
Eine Sammlung von Salem893, Stand: 2025-03-12 19:17:27

Compilations zusammenfassen Nein   Ja

Nach Systemen unterteilen Nein   Ja

 Nintendo 3DS

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy +

Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash (amiibo Bundle)

Ever Oasis

Fantasy Life

Final Fantasy Explorers

Fire Emblem Fates: Limited Edition

Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning

Kid Icarus: Uprising

LBX: Little Battlers eXperience

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Project X Zone

Project X Zone 2: Brave New World

Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Editon

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

Starfox 64 3D (Nintendo Selects)

Story of Seasons

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (Special Edition)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Re-Release 1)

 Nintendo 3DS - Download

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale

Bugs vs. Tanks

Crimson Shroud


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies: Turnabout Reclaimed

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice

Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder


Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords - Anniversary Edition

The Starship Damrey

 Nintendo DS

999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

Advance Wars: Dark Conflict

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Chrono Trigger

DQM: Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Re-Release)

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie

Dragon Quest: Die Chronik der Erkorenen

Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy IV

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Inazuma Eleven

Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past

Kirby Mass Attack

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West

Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

Radiant Historia

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Solatorobo: Red the Hunter

Suikoden: Tierkreis

 Nintendo New 3DS

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

 Nintendo Switch

A Ressha de Ikou: Hirogaru Kankou Line - Guidebook Pack

Birushana Senki: Genpei Hika Musou (Genteiban, Re-Release)

Birushana Senki: Ichiju no Kaze (Genteiban)

Buddy Mission: Bond

Collar x Malice: Unlimited

Gothic Classic

Gothic II Complete Classic

Gyakuten Kenji 1&2: Mitsurugi Selection

Gyakuten Saiban 123: Naruhodou Selection

Hakuouki: Shinkai - Ginsei no Shou (Genteiban)

Hakuouki: Shinkai - Man'you no Shou (Tokusouban)

Hakuouki: Shinkai - Reimeiroku (Genteiban)

Hakuouki: Shinkai - Ten'un no Shou (Otomate Royal Suite Box)

Hakuouki: Shinkai - Tsukikage no Shou

Hana Awase Saku: Complete Set

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 6 DX

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 7

Juuzaengi: Engetsu Sangokuden 1・2 for Nintendo Switch (Tokusouban)

Ken ga Kimi for S (Genteiban)

Kurenai no Homura: Sanada Ninpou Chou for Nintendo Switch (Tokusouban)

Matsurika no Kei: Tenmeiin'iden (Tokusouban)

Metroid Prime Remastered


Moeyo! Otome Doushi: Kayuu Koigatari (Otomate Sweet Box)

Piofiore: Episodio 1926

Piofiore: Fated Memories

Puzzle Bobble Everybubble!

Root Film

Soukai Tenki (Tokusouban)

Steam Prison

Steam Prison: Beyond the Steam

Utakata no Uchronia (Gentei Itehari Edition)

Ys Origin

Yunohana Spring! Mellow Times for Nintendo Switch

 Nintendo Switch - Download


Earth Defense Force: World Brothers

G-MODE Archives+ Bokujou Monogatari Mobile: Life & Love

Gothic Murder: Adventure That Changes Destiny

Heian City Story

Keiji J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Murder Club

Magical Drop III (ACA NeoGeo)

Metro Redux

Olympia soirée

Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered

Reigns: Three Kingdoms

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Complete Edition

Rune Factory 4: Special

Strife: Veteran Edition

Suika Game

Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival

Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side - 3rd Story for Nintendo Switch

Toraware no Palm: Refrain (Deluxe Edition)

Yotsumegami: Saikai

 Nintendo Wii

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

Kirby und das magische Garn

Mario Kart Wii (Wii Wheel Bundle, Re-Release)

Pandora's Tower (Limited Edition)

Project Zero 2: Wii Edition

Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies

The Last Story (Limited Edition)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Limited Edition)

Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release)

Wii Sports Resort (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release)

Xenoblade Chronicles (Limited Edition)

 Nintendo Wii U

Rodea: The Sky Soldier (Limited Edition)

 SONY PlayStation 2


Final Fantasy XII

God Hand

God of War (Platinum)

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories



Yakuza 2

 SONY PlayStation 3

3D Dot Game Heroes

Armored Core 4

Armored Core: Verdict Day (C03 Pack)

Assassin's Creed II (Game of the Year Edition) (Essentials)

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Special Edition)

Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Re-Release)

Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

Batman: Arkham Origins (Day One Edition)

Best of PlayStation Network Vol. 1

Beyond: Two Souls (Special Edition)

Binary Domain (Limited Edition)

BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition

Borderlands 2 (Ultimative Beutekiste)

Call of Duty: World at War (Greatest Hits)


Dante's Inferno


Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut

Der Puppenspieler

Drakengard 3

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn

Earth Defense Force 2025

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster (Limited Edition)

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi

Heavy Rain (Special Edition) (multilinguales Cover)

Ico & Shadow of the Colossus (Classics HD)


inFamous 2 (Essentials)

Killer Is Dead (Limited Edition)

Killzone Trilogy

L.A. Noire (The Complete Edition)

Lost in the Rain

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

Ninja Gaiden: Sigma (Greatest Hits)

Ninja Gaiden: Sigma 2

Red Dead Redemption (Game of the Year Edition)

Resistance 3

Resonance of Fate

Rise of the Argonauts

Ryuu ga Gotoku 1&2: HD Edition

Ryuu ga Gotoku: Kenzan!

