Alien Attack

Arena 3000

Arthur Noid

Auf Wiedersehen Monty


Auriga (Re-Release)

Auto Zone


Baby Berks

Bandits at Zero


Battle Star



Berks 3: They're Angry!

BMX Racers

BMX Simulator

Bomb Jack (Re-Release)


Bounder and Planet Search


Bubble Trouble

C16 Classics II

C16 Compilation

C16 Star Games Classics III

Cave Fighter

Cave Fighter (Re-Release)


Commodore 16 & Plus 4 Super Hits from Microdeal

Crazy Golf

Danger Zone

Death Race 16



Dirty Den

Droid One

Emerald Mine

Emerald Mine II


Favourite 4

Fighting Warrior (Re-Release)

Finders Keepers

Fire Ant

Formula 1 Simulator


Future Knight


Galaxions (Re-Release)


Ghost Town

Ghosts 'n Goblins


Gullwing Falcon




Harbour Attack

Harvey Headbanger

Heebie Jeebies




Icicle Works

Indoor Soccer (Re-Release)

Invasion 2000 AD


Joe Blade II

Jump Jet: Combat & Flight Simulator


Kikstart: Off-Road Simulator


Killapede (Re-Release)

Las Vegas Video Poker



Liberator / Space Fiends


Lunar Docking

Major Blink: Berks 2

Master Chess




Mercenary: Die Flucht von Targ

Mission Mars

Molecule Man

Monty on the Run

Moon Buggy

More Adventures of Big Mac: The Mad Maintenance Man

Mr. Puniverse

Number Builder

Number Chaser




Omnibus II

On Cue

One Man and His Droid

P.O.D.: Proof of Destruction


Panic Penguin



Plus-Paket 16


Project Nova

Prospector Pete

Rätsel der 7. Kolonie

Reach for the Sky

Rescue from Zylon

Robo Knight



Saboteur! (Re-Release)




Space Freeks

Space Pilot

Space Pilot


Speed King

Spiky Harold



Sports 4



Starforce Nova


Street Olympics

Summer Events

Swords of Destiny


Terra Cognita

Terra Nova

The Berks Trilogy

The Exploits of Fingers Malone

The Return of Rockman

The Way of the Exploding Fist



Torpedo Alley


Treasure Island

Triple Decker 1

Triple Decker 2

Triple Decker 3

Triple Decker 4

Triple Decker 5

Triple Decker 6

Tutti Frutti


Vegas Jackpot

Video Classics

Video Meanies

Winter Events


Xargon Wars



 Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette

Adventures in Time (Premium Edition)

Bongo Construction Set

Emerald Mine II

Fire Galaxy

Fortress Underground

Karting Grand Prix

Majesty of Sprites (Premium Plus Edition)


Pets Rescue


Sommer Olympiade

The Lands of Zador (Premium Plus Edition)

Winter Olympiade

 Commodore C64 - Cartridge

2 Games In 1: Spike / Minestorm

4-Player Games Collection

Assembloids (Deluxe Packaging)

Aviator Arcade II

Berzerk Redux

Block Frenzy

Bomberland (Deluxe Packaging)

Bomberland 4(5) Player Cartridge

C-2048 (Deluxe Packaging)

C64anabalt (Deluxe Packaging)

Caren and the Tangled Tentacles 1.3 (Kickstarter Exclusive Deluxe Packaging)

Darkness (Ultimate Edition)

Edge Grinder (Deluxe Packaging)

Fairy Well (Deluxe Packaging)

Fortress of Narzod (Deluxe Packaging)


Get 'Em DX (Deluxe Packaging)


Greenrunner / Redrunner (Deluxe Packaging)

Guns 'N' Ghosts (Deluxe Packaging)


Jam It

Jars' Revenge (Deluxe Packaging)

L'Abbaye des Morts



Micro Hexagon (Blau)

Micro Hexagon (Grau)

Mollusk Redux (Deluxe Packaging)


Ms. Pac-Man

P0 Snake (Deluxe Packaging)

Panic Analogue (Deluxe Packaging)

Phase Out (Deluxe Packaging)

Planet Golf

Powerglove (Deluxe Packaging)

Quod Init Exit (Deluxe Packaging)

Rescuing Orc: World of Magica (Collector's Edition)

Rocket Smash EX (Deluxe Packaging)

Sam's Journey

Shadow of the Beast

Sheepoid DX plus Woolly Jumper (Deluxe Packaging)


Soulless (Deluxe Packaging)

Space Lords (Centaurus) (Deluxe Packaging)

Sub Hunter (Deluxe Packaging)

Super Bread Box

Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe (Limited Edition)

The Mojon Twins 2 Games In 1: Sir Ababol / Nanako In Classic Japanese Monster Castle

The Vice Squad (Deluxe Packaging)

Tiger Claw (Kickstarter Exclusive Edition)

Trance Sector Ultimate

Uwol: Quest for Money (Deluxe Packaging)

Yoomp! 64

 Commodore C64 - Cassette

Arac (Re-Release)

Barnsley Badger (Kickstarter Exclusive Limited Edition)

Bubble Bobble (The Hit Squad)

Cosmic Causeway: Trailblazer II

Delta II: Armalyte

Flying Shark

Gemini Wing

Grand Prix Simulator

Grand Prix Simulator 2

James Pond 2: Codename Robocod

Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance


Mercenary Kompendium

Mikie (Re-Release)

My Life (Limited Edition)



Sleepwalker (Limited Edition)


Super Sprint


The Bear Essentials


Trojan Warrior

Werner: FlaschBier (DoReCo Weihnachts-Edition 2015)

Wonder Boy


 Commodore C64 - Diskette

Armalyte: Competition Edition (Premium Edition)


Barnsley Badger (Limited Edition)

Barnsley Badger (Premium Plus Edition)

Flubble and Squij (Premium Edition)

Flying Shark

Fortress Underground


Hessian (Ultimate Edition)


Mayhem in Monsterland: 15th Anniversary Edition (Premium Edition)


My Life (Limited Edition)

My Life (Premium Plus Edition)

Pains 'n' Aches: A Knight 'n' Grail Adventure (Collector's Edition)

