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Versionen (ohne Erscheinungsjahr) Versionen (Region-free unbekannt) Versionen (ohne Barcode) Versionen (ohne Cover) Versionen (Zensurstatus unbekannt) Versionen (Region unbekannt)
Compilations Compilations (ohne Cover) Compilations ohne Versionen Titel ohne Versionen Plattformen (ohne Entwickler) Firmen (Land unbekannt)

Versionen (ohne Barcode)

Insgesamt 4044 Einträge

'Nam 1965 - 1975 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
'Nam 1965 - 1975 [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
'Nam 1965 - 1975 [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
'Nam 1965 - 1975 [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
'Nam 1965 - 1975 [Atari ST/Spanien] (1991)
007: Lizenz zum Töten [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
11-11: Memories Retold (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Frankreich] (2018)
13 Podvig Gerakla [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
16 Games [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa]
18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' (Computer Bild Spiele 04/2008) (DVD-Version) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
1815: Napoleon in Rußland (Die Kollektion, Vol. VII) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
1815: Waterloo (Die Kollektion, Vol. X) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
1862: Antietam (Die Kollektion, Vol. IX) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
1862: Shiloh (Die Kollektion, Vol. II) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
1863: Gettysburg (Die Kollektion, Vol. IV) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
1869: Hart am Wind! [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
1869: Hart am Wind! [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
1942: The Pacific Air War Scenario [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
1944: Battle of the Bulge [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2005)
20000 Meilen unter dem Meer [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1988)
2010: The Graphic Action Game [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
3D Lemmings [SONY PlayStation/Australien] (1996)
3D Morskojj Bojj [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
3D Pool (Kixx) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
4 in 1 Row (Philips Videopac 40) [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1982)
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2009)
5th Gear [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Polen] (1996)
688 Attack Sub (Hit Squad) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
7 Chudes [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
A Question of Sport [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
A Space for the Unbound (Special Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2024)
A-10 Tank Killer [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1989)
A.I.M.: Artificial Intelligence Machines [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2004)
A320 Airbus: Edition Europa [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
A320 Airbus: Edition USA [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Abaron (Taschengeld-Serie: Ballerspiele 2) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Abe a GoGo [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2001)
Abyss [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Accolade's Comics featuring Steve Keene Thrillseeker [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1987)
Ace of Aces [Atari 7800/Europa] (1988)
Ace Ventura [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (1996)
ACE: Air Combat Emulator [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Aces of the Pacific - World War II: 1946 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Acid Drop [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1992)
Acrojet [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Act of War: Direct Action (Gold Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
Act of War: High Treason [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Action Fighter [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Action Man: Action Force [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Action Soccer [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Addiction Pinball (Powerplus) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Al-Qadim (2nd Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1994)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Champions of Krynn [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Champions of Krynn [Apple II - 3.5''-Diskette/USA] (1989)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Death Knights of Krynn [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragons of Flame [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Hack [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1990)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Gateway to the Savage Frontier [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Hillsfar [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1989)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Sorcerer [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Unlimited Adventures [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1993)
Adventure Construction Set [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Adventure in Serenia [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1982)
Adventure Quest [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Adventureland [Apple II - Cassette/USA] (1978)
Adventures of TRON [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Adventures of TRON [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Agarest Senki (PlayStation 3 BigHit Series) [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2009)
Agatha Christie: Das Böse unter der Sonne (GameStar 01/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Agatha Christie: Und dann gabs keines mehr (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Collectors Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2008)
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Collectors Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2008)
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Collectors Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Age of Empires [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Age of Empires II (Gold Edition) [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Age of Empires III [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2005)
Age of Mythology [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Age of Mythology (GameStar 05/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Age of Wonders: Magja Cienia [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2004)
Agent D.ZH.E.K. [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Agressija: Pokori Evropu [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Aion (Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Air Patrol [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1982)
Air Raid [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Air Warrior [PC - 3.5'' Diskette + CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1993)
Air-Sea Battle [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1977)
Air-Sea Battle [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1981)
Airline 69 II: Zemsta Krassera [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2005)
Airline 69: Return to Casablanca (Special Hardcore Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Airline Tycoon (play-it-easy) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
Airline Tycoon First Class [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Airlock [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Airstrike 1944: Strike for Freedom [Mobile - J2ME/Europa] (2006)
Akalabeth: World of Doom [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1980)
Akira [Commodore Amiga CD³²/Europa] (1994)
Akka Arrh (Special Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2023)
Akuly Bil'jarda 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Akuly Bil'jarda 2 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Al Qadim: The Genie's Curse [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1994)
AL'FA: Antiterror [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
AL'FA: Antiterror - Muzhskaja Rabota [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
AL'FA: Antiterror - Muzhskaja Rabota [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
AL'FA: Antiterror - Muzhskaja Rabota (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Alan Wake (Złota Edycja, Premium Games) [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2012)
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (GameStar 03/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1985)
Aleksandr: Ehpokha Geroev [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World [SEGA Mark III/Master System - Built-in/Europa] (1990)
Alexander: Heroes of the Conquest [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Alien [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Alien Blast: Konfrontacija [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Alien Blast: The Encounter [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Alien Brigade [Atari 7800/USA] (1990)
Alien Fires: 2199 AD [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1986)
Alien Legion [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Alien Shooter: Plnokrevná střílečka [PC - CD-ROM/Tschechien] (2005)
Aliens versus Predator (Creative Soundblaster Live Player 1024) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Aliens versus Predator 2 (Gold Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (2002)
Aliens vs Predator (Hunter Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
All New World of Lemmings [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1994)
Alleykat [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien]
Alleykat [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Alleykat [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien] (1987)
Alleykat (Serie Leyenda) [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Alone in the Dark (SteelBook) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Alone in the Dark 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Alpha Beam with Ernie [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Alpha Beam with Ernie [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Alpha Protocol [SONY PlayStation 3/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Alpha Protocol [Microsoft Xbox 360/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Alpha Protocol (Kollekcionnoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Alphabet Zoo [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Alter Ego (GameStar 12/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Alter Ego (Male Version) [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1986)
Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Europa] (2003)
Alternate Reality: The City [Atari ST/USA] (1986)
Alternative World Games [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Alundra 2: Ma Shinka no Nazo [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
Amazing Bumpman [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Amazon [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Amazon [Atari ST/USA] (1984)
Amazon (Telarium Folder) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Ambermoon [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1994)
Amberstar [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Amberstar (Amiga Fun 12/94) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1994)
American Civil War: Take Command - Second Manassas [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
American Tag-Team Wrestling [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Amerzone (DVD-Version) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2003)
Amidar [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Amnezija: Prizrak Proshlogo [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Anachronox [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Anarchy Online: Alien Invasion [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Anarchy Online: Shadowlands [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Ancient Land of Ys [Apple IIgs/USA] (1989)
Ancient Ys Vanished [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 5.25/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished [MSX-2 - Diskette/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished [Sharp X-1/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished [Fujitsu FM-77AV/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished (2DD) [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1987)
Ancient Ys Vanished Omen: Ys Eternal (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (1998)
Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1988)
Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter [Sharp X-1/Japan] (1988)
Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1988)
Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5/Japan] (1988)
Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter (2DD) [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1988)
Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter (2HD) [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1988)
Angel Devoid: Face of the Enemy [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
Anito: Defend A Land Enraged [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Anna (Extended Edition) (GameStar 07/2016) [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Anno 1404 (GameStar 04/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Anno 1503 (GameStar 01/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Anno 1503: The New World [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Anno 2070 (GameStar 12/2019) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Anno 2070 Complete Edition (Uplay) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2013)
Another World [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Another World [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Anstoss 3: Der Fußballmanager (GameStar 09/04) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Anstoss: World Cup Edition [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Anstoss: World Cup Edition (PC Games Fußball-Sonderheft) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Antarctic Adventure [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Antheads: It Came from the Desert II Data Disk [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
Anubis: Zone of the Enders (Premium Package) [SONY PlayStation 2/Japan] (2003)
Apache Longbow (CD-ROM-Magazin & Multimedia 11/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Apano Sin [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (2000)
APB [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Ape Escape (Bundle mit Controller) [SONY PlayStation/Deutschland] (1999)
Apidya [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
Apprentice [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Aqua Attack [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Aquanoid 3D [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Aquanoid Gold [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Aquanoid Gold (Back to Games) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
AquaNox [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
AquaNox 2: Revelation (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
AR Games [Nintendo 3DS/Europa] (2011)
Arachnophobia [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Arcade Golf [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1979)
Arcadia 64 [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1983)
ArcaniA: Gothic 4 (GameStar XL 09/2014) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (Mini Box) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (Mini Box, Best Seller Series) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Archangel (PC Action 01/2004) (CD-Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Archibald Applebrook's Abenteuer [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Archon [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Arcomage [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Area-51 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Area-51 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Ark of Time (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa]
Arkanoid [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1988)
Arkanoid [Atari ST/Nordamerika] (1986)
ArmA: Armed Assault [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien] (2006)
Armed Assault (Special Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Armies of Exigo [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Armies of Exigo (GameStar 07/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Armor Ambush [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Armored Core 4 [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2007)
Armored Core: Verdict Day (C03 Pack) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2013)
Armored Fist (Sonderverpackung) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
Army of Two (Special Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2008)
Army of Two (Special Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Südkorea] (2008)
Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2010)
Art of Fighting [SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart/Europa] (1992)
Artillery Duel [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Artillery Duel [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Artura [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
Ascendancy (PC Action PLUS 11/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Ascension to the Throne: Der Weg der Kriegerin [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Asgard [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Asphalt: Urban GT [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Assassin's Creed II (Black Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2009)
Assassin's Creed II (GameStar 01/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Assassin's Creed II (Special Film Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Black Chest Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2013)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (GameStar 08/2018) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2018)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (GameStar 11/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD (GameStar 03/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (Gold Edition / Store Exclusive) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2018)
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (Pantheon Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2018)
Assassin's Creed: Origins (Dawn of the Creed Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2017)
Assassin's Creed: Origins (Dawn of the Creed Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2017)
Assassin's Creed: Origins (Humble) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2017)
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (Big Ben Collector's Case) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2015)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (Guillotine Collector's Case) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (Guillotine Collector's Case) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2014)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (Guillotine Collector's Case) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2014)
Assault [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Assault [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Assetto Corsa (Ultimate Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Italien] (2018)
Astérix & Obélix (TCM Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Asterix & Obelix: Slap Them All! (Limitierte Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2021)
Asterix (Silver Label, "P" on Endlabel) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Asterix im Morgenland [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Asteroid Fire [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Asteroids [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1981)
Asteroids [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Asteroids [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Asteroids [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1987)
Asteroids (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Asteroids (Shouyuusei) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Asteroids: The Ultimate Astral Classic (Built-In) [Atari 7800/Europa] (1987)
Astroblast [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Astrofire [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2013)
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2019)
Atlantica Online (GameStar 05/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM / Deutschland] [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2010)
Atlantis [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Atlantis [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Atlantis [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Atlantis [Atari 800 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Atomino [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Atrox [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2000)
Atrox [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2003)
Austerlitz [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Auto Assault [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Autobahn [Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette/Deutschland]
AV8B Harrier Assault [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien]
AV8B Harrier Assault [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Frankreich] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Südkorea] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
AV8B Harrier Assault [Commodore Amiga/Frankreich] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [Atari ST/Europa] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [Atari ST/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault [Atari ST/Frankreich] (1992)
AV8B Harrier Assault (Limited Edition) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Azrael's Tear - Auf der Suche nach dem Heiligen Gral [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Aztec Challenge [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
B-17 Flying Fortress (Powerplus) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
B-17 Flying Fortress (Powerplus) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1995)
B-17: Flying Fortress [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1992)
B.A.T. [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
B.C.'s Quest for Tires [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Babcovskijj Klub: V Bikini i bez... (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Back to the Future Part II [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Back to the Future Part III [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Back to the Future Part III [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Back to the Future: Part II [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Backgammon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1979)
Backgammon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Bad Boys II (Testversion) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Bad Cat (Highlights) [Atari ST/Europa] (1989)
Bad Cat (Schneider Euro PC Funbox) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Balance [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Ballblazer [Atari 7800/USA] (1987)
Ballblazer [Atari 7800/Europa] (1987)
Ballblazer [Atari 5200/USA] (1986)
Ballyhoo [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Bangkok Knights [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (Bundle Version) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich] (2008)
Barbarian [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Barbarian [Atari 800 - Diskette/Polen] (1992)
Barnstorming [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Barnstorming [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Barnyard Blaster [Atari 7800/USA] (1988)
Base Attack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Baseball [Mattel Intellivision/Europa] (1980)
Basic Math [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1977)
BASIC Programming (Special Edition) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Basis-Angriff [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Basketball [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Basketball [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Basketball [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Basketball (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Batman Returns [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1993)
Batman: Arkham Origins (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2013)
Batman: The Movie [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Battle Engine Aquila [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Battle Isle: Data Disk I [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Battle Isle: Data Disk I [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Weltweit] (2010)
Battle of Antietam [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2002)
Battle Ships [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax Empire [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Battle Valley [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Australien] (1988)
Battle vs. Chess [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Battle Worlds: Kronos (GameStar 09/2015) [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Battlefield 1 (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2016)
Battlefield 1942 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Battlefield 2142 (EA Classics) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (Online-only Demo Disc) [SONY PlayStation 2/USA] (2005)
Battlefield 3 [PC - DVD-ROM/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Battlefield 4 (Day One Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2013)
Battlefield: Bad Company (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2009)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
Battlefield: Modern Combat (Public Beta) [SONY PlayStation 2/USA] (2004)
BattleGroup [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1986)
Battlemaster [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Battlemaster [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Battleship 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2000)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1989)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (PC Hits) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1993)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (PC Hits) [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1993)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (PC Hits) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Battletoads [Arcade/Europa] (1994)
Battlezone [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (Steelbook) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2023)
Beach-Head [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Beach-Head II [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Beam (Euro Gold Starline) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Beam Breakers [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Beany Bopper [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Beauty & The Beast [Mattel Intellivision/USA] (1982)
Beggar Prince [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Weltweit] (2006)
Beggar Prince (3. Auflage) [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Weltweit] (2007)
Begushhijj po Lezviju [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Behtmen: Na Strazhe Goroda [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Berenstain Bears [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Berks [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Berks 3: They're Angry! [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Berlin 1948: East vs. West [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Berzerk [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Berzerk [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Berzerk [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Berzerk [Vectrex/USA] (1982)
Bet on Soldier (Cover 2) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Beverly Hills Cop [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Beverly Hills Cop [Acorn BBC - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA]
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Beyond Good & Evil (GameStar 09/2007) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1987)
Bezmolvie: Vojjna Grjadet [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Bezumie Vlasti [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Bi-Fi Roll: Action in Hollywood [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Big Bird no Tamago Catch [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Big Bird's Egg Catch [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
Biing! Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1995)
Biing!: Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle (Re-Release 2) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette + CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Biing!: Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle (Re-Release 3) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Bikini Karate Babes 2: Warriors of Elysia [PC - DVD-ROM/Nordamerika] (2011)
Bill's Tomato Game [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Weltweit] (2014)
Biohazard 6 (Premium Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2012)
Biohazard 6 (Premium Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Japan] (2012)
Biology Battle (GameStar 07/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM / Deutschland] [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2010)
Bionicle [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
BioShock [PC - DVD-ROM/Südkorea] (2007)
BioShock (Vorbesteller) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Bitva Geroev: Padenie Imperii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Black & White 2 [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2005)
Black (Ekskljuzivnaja Demo-Versija) [SONY PlayStation 2/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Black Dahlia [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Black Knight: Marine Strike Fighter [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
Black Knight: Marine Strike Fighter [PC - CD-ROM/Spanien] (1995)
Black Lamp [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
Blackguards (GameStar 07/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Blackguards 2 (GameStar 02/2017) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2017)
Blackjack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1977)
Blade Runner (Pioneer DVD-A03S) [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (1999)
Blade Warrior [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Blake Stone [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (Mail Order, v1.0) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (Mail Order, v2.0) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (Mail Order, v2.1) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (Mail Order, v3.0) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Weltweit] (1999)
Blake Stone: Planet Strike! (Mail Order) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Weltweit] (1999)
Blasteroids [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2007)
Blazing Star [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1998)
Block Breaker Deluxe [Mobile - J2ME/Deutschland] (2005)
Blockade Runner [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Blood 'n Guts [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
BloodRayne [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
BloodRayne (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
BloodRayne 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2005)
BloodRayne 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
BloodRayne 2 [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2005)
BloodRayne 2 [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2006)
Bloody Roar: Beastorizer [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2002)
Blue Max [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1983)
Blue Max: Aces of the Great War [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Blue Sabers - Blue Wings Part 3 [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2004)
Blur [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2010)
BMX Air Master [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1989)
BMX Air Master [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1989)
BMX Air Master [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Australien] (1990)
BMX XXX [Nintendo GameCube/Australien] (2002)
Bobo Illgner's Super Soccer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Boing! [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk: Base & Jay [SONY PlayStation 4 - Download/USA] (2024)
Boom Power Pack (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Boppin' [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Amerika] (1994)
Border Army [LCD Handheld/Weltweit] (1987)