Shadows of the Damned

Short Peace: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day

Siren: New Translation (PlayStation 3 the Best)

Sniper Elite V2 (Game of the Year Edition)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Spiel des Jahres Edition) (Platinum)

The Jak and Daxter Trilogy (Classics HD)

The Saboteur

The Tomb Raider Trilogy

The Witch and the Hundred Knight

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Tomb Raider

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Limited Edition Collector's Box)

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal (Platinum, Re-Release)

Vanquish (Lenticular Sleeve)

Way of the Samurai 4

White Knight Chronicles II

Yakuza 3

Yakuza 4 (Kuro Edition)

Yakuza: Dead Souls (Limited Edition)

Zone of the Enders: HD Collection (Classics HD)

 SONY PlayStation 3 - Download

Alice: Madness Returns

American McGee's Alice

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Copernicus Conspiracy

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - The Da Vinci Disappearance

Beyond Good & Evil HD

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

Community Pom: Omoide wo Dakishimete

Drakengard 3 (Collector's Edition)

Far Cry 2

God Hand

inFamous: Festival of Blood

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection 1987 - 2012

Mirror's Edge

Ōkami HD

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon

Siren: Blood Curse

WipEout HD Fury

Yakuza 5

 SONY PlayStation 4

428: Shibuya Scramble

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Playstation Hits)

Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered

Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection

Bladestorm: Nightmare

Burnout: Paradise - Remastered

Call of Cthulhu

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Day One Edition)

Dead Island: Definitive Collection

Dead Rising

Dead Rising 2

Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess

Dishonored: Definitive Edition

Dragon's Crown Pro (Battle Hardened Edition)

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dying Light: The Following (Enhanced Edition)

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (Complete Edition)

Dynasty Warriors 9

Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair


Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky

Far Cry 3 (Classic Edition)

Far Cry 4 (Limited Edition)

Far Cry Primal (Collector's Edition)

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition

Final Fantasy: Type-0 HD (Collector's Edition)

God Eater 2: Rage Burst

Grand Theft Auto V

Gravity Rush Remastered

Horizon: Zero Dawn (Complete Edition)

inFamous: First Light (Software Pyramide)

inFamous: Second Son

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Mad Max (Day One Edition)

Mafia Trilogy

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience

Metro Redux (Re-Release)

Mittelerde: Mordors Schatten (Legion Edition + Dark Ranger)

Monster Hunter: World (Software Pyramide)

Ōkami HD

Onimusha: Warlords

Outcast: Second Contact (Re-Release)

République (Contraband Edition)

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil Origins Collection

Resident Evil: Revelations

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (Box Set)

Ryuu ga Gotoku: Ishin! (Shin Kakaku Ban)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy

Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Shadow Warrior

Shenmue I & II

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition)

Sniper Elite III (Ultimate Edition)


The 25th Ward: The Silver Case

The Escapists

The Evil Within (Inklusive The Fighting Chance Pack)

The Silver Case

The Talos Principle (Deluxe Edition)

The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Game of the Year Edition)

The Yakuza Remastered Collection (Day One Edition)

Tokyo Xanadu eX+

Toukiden: Kiwami

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PlayStation Hits)

Until Dawn (PlayStation Hits)

Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (Launch Edition)


Warriors All-Stars

Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (Essence of Art Edition)

Yakuza Zero

Yakuza: Kiwami (SteelBook Edition)

Yakuza: Kiwami 2 (SteelBook Edition)

Ys Origin

Ys: Memories of Celceta

Zombi (Software Pyramide)

Zombie Army Trilogy

 SONY PlayStation 4 - Download

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Bundle

Child of Light (Deluxe Edition)

Code Vein

Code Vein: Frozen Empress

Code Vein: Hellfire Knight

Code Vein: Lord of Thunder

Dead or Alive 6 (Digital Deluxe Edition)


Doom 3

Doom 64

Doom II

Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires

Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City


Medieval Dynasty

Mount & Blade: Warband

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Ryuu ga Gotoku: Kiwami

Ryuu ga Gotoku: Kiwami 2

Samurai Warriors 4

Samurai Warriors 4-II

Samurai Warriors 4: Empires

Shadow Man Remastered

The Spirit and the Mouse

The Warriors

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Ultimate Edition)

Turok Bundle

 SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download

Metro: Exodus (Gold Edition)

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Quake: Enhanced Edition

 SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download

Nioh 2 (Complete Edition)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Anniversary Edition)

 SONY PlayStation Portable

Call of Duty: Roads to Victory

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy (Legacy Edition)

Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom (Limited Edition)

Half-Minute Hero

Hiiro no Kakera: Shin Tamayorihime Denshou Portable

Kurohyou 2: Ryuu ga Gotoku Ashura Hen (SEGA the Best)