Platman Worlds (Premium Plus Edition)


Sleepwalker (Premium Plus Edition)

Space Trip 2086 (Premium Plus Edition)

Steel Ranger (Collector's Edition)

Thalamus The Hits 1986 - 1988

The Bear Essentials

The Sky Is Falling

Thrust (Re-Release)



Ultimate Cops (Premium Edition)

 Commodore C64 / C16 / VIC 20 - Cassette


 Commodore C64 / C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette


 Commodore C64 / C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette

Slipstream (Collector's Edition)

 Commodore C64/ Atari 800 - Diskette

Mercenary Kompendium

 Microsoft Xbox

Arctic Thunder

Beyond Good & Evil


Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space

Blinx: The Time Sweeper

Burnout 2: Point of Impact

Burnout 3: Takedown

Burnout: Revenge

Conker: Live & Reloaded

Crash Nitro Kart

Crazy Taxi 3

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Defender: For All Mankind

Doom 3 (Limited Collector's Edition)

Doom 3 Expansion Pack: Resurrection of Evil

Freaky Flyers

Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Halo 2

Halo: Combat Evolved

Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft

Jet Set Radio Future

Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

Midtown Madness 3

Midway Arcade Treasures 3

Myst IV: Revelation

OutRun 2

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Project Zero

Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly - Director's Cut

Project: Snowblind


Quantum Redshift

Rallisport Challenge

Rallisport Challenge 2

Serious Sam

Serious Sam II

Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears

Sphinx und die verfluchte Mumie


SSX on Tour

SSX Tricky

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe

Taito Legends 2

Tecmo Classic Arcade

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

The House of the Dead III

The Simpsons: Road Rage

ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth

Tork: Prehistoric Punk

Urban Chaos: Riot Response

V-Rally 3


Voodoo Vince: Fühl' seinen Schmerz

Wallace & Gromit in Projekt Zoo



 Microsoft Xbox 360

Akai Katana Shin (Limited Edition)

Alan Wake

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

Banjo to Kazooie no Daibouken: Garage Daisakusen (First Print Limited Edition)

Beautiful Katamari Damacy

Biohazard: Revelations - Unveiled Edition

BioShock (Collector's Edition)

BioShock 2

BioShock Infinite


Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst (Limited Edition)

Bullet Soul: Tama Tamashii

Burnout: Paradise - The Ultimate Box

Caladrius (Limited Edition)


Condemned 2

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Dead Space

Dead Space 2


DeathSmiles (Limited Edition)

DeathSmiles (Platinum Collection)

DeathSmiles II X: Makai no Merry Christmas

DeathSmiles II X: Makai no Merry Christmas (Limited Edition)

DoDonPachi: Dai Ou Jou - Black Label Extra

DoDonPachi: Dai-Fukkatsu - Black Label

DoDonPachi: Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.5 (Limited Edition)

DoDonPachi: Saidaioujou (Limited Edition)

DoDonPachi: Saidaioujou (Super Limited Edition)

Doom 3: BFG Edition

Duke Nukem Forever


Espgaluda II: Black Label (Limited Edition)

Far Cry 2

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage

Forza Horizon

Ga-Cen Love. Plus Pengo! (Limited Edition)

Gears of War

Gears of War 2 (Limited Edition)

Gears of War 3

Ginga Force

Grand Theft Auto V


Halo 3 (Limited Edition)

Halo 3: ODST

Halo 4

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

Halo: Reach

Instant Brain (Limited Edition)

Just Cause

Kameo: Elements of Power

Ketsui: Kizuna Jigokutachi Extra

Ketsui: Kizuna Jigokutachi Extra (Limited Edition)

Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! (Limited Edition)

Muchi Muchi Pork! & Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (Limited Edition)

Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5 (Limited Edition)

Mushihime-sama HD (Limited Edition)


Namco Museum: Virtual Arcade

Otomedius Excellent!

Otomedius Gorgeous!

Perfect Dark Zero

Project Gotham Racing 4


Quake 4


Radirgy Noa Massive


Raiden Fighters Aces

Raiden IV

Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends

Rayman Origins

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 / Biohazard: Revelations 2

Ridge Racer 6

Sakura Flamingo Archives

SEGA Rally

SEGA Superstars Tennis

Senko no Ronde DUO (Limited Edition)

Senko no Ronde Rev. X (Limited Edition)

Shikigami no Shiro III

Shooting Love. 10-Shuunen: XIIZeal & DeltaZeal (Special Pack)

Shooting Love. 200X

Silent Hill: Downpour

Silent Hill: Homecoming

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Limited Edition)

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie

Sonic Generations


Strike Witches: Hakugin no Tsubasa (Limited Edition)

Test Drive: Unlimited

Test Drive: Unlimited 2

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon

The Orange Box

Under Defeat HD (Limited Edition)

Virtua Tennis 3

Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1

 Nintendo 3DS

Asphalt 3D


Disney Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D

Driver: Renegade 3D

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins

Luigi's Mansion

Luigi's Mansion 2

Mario Golf: World Tour

Mario Kart 7

Mario Tennis Open

Need for Speed: The Run

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Pilotwings: Resort

Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World

Resident Evil: Revelations

Ridge Racer 3D

Sega 3D Classics Collection

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Limited Edition)

Sonic Boom: Feuer und Eis

Sonic Generations

Sonic: Lost World

Super Mario 3D Land

Yoshi's New Island

 Nintendo DS

2 Disney Games: Phineas and Ferb / Phineas and Ferb: Ride Again


Active Health with Carol Vorderman

Arkanoid DS with Paddle Controller

Asphalt: Urban GT

Asphalt: Urban GT 2


Boulder Dash Rocks!

Burnout: Legends

Classics to Go: Mahjong

Colin McRae: DiRT 2

Commando: Steel Disaster

Contra 4

Crystal Mines

Dead 'N' Furious

Densetsu no Stafy 4

Diddy Kong Racing DS

Die Biene Maja: Klatschmohnwiese in Gefahr

Die Simpsons: Das Spiel

Die Sims 2

Die Sims 2: Haustiere

Disney Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension

Dream Pinball 3D

Geometry Wars: Galaxies

Giana Sisters DS

Go! Go! Cosmo Cops!