Border Defense: National Security Patrol [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Börsenfieber [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Börsenfieber [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Botschaft in Gefahr: Das Jesus-Pergament [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Boulder Dash [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Boulder Dash [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Bowling [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Bowling (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Boxing [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Bozuma: Deutsches Kriminalspiel [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Brain Games [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Brain Strainers [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Bramble: The Mountain King [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2023)
Brand im Hafen? [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Brandish Renewal (System Upgrade Version) [NEC PC-98 5,25"-Diskette + CD-ROM/Japan] (1995)
Brandish VT (Taiken-ban-tsuki Demo) [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1996)
Brat'ja Piloty [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (1997)
Bratstvo Stali [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Bratstvo Stali (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (Collector's Pack) [Nintendo 3DS/Japan] (2012)
Bravo Romeo Delta (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/- Unbekannt -] (1996)
Breach [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1987)
Break-Down [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Breakaway IV [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Breakers [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1986)
Breakout [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Breakout [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Breakout (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Breath of Fire III (Special Edition) [SONY PlayStation/Deutschland] (1998)
Brian Clough's Fußball Manager [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Bridge [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Bridge Constructor: Mittelalter (GameStar 09/2019) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Brink (SteelBook Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Australien] (2011)
Brink (SteelBook Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Australien] (2011)
Broforce (Switch Reserve) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2023)
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2008)
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Bruce Lee [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Bruce Lee [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 5.25/Japan] (1984)
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Brygada E5: New Jagged Union [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2006)
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom [Atari 800 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Bug Bomber [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Bugaboo [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Buggy [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Bugs [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Bugs Bunny auf Zeitreise [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Build It: Das Bauhaus [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Bulldog [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Bulletstorm [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2011)
Bulletstorm [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Bulletstorm [Microsoft Xbox 360/Südkorea] (2011)
Bump 'n' Jump [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Bump 'n' Jump [Mattel Intellivision/USA] (1983)
Bumper Bash [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Bundesliga Manager [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Bundesliga Manager [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Bundesliga Manager 97 (V. 1.2) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Bundesliga Manager 98 (PC Player 10/2000) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Bundesliga Manager 98 Gold (PC Games PLUS 05/2000) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Bundesliga Manager Professional [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Bundesliga Manager Professional [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Bundesliga Manager Professional (Limited Edition) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1992)
Bundesliga Manager Professional 2.0 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Bundesliga Manager Version 2.0 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Buratillo [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Bureau 13 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1995)
BurgerTime [Mattel Intellivision/Europa] (1983)
Burnin' Rubber (Amstrad GX4000 Bundle) [Amstrad GX4000/Europa] (1990)
Burnout [Commodore Amiga AGA/Europa] (1996)
Buzz! Junior: Monsterspaß (Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 2/Österreich/Schweiz] (2007)
Buzz! Muzyczny quiz (Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 2/Polen] (2005)
Cabal [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
Cabal [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Cabal [Arcade - JAMMA/Japan] (1988)
Cabal [Arcade - JAMMA/USA] (1988)
Cabal [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Europa] (1989)
Cabal (8 Bits) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Cabal (Serie 5) [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Cabal (Serie 5) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Cabal (Serie 5) [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1989)
Cabal (Serie 5) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Cabal (The Hit Squad) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Cabal (The Hit Squad) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure in the Park [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Cabela's Dangerous Adventures [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2009)
Cadaver [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Cadaver [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Cadaver [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Cadaver [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Frankreich] (1990)
Cadaver [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Cadaver [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1990)
Cadaver [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Cadaver [Atari ST/Frankreich] (1990)
Cadaver (Kixx XL) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Italien] (1994)
Cadaver (Kixx XL) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
Cadaver (Kixx XL) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1994)
Cadaver (Kixx XL) [Atari ST/Europa] (1994)
Caesar II (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Cakewalk [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
California Games [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1987)
California Games [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1988)
California Games [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
California Games II [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
California Games II [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
California Games II [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2005)
Call of Duty [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Call of Duty [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2003)
Call of Duty (Deluxe Edition) [Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2005)
Call of Duty 2 (Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Thailand] (2005)
Call of Duty 2 (Edition Collector) [PC - DVD-ROM/Frankreich] (2005)
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2011)
Call of Duty: Black Ops II [Nintendo Wii U/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Juggernog Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2015)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Juggernog Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2015)
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Mystery Box Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2018)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2016)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Österreich/Schweiz] (2016)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered [Microsoft Xbox One/Frankreich] (2017)
Call of Duty: WWII (Valor Collection) [SONY PlayStation 4/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2017)
Call of Juarez [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2006)
Campaign '84 [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Cannon Strike [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Canyon Bomber [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1987)
Capital Punishment [Commodore Amiga AGA/Deutschland] (1996)
Captain Blood [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff Bonn [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1997)
Captain Zins [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Captive [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Capture [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Carevna [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1994)
Carmageddon (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1998)
Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Europa] (1998)
Carnival [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Carnival [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Carnival [Mattel Intellivision/Deutschland] (1983)
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission (Promo-Version) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2012)
Cartels & Cutthroat$ [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1985)
Cartels & Cutthroat$ [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1986)
Cartels & Cutthroat$ [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1981)
Cartels & Cutthroat$ [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1985)
Casino [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Casino FunPak [Nintendo GameBoy/Europa] (1995)
Cassette 10: Winter Sport [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 11: Hippodrom [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 12: Jagd [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 13: Schach [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 14: Motocross [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 15: Intelligenz II [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 16: Intelligenz III [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 17: Circus [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 17: Circus [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 18: Boxkampf [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 19: Krieg im Weltraum [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 20: Memory II / Melodie [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 21: Intelligenz IV / Reversi [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 22: Schach II [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 23: Flipper [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 24: Fußball [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 25: Bowling / Kegeln [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 26: Dame [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 27: Golf [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 28: Cockpit [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 29: Metropolis / Hangman [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 2: Blackjack [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 30: Solitär [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 31: Casino [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 32: Weltrauminvasoren [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 33: Super Invaders [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 34: Space Laser [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 36: Backgammon [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 37: Monster Man [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 38: Hyperspace [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 3: Ballspiele [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1982)
Cassette 40: Super Space [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 5: Mathematik I [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 6: Mathematik II [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 8: Memory I [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Cassette 9: Intelligenz 1 [Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System/Deutschland] (1978)
Castle Elsinore [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1983)
Castle Master [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Castle Master [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Castle Wolfenstein [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Castle Wolfenstein [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1981)
Castle Wolfenstein [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Castlevania: Judgment [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2009)
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (Dracula's Tomb Premium Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2014)
Castrol Honda Superbike World Champions [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Catz 5 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Cave Fighter [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
CD Zone: Issue 48 March 1997 [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1997)
CellFactor: Revolution (PC Games 05/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2009)
Celtic Kings: The Punic Wars [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Centipede [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Centipede [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Centipede [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1985)
Centipede [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1987)
Centipede [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Centipede [Atari 7800/USA] (1987)
Chain & Combo: Chaos Light [PC - CD-ROM/Taiwan] (1999)
Challenge [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Kanada] (1980)
Challenge Golf [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess [Commodore Amiga/Nordamerika] (1990)
Chameleon (Kolekce Klasiky) [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien] (2009)
Champion of the Raj [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Frankreich] (1990)
Champion of the Raj [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Champion of the Raj [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1991)
Champion of the Raj [Atari ST/Frankreich] (1991)
Championship Wrestling [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Chaos am Set? [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Charma: Das verzauberte Land [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Chase the Chuck Wagon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Chernaja Metka (Podarochnoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Chernoknizhnik [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Chessmaster 10-e Izdanie [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Chessmaster 8000 (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Chessmaster 9000 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Chex Quest [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Chex Quest Big Box Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2020)
Chex Quest Chex Warrior Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2020)
Chicago 1930 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Chikago, 1932: Don Kapone [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1998)
Chili con Carnage [SONY PlayStation Portable/Australien] (2007)
Chiller [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
China Syndrome [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
China Syndrome [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Chiquita Banana's Journey: Die Reifereise [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Chistil'shhik [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Chjornoe Zerkalo [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Cho Chawon Game Neptune mk2 [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2012)
Choplifter! [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Choplifter! [Atari 5200/USA] (1984)
Choplifter! [Commodore C64 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Chopper Command [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Chorus (Day One Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2021)
Christmas Carnage [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Chrome Specforce (PC Action 06/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Chrome: Specforce [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2005)
Chrome: Specforce [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2006)
Chromehounds [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2006)
Chrono Quest [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1988)
Chuck Norris Superkicks [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Chłopaki nie płaczą [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2005)
CIA Operative: Solo Missions [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2002)
Circus [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Circus Atari [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Circus Atari [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Circus Attractions [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Circus Attractions [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Circus Attractions [Atari ST/Spanien] (1989)
City of Villains [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
City of Villains - DVD Collector's Edition [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Civilization - Call to Power [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1999)
Civilization: Call to Power (2. Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Civilization: Call to Power (CD-Action #82 1/2003) [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2003)
Civilization: Call to Power (PC Jeux n°53 - Avril 2002) [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2002)
Claim to Power (PC Games PLUS 04/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Classic Board Games [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Claw [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Claw (Enhanced DVD Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Cleanman [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Clever & Smart: A Movie Adventure (GameStar 04/2008) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Climber [Nintendo Game&Watch/Deutschland] (1986)
Clock Tower [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Deutschland]
Coconuts [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Codebreaker [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Codename: Panzers - Phase One [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (2004)
Codename: Panzers - Phase One (Game 4 U, Super lacná edícia) [PC - CD-ROM/Tschechien] (2005)
Cold Fear [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Cold Fear [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (2005)
Cold Zero: Ostatni sprawiedliwy [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2003)
Colin McRae Rally (Jewel Case) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz]
Colin McRae Rally (Trend) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Colin McRae Rally 2005 [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Colin McRae: DiRT (MSI OEM Version) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Colorado Bill [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1986)
Combat [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Combat (Picture Label, Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Combat (Text Label Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Combat Mission 3: Afrika Korps [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
Combat Mission II: Barbarossa to Berlin [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Combat Mission: Shock Force [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Command & Conquer (MegaBox) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
Command & Conquer (Windows® 95 Edition) (Gold) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Command & Conquer - Teil 2: Alarmstufe Rot (Green Pepper) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Command & Conquer - Teil 3: Operation Tiberian Sun (Software Pyramide) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (Kane Edition Collector's Pack) [PC - DVD-ROM/Singapur] (2007)
Command & Conquer: Generals (Deluxe Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Command & Conquer: Generals (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Benelux] (2004)
Command & Conquer: Generals - Heure H [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2005)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Officer's Pack) [PC - DVD-ROM/Singapur] (2008)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Premier Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2008)
Command Adventures: Starship [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
Commander Keen 4-5 (CDV-Budget-Release) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Babysitter! [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Weltweit] (1991)
Commandos 2: Men of Courage (Eidos First Class) [PC - DVD-ROM/Italien]
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin (Edición collectionista) [PC - CD-ROM/Spanien] (2003)
Commandos 3: Punkt Naznachenija - Berlin! [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Communist Mutants From Space [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Company of Hereos (Exclusive Two-Disc Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2006)
Computer Scrabble [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1983)
Conan: Hall of Volta [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Concentration [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Condor Attack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Congo Bongo [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Congo Bongo [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Conquest of Elysium II [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2002)
Cookie Monster Munch [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Cool Boarders 2: Killing Session [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1997)
Corum III: Hondon-ui Mabeop Jumarion [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (1999)
Cosmic Ark [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Cosmic Avenger [CBS Colecovision/Europa] (1982)
Cosmic Avenger [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1982)
Cosmic Creeps [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Cosmic Crisis [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Cosmic Cruncher [Commodore VIC 20 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1989)
Cosmic Swarm [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Cosmic War [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Cossacks (Gold Edition!) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars (PC Action 07/2007) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Cougar Force [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Counter-Strike (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2004)
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (ATI Bundled Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2004)
Country Justice: Mest' Derevenshhiny [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Covert Action [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Covert Action [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Frankreich] (1990)
Crash Dive [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Crash Team Racing (Multi-Tap Bundle) [SONY PlayStation/Deutschland] (2000)
Crashday [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Crashday [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Crazy Chase (Philips Videopac 44) [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1982)
Crazy Drive Away [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Crazy Kong [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1982)
Crazy Machines 3 (GameStar 11/2017) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2017)
Crazy Taxi (Nestle) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Crazy Taxi 3: Bezumnyjj Taksist [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Creepers [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Crime Does Not Pay [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Crime Stopper: The Hijacked Heiress Caper [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1982)
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors (Party Bag Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Europa] (2016)
Crimson Skies [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2000)
Crisis in the Kremlin [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Critical Mass [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Critical Mass [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1983)
Critical Mass [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1985)
Critical Mass [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5/Japan] (1985)
Cromwell House [Atari XE/Deutschland] (1985)
Cromwell-House [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Crookz: Der große Coup (GameStar 12/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2016)
Cross Force [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Cross Force [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Crossbow [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1987)
Cruise for a Corpse (Kixx XL) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1993)
Crusader: No Remorse (Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1996)
Crypts of Chaos [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Crystal Caverns [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Crystal Caves [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Cubulus [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Cyberball [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1998)
Cyberball [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1989)
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2017)
Cyberpunk 2077 (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2020)
Cyclemania [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Cyvern: The Dragon Weapons [Arcade - Kaneko Super Nova/Japan] (1998)
D (blackmArket) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
D2 Shock (Demo) [SEGA Dreamcast/Japan] (1999)
Daily Double Horse Racing [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Daily Double Horse Racing [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1989)
Daily Double Horse Racing [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1988)
Daily Double Horse Racing [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Daily Double Horse Racing [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
Daily Double Horse Racing [Atari ST/Europa] (1988)
Dam Busters [MSX - Cartridge/Japan] (1985)
Dam Busters [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1986)
Dam Busters [Coleco Adam/ColecoVision - Cartridge/Kanada] (1984)
Dance Fantasy [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Dancing Stage Universe (inkl. Tanzmatte) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2007)
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Amerika] (2015)
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2017)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Nordamerika] (2014)
Dante's Inferno [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Dante's Inferno [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1986)
Darius Gaiden [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1999)
Dark Age of Camelot: Labyrinth of the Minotaur [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Dark Cavern [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Dark Century [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Dark Colony (PC Action 08/99) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Dark Reign [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (1997)
Dark Salvation (Limited Unrated Dual-Disc Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2009)
Dark Sector [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2009)
Dark Star [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Dark Universe: Hüter des Friedens [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Dark Vengeance (GT Replay) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1998)
Darklands [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Darklight Conflict [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Darkside of the Sun II: Palast der Verdammnis [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Darkstar One (GameStar 06/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
DarkStone (Limited Press Kit) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Das Boot: German U-Boat Simulation [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt (PC Games Hardware 7/2004) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Das Gewehr 1846 - 1905: Wargame Construction Set III [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Das Herz von Afrika [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Das Schwarze Auge: Demonicon (GameStar 12/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge (limitierte Luxus Edition) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge (limitierte Luxus Edition) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
Das Schwarze Auge: Drakensang - Am Fluss der Zeit (Limitierte Personal Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2010)
Das Schwarze Auge: Sternenschweif (GameStar 05/2013) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2013)
Das Stundenglas [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Das Stundenglas [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Das TV Karriere Spiel [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge [Nintendo Wii/Australien] (2007)
David Leadbetter's Golf [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Day of Defeat: Source [PC - DVD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2006)
Day of the Pharaoh [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Day of the Pharaoh [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich] (1989)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Weltweit] (2023)
Day of the Viper [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
de Blob [SONY PlayStation 4/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2017)
Dead Age (GameStar 10/2018) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2018)
Dead Island (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich] (2011)
Dead Island (Limited Red Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich] (2011)
Dead Island (Limited Treasure Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Österreich] (2011)
Dead Island (Limited Treasure Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich] (2011)
Dead Island (Limited Treasure Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich] (2011)
Dead Island: Riptide (SteelBook) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2013)
Dead Man's Hand (BRAVO Screenfun 12/2005) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Südkorea] (2009)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Südkorea] (2006)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (Platinum Hits) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Südkorea] (2009)
Dead Rising 2 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Dead Rising 2 [SONY PlayStation 3/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Dead Rising 2 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Dead Rising 2 (High Stakes Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Nordamerika] (2010)
Dead Rising 2 (Outbreak Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
Dead Rising 2 (Zombrex Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
Dead Space (Ultra Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/USA] (2008)
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today (GameStar 11/2019) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Dead to Rights [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Deadline [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
Deadline [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Deadline [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1982)
Deadly Discs [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Deadly Tide [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Deadly Tide (englischsprachig) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Deadly Tide (Werbeexemplar) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Death end re;Quest 2 (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2020)
Death or Glory: Das Erbe von Morgan - Mission Disk: Der dunkle Kaiser [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1995)
Death Planet: The Dog Star Adventure [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1980)
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2009)
Death's Door (Switch Reserve) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2022)
Decathlon [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
Decathlon [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Decision in the Desert [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1986)
