Tsukushite Agechau 4

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 尽くしてあげちゃう4    (japanisch)
 I'm gonna Serve You 4    (englisch)
  Darstellung:  2D, 1st-Person, Manga/Anime
  Genre:  Abenteuer • Sonstiges
  Thematik:  Erotik
  Herkunftsland:  Japan
  Addon/DLC:  NEIN


 Verfügbare/geplante Systeme:
  Jahr:   System:  Entwickler:
2003 PC - CD-ROM * Trabulance

  Eingetragen:  24.09.2004 23:28:44 von Dark_Angel
  Zuletzt aktualisiert:  14.09.2005 14:56:24 von KT [Admin]

 Weitere Informationen:
  Sweet life with cute, devoted waitresses!
My name is Koji Aoyama. I'm an ordinary guy living an uneventful life.
One day, I'm in a car accident and hover between life and death. After being
saved by a miracle, I return to my uncle's restaurant.
Familiar girls in cute waitress uniforms welcome me and tell me that I'm
going to work at the restaurant and live with them under the same roof!
I'm shocked, but wait a minute...am I lucky or what!?

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