GoldenEye: Rogue Agent

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Gunpey DS

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure

Impossible Mission

James Pond: Codename Robocod

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights

Konami Arcade Classics

LEGO Star Wars II: Die klassische Trilogie

Mario Kart DS

Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: Marsch der Mini-Marios

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!

Metal Slug 7


Metroid Prime Hunters

Metroid Prime Pinball

Moorhuhn Jump'n Run: Atlantis

Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits


Namco Museum DS


Nanostray 2

Need for Speed: Carbon - Own the City

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

New Super Mario Bros.

Pac 'n Roll

Pang: Magical Michael

Picross DS

Ping Pals: Sammeln, Tauschen, Spielen!


Puzzle League DS

Rayman DS

Rayman Raving Rabbids

Ridge Racer DS

Scooby-Doo! Wer schaut wem zu?

Scurge: Hive

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Sonic Colours

Sonic Rush

Sonic Rush Adventure

Soul Bubbles

Space Bust-A-Move

Space Invaders Extreme

Space Invaders Extreme 2

Speed Racer: The Videogame

Star Trek: Tactical Assault

Sudoku Master


Super Fruit Fall

Super Mario 64 DS

Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll (Software Pyramide)

Super Princess Peach

Tak: Die große Ju-Ju Jagd

Tetris DS

The Legendary Starfy

The Rub Rabbits!

Theme Park DS

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Tony Hawk's American Sk8land

Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

TrackMania Turbo

Underwater Attack

Wacky Races: Crash & Dash

Wickie und die starken Männer

Wickie und die starken Männer Teil 2: Wiedersehen in Flake

Worms: Open Warfare

XG Blast!

Yoshi's Island DS

Zendoku: Sudoku Battle Action

Zoo Keeper

Zoo Tycoon 2 DS

Zoo Tycoon DS

 Nintendo GameBoy


Arcade Classic No. 3: Galaga / Galaxian

Bubble Bobble Part 2 (Re-Release)


Choplifter II: Rescue Survive

Donkey Kong

Escape 2042

F-1 Race (inkl. 4-Spieler-Adapter)

Mickey's Dangerous Chase

Mr. Nutz

Ms. Pac-Man

Nemesis II



Solar Striker

Street Racer

Super James Pond

Super R.C. Pro-Am

 Nintendo GameBoy Advance

2 Games in 1 : Columns Crown & ChuChu Rocket

Alien Hominid

Banjo Pilot

CT Special Forces

CT Special Forces: Back to Hell

Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle

Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle

Darius R

Densetsu no Stafy

Densetsu no Stafy 2

Densetsu no Stafy 3

Die Biene Maja: Klatschmohnwiese in Gefahr

Die Biene Maja: Süßes Gold

Disney's Lilo & Stitch

Disney's Lilo & Stitch 2

Donkey Kong Country 3


Doom II

Duke Nukem Advance

F-Zero for Game Boy Advance

F-Zero: GP Legend

Famicom Mini Series Vol. 10: Star Soldier

Famicom Mini Series Vol. 19: TwinBee

Frogger's Adventures 2: The Lost Wand

Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog

Gauntlet / Rampart

Gradius Advance

Gradius Generation

Gunstar Future Heroes


Iridion 3D

Iridion II

James Pond: Codename Robocod

James Pond: Codename Robocod

Konami Collector's Series: Arcade Advanced

Konami Krazy Racers

KuruKuru Kururin

Kururin Paradise

Mario Kart: Super Circuit

Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Metal Slug Advance

Mr. Driller 2

Mr. Nutz

Pac-Man Collection

Phalanx: The Enforce Fighter A-144

Pinball Challenge Deluxe

Pocky & Rocky with Becky

R-Type III: The Third Lightning

Rayman 3

Rayman Advance

Rayman Raving Rabbids

Rayman: Die Rache der Hoodlums

Robotech: The Macross Saga

Scurge: Hive

Sega Arcade Gallery

Sigma Star Saga

Space Channel 5: Ulala's Cosmic Attack

Space Invaders EX

Spy Hunter / Super Sprint

Steel Empire

Strike Force Hydra

Super Ghouls'n Ghosts

Tang Tang

The Lost Vikings

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Toy Robo Force

V-Rally 3

Wario Land 4


Xevious (NES Classics 7)

Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 (Re-Release)

 Nintendo GameBoy Color


Looney Tunes Racing

Mr. Driller

Mr. Nutz

Project S-11

Puchi Carat



Rayman 2 Forever

Rumble Race: Top Gear Rally

Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing


V-Rally: Championship Edition

Wacky Races

 Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color

Elevator Action

Konami GB Collection Vol. 1

Konami GB Collection Vol. 2

Konami GB Collection Vol. 3

Konami GB Collection Vol. 4

Midway Presents Arcade Hits: Spy Hunter / Moon Patrol

Pokémon Pinball

R-Type DX

Tetris DX

 Nintendo GameCube

1080° Avalanche

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg


Dakar 2

Dark Summit

Disney's Tricky Micky

Disney/Pixar Cars

Disneys Donald Duck: Phantomias - Platyrhynchos Kineticus

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

F-Zero GX


Hudson Selection Vol. 2: Star Soldier

Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut's

Kururin Squash!

Luigi's Mansion

Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Schwarzes Keep Case)

Mario Power Tennis

Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Midway Arcade Treasures 3

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2


Pac-Man Vs. / Pac-Man World 2

Puyo Pop Fever

R: Racing Evolution

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc

Resident Evil

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil Zero


Serious Sam: Next Encounter

Spyro: A Hero's Tail

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Star Fox Assault

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III - Rebel Strike

Starfox Adventures

Super Mario Sunshine

Super Monkey Ball Adventure

Tak 2: Der Stab der Träume

Tak und die große Juju-Jagd

Tak und die Macht des Juju

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limitierte Auflage)

Wave Race: Blue Storm

 Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES

Archer McLean's Super Dropzone


Axelay (Re-Release)

Block Kuzushi

Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss

Choplifter III

Choujikuu Yousai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie

Cosmo Gang: The Video

Darius Force

Darius Twin

Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble



Ghoul Patrol

Gradius III

James Pond³: Operation Starfi5h

Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-D

Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues

Kid Klown in Crazy Chase

Märchen Makendou: Cotton 100%


Nightmare Busters

On the Ball



Pocky & Rocky

Pocky & Rocky 2

Pop'n TwinBee


Q*Bert 3

R-Type III: The Third Lightning

Sonic Wings

Space Megaforce


Star Fox

Street Racer

Strike Gunner: S.T.G.