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War - Volume Three [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War - Volume Three [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Australien] (1988)
DeeMo: The Last Recital [SONY PlayStation Vita/Asien/Pazifik] (2013)
Deep Fighter (Hemming, Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Defender [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1986)
Defender II (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Defender II (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1987)
Defender of the Crown [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Defender of the Crown II [Commodore Amiga CD³²/Europa] (1993)
Defiance (Ultimate Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2013)
Deflektor [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1987)
Deliverance [Atari ST/Europa] (1992)
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2003)
Demolition Herby [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Demon Attack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Demon Throttle (Switch Reserve) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2022)
Demon's Tier+ [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2021)
Demoniak [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Den' Vyborov [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Densetsu no Ogre Battle: Ogre Battle Saga Episode Five - The March of the Black Queen [Nintendo Super Famicom - Nintendo Power/Japan] (1997)
Deponia Doomsday (GameStar 09/2017) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2017)
Der Aufstieg (PC Games PLUS 02/99) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Der blaue Kristall [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Der Geheimkurier [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Der Herr der Ringe Online: Die Schatten von Angmar (Limitierte Pre-Order Version) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Der Industrie Gigant (PC Games PLUS 02/2001) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Der Patrizier [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Der Patrizier (PC Action PLUS 12/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Der Planer 2 (PC Games 02/98) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Der Produzent: Die Welt des Films (Mega stark CD-ROM-Collection) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Der Spion, der mich liebte [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Desant: Normandija 1944 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Descent II [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (1997)
Descent II: Destination Quartzon 3D (Diamond Monster 3D) [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1996)
Descent: Freespace - The Great War [Commodore Amiga PPC/Weltweit] (2001)
Desert Falcon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1988)
Desert Falcon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Desert Falcon [Atari 7800/Europa] (1987)
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive (Gli imperdibili) [PC - CD-ROM/Italien] (2010)
Destructor [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Detektyw Rutkowski Is Back! [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2007)
Deus Ex (Eidos First Class) [PC - CD-ROM/Italien]
Deus Ex (Hits Collection) [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2007)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Preorder Box) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2011)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Gainward Shop) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2003)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Preview Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Devastation [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (Special Edition) (Ubisoft Exclusive) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
Devil May Cry 4 (Premium BD Pack, Ceramic White) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2008)
Devil May Cry 4 (Premium BD Pack, Clear Black) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2008)
Devjat' Drakonov [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Dex (Kickstarter Exclusive Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2015)
Diamonds in the Rough [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2008)
Dicing Knight. [Bandai WonderSwan Color/Japan] (2004)
Die 24 Stunden von Le Mans [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Die Abenteuer von Valdo & Marie [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Die Drei Stooges [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1988)
Die Ente und der Wolf [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Die Erbschaft: Panik in Las Vegas [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Die Gilde 2: Gold Edition (GameStar 12/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Die Hard 2: Die Harder [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Die Hard 2: Die Harder [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Die Hard Arcade [Arcade - SEGA Titan ST-V/USA] (1996)
Die Kathedrale [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Die Kathedrale [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Die Kathedrale [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Die Pirateninsel [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Die Siedler 2: Die nächste Generation (Computer Bild Spiele 03/2011) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Die Siedler 7 (GameStar 04/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Die Siedler II: Die nächste Generation (GameStar 11/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Die Siedler IV (Computer Bild Spiele 01/2005) (CD-Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Die Siedler IV: Gold Edition Plus (GameStar 09/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Die Siedler: Das Erbe der Könige (GameStar 06/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Die Simpsons: Das Spiel [SONY PlayStation Portable/Deutschland] (2007)
Die Stadt der Löwen [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Die Unterwasser Bestien [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Die wilden Fussballkerle: Abenteuer in den Grafittiburgen [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Die wilden Fussballkerle: Abenteuer in den Grafittiburgen (mit Schlüsselband) [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Die wilden Fussballkerle: Die Schwarze Fahne [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Die wilden Fussballkerle: King Michi im Wilde Kerle Land (Sammeledition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Dig Dug [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Digital Combat Simulator: A-10C - Bitva za Kavkaz [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Dime City (PC Games Plus 02/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Dino Eggs [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Dino Wars [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Disciples II Gold [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Disciples II: Gvardija Sveta [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Disciples II: Gvardija T'my [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Disciples II: Rise of the Elves Gold [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Disciples III: Ordy Nezhiti [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Disciples III: Ordy Nezhiti (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Disciples III: Ordy Nezhiti (Kollekcionnoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Disciples III: Renaissance (Kollekcionnoe Izdanie, Ehl'fijjskijj Sojuz) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Disciples III: Renaissance (Kollekcionnoe Izdanie, Legiony Prokljatykh) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Disciples: Pererozhdenie [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2012)
Disciples: Pererozhdenie (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2012)
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Deutschland] (2014)
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2011)
Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der Maske (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2016)
Dishonored: Die Maske des Zorns (SteelBook) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
Disney Prinzessin: Bezaubernde Geschichten [Nintendo Wii/Deutschland] (2011)
Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 (Bundleversion) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Deutschland] (2010)
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Racer [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Europa] (2001)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (Ultimate Collectors Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2018)
Divine Sealing [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Japan] (1991)
Divinity II: Ego Draconis (GameStar XL 04/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2012)
Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
DM2 Supermagic [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
DMZ: North Korea [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Doc the Destroyer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Dodge 'em [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1980)
Dog Star Adventure [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1979)
Doistoricheskie Vojjny [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Dolina T'my [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Dominions. Priests, Prophets & Pretenders [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2002)
Donkey Kong [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Donkey Kong [CBS Colecovision/Europa]
Donkey Kong [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1982)
Donkey Kong [Mattel Intellivision/USA] (1982)
Donkey Kong [Mattel Intellivision/Europa] (1983)
Donkey Kong [Nintendo Game&Watch/Deutschland] (1982)
Donkey Kong [Atari 7800/Europa] (1988)
Donkey Kong II [Nintendo Game&Watch/Deutschland] (1983)
Donkey Kong Jr. [Nintendo Game&Watch/Deutschland] (1982)
Donkey Kong Junior [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1988)
Donkey Kong Junior [CBS Colecovision/Europa] (1983)
Donkey Kong Junior [Atari 7800/Europa] (1988)
Donkey Kong Land 2 [Nintendo GameBoy/Europa] (1996)
Donkey Xote [SONY PlayStation 2/Spanien] (2003)
Doofus [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Doofus - Limited Edition [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Doom [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
Doom [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Doom [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Doom [3DO/Japan] (1996)
Doom (V1.666) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Doom 3 [PC - CD-ROM/Portugal] (2004)
Doom 3 [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2004)
Doom 3 (Limited Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox/Asien/Pazifik] (2005)
Doom 3 (UK Promo Kit) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Doom 64 (Classic Edition) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2020)
Doomsday II: Legions of Hell [Apple iOS/Weltweit] (2011)
Double Dragon [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Double Dragon [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1995)
Double Dragon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1989)
Double Dragon [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Double Dragon Advance [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/USA]
Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Double Dunk [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Down at the Trolls [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Drag-On Dragoon 3 [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2013)
Drag-On Dragoon 3 (10-Shuunen Kinen Box) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2013)
Dragon Age: Origins (Ultimate Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2011)
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2011)
Dragon Ball: Heroes [Arcade/Japan] (2010)
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (Greatest Hits) [SONY PlayStation 2/USA] (2006)
Dragon Slayer [NEC PC-88 - Kassette/Japan] (1984)
Dragon Slayer [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1984)
Dragon Wars [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Dragonfire [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Dragonfire [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Dragonflight [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Dragonflight [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Dragonflight [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Dragonsden [Commodore C64 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Dragontorc [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1985)
Dragontorc [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
Dragonworld [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Dragonworld [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1984)
Dragster [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Drakkhen [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Deutschland] (1991)
Drakkhen [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1989)
Drakula 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Driv3r (Greatest Hits) [SONY PlayStation 2/USA] (2005)
Driver: Parallel Lines (Limited Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Driver: San Francisco [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2011)
Droiyan II: Absolute Monarch [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
DSF Ski 99 - Extreme Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Duke Nukem 3D [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (1996)
Duke Nukem 3D (GT Replay Jewel Case) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich]
Duke Nukem 3D (USA Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (1997)
Duke Nukem Forever [PC - DVD-ROM/Südkorea] (2011)
Duke Nukem Forever [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Duke Nukem Forever (Rasshirennoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Duke Nukem II [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
Duke Nukem II (Kixx XL) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1993)
Duke Nukum (v2.0) Mail Order [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Dune [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Dune 2000 (EA Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2001)
Dungeon Keeper 2 (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Dungeon Siege (GameStar 04/2007) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach (Limited Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach (Pre-Order) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach (Pre-Order) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Dungeons (Game of the Year Edition) (GameStar 06/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Dunkle Schatten [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Dunkle Schatten (PC Action PLUS 09/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Dunkle Schatten 2: Im Netzwerk gefangen. (PC Action PLUS 09/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Dvojjnojj Forsazh [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Dynatech [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Dzhek-Potroshitel' [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
E.S.S. [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
EA Sports Active 2 [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2010)
Earth 2160 (GameStar 06/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2012)
Earth Defense Force 6 [Sony Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download/Taiwan] (2024)
Earthquake: San Francisco 1906 [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1983)
Earthquake: San Francisco 1906 [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1981)
EarthWorm Jim (PC Games 7/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
EarthWorm Jim 2 (PC Games PLUS 11/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Ecco the Dolphin (Limited Edition Boxed Set) [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
Ecco: Les marees du temps (Edition Limitee) [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Frankreich] (1994)
Eco Phantoms [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Eco Quest: The Search for Cetus [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Eco Quest: The Search for Cetus [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Eco Quest: The Search for Cetus (deutscher Re-Release) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Ecstatica II (neon edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Edd the Duck! [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Edd the Duck! (Re-Release) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Edge of Twilight: Return to Glory (GameStar 06/2019) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Eets (rosafarbenes Cover) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
eFootball PES 2020 [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2019)
Einmal Kanzler sein [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Eisenbahn.exe european class (Zeitschriften-Vollversion) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Elden Ring (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Deutschland] (2022)
Elevator Action [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (2001)
Eli's Ladder [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Eliminator [Commodore Amiga/Italien]
Elite Dangerous Boxed: Upgrade Edition [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2014)
Elite Warriors: Vietnam [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Emerald Dragon [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1989)
Emerald Dragon [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1989)
Emerald Mine [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1987)
Emperor: Battle for Dune [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Empire Earth II [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Empire: Wargame of the Century [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Empire: Wargame of the Century [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1988)
Enchanter [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Enchanter [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Enchanter (Folio Version) [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights (Collector's Edition) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2022)
Enduro [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Enemy Nations (PC Games 01/98) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2008)
Enemy Zero [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Enemy Zero (Limited Crate Edition) [SEGA Saturn/Japan] (1996)
Energy Airforce [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2003)
Enigma: Rising Tide [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Entombed [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Eric & the Floaters [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Eric the Unready (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
Ernie no ABC Uchuusen [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Eroberung der Welt (Philips Videopac 41) [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Deutschland] (1981)
Erotica Island [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich]
Escape from Monkey Island (Signatured limited) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Escape From The Mindmaster [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Escape from Traam [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Eschalon: Book 2 [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2010)
ESPN Digital Games: X-Games Pro Boarder [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Eternam [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Eufloria [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2009)
Euijeok: Im Kkeokjeong [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (1994)
Eureka! [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
EuroCops [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2005)
EVE Online [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Everlight: Elfen an die Macht! (GameStar 05/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
EverQuest II (Pre-Order) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Everquest II Pre-Order [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
EverQuest II: Desert of Flames [PC - DVD-ROM/Frankreich] (2005)
EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2006)
EverQuest: Gates of Discord (Europa Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
EverQuest: Lost Dungeons of Norrath (Europa Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
EverQuest: New Dawn (Europe Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2002)
Evolution [CBS Colecovision/Kanada] (1983)
ExcaliBug [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Exhumed (Budget, Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Italien] (1996)
Exocet [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Exolon (Black Edition) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Exterminator [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1990)
Exterminator [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Extreme [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Extreme Rise of the Triad [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
EyePet (Move Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2010)
EyeToy: Chat (Netzwerkadapter Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2004)
EyeToy: Play - Sports (Bundelversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
EyeToy: Play - Sports (Bundleversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2006)
F-15 Strike Eagle II [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
F-15 Strike Eagle II (Kixx XL) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1994)
F-19 Stealth Fighter (Kixx XL) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1994)
F.E.A.R.: Ehvakuacija [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon (Ekskljuzivnaja Demo-Versija) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon (Jewelcase) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Fable II (Vorverkaufsversion) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2008)
Fables and Fiends: Book One - The Legend of Kyrandia [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1993)
Facemaker [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Faces...Tris III [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Fahrenheit (GameStar 10/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Fahrenheit 451 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Fairy Fencer F (Limited Edition, Beanie) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2014)
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2016)
Falcon 3.0 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Falcon 3.0: Operation - Fighting Tiger [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Falcon: The Mission Disks Vol. 1 [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1989)
Falklands 82 [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
Fall Weiss: Der Kampf um Europa beginnt [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
Fallout [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Fallout 3 (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Fallout 4 (Pip-Boy Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2015)
Fallout 76 (Power Armor Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2018)
Fallout Tactics [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2000)
Fallout: New Vegas (Wydanie Kompletne) [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2012)
Fallout: New Vegas (Wydanie Kompletne, Premium Games) [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2012)
Fāmíng Gōng Fáng 3: Cāng Zhī Jù Shén [PC - DVD-ROM/Taiwan] (2009)
Fantavision (Re-Release) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland]
Fanzar - Schlong of the Jungle: Vol. 1 [Internet / BBS / Browser/Deutschland] (2006)
Far Cry [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Far Cry 2 (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Far Cry 2 (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2008)
Far Cry 2 (Fortune's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2009)
Far Cry 2 (GameStop Pre Order Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2008)
Far Cry 2 (GameStop Pre Order Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/USA] (2008)
Far Cry 2 (Limited Edition SteelBook) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Far Cry 3 (Insane Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (GameStar 02/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Far Cry 4 (Kyrat Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Nordeuropa] (2014)
Far Cry 4 (Kyrat Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2014)
Far Cry 5 (Hope County, MT Collector's Case) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2018)
Far Cry 5 (The Father Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2018)
Far Cry 6 (Ultimate Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Westeuropa] (2021)
FarCry: A Shooter Paradise [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2004)
Fast Break [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Fast Eddie [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Fast Lane Carnage (Light-Version, Aggro Ansage 5X) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Fast Tracks: The Computer Slot Car Construction Kit [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1986)
Fatal Heritage [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Fatal Racing (PC Games Plus 9/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Fathom [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Fathom [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Fathom [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Feasibility Experiment [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Ferrari Formula One [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Ferrari Formula One [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
Feuerwehr im Einsatz [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
FIFA 08 [Nintendo DS/Südkorea] (2008)
FIFA 09 [Nintendo DS/Südkorea] (2008)
FIFA 18 (Bundle Version) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2017)
FIFA 21 (Ultimate Edition) [Sony Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download/Deutschland] (2020)
FIFA 23 (Sam Kerr Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Deutschland] (2022)
FIFA 98: Die WM-Qualifikation (Tandem - Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
FIFA Football 2005 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
FIFA Soccer Manager [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Fighter Wing (Enhanced CD-ROM Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Final Doom (Ohne Barcode) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection (Ultimate Pack) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Japan] (2011)
Final Fantasy V [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Final Fantasy VII Remake (1st Class Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2020)
Final Fantasy VIII [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2000)
Final Fantasy XI Online [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Final Fantasy XI Online [PC - CD-ROM/Südeuropa] (2004)
Final Fantasy XIII (Lightning Edition PlayStation3 Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2009)
Final Fantasy XIII (Lightning Edition) (Deluxe Pack) (Englisch/Chinesisch) [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2010)
Final Fantasy XIV Online [PC - DVD-ROM/Japan] (2010)
Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (GameStar 09/2014) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
Final Fantasy XV (Deluxe Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Österreich/Schweiz] (2016)
Final Fantasy XVI (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2023)
Final Fight [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Final Fight [Arcade - Capcom CPS/USA] (1989)
Finfin on Teo, the Magic Planet [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Fire and Forget II [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Fire Birds [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Fire Emblem [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Europa] (2004)
Fire Galaxy [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Firelord (Blockbusters) [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Australien]
Firestar [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
FireStarter (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Firezone [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
First Samurai [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
FIX & FOXI Magazin Nr.1/06 TKKG: Verrat an TKKG - Das Detektivspiel [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Flamingo Tours [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Flanker 2.0 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Flashback (Kixx XL, Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
FlatOut [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
FlatOut [SONY PlayStation 2/Österreich/Schweiz] (2004)
Flight of the Amazon Queen [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Flight of the Intruder [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Flight of the Intruder [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Flight Simulator II [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1984)
Flight Unlimited [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
Flight Unlimited (PC Games Plus 10/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Flimbo's Quest [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien] (1990)
Flipper (Macadam Bumper) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Deutschland] (1985)
Flipper Slipper [CBS Colecovision/- Unbekannt -]
FOFT: Federation of Free Traders [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Fooblitzky [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Football Manager 2 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Football Manager 2: Expansion Kit [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Football Manager: World Cup Edition 1990 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Footballer of the Year 2 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Forbidden Forest [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
Forest [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Formula 1 [PC - CD-ROM/Nordamerika] (1997)
Formula 1 Simulator [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Forsaken [Nintendo 64/Frankreich] (1998)
Forsaken (OEM-Bundle Version) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Fortress of Narzod [Vectrex/Weltweit] (1982)
Forza Motorsport 2 (Platinum Hits) [Microsoft Xbox 360/USA] (2008)
Forza Motorsport 4 (Bundle Copy) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2011)
Forza Motorsport 4 (Essentials Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/USA] (2011)
Foundation [Commodore AmigaCD/Europa] (1998)
Fox n Forests (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Weltweit] (2019)
Fragile Allegiance [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Frank Bruno's Boxing [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Franko: The Crazy Revenge [Commodore Amiga/Polen] (1994)
Frantic Freddie [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Fray Luis [PC - CD-ROM/Spanien] (1998)
Fray Luis (Re-Release) [PC - DVD-ROM/Spanien] (2015)
Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur [MSX - Diskette/Spanien] (1989)
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
Free D.C. [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Freedom Force [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2002)
Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Friday the 13th: The Computer Game [Amstrad CPC - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
Friday the 13th: The Computer Game [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cartridge/Europa] (1986)
Fritz 4: Special Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Fritz 5.32 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Frogger [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1982)
Frogger [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Frogger [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Frogger [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1983)
Frogger [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Frogger [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1983)
Frogger II: Threeedeep! [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1984)
Frogger II: Threeedeep! [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Frogun Encore (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2024)
Frontlines: Fuel of War (Special Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2008)
Frontlines: Fuel of War (Special Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
FSWG Madrid [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Fuchs & Schweinchen Schlau [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Full Metal Planete [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2006)
FullThrottle (Bandana Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
FullThrottle (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
FullThrottle (Limited Edition) [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Funk-Flitzer (Computer Bild Spiele 02/2000) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Fury³ [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