LocoRoco (PSP Essentials)

LocoRoco 2 (PSP Essentials)

Metal Gear Ac!d (PSP Essentials)

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 - Innocent Sin (Collector's Edition)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable (Limited Edition)

Shirahana no Ori: Hiiro no Kakera 4

Shirahana no Ori: Hiiro no Kakera 4 - Shiki no Uta

Sweet Fuse: At Your Side

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (Premium Edition)

The 3rd Birthday (Twisted Edition)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (Collector's Edition)

Toki no Kizuna Twinpack

Valkyria Chronicles II

 SONY PlayStation Vita


Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

Bad Apple Wars

Code: Realize - Future Blessings

Code: Realize - Guardian of Rebirth

Code: Realize - Wintertide Miracles

Collar x Malice

Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Limited Edition)

Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Limited Edition)

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Limited Edition)


Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space

Freedom Wars

Geten no Hana with Yume Akari - Aizouban

Gravity Rush

Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms

Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds

htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary

Kenka Banchou Otome

Kenka Banchou Otome: Kanzen Muketsu no My Honey

Killzone: Mercenary

Ninja Gaiden: Sigma Plus

Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy

Penny-Punching Princess

Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus

Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly

Resistance: Burning Skies

Root Letter

Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate

Sorcery Saga: The Curse of the Great Curry God

Soul Sacrifice Delta

Stranger of Sword City

The Longest 5 Minutes

The Lost Child

Tokyo Twilight: Ghost Hunters

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

WipEout 2048

Zero Escape Volume 3: Zero Time Dilemma

 SONY PlayStation Vita - Download

Amnesia: Memories

Brandish: The Dark Revenant

Corpse Party

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable

Elminage Original


Malicious Rebirth

ModNation Racers

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds

Ray Gigant

Resistance: Retribution

Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky


 Diese Spiele wurden als letztes zur Sammlung hinzugefügt:
Nioh 2 (Complete Edition)
System:SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:12.03.2025 19:17:27
Notiz des Besitzers:
Ken ga Kimi for S (Genteiban)
System:Nintendo Switch
Hinzugefügt am:15.02.2025 20:19:32
Notiz des Besitzers:
Steam Prison: Beyond the Steam
System:Nintendo Switch
Hinzugefügt am:14.02.2025 20:07:25
Notiz des Besitzers:
Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side - 3rd Story for Nintendo Switch
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:13.01.2025 23:32:26
Notiz des Besitzers:
Ryuu ga Gotoku 1&2: HD Edition
System:SONY PlayStation 3
Hinzugefügt am:28.12.2024 11:13:17
Notiz des Besitzers:
Ryuu ga Gotoku: Ishin! (Shin Kakaku Ban)
System:SONY PlayStation 4
Hinzugefügt am:28.12.2024 10:29:13
Notiz des Besitzers:
Heian City Story
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:28.12.2024 10:12:59
Notiz des Besitzers:
Strife: Veteran Edition
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:18.11.2024 20:18:07
Notiz des Besitzers:
Dead or Alive 6 (Digital Deluxe Edition)
System:SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:18.11.2024 18:13:16
Notiz des Besitzers:
Ryuu ga Gotoku: Kiwami 2
System:SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:18.11.2024 17:51:45
Notiz des Besitzers:
Ryuu ga Gotoku: Kiwami
System:SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:18.11.2024 17:45:06
Notiz des Besitzers:
Community Pom: Omoide wo Dakishimete
System:SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:18.11.2024 17:16:32
Notiz des Besitzers:
The Spirit and the Mouse
System:SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
Hinzugefügt am:15.11.2024 14:34:40
Notiz des Besitzers:
G-MODE Archives+ Bokujou Monogatari Mobile: Life & Love
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:20.10.2024 21:45:56
Notiz des Besitzers:
Gyakuten Kenji 1&2: Mitsurugi Selection
System:Nintendo Switch
Hinzugefügt am:11.10.2024 23:22:43
Notiz des Besitzers:
Puzzle Bobble Everybubble!
System:Nintendo Switch
Hinzugefügt am:11.10.2024 23:03:31
Notiz des Besitzers:
Moeyo! Otome Doushi: Kayuu Koigatari (Otomate Sweet Box)
System:Nintendo Switch
Hinzugefügt am:10.10.2024 19:09:35
Notiz des Besitzers:
Magical Drop III (ACA NeoGeo)
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:20.09.2024 16:06:57
Notiz des Besitzers:
System:Nintendo Switch - Download
Hinzugefügt am:20.09.2024 15:22:04
Notiz des Besitzers:
Hakuouki: Shinkai - Ten'un no Shou (Otomate Royal Suite Box)
System:Nintendo Switch
Hinzugefügt am:20.09.2024 14:13:27
Notiz des Besitzers:
Gesamt: 599 System mit den meisten Spielen: SONY PlayStation 4
Versionen zum gleichen Titel als 1 gezählt: 550 Region mit den meisten Spielen: Deutschland
Ohne Boni/Compilations als 1 gezählt: 430     Feature by OGDB - Online Games-Datenbank