Sunset Riders

Super Bomberman 5

Super Bomberman: Panic Bomber W

Super Castlevania IV

Super James Pond

Super Mario All Stars

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Super Probotector: Alien Rebels

Super Putty

Super R-Type

Super SWIV

Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss

Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss: Gentei Han

Super Tetris 3

Super Turrican

Super Turrican 2


The Humans

The Lost Vikings II: Norse by Norsewest

The Super Aquatic Games: Starring the Aquabats

Thunder Spirits

Top Gear

Top Gear 2

Top Gear 3000


Winter Gold

 Nintendo Switch

Koutetsu Teikoku: Steel Empire

Maldita Castilla

 Nintendo Switch - Download

Psikyo Collection Vol. 2

 Nintendo Wii

A Boy and His Blob

Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy

Boom Blox

Boom Blox: Smash Party

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Dream Pinball 3D

Excite Truck

ExciteBots: Trick Racing

Geometry Wars: Galaxies

Ghost Squad


Marble Saga: Kororinpa

Mercury: Meltdown - Revolution

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Milestone Shooting Collection 2

Namco Museum Remix

Nights: Journey of Dreams

Ocean Commander



Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage

Shikigami no Shiro III

Shin Chuuka Taisen: Michael to Meimei no Bouken

Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies

Sonic Colours

Sonic Unleashed

Speed Racer: The Videogame

SSX Blur

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy 2

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam

Wii Fit


Alltynex Second


Armed Seven: Battle of Steel Copes in 1989

Ashitakusan Neko: Collector's Ultimate Edition

Crimzon Clover

Die Feen

Ether Vapor Remaster


Gigantic Army

Gunners Heart


Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders


Hydorah (v1.1)

Kamui (Re-Release)

Martini Racing

Meglilo The Witchborg






Screamer 2

Screamer Rally

Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer (Limited Edition)

Steam Action: Adventum

Steel Strider

Street Racer (Classique)

Super Tank Warfare: Adventia

Supercharged Robot Vulkaiser

They Came from Verminest

Trouble Witches Episode 1: Daughters of Amalgam


Wacky Races: Autorennen Total (Die Comic-Star Collection)

WarCraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans


Zangeki Warp

Zytron II



Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Limited Edition)

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

Space Trance Porter


 PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM

Another World (20th Anniversary Edition)

Limbo (Special Edition)

 PC/Macintosh/SEGA Dreamcast - CD-ROM

Elansar & Philia


 PC/SEGA Dreamcast - CD-ROM

Zia and the Goddesses of Magic

 SEGA Dreamcast

18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker

4 Wheel Thunder

4x4 Evolution

4x4 Jam

90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football


AeroWings 2: Airstrike

Alice Dreams Tournament (PAL Collector Edition + Lamp)

Alice's Mom's Rescue

Alice's Mom's Rescue (Limited Edition)

Alice's Mom's Rescue! (v1.5)

Alien Front Online

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare

Another World HD

Aqua GT


Army Men: Sarge's Heroes

Atari Anniversary Edition

Bang! Gunship Elite


Bang² Busters

Battle Crust (Limited Edition)

Blue Stinger

Bomber Hehhe!

Bomberman Online

Border Down

Breakers (Europe)

Bust-A-Move 4

Cannon Spike

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000

Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro


CART: Flag to Flag

Caution: Seaman


Championship Surfer

Chaos Field

Charge 'n Blast

Chicken Run: Hennen Rennen

ChuChu Rocket!

ChuChu Rocket! (DreamKey 1.5)

Coaster Works

Confidential Mission

Conflict Zone

Cool Cool Toon

Cool Herders

Cosmic Smash

Crazy Taxi

Crazy Taxi

Crazy Taxi 2

Crazy Taxi 2 (White Label)

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX

Daytona USA 2001

Daytona USA 2001

Dead or Alive 2 (Limited Edition)

Death Crimson 2: Meranito no Saidan

Death Crimson OX

Death Crimson OX

Deep Fighter

Demolition Racer: No Exit

Densha de Go! 2 Kousoku-hen 3000 Bandai

Die 24 Stunden von Le Mans

Dino Crisis

Disney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack

Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear eilt zur Hilfe!

Disney/Pixar: Captain Buzz Lightyear Star Command

Disneys 102 Dalmatiner

Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern

Dragons Blood


Ducati World


DUX (Limited Edition)

DUX Version 1.5 (Collectors Edition)

DUX Version 1.5 (Jewel Case Edition)

DUX Version 1.5 (Re-Release)

DUX Version 1.5 (Special Edition)

DUX: Version 1.5

DUX: Version 1.5 (Limited Edition)

Dynamite Cop


E.O.S.: Exhibition of Speed

Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future

Elemental Gimmick Gear

Escape 2042: The Truth Defenders

ESPN International Track & Field

Evil Dead: Hail to the King

Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles

Evolution 2 (White Label)

F1 Racing Championship

F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast

F1 World Grand Prix II

F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa

Fade to Black: Flashback

Fast Striker Ver 1.5 (Limited Edition)

Feet of Fury

Fighting Force 2

Flashback: The Quest for Identity

Floigan Bros.: Episode 1

Freestyle Scooter

Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge


Fur Fighters

Ganryu (Europe)

Gauntlet: Legends

Ghost Blade (Collector's Edition)

Ghost Blade (Re-Release)

Giga Wing

Giga Wing

Giga Wing 2

Grand Theft Auto 2

Grandia II

Guilty Gear X (Limited Edition)

Gunbird 2

Gunlord (Dragon Box)


Heavy Metal Geomatrix

Hello Kitty no Garden Panic (Bundle)