Futbol bez Pravil [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Futbol! 2000 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Future Basketball [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Future Wars: Time Travellers [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
FX Fighter [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Kanada] (1983)
G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Gabriel Knight 3: Blut der Heiligen, Blut der Verdammten (PC Action 12/2004) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
Gaia no Monshou [Sharp X-1/Japan] (1987)
Gaiflame [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1987)
Galactic Civilizations [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
Galactic Civilizations [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Galactic Civilizations 2 [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Galactic Civilizations II (Gold Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Galactic Civilizations II (Hammerpreis) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Galactic Civilizations II (Ultimate Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2009)
Galactic Civilizations II: The Dread Lords (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
Galactic Civilizations III (GameStar 04/2018) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2018)
Galactic Civilizations: The Altarian Prophecy (Press-Kit) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
Galaga [Atari 7800/Europa] (1987)
Galaxian [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Galaxian [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Galaxy Force [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Galaxy Force [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Galaxy Force [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1989)
Galaxy Force [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Galaxy Force II [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Brasilien] (1991)
Galaxy Force II [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Portugal] (1992)
Galaxy Force II [Arcade - SEGA Y Board/Japan] (1988)
Galdregon's Domain [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien] (1989)
Gangland (Game 4 U) [PC - CD-ROM/Tschechien] (2004)
Gangster [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Gangster Alley [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Ganlok [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1988)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal [Atari ST/Europa] (1988)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Europa] (1988)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Christmas/New Year Party Special) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1988)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Christmas/New Year Party Special) [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1987)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Christmas/New Year Party Special) [Atari ST/Europa] (1988)
Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Lightning Lips Special Pack) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
Garfield: Saving Arlene [PC - CD-ROM/Nordeuropa] (2005)
Garfield: Winter's Tail [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Garou Densetsu 2 [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Hong Kong] (1993)
Garri Potter i Filosofskijj Kamen' [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Garri Potter i Tajjnaja Komnata (EA Khit-Parad) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Garri Potter i Uznik Azkabana (EA Khit-Parad) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Garrison [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1987)
Gas Hog [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Gateway to Apshai [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Gato Roboto (Switch Reserve) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2022)
Gauntlet II [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
GBA Championship Basketball [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1986)
Gears of War (Bundle-Version) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Italien] (2006)
Gears of War 2 (Bundle-Version) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2008)
Gears of War 2 (Promotional SteelBook) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2008)
Gears of War 4 (Ultimate Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2016)
Gears of War 4 (Ultimate Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2016)
Geheimakte 2: Puritas Cordis (GameStar 02/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Geheimakte Jesus [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Geheimakte Tunguska (GameStar 04/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Geisha [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Geisha [PC/Atari ST - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Geisterjäger John Sinclair: Evil Attacks (Soft Price) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Gemini Rue: Zagovor na Barrakuse [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2012)
Gemstone Healer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1986)
Genetic Species [Commodore Amiga AGA/Europa] (1998)
Genloc (64'er 11/98) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1998)
Geroi Mecha i Magii III: Dykhanie Smerti [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Geroi Mecha i Magii III: Klinok Armageddona [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Geroi Mecha i Magii III: Vozrozhdenie Ehrafii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Geroi Mecha i Magii IV: Vikhri Vojjny [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Gex [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko (Ubisoft Classique) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Ghost Manor [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Ghost Town [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Ghosts 'n Goblins [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2001)
Gish [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Gljuk'Oza: ACTION! (DJ Pack) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Gljuk'Oza: ACTION! (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Global Conflicts: Palestine [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Global Operations [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2001)
Globdule [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Glücksrad (First Edition) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Gnap: Der Schurke aus dem All [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Goal! Goal! Goal! [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1995)
God of War [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
God of War: Ascension (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2013)
Golden Axe [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent [Nintendo DS/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2005)
Golf [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Golf (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1980)
Gonki na Razrushenie [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Gopher: Vorsicht Wühlmaus! [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Gor'kijj Zero²: V Luchakh Avrory [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Gor'kijj Zero²: V Luchakh Avrory (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Gorf [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Gorky Zero: Beyond Honor (SFT 06/06) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Gothic (International Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2006)
Gothic (International Edition, Re-Release) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2010)
Gothic 3 [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Gothic 3: Otvergnutye Bogi [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Gothic II [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Gothic II Gold (GameStar 08/2008) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Gotika [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Gotika Marsa: Krovavaja Storona Planety [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Gourmet Warriors [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Europa] (2019)
Gran Turismo (PSP Bundle) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Europa] (2009)
Gran Turismo 2 [SONY PlayStation/Japan] (1999)
Gran Turismo 4 (Bundle-Version) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2005)
Gran Turismo 5 (Signature Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Australien] (2010)
Gran Turismo 5 (Spec II) [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2012)
Gran Turismo HD Concept (Install Disc) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2007)
Gran Turismo Sport (Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2017)
Gran-Pri Shvecii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Grand Ages: Medieval (GameStar 03/2018) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2018)
Grand Ages: Rome (Gold Edition) (GameStar 08/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Grand Monster Slam [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Grand Monster Slam [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Grand Prix [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Grand Prix International Edition [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1982)
Grand Theft Auto III [PC - CD-ROM/Indien] (2002)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Pre-order) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Pre-order) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2008)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Pre-order) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Special Edition + Bonus) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2008)
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Bundleversion - Nicht zum Einzelverkauf) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Deutschland] (2005)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Second Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2008)
Grandia: Prelude [SEGA Saturn/Japan] (1999)
Granitnye Bastiony [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Great Courts 2 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Great Courts 2 [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Great Escape [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Greg Hastings Paintball 2 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2011)
Gremlins [Atari 5200/USA] (1984)
Gribbly's Day Out on the ARC [Acorn Archimedes - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Grim Fandango (Signatured limited) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
GrimGrimoire: OnceMore (Limited Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2023)
Ground Control [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Ground Control II: Operacija Iskhod [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Guild Wars [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Guild Wars: Factions (PreOrder-Ausgabe) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Guild Wars: Nightfall (Pre-Release) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Guilty [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
Guilty Gear Isuka [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2005)
Guitar Hero 5 (Band-Kit / Kit Complet) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2009)
Guitar Hero II [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Guitar Hero II (Bundle) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2007)
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2007)
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (inkl. 2 Guitarren) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2007)
Guitar Hero Live [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2015)
Guitar Hero Live (Supreme Party Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2016)
Guitar Hero: Metallica (Solo Guitar Pack) [Nintendo Wii/Deutschland] (2009)
Guitar Hero: Metallica (Solo Guitar Pack) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2009)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (Guitar Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (Guitar Bundle) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Complete Band Pack) [SONY PlayStation 2/Europa] (2008)
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Complete Band Pack) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2008)
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Solo Guitar Pack) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2008)
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Solo Guitar Pack) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2008)
Gulp! [Commodore Amiga CD³²/Europa] (1994)
Gungage [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
Gust Buster [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Güterbahnhof Simulator [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
Gwen The Hen 64 (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2023)
Gyakuten Kenji (Limited Edition) [Nintendo DS/Japan] (2009)
Gyropod [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
H.E.R.O. [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1984)
Hacker [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1986)
Hacker [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1988)
Hacker [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Hacx [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Hacx [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1997)
Half-Life 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Half-Life 2: Survivor [Arcade - Taito Type X/X+/Japan] (2006)
Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack [Microsoft Xbox/Japan] (2005)
Halo 3 (Legendary Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2007)
Halo 3 (Legendary Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
Halo Infinite (Collector's Steelbook Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Deutschland] (2021)
Halo Wars (Limited Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/USA] (2009)
Halo: Combat Evolved (Bundle Copy) [Microsoft Xbox/Asien/Pazifik] (2001)
Halo: Combat Evolved (Universal Binary) [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Hammer of the Gods (englisch) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Handful of Missions [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Hang-on (Konsolen-Bundle) [SEGA Mark III/Master System - Built-in/Europa] (1988)
Hangman [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Hannibal [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Hard Nova [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Hard Truck: 18 Stal'nykh Koles [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Hard Truck: 18 Stal'nykh Koles - Konvojj [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Hard Truck: 18 Stal'nykh Koles - Po Dorogam Ameriki [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Hard Truck: 18 Stal'nykh Koles - Pyl' Dorog [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Harpoon II (Admiral's Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Harrier Jump Jet [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Harrier Jump Jet [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Haunted House [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Heart of Africa [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday (GameStar 04/08) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Heimdall 2 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Hektik [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Helicopter Mission [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Helicopter Mission [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Hellbender [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Hellcat Ace [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Hellgate: London [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2007)
Hercules [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Hercules [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1986)
Hercules [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1986)
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death (Deutsche Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death (Englische Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Heroes of Might and Magic IV (UbiSoft Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Heroes of Might and Magic V (Bundle) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2006)
Heroes of Might and Magic V (GameStar 09/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Heroes of Might and Magic V (Super Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Vladyki Severa [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Vladyki Severa (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Heroes over Europe [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Hexuma [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Hexuma [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
Hexuma (Rushware Release) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Hexuma: Das Auge des Kal [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Hezarin [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Hidden & Dangerous (Action Pack) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Hidden & Dangerous 2 (Gold Edition, Re-Release) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland]
Hidden Target [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2009)
Hili Ball [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Hillsfar [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (Hits Collection) [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2003)
Hitman: Absolution [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2012)
Hitman: Pagato per Uccidere (The Games Machine) [PC - CD-ROM/Italien] (2000)
Hitomi: My Stepsister [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Hobo: Tough Life (Sběratelská edice) [PC - Download/Tschechien] (2021)
Hocus Pocus [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Holiday Island (PC Games PLUS 03/2001) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Holiday Maker [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Hollow Knight (Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2019)
Hollywood Poker [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Home Alone [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Homefront: The Revolution (Goliath Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2016)
HomePlanet (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
HomePlanet: Igra s Ognjom [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Homeworld: Raider Retreat [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Hopper [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge/USA] (1984)
Horizon: Forbidden West (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Deutschland] (2022)
Horizon: Zero Dawn (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2017)
Hot Rubber [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Hotel Gigant (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Hotel Gigant (SFT 09/06) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn [Arcade - SEGA ALLS UX/Japan] (2018)
House of Usher [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Hoverforce [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 1 [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
Hulk [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
HuniePop [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2015)
Hunter Hunted (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Hurra Deutschland [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Hustler [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa]
Hyper Chase [Vectrex/USA] (1982)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3 (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Deutschland] (2015)
I am a Teacher: Super Mario no Sweater [Nintendo Famicom Disk System/Japan] (1986)
I am a Teacher: Teami no Kiso [Nintendo Famicom Disk System/Japan] (1986)
I, Ball [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
I, Ball (Re-Release) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Ibiza Comic Poker [Internet / BBS / Browser/Deutschland] (1999)
Ice Hockey [Atari ST/Europa] (1989)
Ice Hockey [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Icewind Dale [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Icewind Dale [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Icewind Dale II (Limited Collector's Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
ICW Wrestling [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1989)
iF-22: Peacekeeping Mission - Persian Gulf [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1997)
IHRA Drag Racing: Sportsman Edition [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Ikari Warriors [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Ikki [Arcade/Japan] (1985)
IL-2 Shturmovik: Krylatye Khishhniki [SONY PlayStation Portable/Russland/GUS] (2009)
IL-2 Shturmovik: Krylatye Khishhniki [Microsoft Xbox 360/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Illusions [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Im Regenwald des Amazonas [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Im Reich der Spinne [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Im Schutz der Drachen [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Immortals: Fenyx Rising (Gold Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2020)
Imperial Glory [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Impossible Mission [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Impossible Mission [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
In 80 Days Around the World [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
In 80 Days Around the World [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1987)
Inca Gold [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1992)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Enhanced Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Action Game [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1992)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis und weitere 1000 Spiele [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1993)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Brasilien] (1990)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [Commodore Amiga/Italien] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [Atari ST/USA] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Budget) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Special VGA-Version) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Topshots Deluxe) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Arcade - Atari System 1/USA] (1985)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [MSX - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Indiana Jones e a ultima cruzada (Linea 16 Bits) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Portugal] (1990)
Indiana Jones und der letzte Kreuzzug [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Indiana Jones y la ultima cruzada (Linea 16 Bits) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Indiana Jones y la ultima cruzada (Linea 16 Bits) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Indiana Jones y la ultima cruzada (Linea 16 Bits) [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1990)
Indiana Jones y la ultima cruzada (Linea 16 Bits) [Atari ST/Spanien] (1990)
Indianapolis 500: The Simulation [Commodore Amiga/Italien] (1989)
Indy 500 [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1977)
Indy 500 (Picture Label Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1978)
IndyCar Series (Promo Copy) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Infestation [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Infestation [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Infestation [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1990)
Infestation [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Infestation [Atari ST/Spanien] (1990)
Infidel [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Infidel [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Infidel [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ingrid's Back! [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Innocent until Caught [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1993)
Insects in Space [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Insects in Space [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
International 3D Tennis [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
International Ice Hockey [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Interstate '82 (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Invasion der UFO'S [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
Ion Fury [Nintendo Switch - Download/Europa] (2020)
Iron Commando [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Amerika] (2017)
Iron Commando [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Europa] (2017)
Iron Commando [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Europa] (2018)
Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal [SEGA Saturn/Brasilien]
Iron Storm (The Games Machine 8/04) [PC - CD-ROM/Italien] (2002)
Ishar: Legend of the Fortress [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1992)
Istorija Vojjn: Napoleon [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
It Came from the Desert [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
It's Only Rock n' Roll [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Italy 1990 [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Ja, Gangster [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Jack Keane (GameStar 04/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Jack Nicklaus presents The Great Courses of The U.S. Open [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1991)
Jack Nicklaus presents The Major Championship Courses of 1990 [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1990)
Jade Empire: Special Edition [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2007)
Jade Empire: Special Edition [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Jagd auf Roter Oktober [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1987)
Jagd auf Roter Oktober [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Jagd auf Roter Oktober (Re-Release) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Jagged Alliance 2 (PC Action 05/2003) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Portugal] (1991)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Europa] (1991)
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (Jak&Daxter Package) [SONY PlayStation 2/Österreich] (2001)
James Bond 007 [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
James Bond 007: Der Hauch des Todes [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1987)
James Pond 2: Codename Robocod [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1992)
Jane's Combat Simulations: A.T.F. - Advanced Tactical Fighters [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik]
Jane's Combat Simulations: A.T.F. - Advanced Tactical Fighters Gold [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Jaws: Unleashed [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Jeanne d'Arc [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1988)
Jeanne d'Arc: Maid of Orleans [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1989)
Jetfighter II: Advanced Tactical Fighter [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Jetfighter III: Combat Flight Simulator [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Jim Henson's Muppets: Pigs in Space starring Miss Piggy [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -] (1983)
Jim Henson's Muppets: Pigs in Space starring Miss Piggy [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -] (1983)
Jinxter [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Joan of Arc [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1989)
Joan of Arc [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1989)
Joan of Arc [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
John Woo Presents Stranglehold (Vorverkaufsbox) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Johnnie Walker: Moorhuhn Jagd [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Johnny Bazookatone [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
Joint Operations: Combined Arms [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Jonathan [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Jonathan: Die abenteuerlichen 11 Tage im November [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Journey to the Planets [Atari 800 - Cassette/USA] (1982)
Joust (Gray Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1985)
Jr. Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1988)
Judge Dredd [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Jump Jet: Combat & Flight Simulator [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1985)
Jump Jet: Combat & Flight Simulator [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Jump Jet: Combat & Flight Simulator [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Jungle Hunt [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Jungle Hunt [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Jungle Hunt [Atari 5200/USA]
Jungle Hunt (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Jungle Hunt (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Jungle Hunt (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Jury Trial [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1983)
Kaboom! [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Kaboom! [Atari 800 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Kak Dostat' Bossa [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Kameo: Elements of Power (Promotional Copy) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2005)
Kampfgruppe [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (Kollekcionnoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (Limited Edition) (Bundle-Version) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Kangaroo [Atari 5200/USA] (1983)
Kangaroo (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Kangaroo (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Kanon [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (1999)
Kanon (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (1999)
Kao Kenguru: Raund 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Karateka [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Karateka [Atari 7800/Europa] (1988)
Karatel' [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Karatel' (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Kazaki: Poslednijj Dovod Korolejj [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Kazaki: Zolotaja Kollekcija [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Ken Follett's Die Säulen der Erde (GameStar 02/2019) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Kennedy Approach [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1990)
Kennedy Approach [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Kennedy Approach [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien]
Kennedy Approach [Commodore C64 - Cassette/USA] (1985)
Kennedy Approach [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Niederlande] (1986)
Kennedy Approach [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Kennedy Approach [Atari ST/Spanien] (1990)
Kennedy Approach [Atari 800 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Kennedy Approach [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Kennedy Approach [Commodore C64/ Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Keystone Kapers [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Keystone Kapers [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Keystone Kapers [Atari 5200/USA] (1984)
Khalaan [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Khalaan [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Khalaan [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Khalaan [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1990)
Khalaan [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Khalaan [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Khalaan [Atari ST/Spanien] (1990)
Khishhniki: Lednikovyjj Period [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Khroniki Ambera: Devjat' Princev Ambera (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Kick off 96 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Kidou Senshi Gundam: A Baoa Qu wo Kouryaku Seyo! [MSX - Cartridge/Japan] (1984)
Kikstart [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Kill Deal: Ubojjnoe Delo [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Killer Bees (Videopac+ 52) [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1983)
Killer Satellites [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Killer7 [SONY PlayStation 2/Europa] (2005)
Killing Cloud [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Killzone 3 (Limited Edition Pack) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2011)
Killzone: Shadow Fall (Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 4/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2013)
Kindred Spirits on the Roof (Limited Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2016)
Kinect Adventures! (Kinect Hardware-Bundle) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
Kinect Sports: Season Two [Microsoft Xbox 360/Australien] (2012)
Kinect Star Wars (Bundle Copy) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2009)
King Kong: New York [LCD Handheld/Deutschland] (1982)
King of Fighters 2003 [SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart/USA] (2004)
King's Bounty: Perekrestki Mirov [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
King's Bounty: Perekrestki Mirov (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
King's Quest [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1983)
King's Quest (Gray Box) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
King's Quest (Gray Box) [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1984)
King's Quest (Re-Release) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (GrayBox) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1985)
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human (GrayBox) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human (GrayBox) [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1986)
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human (GrayBox) [Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1992)
King's Quest V: Absence Makes The Heart Go Yonder! (EGA) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
King's Quest VII: Nevesta Trollja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
King's Quest: Quest for the Crown (braune Box) [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2018)
Kingdom Hearts III (Deluxe Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2019)
KKND II: Krossfire [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
KKND II: Krossfire (Softprice) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Klax [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Klax (Respray-Edition) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Knack (Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2014)
Knights 2: Wundermittel [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Knights of Honor (White Label Reload) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
Knights of Xentar [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Knjaz': Legendy Lesnojj Strany (Podarochnoe Izdanie) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
KoF '02: Be The Fighter! [SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart/USA] (2002)
Kommandos: V Tylu Vraga [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Konflikt: V'etnamskaja Vojjna [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Korol' Druidov [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Korporacija Aehroport [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Korsary: Kazhdomu Svojo! (Gold Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2013)
Kosmicheskaja Odisseja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Krasnaja Akula 2: Likvidacija Khossmanna [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Kreed [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Krestonoscy Mecha i Magii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Kreuzzüge: Verschwörung im Königreich des Orients [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Krilo [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1999)
Krutojj Sehm II (Bestseller) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Krylataja Mjasorubka [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Krylataja Mjasorubka II: Burja v Pustyne [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2005)
Kung Fu [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Hong Kong] (1987)
Kung Fu [SONY PlayStation 2/Europa] (2006)
Kung Fu (Re-Release) [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Deutschland]
Kung Fu Superkicks [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1987)
Kung-Fu Master [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1987)
Kurinaja Armada [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Labyrinth of the Creator [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1983)
LADA: Koroleva Rejjsinga [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Lancelot [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Lancelot [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1988)
Lancelot [Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22 [Sony Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download/Deutschland] (2021)
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22 (Premium Edition) [Sony Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download/Deutschland] (2023)
Larri VII: Seks pod Parusom [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Las Vegas gambling (Philips Videopac 23) [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1980)
Laser Base [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Laser Blast [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1981)
Last Bronx [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1997)
Law & Order: Dead on the Money [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Lazy Jones [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Le Rocky Horror Show [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Leaping Larry [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Learning with Leeper [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1986)
Legacy of the Ancients [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1987)
Legend: Hand of God [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2008)
Legend: Hand of God (GameStar 11/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Legends of Valour: The Dawning [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Legendy Mecha i Magii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Legiony Rima [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Legiony T'my [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Lego Creator (HP Deskjet 640C) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
LEGO Insel 2: Der Steinbrecher kehrt zurück [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Europa] (2001)
Lego Marvel Super Heroes (Bestseller) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2013)
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape up or Slip out! (Enhanced CD Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1994)
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Remake; VGA) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Remake; VGA) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (Testversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2004)
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry (GameStar 05/2020) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2020)
Lemmings [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1990)
Lemmings [Atari Lynx/Weltweit] (1993)
Lemmings [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Lemmings 2: The Tribes (Re-Release) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Lendliz [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Leonard Nimoy's Primortals [PC/Macintosh - Download/USA] (1996)
Leonardo [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Les Razmoket : À la recherche de Reptar [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (1999)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Steelbook-Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2014)
Likvidator²: Dobro Pozhalovat' v Ad [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Lineage II - The Chaotic Chronicle (Deluxe) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Lineage II - The Chaotic Chronicle (Pre-Order) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Lineage II - The Chaotic Chronicle: Chronicle 3 - Rise of Darkness [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Lineage II - The Chaotic Chronicle: Collector's DVD Edition [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Links - The Challenge of Golf [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Links LS 1998 Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1997)
Links LS 1999 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Links LS 2000 10 Course Pack [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2000)
Links: Kurs-Kollektionen - Nummer 3 [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader [PC - CD-ROM/Tschechien] (2003)
LittleBigPlanet 3 (Game Stop Steelbook Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2014)
Ljubovnye Procedury [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Lock 'n' Chase [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Lock On: Air Combat Simulation (GameStar 07/2007) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Locomotion (SFT 05/06) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Log!cal [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Log!cal [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Log!cal [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
Log!cal [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Log!cal [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Log!cal [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Log!cal [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Log!cal [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
Log!cal [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1993)
Logic Levels [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Loki: Heroes of Mythology [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Lomax [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Loom [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Loom [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1992)
Looping [CBS Colecovision/Deutschland]
Looping [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1993)
Lords of Doom [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Lordy Vojjny [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Lost Patrol [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Lost Planet 2 (e-Capcom Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Japan] (2010)
Lost Planet 2 (e-Capcom Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Japan] (2010)
Lost: Das Spiel (GameStar 08/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Lothar Matthäus: Die interaktive Fußballsimulation (Soft Price) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Louis Sinclair's FS Design Studio: Version 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Luchshie iz Luchshikh: Gornyjj Slalom 2006 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Lufia [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
LUKA und der verborgene Schatz (Lehrerversion) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Lumines: Puzzle Fusion Mobile [Mobile - J2ME/Europa] (2006)
Luvr: Poslednee Prokljatie [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
M*A*S*H [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
M*A*S*H [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty Sports [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
M.U.L.E. [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
M1 Tank Platoon [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
M1 Tank Platoon [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
M1 Tank Platoon [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
M1 Tank Platoon [Commodore Amiga/Italien] (1990)
M1 Tank Platoon [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1990)
M1 Tank Platoon [Atari ST/Frankreich] (1990)
M1 Tank Platoon [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1992)
M1 Tank Platoon (Kixx XL) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Italien] (1994)
M1 Tank Platoon (Kixx XL) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1994)
Macadam Bumper [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1987)
Macadam Bumper [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Frankreich] (1987)
Macadam Bumper [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Macadam Bumper [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1986)
Macadam Bumper [Atari ST/Europa] (1986)
Macadam Bumper [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [MSX - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [MSX - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [MSX - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Macadam Bumper [MSX - Cassette/Spanien] (1987)
Macadam Bumper [Tangerine - Oric 1/Oric Atmos/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper [Tangerine - Oric 1/Oric Atmos/Frankreich] (1985)
Macadam Bumper (Pocket Soft) [Atari ST/Europa] (1989)
Macadam Bumper (SONY Hit Bit) [MSX - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
MacArthur's War: Battles for Korea [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Machine Hell - 2041: Sudnyjj Den' [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Mad Show [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Mad Show [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Frankreich] (1988)
Mad Show [Commodore Amiga/Frankreich] (1988)
Mad Show [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1990)
Mad Show [Atari ST/Spanien] (1990)
Mad TV [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Mad TV [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Mad TV 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Mad TV 2 (PC Action PLUS 03/98) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Madagaskar [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2005)
Madden NFL 07 [SONY PlayStation Portable/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
Madden NFL 07 [Mobile - J2ME/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
Madden NFL 08 en español [SONY PlayStation 2/USA] (2007)
Madden NFL 12 [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2011)
Madden NFL 12 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2011)
Madness [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Madspace: Beshenoje Prostranstvo [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Mafia (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Mafia II (Special Extended Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien]
Mafia II (Special Extended Edition, Best Games) [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien]
Mag! (PC Games PLUS 5/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
MAG: Massive Action Game (inkl. Bluetooth Headset) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2010)
Magic Carpet (OEM version) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Magic Serpent [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1991)
Magic: The Gathering (englische Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
Magic: The Gathering - Manalink [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Magicheskie Kol'ca Vikingov [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Magicland Dizzy [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Magija Krovi (Horoshie Igry) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Magnat Gornolyzhnogo Kurorta 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Magnaty Zheleznykh Dorog [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Magnetron [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Magnetron [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Mail Mole (Collector's Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2023)
Mailstrom [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Major League Baseball [Mattel Intellivision/USA] (1980)
Mallet Legend (Controller Bundle) [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/USA] (1993)
Manchester United [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1992)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [Acorn Archimedes - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [MSX - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
Manchester United: The Official Computer Game [MSX - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Manhunt 2 [SONY PlayStation Portable/Österreich] (2008)
Maniac Mansion [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Maniac Mansion (2nd Release) [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Maniac Mansion (2nd Release) [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1989)
Maniac Mansion (First Release) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1987)
Maniac Mansion (Re-Release) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Marauder [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Marble Madness [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1987)
Marble Madness [SEGA GameGear/USA] (1992)
Marble Madness [Commodore Amiga/Australien] (1986)
Marble Madness [Commodore Amiga/Italien] (1986)
Marble Madness [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Marble Madness [Nintendo GameBoy/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Marble Madness [Nintendo GameBoy/Spanien] (1992)
Marble Madness [Nintendo GameBoy/Italien] (1992)
Marble Madness [Atari ST/Spanien] (1986)
Marble Madness [Arcade - Atari System 1/USA] (1984)
Mario Bros. [Atari 7800/USA] (1987)
Mario Bros. (Re-Release) [Nintendo Famicom/NES/USA] (1989)
Mario Golf: World Tour [Nintendo 3DS/Frankreich] (2014)
Mario Kart 8 (SteelBook Edition) [Nintendo Wii U/Deutschland] (2014)
Mario Kart Wii (Wii Wheel Bundle) [Nintendo Wii/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Mario's Tennis [Nintendo VirtualBoy/Amerika] (1995)
Maroder [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Martian Gothic: Unification [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Maru's Mission [Nintendo GameBoy/Europa] (1992)
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter [Arcade - Capcom CPS 2/USA] (1997)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2011)
Marvel's Avengers (Earth's Mightiest Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2020)
Mary Skelter: Nightmares (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2017)
Massive Assault [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Master Li and the Flying Blade [PC - CD-ROM/Taiwan] (2002)
Master of Dimensions [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Masters of the Universe - The Power of He-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Math Gran Prix [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Maupiti Island [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Max Payne (Bestseller) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Max Payne 2 (Bestseller) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Mayhem in Monsterland [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1993)
Maze Craze [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Amerika] (1978)
Maze Craze: A Game of Cops 'n Robbers (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1980)
Mech i Magija VIII: Ehpokha Razrushitelja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Mechajammer (Epic Games Store) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Weltweit] (2021)
MechWarrior 3 (Gold Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Medal of Honor [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
Medal of Honor: Airborne [Mobile - J2ME/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
Medal of Honor: Airborne (Pre-Order) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault [PC - CD-ROM/Portugal] (2004)
Medal of Honor: Warfighter (Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
Medal of Honor: Za Liniejj Fronta [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Medieval II: Total War [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Medieval II: Total War (Gold Edition, Computer Bild Spiele 07/11) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Medieval II: Total War (Gold Edition, GameStar 10/2013) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2013)
Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest (Essentials) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2012)
Mega Man ZX Advent [Nintendo DS/Australien] (2008)
Megadimension Neptunia VII (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2016)
Megamania [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Megamania [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Brasilien] (1982)
Megamania [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Australien] (1982)
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Deutschland] (2016)
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Meltdown [Atari 7800/USA] (1990)
Memento Mori: Die Spur des Todesengels (GameStar 02/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Memory Manor [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Men in Black: The Game [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (1998)
Men of Valor [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Men of Valor [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Men of War (GameStar 01/2013) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Mephisto Genius 2.0 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Mephisto Gideon Professional [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Mercenary Kompendium [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Meruru no Atelier: Arland no Renkinjutsushi 3 [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2011)
Messiah (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2000)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2013)
Metal Gear Solid [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2000)
Metal Gear Solid [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2 Bundled Version) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2002)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Limited Metal Edition) [SONY PlayStation 2/Europa] (2005)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Limited Edition) (PS3 Bundled Version) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2008)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2009)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3 Bundled Version) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2008)
Metal Gear Solid Mobile [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Europa] (2008)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Amazon.de Steelbook Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2015)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops [SONY PlayStation Portable/Österreich/Schweiz] (2007)
Metal Mutant [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
Metal Mutant [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1991)
Metal Mutant [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
Metal Slug [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1996)
Metal Slug 3 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (2000)
Metal Slug X [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (2001)
Metal Slug X [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1999)
Metaltech: Battledrome [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Metaltech: Earthsiege (Englisch) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Metro 2033: Luch Nadezhdy (Kollekcionnoe Izdanie) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Russland/GUS] (2013)
Metro-2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Metro-2 (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Metro-2: Smert' Vozhdja [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Metro-2: Smert' Vozhdja (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Metro: Last Light (Vorbesteller-Box) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2013)
Metroid [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Asien/Pazifik] (1988)
Metroid Dread (Special Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Japan] (2021)
Metroid Prime Hunters - First Hunt [Nintendo DS/USA] (2004)
Metron [Video - DVD (DVD-PG)/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Mezoberranzan [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Mezoberranzan [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
Michael Jackson: Moonwalker [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1989)
Michael Schumacher World Tour Kart 2004 (Computer Bild Spiele 11/2006) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Mickey & Donald [Nintendo Game&Watch/Deutschland] (1982)
Mickys ABC [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Microcosm (Bundled Version) [Commodore Amiga CD³²/Europa] (1994)
Microprose Soccer: Tackle World Class Soccer [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Microprose Soccer: Tackle World Class Soccer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Microsoft Flight Simulator (Version 5.1) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000: Ein realistisches Flugabenteuer [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: Das Jahrhundert der Luftfahrt (Bulkware) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Microsoft Flight Simulator für Windows 95 (Microsoft Classic Games) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Microsoft Flight Simulator II [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
Microsoft Pinball Arcade [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Microsurgeon [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Midnight Magic [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1987)
Midnight Magic [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1987)
Midnight Pool [Mobile - J2ME/Europa] (2005)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Europa] (1991)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter (Serie Leyenda) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
MIG-29 Soviet Fighter (Serie Leyenda) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Might & Magic: Heroes VII (GameStar 01/2018) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2017)
Might and Magic - Book 1: Secret of the Inner Sanctum [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1987)
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Might and Magic VIII: Le Jour Du Destructeur [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (2000)
Might and Magic X: Legacy (GameStar 08/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Might and Magic: Heroes VI (GameStar 02/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Mighty Heroes III [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Asien/Pazifik] (1987)
Milch-Schnitte Präsentiert: Winter Games [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Millennium Mann [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2003)
Millennium Soldier: Expendable (Creative Labs 3D Blaster Savage4 OEM) [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1999)
Millipede (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1987)
Millipede (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Millipede (Silver Label, "P" on Endlabel) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Millipede (Silver Label, Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1988)
Mind Control [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Mind Control [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Mindshadow [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1985)
Mindshadow [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1985)
Mindshadow [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Mindshadow [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Frankreich] (1985)
Minecraft: Dungeons - Ultimate Edition [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Deutschland] (2021)
Miniature Golf [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Miniature Golf [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Missile Command [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
Mission 3000 (Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (2004)
Mission Asteroid [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Mistmare [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
Mole Attack [Commodore VIC 20 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 (Bundle) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2000)
Monkey Academy [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Monster 4x4 World Circuit [Nintendo Wii/Deutschland] (2006)
Monster 4x4: Masters of Metal [Nintendo GameCube/Europa] (2003)
Monster Bash (Mail Order) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Weltweit] (1999)
Monster Business [Commodore Amiga/Atari ST - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame 3 [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2020)
Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite (PSP Essentials) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Europa] (2010)
Monster Truck Madness [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Montezuma's Revenge [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail (Special Signature Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1994)
Monty Python's Flying Circus: The Computer Game [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Monty Python's Flying Circus: The Computer Game [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Monty Python's Flying Circus: The Computer Game [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Monty Python's Flying Circus: The Computer Game [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
Moon Patrol [Atari 5200/USA] (1986)
Moon Patrol (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Moon Shuttle [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Moonmist [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Moorhuhn 2: Die Jagd geht weiter [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Mor: Utopija [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Morozko: Prikljuchenie Deda Moroza, Ivana i Nasti [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Morpekh protiv Terrorizma 2: Vojjna v Dzhungljakh [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Morpekh protiv Terrorizma 3: Vojjna vo V'etname [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Mortal Areas [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Mortal Coil [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Mortal Kombat [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2011)
Mortal Kombat [Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games/Europa] (2005)
Mortal Kombat (SteelBook Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2011)
Mortal Kombat (D1 Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2011)
Mortal Kombat (SteelBook Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Mortal Kombat 3 (Rev. 2.0) [Arcade - Midway Wolf-Unit/Weltweit] (1995)
Mortal Kombat II Rev. 3.1E [Arcade - Midway T-Unit/Europa] (1993)
Mortal Kombat Rev. 3 [Arcade - Midway Y-Unit/Weltweit] (1992)
Mortal Kombat X (Kollector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2015)
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon [SONY PlayStation 2/Europa] (2006)
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Premium Edition) [Cover: Shao Khan & Sindel] [SONY PlayStation 2/USA] (2006)
Mortyr [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Mortyr II: For Ever [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Mortyr: 2093-1944 [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich]
Mortyr: 2093-1944 (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2001)
Moskovskie Menty: Bespredel [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Moskovskijj Apokalipsis [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Mother Russia Bleeds [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2020)
Mother Russia Bleeds (Exclusive Variant) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2020)
Mother Russia Bleeds (Exclusive Variant) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2020)
Mother Russia Bleeds (Switch Reserve) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2020)
Moto Racer (Matrox Mytique 220) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Moto Racer 2 (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Motocross Madness (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Motocross Racer [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1984)
Motocross Racer [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
MotoGP 10/11 [Microsoft Xbox 360/USA] (2011)
Motorbike Madness [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Motorbike Madness [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Motorbike Madness [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1988)
Motorbike Madness [MSX - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Motorbike Madness [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Motorbike Madness (16 Blitz) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Motorbike Madness (16 Blitz) [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
MotorStorm: Apocalypse (Premier Pack) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2011)
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (Greatest Hits) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2010)
Mount & Blade: Istorija Geroja (Khoroshie Igry) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Mount & Blade: Ognjom i Mechom - Velikie Bitvy [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Mountain Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Mouse Trap [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Mouse Trap [Mattel Intellivision/Europa] (1983)
Ms. Pac-Man [Atari Lynx/USA] (1990)
Ms. Pac-Man [Atari 5200/USA] (1983)
Ms. Pac-Man [Atari 5200/USA] (1987)
MTV Music Generator 3 [Microsoft Xbox/Österreich/Schweiz] (2004)
Mulaka [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2021)
MunchMan [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Murder on the Mississippi [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Murder on the Zinderneuf [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Mushamusha Cookie Monster [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Mutant Monty [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
My Fitness Coach Club [Nintendo Wii/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2011)
My Friend Pedro [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2020)
MySims SkyHeroes [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2010)
Myst V: End of Ages [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Mystery Fun House [Acorn Electron - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1981)
Mystery Fun House [Atari 800 - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Mystery Fun House [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Mystery House [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1980)