Hello Kitty no Magical Block

Hello Kitty no Onnaru Mail

Hello Kitty no Waku Waku Cookies

Hello Kitty: Lovely Fruit Park

Hydro Thunder



Imperial no Taka: Fighter of Zero



Irides: Master of Blocks (Limited Edition)

Iron Aces: High Speed WWII Aerial Combat

Iron Aces: High Speed WWII Aerial Combat

James and Watch: Arm Breaker (Special Edition)

James and Watch: Tooth Cracker

Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000

Jet Set Radio

Kao the Kangaroo


Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child

Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child

Last Hope

Last Hope (Limited Edition)

Last Hope: Pink Bullets

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Leona's Tricky Adventures

Looney Tunes: Space Race

Magforce Racing

Maken X


Mars Matrix

Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

Max Steel: Covert Missions


Metropolis Street Racer

Metropolis Street Racer (Promo)

Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 1

Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 2

Millennium Soldier: Expendable

Monaco Grand Prix

Monaco Grand Prix 2 Online (White Label)

Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2

Mr. Driller

Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness

MSR Opel Challenge (White Label)

MTV Sports: Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald

Musapey's Choco Marker

Namco Museum

Neo Golden Logres

NEO XYX (Collectors Edition)



NHL 2K (White Label)

Nightmare Creatures II

Ooga Booga

Orion's Puzzle Collection

Outtrigger: International Counter Terrorism Special Force

Pen Pen Trilcelon

Pen Pen Trilcelon

Pier Solar and the Great Architects (Europe Collector's Edition)

Planet Ring (Microphone Bundle)

Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein

Plus Plum

POD 2: Multiplayer Online

Power Stone

Power Stone 2

Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights

Pro Pinball Trilogy

Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate

Puyo Puyo Fever

Puyo Puyo~n


Quake III Arena

Quake III Arena (Sample)

Racing Simulation 2

Racing Simulation 2: Monaco Grand Prix On-Line


Rainbow Cotton

Rayman 2: The Great Escape


Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 (Beta)

Record of Lodoss War

Red Dog: Superior Firepower

Redline Racer

Redux: Dark Matters

Redux: Dark Matters (Limited Edition)

Redux: Dark Matters (Special Edition)

Redux: Dark Matters - Version 1.1 (Collectors Edition)

Resident Evil - Code: Veronica

Resident Evil - Code: Veronica

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis



Rippin' Riders


Rush Rush Rally Racing

Rush Rush Rally Racing DX

Rush Rush Rally: Reloaded

Rush Rush Rally: Reloaded (Re-Release)

Sakura Taisen: Hanagumi Columns 2

Samba de Amigo

Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000

San Francisco RUSH 2049

Sega Bass Fishing

Sega Extreme Sports

Sega Extreme Sports (Milka White Label)

Sega Extreme Sports (White Label)

Sega GT

Sega GT: Homologation Special

SEGA Marine Fishing

SEGA Rally 2 Championship

Sega Rally 2 Championship

Sega Sports Tennis 2K2

SEGA Tetris

Shadow Man

Shadow Man: Rette deine Seele


Shenmue II

Shikigami no Shiro II

Silent Scope


Skies of Arcadia

Slave Zero

Sno-Cross Championship Racing

Soldier of Fortune

Soldier of Fortune

Sonic Adventure

Sonic Adventure

Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic Adventure 2 (Birthday Pack)

Sonic Adventure 2 (White Label)

Sonic Shuffle

Sonic Shuffle (White Label)

Soul Calibur

Soul Fighter

South Park Rally

Space Channel 5

Space Channel 5

Space Channel 5

Space Channel 5 (White Label)

Space Channel 5: Part 2

Spawn: In the Demon's Hand

Speed Devils: Online Racing


Spirit of Speed 1937

Sports Jam

Star Wars: Demolition

Star Wars: Episode I - Jedi Power Battles

Star Wars: Episode I - Racer


Street Fighter III: Double Impact

Stunt GP

Stupid Invaders


Sturmwind (Re-Release)

Sturmwind (Re-Release)

Sturmwind (Windstärke 12, Limited Edition)

Sturmwind RC1

Super Magnetic Neo

Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service

Super Runabout: The Golden State

Surf Rocket Racers

Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing

Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing

Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage

Taxi 2 : Le jeu

Tee Off

Test Drive 6

Tetris 4D

The Escapee

The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas

The Grinch

The House of the Dead 2

The House of the Dead 2

The House of the Dead 2 (Gun Set)

The Next Tetris: On-Line Edition

The Nomad Soul

The Typing of the Dead

Time Stalkers (White Label)

TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat

Tokyo Highway Challenge 2

Tokyo Xtreme Racer

Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Skateboarding

Totsugeki! Teketeke!! Toy Ranger

Toukyou Bus Guide: Bijin Bus Guide Tenjou Pack

Toy Commander

Toy Racer


Triggerheart Exelica (Limited Edition)

Trizeal (Pre-Order)

Twinkle Star Sprites

Ultimate Fighting Championship

Under Defeat

Under Defeat (Limited Edition)

Unreal Tournament

Urban Chaos

V-Rally 2: Expert Edition

Vanishing Point

Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense

Virtua Athlete 2K

Virtua Cop 2

Virtua Tennis

Virtua Tennis 2: Sega Professional Tennis

Völgarr the Viking

Wacky Races: Autorennen Total

Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour


Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles

Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles (Demo, Retro#8)

Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles (Re-Release)

Worms Armageddon

Worms World Party

WWF Attitude: Get it!