Myth (Special Reserve) [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Myth II: Soulblighter (GT Replay) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Mythos Europe (GameStar 10/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
N.I.C.E. 2: King Size (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Nail'd (GameStar 02/2013) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2012)
NAM-1975 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/Japan] (1990)
NARC [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
NARC [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
NARC [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
NARC [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Spanien] (1990)
NARC [Arcade - Williams Z-Unit/USA] (1988)
NARC (The Hit Squad) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them (Serie Leyenda) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1992)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them (Serie Leyenda) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Narco Police: The Law Is out to Get Them (Serie Leyenda) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Narody [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
NASCAR Racing: Track Pack [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
NASCAR Revolution SE [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1999)
NASCAR Road Racing [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1999)
NASCAR Road Racing [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1999)
NASCAR Road Racing 2000 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
NBA 2K10 (10th Anniversary Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2009)
NBA 2K11 [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
NBA Basketball 2000 [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1999)
NBA Full Court Press [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
NBA Live 2005 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Nebulus [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1988)
Nebulus [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Nebulus (Black Edition) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Necromania: Trap of Darkness [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
NecroVisioN [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2009)
NecroVisioN [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2009)
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Need for Speed: Carbon [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Need for Speed: Carbon - Own The City [Nintendo DS/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
Need for Speed: High Stakes [PDA/USA] (2002)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (EA Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2003)
Need for Speed: Undercover (Chinese Version) [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2008)
Need for Speed: Undercover (Chinese Version) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2008)
Need for Speed: Underground [PC - CD-ROM/Hong Kong] (2003)
Need for Speed: Underground (EA Khit-Parad) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Need for Speed: Underground 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Need for Speed: Underground 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Portugal] (2004)
Need for Speed: Underground 2 [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
Neftjanojj Magnat 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Nekopara Vol. 1: Soleil Kaiten Shimashita! (Package Limited Edition, Nekoworks Booth) [PC - DVD-ROM/Japan] (2015)
Nemac IV [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1996)
Nemac IV Director's Cut [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1996)
Nemac IV Director's Cut [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1996)
Netherworld [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Netherworld [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Netherworld [Commodore Amiga/Italien]
Netherworld [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1988)
Netherworld [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Netherworld (Black Edition) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Netherworld (Especial) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Netherworld (Especial) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Neuro [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Neuro (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Never Mind [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Never Mind [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Neverend [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Neverwinter Nights 2 Pre-Order Pack [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2003)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (New Super Mario Bros. Wii Pack) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2010)
Nex Machina (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Weltweit] (2017)
Nexus [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1986)
NHL 2001 [SONY PlayStation/USA] (2000)
NHL 2003 [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2002)
NHL 2005 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Ni no Kuni: Shiroki Seihai no Joou (Magical Edition, PS3 Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 3/Taiwan] (2011)
Nibelungen [Atari XE/Deutschland] (1985)
Nigel Mansell's World Championship (GBH Gold) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette + CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Night Driver [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1980)
Night Driver (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Night Shift (Amiga Spiele Disc 11/93) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Night Slashers [Arcade - Data East ARM6/USA] (1993)
Nightdawn [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2017)
Nikto ne Zhivet Vechno 2: S.T.R.A.KH. Vozvrasshaetsja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Nina: Dnevniki Specagenta [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Nine Princes in Amber [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Nine Princes in Amber [Atari ST/USA] (1985)
Ninja Combat [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1990)
Ninja Gaiden (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2005)
Ninja Gaiden: Black (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2005)
Ninja Golf [Atari 7800/Europa] (1989)
Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2018)
Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2018)
Nintendo Labo: Toy-Con 04 VR Kit - Expansion Set 2 (Camera + Elephant) [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2019)
Nintendo Labo: VR-Set [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2019)
Nintendo Labo: VR-Set Basispaket + Blaster [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2019)
Nintendo World Cup [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Europa] (1990)
Niva: Koroleva Bezdorozh'ja - VAZ-2121 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
NO [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way (BestSeller Series) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
No Second Prize [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1994)
Nodes of Yesod [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Normality (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
Normality (Zoo Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
North & South [Atari ST/Europa] (1989)
North Sea Inferno [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon [Commodore Amiga/Weltweit] (1992)
Nova Blast [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Nox (EA Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Nuclear Embargo [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Number Chaser [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Nuts [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Obèlix (Silver Label, "P" on Endlabel) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1986)
Oberon 69 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Oberon 69 [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Oberon 69 [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Oberon 69 [MSX - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Oberon 69 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Obitel' Poroka [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Obliterator [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Oblivion [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1999)
ObsCure (Re-Release, korrektes USK-Logo) [Microsoft Xbox/Deutschland] (2004)
Obsession [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1995)
Obsession [Atari ST/Europa] (1994)
Obsession [Atari ST/USA] (1994)
Off the Wall [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1989)
Ogre [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1986)
Ogre [MSX-2 - Cartridge/Japan] (1987)
Ogre [MSX-2 - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Ogre [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1987)
Ogre [NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette/Japan] (1988)
Oil Panic [Nintendo Game&Watch/Europa] (1982)
Oil's Well [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Ökolopoly (3.0D) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Omega [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Omega [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Omega Quintet (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2015)
Omega: Der geheime Planet [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Omnicron Conspiracy [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1990)
One Must Fall: 2097 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2012)
One-On-One [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Oni [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Onslaught (Budget) [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Ooops Up (Amiga Spiele Disc 12/93) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Operacija Thunderstorm (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Operation Body Count [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (PC Action 01/2008) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Operation Flashpoint: Red River [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Operation Gunship [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Operation Gunship [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
Operation Gunship [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
Operation Gunship [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Operation Gunship [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
Operation Gunship (Serie Leyenda) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Operation Gunship (Serie Leyenda) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Operation HongKong [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Operation Stealth [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Operation Swordfish [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Operation Thunderstorm [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2008)
Operation: Carnage [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2003)
Operation: Inner Space [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Opus: Echo of Starsong - Full Bloom Edition [Nintendo Switch/Amerika] (2024)
Opustoshenie [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Orbitron [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Orda: Severnyjj Veter [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Original War (Gamer Collector) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
ORK [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Osada Onlajjn [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Othello [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1980)
Otogi: Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki (Special Pack) [Microsoft Xbox/Südkorea] (2004)
Our World Is Ended. [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2019)
Outfront: Na Tyłach Wroga [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2005)
Outlaw [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Outlaw (Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1985)
Outlaws [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1997)
Outlaws (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
OutRun [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1987)
Overclocked: Eine Geschichte über Gewalt (GameStar 04/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM / Deutschland] [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Overlord [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Pac-Land [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
Pac-Land [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
Pac-Land [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Pac-Land [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Pac-Land [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
Pac-Land [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1988)
Pac-Land [Atari Lynx/Frankreich] (1991)
Pac-Land [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1989)
Pac-Land [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
Pac-Land [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Frankreich] (1988)
Pac-Land [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Pac-Land [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Frankreich] (1988)
Pac-Land [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1988)
Pac-Land [MSX - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Pac-Land [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Pac-Land [NEC PC-8001 - Kassette/Japan] (1985)
Pac-Land [Arcade - Namco Pac-Land/Weltweit] (1984)
Pac-Land [Arcade - Namco Pac-Land/USA] (1984)
Pac-Land [Arcade - Namco Pac-Land/Japan] (1984)
Pac-Land [NEC PC-8001 - Diskette/Japan] (1985)
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Amerika]
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Amerika]
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1981)
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Pac-Man [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1986)
Pacific Fighters [PC - CD-ROM/Italien]
Pacific Fighters (GameStar 08/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Painkiller: Heaven's Got a Hitman [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Panic Express [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1986)
Panzer Elite (PC Action 06/2003) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Paperboy 2 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Paradise [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Paradroid (Blockbusters) [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Australien]
Paradroid 2000 [Acorn Archimedes - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Parasite Eve [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Parasite Eve II [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
Paris Attack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
Parkan: Khronika Imperii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Parkan: Zheleznaja Strategija (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Patrizier IV (GameStar 01/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
Paws of Fury [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1995)
Pazifik Admiral (PC Games Plus 10/1999) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
PBA Bowling [Mattel Intellivision/Deutschland] (1982)
Peacemaker: Play the News. Solve the Puzzle. [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2007)
Pechat' Zla [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Pelé's Soccer [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1981)
Pepper II [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Perfect Assassin [PC - CD-ROM/Norwegen] (1997)
Perry Mason: El caso del asesinato en el mandarín [MSX-2 - Diskette/Spanien] (1986)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1985)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1985)
Pet'ka 007: Zoloto Partii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Pets Rescue [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette/Weltweit] (2019)
PGA European Tour (Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1997)
PGA Tour Golf [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
PGA Tour Golf [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
PGA Tour Golf 486 (Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1995)
Phantasmagoria [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (1997)
Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II [Microsoft Xbox/Europa] (2003)
Phantom Integration [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Japan] (2004)
Phantom of Inferno [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Japan] (2000)
Phantom Panzer [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Phantom Panzer (Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (2004)
Phantom Tank [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Phantomas [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas 2 [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas 2 [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas 2 [MSX - Cassette/Spanien] (1987)
Phantomas 2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas 2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phantomas 2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Phoenix (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1988)
Phoenix (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Phoenix Point (Fig.co Collector's Edition) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Weltweit] (2019)
Pictionary: The Game of Quick Draw [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Fig.co Collector's Edition) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Weltweit] (2018)
Pinball [Nintendo Famicom/NES/Österreich/Schweiz] (1991)
Pinball Brain Damage [Commodore Amiga AGA/Europa] (1997)
Pinball Brain Damage [Commodore AmigaCD/Europa] (1997)
Pinball Dreams [GamePark 32/Südkorea] (2002)
Pinball Dreams 2 (PC Power 4/96) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Pinball Illusions [Commodore Amiga AGA/Europa] (1995)
Pinball Mania [Commodore Amiga AGA/Europa] (1995)
Pinbol po-Russki [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Pirate Adventure [Apple II - Cassette/USA] (1978)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Pirates! [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Pirates! [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Pit-Fighter [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1984)
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns [Atari 5200/USA] (1984)
Pitfall! [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Pitfall! (International Edition) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1982)
Pitstop [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1983)
Pitstop II [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Pitufo [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Spanien] (1983)
Pizza Connection (Back to Games) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
Pizza Syndikatet [PC - CD-ROM/Schweden] (1999)
Planet Ring (Jewelcase) [SEGA Dreamcast/Europa] (2000)
Planetfall [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Planetfall (Goldbox) [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1987)
PlanetSide [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
PlanetSide: Aftershock [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
PlanetSide: Core Combat [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
PlayStation VR Worlds (PlayStation VR Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2017)
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
Pocky & Rocky [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Pogonja v Manhettene [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Pohozhdenija Larri: Konchit' s Otlichiem [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Pokémon Party Mini [Nintendo Pokémon mini/Europa] (2002)
Pokémon: Red Version (Re-Release) [Nintendo GameBoy/USA]
Pokémon: SoulSilver Version (3D Case Edition) [Nintendo DS/Europa] (2010)
PokeTan (Poke-Poke Set) [SONY PlayStation/Japan] (1999)
Polar Rescue [Vectrex/USA] (1983)
Pole Position [Atari 400/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Pole Position (Red Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1988)
Pole Position (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Pole Position: Formel 1 Teamchef (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1987)
Ponedel'nik Nachinaetsja v Subbotu [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Pong Sports (50 Tele-Games) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1977)
Pong Sports (Sears Tele-Games) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA]
Popeye [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa]
Popeye (White Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Populous (Star Performer) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Port Royale 2 (Sonderausgabe, Direktbestellung) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Port Royale 3 (GameStar 11/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Portal 2 [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Portal 2 (Cube Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Australien] (2011)
Ports of Call [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1987)
Poslannik Neba [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Poslednijj Samurajj [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Poslednjaja Rana [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Post Mortem [PC - CD-ROM/Kanada] (2002)
Post Mortem [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Postal 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Tschechien] (2003)
Postal 2: Complete Pack [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2005)
Postal 4: No Regerts (Cumming Early Janky Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2020)
Postal: Special Delivery [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Japan] (1998)
Postal²: Complete Pack+ [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2011)
Postal²: Razdeli Bol' [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2004)
Postal²: Razdeli Bol' [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Potsworth & Co. [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Potsworth & Co. [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Power Boat GT [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2008)
Powerstyx [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1988)
Pozharnaya Sluzhba 3: Ukroshhenie Stikhii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Pozharnaya Sluzhba 3: Ukroshhenie Stikhii [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Pravda o Devjatojj Rote (Collector's Edition mit Armeegürtel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Pravda o Devjatojj Rote (Collector's Edition mit Feldflasche) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Pravda o Devjatojj Rote (Collector's Edition mit Telnjaschka) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Predator 2 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Predator 2 [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Predator 2 [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
Premier Manager 97 [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1997)
Prikljuchenija Kapitana Blada [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2021)
Prince of Persia [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Prince of Persia (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Prince of Persia (Soft Price) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Prince of Persia: Revelations (Bundleversion) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Deutschland]
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands [Nintendo Wii/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Zotac-Bundle) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2010)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Deutschland] (2004)
Privateer 2: The Darkening [PC - CD-ROM/Griechenland] (1996)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Nintendo Wii/Deutschland] (2011)
Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1999)
Pro Rally 2001 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Project Cars 2 (Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2017)
Project Cars 3 [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2020)
Project Eden: Max Load: 4 (Re-Release) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland]
Project Stealth Fighter [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1987)
Project: Snowblind [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Prokljatie Izidy [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Protivostojanie III: Vojjna Prodolzhaetsja (Novaja Versija) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Protivostojanie: Prinuzhdenie k Miru [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Protivostojanie: Voennaja Khronika [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Protostar: War on the Frontier [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Prototype [PC - DVD-ROM/Südkorea] (2009)
Prototype 2 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2012)
Pru the Pigeon (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2024)
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (Testversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2004)
Pulsarius [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Punkt Naznachenija: Berlin [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Pure Pinball [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Puzzle Bobble [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/Japan] (1994)
Pygmy [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
Pyramid of Doom [Acorn Electron - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1981)
Pyramid of Doom [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Pyramid of Doom [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Quadralien [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Quadralien (The 16-bit Pocket Power Collection) [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Quake (Ohne Barcode) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
Quake 4 [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien] (2005)
Quake III Arena [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2000)
Quartz [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Quest for Glory 1 (Kixx XL) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire Ver#1.005 [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Singapur] (1993)
Quest for Gold [Acorn Archimedes - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Acorn BBC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Acorn Electron - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Atari 800 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Atari 800 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Questprobe featuring Spider-Man [Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Quiwi [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1986)
R.B.I. Baseball 2 [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Race [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika]
Race (Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika]
Race On (GameStar 04/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
Race: Auto Racing (Picture Label Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1978)
Racing Destruction Set [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Racing Simulation 2 (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Rage [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2011)
Raiden IV [Nintendo Switch/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2021)
Raiden V: Director's Cut (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2017)
Rainbow Warrior [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1989)
Rajd na Berlin: Oddziały specjalne [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (2005)
Ralli Trofi [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Rally Chase [SNK NeoGeo - CD/USA] (1994)
Rambo III (The Hit Squad) [Atari ST/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Rampart [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Rampart [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Ranarama (Re-Release) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
ranSoccer (PC Action PLUS 09/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Rapala Pro Bass Fishing (Controller Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
Raptor: Call of the Shadows [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Raub [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Raumroboter [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
RayCrisis [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
Rayman 3 [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Europa] (2004)
Rayman Advance 2 [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Weltweit] (2011)
Rayman For Ever [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Rayman's World (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
Re-Bounder [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Re-Bounder [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1987)
Reach for the Skies [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Reach for the Stars: The Conquest of the Galaxy [Commodore Amiga/Weltweit] (1987)
Reactor [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1982)
Real Football 3D 2006 [Mobile - J2ME/Europa]
Real Madrid: The Game [Nintendo DS/Europa] (2009)
Realms of Chaos (Mail Order) [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1995)
RealSports Boxing [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1987)
RealSports Football [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa]
RealSports Soccer (Gray Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1986)
RealSports Soccer / Football [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
RealSports Soccer / Football (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1986)
RealSports Tennis (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
RealSports Volleyball [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa]
Rebelstar: Tactical Command [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Deutschland] (2006)
ReClone [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Recoil (Bundle Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa]
Red Baron [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Red Baron [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Red Baron: Missionsbaukasten [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Red Faction (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Red Faction II [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 (Collector’s Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
Redline: Klub Samoubijjc [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Redout II (Epic Games Store) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2022)
Redout II: Deluxe Edition [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2022)
Reederei [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Reign of Fire [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Deutschland] (2002)
Remember Me [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2013)
Rendezvous with Rama [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Rendezvous with Rama [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Rendezvous with Rama (Telarium Box) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Rent-a-Hero (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Replics 2: Forget the Moon [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Republic: The Revolution [PC - CD-ROM/Finnland] (2003)
Resident Evil [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (1997)
Resident Evil (The White Label) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa]
Resident Evil 2 [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2019)
Resident Evil 2 (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (1999)
Resident Evil 3 (Limited Edition Keyring & Badge Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 4/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2020)
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [SONY PlayStation/USA] (1999)
Resident Evil 4 [PC - DVD-ROM/Brasilien] (2007)
Resident Evil 4 (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 2/Österreich/Schweiz] (2005)
Resident Evil 5 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Resident Evil 5 [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2009)
Resident Evil 5 [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2009)
Resident Evil 5 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2009)
Resident Evil 5 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2009)
Resident Evil 5 (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
Resident Evil 5 (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2009)
Resident Evil 5 (Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2009)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Limited Uncut Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Österreich] (2012)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Limited Uncut Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich] (2012)
Restricted Area (PC Games Extended 04/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Retro-Tachki: Sovetskijj Apokalipsis [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2001)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Game of the Year Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Project 51 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Project 51 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Stalingrad [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Return to Krondor (Keep Case) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich]