Zero Gunner 2 (Dreamcast Collection)

Zia and the Goddesses of Magic (Re-Release)

Zombie Revenge

Zusar Vasar

 SEGA GameGear

James Pond 2: Codename Robocod

 SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge

Air Rescue

Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2

Battle Out Run

Bomber Raid

Bruce Lee

Bubble Bobble


James Pond 2: Codename Robocod

Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse


Out Run Europa

Power Strike

Power Strike II


Rambo: First Blood Part II


Scramble Spirits

The Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck

The NewZealand Story

Time Soldiers

 SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD

Dennin Aleste: Nobunaga and his Ninja Force

EarthWorm Jim: Special Edition

Jaguar XJ220

Lords of Thunder

Mickey Mania

Microcosm (Big Box)


 SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis

Advanced Busterhawk: Gleylancer

Advanced Busterhawk: Gleylancer (Re-Release)

Aero the Acro-Bat 2

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

Alien Soldier


Another World

Arcade Classics

Astérix and the Great Rescue


Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax Empire

Beyond Zero Tolerance

Beyond Zero Tolerance

Bio Hazard Battle


Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure

Bubba 'n' Stix

Bubble and Squeak

Cannon Fodder

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse

Castlevania: The New Generation

Chiki Chiki Boys

Chuck Rock

Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck

Columns III Taiketsu! Columns World

Comix Zone (inklusive Audio-CD)

Contra: Hard Corps

Cool Spot

Cool Spot

Crüe Ball

Darius II

Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf

Die Schlümpfe

Disney Das Dschungelbuch

Disney's Aladdin

Disney's Der König der Löwen

Donald in Maui Mallard

Dr. Robotnik and his Mean Bean Machine

Dragon's Fury

Dragon's Revenge

Duke Nukem 3D

Dune II: Kampf um den Wüstenplaneten

Dynamite Headdy

Earth Defense

EarthWorm Jim

EarthWorm Jim 2

Ecco the Dolphin

Ecco: The Tides of Time

Elemental Master

Empire of Steel

Escape 2042: The Truth Defenders

Eternal Champions (Classic)


Fatal Rewind

Fire Shark

Fix-It Felix Jr.






Gauntlet IV

Ghouls'n Ghosts

Grind Stormer

Gunstar Heroes




Herzog Zwei


It Came from the Desert

Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings

James Pond II: Codename Robocod

James Pond: Underwater Agent

James Pond³

Jelly Boy

Jim Power: The Arcade Game

Jungle Strike: The Sequel to Desert Strike

Jurassic Park


Krusty's Super Fun House

Kujaku Ou 2: Geneijou

Kyuukyoku Tiger (Treco MD Soft Vol. 2)

L'Abbaye des Morts (Deluxe Edition)


Lemmings 2: The Tribes

Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar

Lotus II: R-E-C-S

Lotus Turbo Challenge

Magic Pockets

Marble Madness

Marko's Magic Football

McDonald's Global Gladiators


Mickey Mania

Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament

Micro Machines: Military

Monster World IV

Mr. Nutz

Mr. Nutz: Hoppin' Mad

Ms. Pac-Man

Musha Aleste


NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

NFL Quarterback Club

Oh Mummy Genesis

Out of this World



OutRun 2019




Papi Commando (BITS Limited Edition)


Pirates! Gold

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame


Psycho Pinball


Quackshot starring Donald Duck


Ranger X

Red Zone



Road Rash

Road Rash II

Rock 'N' Roll Racing

Rocket Knight Adventures

Rolling Thunder 2

Rolo to the Rescue

Senjou no Ookami II

Shadow of the Beast: Mahou no Okite

Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye

Shijou Saidai no Soukoban

Shove It! ...The Warehouse Game

Skeleton Krew

Slap Fight MD

Sonic & Knuckles

Sonic 3

Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island

Sonic Spinball

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Space Harrier II


Spot Goes to Hollywood


Street Racer


Sunset Riders

Super Bubble Bobble MD

Super Monaco GP

Super Skidmarks

Super Smash T.V.

Super Thunder Blade


The Adventures of Batman & Robin

The Aquatic Games: Starring James Pond and the Aquabats

The Chaos Engine

The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie

The Legend of Galahad

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

The NewZealand Story

The Ottifants

Theme Park

Thunder Force II

Thunder Force III

Thunder Force IV

Time Trax

Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure

Todd's Adventures in Slime World

ToeJam & Earl in Panik auf Funkotron

Top Gear 2

Toy Story

True Lies


Turbo OutRun

Twin Hawk


Urban Strike: The Sequel to Jungle Strike

Uwol: Quest for Money

Uwol: Quest for Money

Uwol: Quest for Money (Mini-Box)

V.R.: Virtua Racing


Virtual Pinball


Wacky Races

Whip Rush

Wiz 'n' Liz and the Frantic Wabbit Wescue


World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

WWF Super WrestleMania

XDR: X Dazedly Ray

Xenon 2: Megablast

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

Zero Wing



 SEGA Saturn


Battle Garegga

Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands

Bug! Too

Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition

Capcom Generation: Dai 1 Shuu - Gekitsui-ou no Jidai

Capcom Generation: Dai 2 Shuu - Makai to Kishi

Capcom Generation: Dai 3 Shuu - Koko ni Rekishi Hajimaru

Capcom Generation: Dai 4 Shuu - Kokou no Eiyuu

Clockwork Knight

Clockwork Knight 2

Cotton 2

Cotton Boomerang

Darius Gaiden

Darius II

Dark Savior

Daytona USA

Daytona USA: Circuit Edition

Densha de Go! EX

Detana TwinBee Yahoo! Deluxe Pack


Duke Nukem 3D

EarthWorm Jim 2

Galactic Attack

Galactic Attack

Gale Racer

Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise! (Gokuraku Pack)

Gekirindan: Time Travel Shooting


Gokujou Parodius da! Deluxe Pack

Gradius Deluxe Pack

Guardian Force

Gun Frontier (Arcade Gears Vol. 2)

Gussun Oyoyo S

Hang-On GP


Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

Johnny Bazookatone

Keiou Yuugekitai KatsugekiHen

Kisuishou Densetsu Astal

Kyuukyoku Tiger II Plus

Manx TT SuperBike

Metal Black


Night Striker S

Out Run (Sega Ages)

Panzer Dragoon Zwei

Power Drift (Sega Ages)



Race Drivin'


Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed

Road Rash

Sega Rally Championship

Sexy Parodius

Shippuu Mahou Daisakusen: Kingdom Grandprix

Sonic Wings Special


Street Racer Extra

Strikers 1945

Taito Chase H.Q. Plus S.C.I.

Tempest 2000

Thunder Force Gold Pack 2

Thunder Force V (Special Pack)

ThunderStrike 2

Time Bokan Series: Bokan to Ippatsu! Doronboo

WipEout 2097

Wonder 3 (Arcade Gears)

 Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette


 SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color

Densha de Go! 2

Metal Slug: 1st Mission

Metal Slug: 2nd Mission

 SONY PlayStation

Air Combat (Platinum)

Alien Trilogy (Long Box)

Alien: Resurrection

Arcade Gears: Image Fight & XMultiply

Arkanoid Returns

Asteroids: Back to Rock the New Millennium (Greatest Hits)



Burning Road

Burning Road

Burning Road

Buster Bros. Collection

Capcom Generation: Dai 1 Shuu - Gekitsui-ou no Jidai

Capcom Generation: Dai 2 Shuu - Makai to Kishi (KapuKore)

Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race: Wacky Races

Colin McRae Rally 2.0

Crash Bandicoot (Collector's Edition)

Crash Bandicoot (Platinum)

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Crash Team Racing

CT Special Forces

CT Special Forces 3: BioTerror

CT Special Forces: Back to Hell

Densha de Go! Professional Shiyou

Densha de Go!: Nagoya Tetsudou-hen


Descent Maximum

Destruction Derby

Destruction Derby 2

Dino Crisis


DonPachi (Re-Release)

Doom (Long Box)


Explosive Racing

Fantastic Night Dreams: Cotton Original

Felony 11-79

Final Doom



G Darius

Geom Cube

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Gex: Enter the Gecko

Gradius Gaiden

Grand Theft Auto: Collector's Edition

GunBare! Game Tengoku 2

Gunners Heaven

Harmful Park

In the Hunt (Long Box)

Iron Soldier 3

IS: Internal Section

Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98

Jumping Flash! 2: Aloha Danshaku Daijakuri no Maki

Jumping Flash! Aloha Danshaku Funky Daisensou no Maki

Kaze no Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

Koukaku Kidoutai: Ghost in the Shell

Kyuutenkai: Fantastic Pinball

Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings



Looney Tunes Racing

Metal Gear Solid

Mezase! Senkyuu-ou

Mickey's Wild Adventure

Mickey's Wild Adventure (inkl. "Mickey Unrapped")

Micro Machines V3

Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Midway Collection 2

Moto Racer

Motor Toon Grand Prix

Motor Toon Grand Prix 2

N2O: Nitrous Oxide

Nanotek Warrior

Night Raid

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus


Pinball Fantasies Deluxe

Pocket MuuMuu

Pong: The Next Level

Power Shovel


Pro Pinball: Big Race USA

Puchi Carat (Limited Edition)

Puchi Carat: Gemstone Oukoku no Sekai

Quake II

R-Type Delta


Raiden DX (Major Wave)

Raiden Project

RayCrisis: Series Termination


Resident Evil (Long Box)

Resident Evil: Director's Cut

Retro Force

Ridge Racer

Ridge Racer Revolution

Ridge Racer Type 4

Robbit Mon Dieu

Robocod: James Pond II

Robotron X

Roll Away


Rollcage (Limited Edition)

Rollcage: Stage II

Runabout-2: You Own the Road!

Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus

Shooter: Space Shot

Silent Hill



Sled Storm

Sled Storm (Classics)

Sol Divide

Speed Punks

Spyro the Dragon: Collector's Edition

Stahlfeder: Tekkou Hikoudan

Star Wars: Dark Forces

Starblade α

Street Racer

Strikers 1945 II

Strikers 1945 II (SuperLite 1500 Series)

Tekkyuu: True Pinball

Tempest X³

The Adventures of Lomax

Time Bokan Series: Bokan Desu yo

Toaplan Shooting Battle 1




Wacky Races



WipEout 3: Special Edition

WipEout XL

Worms Pinball


X2: No Relief

X2: No Relief

Xevious 3D/G+

Yoyo's Puzzle Park

Zanac X Zanac

 SONY PlayStation 2

Aqua Aqua

Arctic Thunder


Assault Suits Valken

Beyond Good & Evil


Burnout: Dominator

Capcom Classics Collection

Capcom Classics Collection: Volume 2

Chaos Field: New Order

Contra: Shattered Soldier

Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows

Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626

Disney/Pixar WALL·E

DoDonPachi: Dai Ou Jou

Dragon Blaze


Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles

EyeToy: Groove (Kamera Bundle)

EyeToy: Play (Kamera Bundle)

EyeToy: Play 2


Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge

GigaWing Generations

God of War

God of War II (Two Disc Set)

Gradius III and IV: Fukkatsu no Shinwa

Gradius V

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Guerrilla Strike

Gunbird: Special Edition

Gunbird: Special Edition




Ico (Limitierte Sammler-Edition)

Jak 3

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Jak II: Renegade

Jak X (inkl. Bonus-DVD)

James Pond codename: Robocod

Katamari Damacy

Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

Legend of Kay

Legend of Sayuki

LEGO Racers 2

Lumines Plus: Puzzle Fusion

Maniac Mole


Maximo vs Army of Zin

Maximo: Ghosts to Glory

Mega Man X Collection

Mega Man: Anniversary Collection

Megaman X7

Megaman X8

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (SteelBook Edition)

Metal Slug

Metal Slug 3

Metal Slug 4

Metal Slug 5

Metal Slug 6

Metal Slug Anthology

Micro Machines V4

Midway Arcade Treasures 3

MotorStorm: Arctic Edge

Mr. Moskeeto


Myst III: Exile

Myst III: Exile (Special Edition)

Namco Museum

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2

Neo Contra

ObsCure II

Ocean Commander

Ocean Commander

Odin Sphere

Oretachi Game Center Zoku: Thunder Cross

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

PopCap Hits! Vol 1

PopCap Hits! Vol 2

Project Zero

Project Zero 3: The Tormented

Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly

Psyvariar: Complete Edition

Raiden III

Ratchet & Clank

Ratchet & Clank 2

Ratchet & Clank 3

Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc

Rayman Revolution

Red Faction II

Resident Evil 4 (Limited Edition)


Runabout 3: Neo Age

Samurai Aces

Search & Destroy

Secret Agent Clank

SEGA AGES 2500 Series Vol. 10: After Burner II

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 12: Puyo Puyo Tsuu Perfect Set