Return to Krondor (Sierra Originals) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich]
Return to Monkey Island (Collector's Edition) [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2024)
Return to Zork [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Return to Zork (Enhanced CD-Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Revolt of Don's Knights [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
Rez (Tsutaya Limited Set) [SONY PlayStation 2/Japan] (2001)
rFactor [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2007)
Riana Rouge [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Richard Burns Rally [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Rick Dangerous [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Rick Dangerous [Atari ST/Spanien] (1990)
Rick Dangerous [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
Rick Dangerous [Atari ST/Australien] (1991)
Rick Dangerous [Acorn Archimedes - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Rick Dangerous [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Rick Dangerous [MSX-2 - Diskette/Niederlande] (1992)
Rick Dangerous [Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Rick Dangerous [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1989)
Rick Dangerous (Kixx XL) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Italien] (1992)
Rick Dangerous 2 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Riddle of the Sphinx [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Riders of Rohan [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Ridge Racer Type 4 (Collector) (Press Kit) [SONY PlayStation/Deutschland] (1998)
Rifts: Promise of Power (Press Kit) [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Weltweit] (2005)
RiME (Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Spanien] (2017)
RiME (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Spanien] (2017)
Rise of Nations (Gold Edition) (GameStar 02/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Rise of Prussia [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2010)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (Best Buy Preorder Version) [Microsoft Xbox One/Nordamerika] (2015)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2015)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (SteelBook Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2015)
Rise of the Triad: Dark War [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1995)
Rise of the Triad: Dark War (Site Licence) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
Rise of the Triad: Dark Wars (PD Selections) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Rise of the Triad: PowerPack [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1995)
Rise of Venice (GameStar 10/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Risen (GameStar 10/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Rising Force Online [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
River City Girls [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2019)
River City Girls (Classic Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2019)
River City Girls (Classic Edition) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2019)
River City Girls (Noize Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2019)
River Raid [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1984)
Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Frankreich] (1995)
Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed (Special Edition) [Jewel-Case] [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1999)
Road Race [Commodore VIC 20 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Road Raider [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Road Rash (EA Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
Road Warrior [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1995)
Robin Hood [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Robin Hood (Quelle) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1993)
Robinson's Requiem (CD-ROM Edition, Limitierte Auflage ) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
RoboCop [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
RoboCop 2 [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
RoboCop versus The Terminator [Nintendo GameBoy/Deutschland] (1994)
Robozone [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Roc 'n Rope [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Rock n' Bolt [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Rock'n Roll [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1989)
Rock'n Roll [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Rock'n Roll (Amiga Fun 10/93) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Rocket Ranger [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Rocket Ranger [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
Rocksmith 2014 (inkl. "Real Tone"-Kabel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2013)
Rodea: The Sky Soldier [Nintendo Wii/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2015)
Rodland [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Rogue Trooper [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Rollerball [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1994)
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (SFT 08/06) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Time Twister (SFT 06/06) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Root Beer Tapper [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1985)
Ruiner (Switch Reserve) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2021)
Run Like Hell: Jage oder werde gejagt! [Microsoft Xbox/Deutschland] (2003)
Runaway: A Twist of Fate (GameStar XL 08/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Runaway: Dorozhnoe Prikljuchenie [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Runes of Magic: Ehl'fijjskoe Prorochestvo [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Rush for Berlin (GameStar 11/2008) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Russkaja Ruletka [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1996)
Russkaja Ruletka II: Zakrytye Planety [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Russkijj Karmageddon [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Russwell: Vozdushnaja Ataka [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Rycar' Ljubvi [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Rycari Podnebes'ja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Ryse: Son of Rome (Legendary Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Italien] (2013)
Ryuu ga Gotoku: Ishin! (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Asien/Pazifik] (2014)
S.C.A.T: Special Cybernetik Attack Team [Nintendo Famicom/NES/USA] (2021)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Geschenkausgabe) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien] (2008)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Czyste Niebo (Collectors Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2008)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Platinová Edice) [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien] (2008)
Sabotain: Break the Rules! [PC - CD-ROM/Italien]
Sabotain: Break the Rules! [PC - CD-ROM/Polen]
Sabotain: Break the Rules! [PC - CD-ROM/Taiwan]
Sabotain: Rompe las reglas [PC - CD-ROM/Spanien]
Saboteur [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich] (2009)
Saboteur II [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
Saboteur II [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1987)
Saboteur II [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1987)
Saboteur II: Avenging Angel [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Frankreich] (1987)
Saboteur II: Ο Άγγελος εκδικείται [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Griechenland] (1987)
Saboteur II: Ο Άγγελος εκδικείται [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Griechenland] (1987)
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2008)
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (Collection) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (GameStar 03/2013) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2013)
Sacred 2: Ice & Blood [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2009)
Sacred Plus (White Label - Reload) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2006)
Sacred: Underworld (Software Pyramide, 2 CD-Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Sacrifice [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2001)
Safari Biatlon (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Saga of the Moon Priestess (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2024)
Saints Row 2 [PC - DVD-ROM/Frankreich] (2009)
Saints Row 2 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Polen] (2008)
Saints Row 2 (SteelBook) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Saints Row 2 (SteelBook) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Saints Row: The Third (Platinum Pack) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (GameBoy Color Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Iris Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Kanna Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Kuran Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Maria Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Pocket Sakura Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Premium Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Sakura Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Sakura Taisen GB: Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! (Sumire Pack) [Nintendo GameBoy Color/Japan] (2000)
Salt and Sanctuary (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Weltweit] (2018)
Sam & Max Hit the Road [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
Sam & Max Hit the Road [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Sam & Max Hit the Road [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1996)
Samurai Shodown V [SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart/USA] (2004)
Samurai Shodown V Special [SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart/USA] (2004)
Sangokushi IV with SoundWare [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Japan] (1994)
Santa Claus 2: In Trouble... Again! (Gold Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Sanxion [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien]
SAS Combat Simulator [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
SAS Combat Simulator [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
SAS Combat Simulator [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
SAS Combat Simulator [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Europa] (1991)
SAS Combat Simulator [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Europa] (1991)
SAS Combat Simulator (Serie Leyenda) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
SAS Combat Simulator (Serie Leyenda) [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
SaVage 2: A Tortured Soul (Collectors Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2008)
Savage Island [Apple II - Cassette/USA] (1980)
Savage Island [Atari 800 - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Savage Island [Atari 800 - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Savage Island One [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1986)
Savage Island: Part One [Acorn BBC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Savage Island: Part One [Acorn Electron - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Savage Island: Part One [Atari 800 - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Savage Island: Part One [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Savage Island: Part One [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Savage Island: Part One [Dragon 32/64/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
SaVage: The Battle for Newerth [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
SaVage: The Battle for Newerth [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Saw II: Flesh & Blood [Microsoft Xbox 360/Australien] (2010)
Scarface: Człowiek z blizną - Świat należy do ciebie [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2006)
Scarface: The World Is Yours [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Scarface: The World Is Yours [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2006)
Scenario: Theatre of War [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Schießbude [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Schloss des Grauens [Atari 800 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Schtroumpf - Au Château de Gargamel [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Kanada] (1982)
Schtroumpfs [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Frankreich] (1983)
Schussel, der Polizistenschreck [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Scotland Yard [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Scramble [Vectrex/Weltweit] (1982)
Scuba Diver [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Sea Wolf [Commodore C64 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1985)
SEAL Team [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Season Match HD [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2018)
Second Sight [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Second Sight (Bundle Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2005)
Secret Mission [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Secret Mission [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1981)
Secret of Mana 2 [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Deutschland]
Secret of Mana 2 [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Amerika]
Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (GameGear Bundle) [SEGA GameGear/Europa] (1992)
Sega Touring Car Championship [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1998)
Segodnja Noch'ju Ja Tvoja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
SeiKen Densetsu: Legend of Mana [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
Sentinel: Strazh Vremeni [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Sereamis [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Sesam Öffne Dich! [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell (GameStar 03/2020) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2020)
Severance: Blade of Darkness (Promo Copy) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2001)
Shadow Man (PC Action 07/2003) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Shadow of the Beast [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Brasilien] (1991)
Shadow of the Beast [Commodore Amiga/Frankreich] (1989)
Shadow of the Beast [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Atari ST/USA] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Atari ST/Frankreich] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Portugal] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Spanien] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast II [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1990)
Shadow of the Beast III [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2019)
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury (Budget) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (GameStar 03/2019) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Shadow Warrior 2 (Special Reserve Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2016)
Shadow Warrior 3 (Definitive Edition) (Special Reserve Games) [SONY PlayStation 4/Weltweit] (2023)
Shadowgate [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1987)
Shadowgrounds [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Shadowkeep [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1984)
Shadowlands [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Shanghai Dragon (Super Gra) [PC - CD-ROM/Polen]
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Europa] (1993)
Shaun White Skateboarding [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2010)
Shaun White Skateboarding [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2010)
sheepworld Mäh Jongg DS (Re-Release) [Nintendo DS/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2009)
Sherlok Holms: Vozvrasshenie Moriarti (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Sherlok Kholms i Sekret Ktulkhu [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Sherlok Kholms i Sekret Ktulkhu (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Sherlok Kholms i Sekret Ktulkhu (Zolotoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Sherlok Kholms: Zagadka Serebrjanojj Serezhki [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Shhelkuchik i Krysinyjj Korol' [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Shin Megami Tensei if... (V.1.1) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Japan]
Shin Megami Tensei II (V.1.1) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Japan]
Shin Megami Tensei II (V.1.2) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Japan]
Shinpi no Sekai: El-Hazard - The Magnificent World [SEGA Saturn/Japan] (1996)
Shizarium [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Shock Troopers [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1997)
Shtorm [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Shuffle Pix [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1990)
Shuttle: The Space Flight Simulator [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich] (2000)
Sid Meier's Civilization II (inkl. Scenarios) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Sid Meier's Civilization IV (Gigabyte Geforce 7600 GT) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2006)
Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
SideLine [PC - CD-ROM/Taiwan] (1996)
Siege: Dogs of War [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1992)
Sifu (Vengeance Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2022)
Sigma Star Saga [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/Deutschland] (2006)
Silence (GameStar 11/2018) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2018)
Silent Hill [SONY PlayStation/Russland/GUS]
Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears [Microsoft Xbox/Australien] (2002)
Silent Hill 3 [PC - CD-ROM/China] (2003)
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific (Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific (Deluxe Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2007)
Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic (GameStar 03/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2012)
Silent Service: The Submarine Simulation [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1986)
Silent Service: The Submarine Simulation [Atari ST/Europa] (1986)
Silent Steel [Video - DVD (DVD-PG)/USA] (1999)
Silkolene Honda Motocross GP [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Silverfall: Earth Awakening [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2008)
Sim City [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1989)
Sim City 2000: Urban Renewal Kit [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Sim Copter (Budget-Version) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Sim Earth: Der lebende Planet (Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Sim Life: The Genetic Playground [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Simon the Sorcerer (PC Games Plus 06/1998) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Simple Series DX: The Chikyuu BoueiGun Mobile [Mobile - BREW/Japan] (2007)
Simple Series DX: The Chikyuu BoueiGun Mobile [Mobile - i-Mode/Japan] (2007)
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Singles 2: Ljubov' Vtrojom [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Singles: Flirt up Your Life! (Jubiläumsedition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland]
Singles: Flirt up Your Life! (Rasshirennoe Izdanie) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
SingStar '80s (Bundle-Version) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2005)
SingStar (Testversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2004)
Singstar Party (Testversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2004)
SingStar The Dome (Testversion) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2005)
SingStar: Die Toten Hosen [SONY PlayStation 2/Österreich/Schweiz] (2007)
SingStar: Ultimate Party (Bundle-Version) [SONY PlayStation 4/Österreich/Schweiz] (2014)
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (GameStar 12/2017) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2017)
Siren City [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
Skazki na Bereste [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Ski or Die [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Skiing [Mattel Intellivision/Deutschland] (1981)
Skindiver [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Skull & Crossbones [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Niederlande] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Skull & Crossbones [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1991)
Skull & Crossbones [Arcade - Atari 68000/USA] (1989)
Sky Blaster [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Sky Diver [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1979)
Sky Diver (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1979)
Skylanders Giants (Starter Pack) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2012)
Skylanders Giants (Starter Pack) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2012)
Skylanders: Swap Force (Dark Edition Starter Pack) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2013)
Slam Tilt (PC Action PLUS 11/98) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Smurf [CBS Colecovision/Deutschland]
Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Smuta [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Snail Maze [SEGA Mark III/Master System - Built-in/Europa] (1986)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior (Limited Survivor Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Snowball [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals - Fireteam Bravo (Bundle Version) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Deutschland] (2006)
Softporn Adventure [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1981)
Solar Fox [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Solar Striker [Nintendo GameBoy/Österreich/Schweiz] (1990)
Solaris (Re-Release) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa]
Solaris (Re-Release?) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -] (1987)
Soldat Imperii [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Soldier of Fortune [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (2000)
Soldier of Fortune (Tactical NON-Violent Version) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Soldier of Fortune (Xplosiv) [PC - CD-ROM/Tschechien] (2001)
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Soldier of Fortune II: Terror [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2004)
Soldier of Fortune: Payback (Best Buy Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2007)
Solo Flight [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Sommerspiele [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Sonic Adventure 2 (White Label) [SEGA Dreamcast/Europa] (2001)
Sonic Frontiers [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2022)
Sonic Mania (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2017)
Sonic R (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1999)
SoniComi: Communication with Sonico (Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Amerika] (2016)
Sony Game (Amigo! 01/93) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Sora/Umi Sentou [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Sorcerer [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Soul Blazer [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
Soul Crystal [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Soul Edge Ver. II [Arcade - Namco System 11/Japan] (1996)
Soul Hackers 2 (Collectors Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Amerika] (2022)
Soul Sacrifice (Premium Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Japan] (2013)
Souldiers (Collector's Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2022)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole [Microsoft Xbox One/Österreich/Schweiz] (2017)
Southern Belle [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1985)
Space Attack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Space Fury [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Space Harrier II [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Space Invaders (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1978)
Space Jockey [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Space M+A+X (Re-Release) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Space Panic [LCD Handheld/Deutschland] (1983)
Space Pilot [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Space Pilot 2 [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Space Quest I: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter (Kixx XL) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1993)
Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Space Quest: Chapter I - The Sarien Encounter [Atari ST/USA] (1986)
Space Quest: Chapter I - The Sarien Encounter (3rd Release) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1987)
Space Robot [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Space Tunnel [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Space Tunnel [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Space War [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Spec Ops: The Line [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2012)
Specnaz: Antiterror [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Specnaz: Antiterror - Afganistan [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Specnaz: Antiterror - Missija na Balkanakh [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Spectipede [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Speedball [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Speedball [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1988)
Speedball [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Speedball [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1989)
Speedball [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1988)
Speedball [Atari ST/Frankreich] (1988)
Speedball [Atari ST/USA] (1989)
Speedboat Attack (PC Action 07/1999) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Spell Force: Shadow of the Phoenix [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Spellbreaker [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Spellbreaker [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Spellforce (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
SpellForce: Gold Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
SpellForce: Gold Edition [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Spider Fighter [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Spider-Man [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Spider-Man [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Spider-Man [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1986)
Spirit of Adventure [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Spirit of Adventure [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Split Screen Soccer Managers (Enhanced PC CD-ROM ) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1993)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2020)
SpongeBobs Atlantisches Abenteuer [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2008)
Spook House and Toxic Dumpsite [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette/USA] (1981)
SPORE: L'atelier des Créatures [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Frankreich] (2008)
Spore: Pack d'éléments - Étranges & mignons [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Frankreich] (2008)
Spore: Pack d'extension - Aventures galactiques [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Frankreich] (2009)
Sporting Triangles [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1990)
Spy vs. Spy: The Island Caper [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Spyro the Dragon: Limited Edition [SONY PlayStation/Europa] (1998)
SRS: Street Racing Syndicate [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Stal'nye Monstry [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Stal'nye Monstry [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Stampede [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Star Control [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Star Control II [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Star Fleet I: The War Begins! [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Star Fleet I: The War Begins! [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Star Force [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Taiwan]
Star Ocean: The Second Story R (Collector's Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2023)
Star Paws [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien]
Star Raiders [Atari 800 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Star Raiders (Video Touch Pad Bundle) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Star Renegades (Collector's Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Europa] (2021)
Star Trek Online (Gold Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2010)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Star Trek: Elite Force II [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force (Doppelpack) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
Star Voyager [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Star Wars: Battlefront II (Bundleversion) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2017)
Star Wars: Jedi Arena [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight (Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II (Classic Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2021)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy (Classic Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2021)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy (Classic Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2021)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1998)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast (Premium Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2021)
Star Wars: The Arcade Game [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1982)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter - The Academy [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
StarCraft: Insurrection [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1998)
Starcross [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Starflight [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Stargate (Gray Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Stargate (Gray Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1985)
Stargate (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1985)
Starglider [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Starhawk [Vectrex/Weltweit] (1982)
Stars! [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Starship Troopers [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2005)
State of Mind (GameStar 07/2019) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
State of War 2: Arcon [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2007)
Stationfall [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Steins;Gate 0 (Amadeus Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Europa] (2016)
Stellar 7 [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Stone Age [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Stonekeep [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (1995)
Stopp die Gangster (Quelle) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Stormlord [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Stormlord [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Taiwan] (1990)
Stormlord [Commodore Amiga/Spanien] (1989)
Stormlord [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Stormlord [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
Stormlord [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1989)
Strange Odyssey [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1981)
Strange Odyssey [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Stranger of Sword City (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Europa] (2016)
Street Fighter [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1988)
Street Fighter II [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Niederlande] (1992)
Street Fighter II (Kixx XL) [Atari ST/Europa] (1993)
Street Fighter IV (Fight Pad Pack) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2009)
Street Fighter IV (PlayStation 3 the Best) [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2009)
Strelki i Razvody [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Strife: Trust no One [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Striker [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Strikers 1945 II Plus [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2002)
Strip Poker [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
Stronghold: Crusader [PC - CD-ROM/Ukraine] (2003)
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Stubbs the Zombie: Mest' Korolja [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Stunt Car Racer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Subtrade: Return to Irata [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Sudden Strike 4 (GameStar 01/2021 [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2020)