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 20: Space Harrier II - Space Harrier Complete Collection

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 21: SDI & Quartet Sega System 16 Collection

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 25: Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 29: Monster World Complete Collection

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 30: Galaxy Force II Special Extended Edition

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 33: Fantasy Zone Complete Collection

SEGA Classics Collection

SEGA Rally 2006

Serious Sam: Next Encounter

Serious Sam: Next Encounter

Shadow of Ganymede

Shikigami no Shiro


Silent Hill 2 (Inklusive Making-of-DVD)

Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut (Platinum)

Silent Hill: Origins

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Silpheed: The Lost Planet

Simple 2000 Series Vol. 37: The Shooting - Double Shienryuu


Sled Storm

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves

Sly Raccoon

SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1

Sol Divide

Space Channel 5

Space Channel 5 Part 2

Space Race

Space Raiders

Space Rebellion

Splatter Master


Steel Dragon EX

Sub Rebellion

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe (Software Pyramide)

Taito Legends

Taito Legends 2


The King of Route 66

The Mark of Kri

The Silent Hill Collection

The Simpsons: Road Rage

TimeSplitters 2

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect

Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri

Toukyou Bus Annai 2 (SuperLite 2000 Simulation)

Twinkle Star Sprites: La Petite Princesse

Viewtiful Joe

Viewtiful Joe 2

Wacky Races Starring Fred Fiesling und Teufelszahn

Wacky Races: Mad Motors

We Love Katamari

WipEout Fusion

WipEout Pulse




Xyanide: Resurrection

 SONY PlayStation 3

Assassin's Creed II (Game of the Year Edition) (Essentials)

Assassin's Creed III (Special Edition)

BioShock Infinite

Caladruis Blaze (Limited Edition)

Dead Space 3 (Limited Edition)

Destiny: König der Besessenen (Legendäre Edition)

Disney Phineas und Ferb: Quer durch die 2. Dimension

Disney's DuckTales: Remastered

Disney/Pixar Cars 3: Driven to Win

Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3

Disney/Pixar WALL·E: Der Letzte räumt die Erde auf

Driver: San Francisco (Bundleversion)

God of War III

Grand Theft Auto IV & Episodes From Liberty City: The Complete Edition

Grand Theft Auto V

Ico & Shadow of the Colossus (Classics HD)

Journey: Collector's Edition

Just Cause 2 (Bundle)

Katamari Forever

L.A. Noire

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens


LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 3

ModNation Racers


MotorStorm: Apocalypse

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (Limited Edition)

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2


Rage (Anarchy Edition)

Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty

Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction

Red Dead Redemption (Game of the Year Edition)

Sly Cooper: Jagd durch die Zeit

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

The Jak and Daxter Trilogy (Classics HD, multilinguales Cover)

The Last of Us

The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (Classics HD)

The Sly Trilogy (Classics HD)

Tomb Raider

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

WipEout HD Fury


 Diese Spiele wurden als letztes zur Sammlung hinzugefügt:
Die Biene Maja: Süßes Gold
System:Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Hinzugefügt am:29.12.2019 12:01:55
Notiz des Besitzers:
System:SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
Hinzugefügt am:30.11.2019 20:48:43
Notiz des Besitzers:
Stunt Car Racer
System:Atari Jaguar
Hinzugefügt am:27.07.2019 11:21:29
Notiz des Besitzers:
Advanced Busterhawk: Gleylancer (Re-Release)
System:SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
Hinzugefügt am:18.07.2019 21:44:18
Notiz des Besitzers:
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
System:SONY PlayStation 3
Hinzugefügt am:29.06.2019 17:38:17
Notiz des Besitzers:
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: Marsch der Mini-Marios
System:Nintendo DS
Hinzugefügt am:08.06.2019 20:03:55
Notiz des Besitzers:
Psikyo Collection Vol. 2
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:05.06.2019 21:48:23
Notiz des Besitzers:
Serious Sam
System:Microsoft Xbox
Hinzugefügt am:01.06.2019 11:21:14
Notiz des Besitzers:
Donkey Kong
System:Nintendo GameBoy
Region:Vereinigtes Königreich
Hinzugefügt am:29.05.2019 20:21:48
Notiz des Besitzers:
System:SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
Hinzugefügt am:10.04.2019 19:30:59
Notiz des Besitzers:
Pets Rescue
System:Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette
Hinzugefügt am:19.03.2019 20:41:19
Notiz des Besitzers:
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
System:Nintendo 3DS
Region:Vereinigtes Königreich
Hinzugefügt am:16.03.2019 19:43:30
Notiz des Besitzers:
L'Abbaye des Morts
System:Commodore C64 - Cartridge
Hinzugefügt am:09.02.2019 11:34:28
Notiz des Besitzers:
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (Classics HD)
System:SONY PlayStation 3
Hinzugefügt am:05.02.2019 20:07:16
Notiz des Besitzers:
Just Cause
System:Microsoft Xbox 360
Hinzugefügt am:05.01.2019 14:32:15
Notiz des Besitzers:
Destiny: König der Besessenen (Legendäre Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 3
Hinzugefügt am:03.01.2019 10:16:29
Notiz des Besitzers:
BioShock 2
System:Microsoft Xbox 360
Hinzugefügt am:03.01.2019 10:10:36
Notiz des Besitzers:
Just Cause 2 (Bundle)
System:SONY PlayStation 3
Hinzugefügt am:03.01.2019 09:17:46
Notiz des Besitzers:
Namco Museum Remix
System:Nintendo Wii
Region:Vereinigtes Königreich
Hinzugefügt am:29.12.2018 21:13:08
Notiz des Besitzers:
Luigi's Mansion
System:Nintendo 3DS
Region:Vereinigtes Königreich
Hinzugefügt am:28.12.2018 20:20:10
Notiz des Besitzers:
Gesamt: 2645 System mit den meisten Spielen: SONY PlayStation 2
Versionen zum gleichen Titel als 1 gezählt: 1994 Region mit den meisten Spielen: Europa
Ohne Boni/Compilations als 1 gezählt: 1988     Feature by OGDB - Online Games-Datenbank