Sudeki [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2005)
Sudeki (Games Aktuell Juni 2007) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
Sumasshedshie Gonki [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Summer Games [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
Summer Games [Atari 800 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Summer Games II [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Sundog: Frozen Legacy [Atari ST/USA] (1986)
Sundog: Frozen Legacy [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1984)
Sundog: Frozen Legacy [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1984)
Super Breakout [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA]
Super Cobra [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Super Cobra [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1982)
Super Crush KO (Steelbook) (Super Rare Games #54) [Nintendo Switch/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2021)
Super Cycle [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Super Driver: Gorjasshaja Rezina [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Südkorea] (1992)
Super Marathon [Bandai/Apple Pippin/USA] (1996)
Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Mega Bundle) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2023)
Super Mario World [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Super Mario World [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Frankreich/Benelux] (1992)
Super Mario World [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Österreich/Schweiz] (1992)
Super Mario World (Re-Release) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Deutschland] (1993)
Super Mario World (SNES Bundle) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Deutschland] (1992)
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/USA] (2002)
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2019)
Super Pipeline [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Super Sidekicks 2 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1994)
Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1995)
Super Sidekicks: The Ultimate 11 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1996)
Super Smash T.V. [SEGA GameGear/Europa] (1992)
Super Space Invaders [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Super Star Fox Weekend [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/USA] (1993)
Super Street Fighter IV [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
Super Turrican 2 (Analogue Super Nt) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Weltweit] (2018)
Super Turrican: Director's Cut (Analogue Super Nt) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Weltweit] (2018)
Super-Cowboy beim Rodeo [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation Vita/Europa] (2016)
Supersemejjka (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Superstar Ice Hockey [Atari ST/Europa] (1987)
Supremacy: Your Will Be Done [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Supreme Commander (GameStar 05/2014) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2014)
Supreme Snowboarding (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Surround [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Survival: Die letzte Hoffnung [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Suspect [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Suspect (Re-Release) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
Suspended [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
Suspended [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Suspended (Mask Edition) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
Svarog: Jazycheskie Vojjny [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (2003)
SVGA Harrier [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle (Collectors' Edition, BGamer) [PC - CD-ROM/Portugal] (2005)
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle (Elite Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
SWAT 4 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
SWAT 4 (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
SWAT 4: Special Weapons and Tactics (BestSeller Series) [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (2005)
SWAT 4: Special Weapons and Tactics (Pre-Order) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Sword Art Online: Lost Song [SONY PlayStation Vita/Asien/Pazifik] (2015)
Sword of Fargoal [Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette/USA] (1982)
Sword of the Samurai [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
SwordQuest: FireWorld [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
SwordQuest: WaterWorld [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Syberia (PCGames 01/05 Sonderheft) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Syndicate [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Syndicate [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Syndicate Plus (Gold Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1994)
Syphon Filter 3 [SONY PlayStation/USA] (2001)
System Shock 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
S²: Silent Storm Complete (GameStar 08/2014) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2014)
T-72: Balkany v Ogne (2. Auflage) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
T-MEK [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1997)
T2: The Arcade Game [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Spanien] (1993)
Tajjny Moskovskogo Metro [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Taksi 3: Bezumnyjj Ehkstrim [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Tales of Arise (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Europa] (2021)
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal (GameStar 04/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Tales of Phantasia [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Tales of VS. [SONY PlayStation Portable/Südkorea] (2009)
Tanglewood [Atari ST/Europa] (1987)
Tank [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Tank (Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Tank War [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1986)
Tape Worm [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Target Fun [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1977)
Targhan (Action Sixteen) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Tarzan [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes [Arcade - Capcom - Andere/Japan] (2008)
Team Factor [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Team Suzuki [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Tech Romancer (CAPCOM Premier Collection) [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2002)
Tecmo World Soccer '96 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1996)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1990)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2016)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up (JB-HiFi Exclusive) [Nintendo Wii/Australien] (2009)
Tekken 2 Ver. A [Arcade - Namco System 11/USA] (1995)
Tekken 3 [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Tekken 4 [Arcade - Namco System 246/Weltweit] (2001)
Tekken 8 (Premium Collector's Edition) (Code in a Box) [PC - Download/Europa] (2024)
Tekken: Dark Resurrection (King of Iron Fist Tournament Pocket Survival Kit) [SONY PlayStation Portable/Deutschland] (2006)
Teller Jonglieren [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
Tempest 2000 [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Ten' Vampira 2: Mstitel' Vozvrasshaetsja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Ten' Vampira: Nochnojj Okhotnik [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins [SONY PlayStation/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Tengai Makyou: Far East of Eden Ziria (Hibaihin) [NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²/Japan] (1992)
Tennis [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa]
Tennis [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Tension [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2008)
Terminal Velocity [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
Terminator: Die Erlösung [Apple iOS/Weltweit] (2009)
Terrafire [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2007)
Terrahawks (Videopac+ 51) [Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac/Europa] (1983)
Terrorpods [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1987)
Terry Pratchett's Discworld [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
Terry's Big Adventure [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1989)
Test Drive 4 [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Tetris [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
The 7th Guest [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
The 7th Guest (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1993)
The Activision Decathlon [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1983)
The Adventures of Willy Beamish [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
The Alliance Alive: HD Remastered (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2019)
The Ancient Art of War [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
The Archers [Acorn BBC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
The Ascent (Cyber Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Europa]
The Axys Adventures: Truth Seeker - Battle Against the Lies [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
The Bard's Tale Construction Set [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
The Bard's Tale: Tale of the Unknown [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1985)
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1985)
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery [PC - DVD-ROM/Italien] (2007)
The Beatles: Rock Band (Bundle) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2009)
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (Limited Kickstarter Edition) [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2015)
The Broken Land [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
The Broken Land (PC-Joker 02/03) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (Saturn Sonderedition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2013)
The Caligula Effect: Overdose (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2019)
The Carl Lewis Challenge [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1992)
The Challenge of... Nexar [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
The Chaos Engine [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
The Chaos Engine (Spectacular Voyage) [Commodore Amiga CD³²/Europa] (1994)
The Chessmaster 3000 [PC - CD-ROM/- Unbekannt -]
The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay (Developer's Cut) [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2004)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Australien] (2004)
The City of Lost Children [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1997)
The Count [Apple II - Cassette/USA] (1981)
The Crew (GameStar 09/2018) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2018)
The Crew 2 (Motor Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Europa] (2018)
The Crew 2 (Motor Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Deutschland] (2018)
The Cruel King and the Great Hero (Storybook Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2022)
The Curse of Crowley Manor [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1981)
The Dagger of Amon Ra: A Laura Bow Mystery [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
The Darkness II [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2012)
The Darkness II [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2012)
The Darkness II [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2012)
The Dig (Novel included - limited) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1995)
The Dukes of Hazzard [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
The Earth Dies Screaming [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Tribunal (Bestseller) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Tribunal (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Expansion Pack - Lord of Shadows [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
The Eye of Judgment: Conquerors of 9 Fields [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
The Faery Tale Adventure [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
The Fall: Last Days of Gaia - Reloaded (GameStar 12/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
The Game of Life 2 [Nintendo Switch - Download/Europa] (2021)
The Games: Winter Edition [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
The Getaway [SONY PlayStation 2/Australien] (2002)
The Godfather [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
The Godfather II [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2009)
The Heist [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
The Hell in Vietnam [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2007)
The Hermit's Secret [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1982)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1984)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
The Hive (PC Action PLUS) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz]
The Horde [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
The House of the Dead: Remake (Z-Version) [SONY PlayStation 5/Japan] (2023)
The Journeyman Project [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1993)
The Journeyman Project [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
The Karate Kid: Part II - The Computer Game [Atari ST/Europa] (1991)
The Karate Kid: Part II - The Computer Game [Commodore Amiga/Atari ST - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
The Keys to Maramon [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
The Kick Boxing [SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis/Südkorea]
The King of Fighters '94 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1994)
The King of Fighters '97: Global Match (Classic Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2019)
The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle [SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart/USA] (1999)
The King of Fighters 2000 [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2002)
The King of Fighters 2001 [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2003)
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match (Classic Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2021)
The King of Fighters XI [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2007)
The King of Fighters XI [SONY PlayStation 2/Europa] (2007)
The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2005)
The Kite [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (2012)
The Laffer Utilities [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
The Last Half of Darkness [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
The Last Ninja [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
The Last Ninja [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1988)
The Last of Us (Ellie Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Italien] (2013)
The Legend of Dragoon [SONY PlayStation/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero (Limited Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2022)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Deutschland] (2023)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III (Thors Academy Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2019)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Deutschland] (2020)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (Limited Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2023)
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails (Limited Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2023)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Player's Choice) [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/USA] (2006)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Players Choice - Million Seller) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Amerika] (1996)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Zelda Gold Pack) [Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES/Skandinavien] (1992)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Limited Edition Adventure Set) [Nintendo 64/Europa] (2000)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Master Quest [Nintendo GameCube/Europa] (2003)
The LEGO Movie Videogame (Special Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2014)
The Long Journey Home (GameStar 08/2019) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
The Longest Journey (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest [Nintendo DS/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2009)
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
The Lost Admiral [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
The Lurking Horror [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
The Mask of the Sun [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
The Movies - Stunts & Effects Expansion Pack [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2006)
The Muncher [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
The Muncher [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1988)
The Operative: No One Lives Forever [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2000)
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (BestSeller Series) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2002)
The Ormus Saga II: Guild of Death [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
The President is Missing [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
The President is Missing [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
The Punisher [PC - CD-ROM/Thailand] (2005)
The Punisher [Arcade - Capcom CPS/USA] (1993)
The Race to Galamax [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2000)
The Return of Medusa [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
The Rocky Horror Show [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Australien]
The Rocky Horror Show [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
The Rocky Horror Show [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
The Rocky Horror Show [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
The Rocky Horror Show [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
The Rocky Horror Show [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
The Rocky Horror Show [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
The Rocky Horror Show [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
The Rocky Horror Show [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1985)
The Rocky Horror Show [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
The Rocky Horror Show [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
The Rocky Horror Show (Blockbusters) [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Australien]
The Secret of Monkey Island [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
The Secret of Monkey Island (engl. EGA-Version) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
The Seven Cities of Gold [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
The Silver Case 2425 (Deluxe Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland] (2021)
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts (Re-Release) [Nintendo GameBoy/Vereinigtes Königreich]
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
The Sims 2 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
The Sims 2: University [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
The Sims Online (V.2.0) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2003)
The Sims: Bustin' out [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
The Sky Is Falling [Commodore VIC 20 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
The Sledge of Rahmul and Merlin's Treasure [Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette/USA] (1982)
The Spy Who Loved Me [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1990)
The Spy's Adventures in Europe [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1986)
The Suffering: Ties That Bind [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
The Tartarus Key (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2023)
The Terminator [SEGA GameGear/Europa] (1992)
The Time Machine [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
The Tomb of Moses [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2008)
The Ultimate Ride [Atari ST/Europa] (1990)
The Uncanny X-Men [Arcade - Konami - Andere/Japan] (1992)
The Vortex: Quantum Gate II [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
The Witcher (Enhanced Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
The Witcher (Enhanced Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/USA] (2008)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings [PC - DVD-ROM/Australien] (2011)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2011)
The Witness [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Theatre of Death [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2009)
Theme Hospital [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Theme Hospital (EA Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2000)
Theme Hospital Limited Special Edition [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Theme Park [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Theme Park (CD-ROM Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Theme Park World [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (1999)
Threshold [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Threshold [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Threshold [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1982)
Threshold [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Thrust (Re-Release) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Thunderhawk AH-73M [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Tigers on the Prowl [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Tigr i Evfrat [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Tilt [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Time Commando [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1996)
Time Crisis 3 (G-Con 2 Pack) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2003)
Time Crisis 3 (Promo) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2003)
Times of Lore [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1988)
Times of Lore [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
TimeShift (Jewelcase) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2008)
Tiny Troops: Where War Is Fantastic [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1997)
Titan Quest [PC - DVD-ROM/Europa] (2006)
Titanic Blinky [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1993)
Titanic: Adventure out of Time (Re-Release) [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1996)
Titanic: Wettlauf gegen die Zeit [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Title Match Pro Wrestling [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Australien] (1980)
To Be on Top [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
To Be on Top [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1987)
Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe (JP Regular Edition) [Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color/Weltweit] (2019)
TOCA Race Driver 2: Ultimate Racing Simulator [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Tom Clancy's EndWar (inkl. Headset) [SONY PlayStation 3/Asien/Pazifik] (2008)
Tom Clancy's EndWar (Limited Edition Steel Book) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Tom Clancy's EndWar (Limited Edition Steel Book) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2005)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (GameStar 01/2010) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Asien/Pazifik] (2007)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Desert Siege [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (Radeon 9800 Pro Bundle) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield - Athena Sword [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown (GameStar 10/2009) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2009)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf [SONY PlayStation/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear [SONY PlayStation/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (Platinum Pack Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear - Mission Pack: Urban Operations [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2000)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas [Mobile - J2ME/Europa] (2006)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Complete Edition) (Classics) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Complete Edition, Platinum) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist [Microsoft Xbox 360/Brasilien] (2013)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (The Ultimatum Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2013)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Europa] (2005)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Bundleversion) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2010)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Exclusive Pre-Order Pack) [PC - DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (GameStar 12/2008) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2008)
Tomak: Save the Earth, Again [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (2002)
Tomb Raider (Collector's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2013)
Tomb Raider featuring Lara Croft (Bestseller Games) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Tomb Raider II starring Lara Croft [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1997)
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft (Re-Relase) [PC - CD-ROM/USA]
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Radeon 9600 Pro) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation [Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1999)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (play.com Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (play.com Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Tomcat: The F-14 Fighter Simulator [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Australien]
Tonic Trouble (Special Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1999)
Tony & Friends in Kellogg's Land (PC Player plus CD-ROM 11/94) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Tony & Friends: New Adventures - Invasion in Kellogg's Land [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Tony Hawk: Ride (inkl. Skateboard Controller) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2009)
Tony Hawk: Ride (inkl. Skateboard Controller) (Special Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2009)
Tony Hawk: Shred (Board Controller-Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
Tony La Russa's Baseball II [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1995)
Torchlight (GameStar 04/2013) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2013)
Torgal: Prokljatie Odina [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Torgovaja Imperija [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Tornado [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1993)
Tornado [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
Tornado: Operation Desert Storm [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Total Annihilation (Budget) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Total Distortion [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Total Eclipse [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
Total Eclipse [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Australien] (1988)
Total Eclipse [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Total Eclipse [Atari ST/Europa] (1989)
Total Eclipse [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Total Eclipse [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Spanien] (1988)
Total Eclipse [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1988)
Total Immersion Racing: Demand Intelligent Racing (Nestle) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Toto World 3 [SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge/Südkorea] (1993)
Tough Guy (Microspot QF305i Joypad Bundle) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1996)
Toxic Mayhem: The Troma Project [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2002)
Toy Story (Disney Zoom Vol. 2) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
Toyota Celica GT Rally [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Track & Field [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1984)
TrackMania: Sunrise - eXtreme [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Budget Jewelcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
TransWorld [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
Transylvania [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1982)
Transylvania (Comprehend Version) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1984)
Transylvania (Comprehend Version) [Atari ST/USA] (1985)
Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Trapped [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1996)
Trapped [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1996)
Trapped II [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1997)
Treasure Discovery [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
Treasure Island [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1985)
Trek to Yomi [SONY PlayStation 4/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2023)
Trekmanija Sunrise [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Trespasser [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (1998)
Tretijj Rim: Bor'ba za Prestol [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Tretijj Rim: Bor'ba za Prestol (JewelCase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Trevor Chan's Capitalism II [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
Trials: Evolution (Gold Edition) (GameStar 05/2016) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2016)
Trick Shot [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Trick Shot [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Trine [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Trinity [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Triple Play 98 (CD-ROM Classics) [PC - CD-ROM/USA]
Triumf Ognja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Troll [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1988)
TRON 2.0 (OEM) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2004)
Tronic [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Tropico 3: Gold Edition (GameStar 09/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2012)
Tropico 4 (GameStar 05/2015) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2015)
Tropico 5 (Game of the Year Edition) (GameStar 06/2017) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2017)
True Crime: New York City [PC - DVD-ROM/Tschechien] (2006)
True Crime: Streets of L.A. (Best Buy) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume (Premium Pack, Xbox 360 Bundle) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Japan] (2007)
Tube (PC Player plus CD-ROM 04/95) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Tunnel Runner [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Turbo [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1982)
Turbo (Racing Cockpit-Bundle) [CBS Colecovision/Deutschland] (1983)
Turbo Trax [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1995)
Turbomania: Nizkie Starty [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
Turmoil [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Weltweit] (1982)
Turrican [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1990)
Turrican [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland] (1990)
Turrican [Nintendo GameBoy/Deutschland] (1991)
Turrican II: The Final Fight (Golden Disk 64 1/94) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1994)
Turrican II: The Final Fight (PC Games 01/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
TV Sports: Basketball [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
TV Sports: Boxing [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1991)
Twigger (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1996)
Twilight: 2000 [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Twin Caliber (USK 18 Version) [SONY PlayStation 2/Deutschland] (2002)
Twin Kingdom Valley [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Twister: Mother of Charlotte [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1986)
Two Point Campus (Enrolment Edition) [Nintendo Switch/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2022)
Tyrian [PC - CD-ROM/Australien]
U.S.S. John Young: A Naval Warship Simulation [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
U.S.S. John Young: A Naval Warship Simulation [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1990)
ÜberSoldier: Vostochnyjj Front 2.8 [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
ÜberSoldier: Vostochnyjj Front 2.8 (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Udarnaja Sila [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
uDraw Studio: Instant Artist (Bundle mit uDraw GameTablet) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2011)
UFO: Afterlight (GameStar 10/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2012)
UFO: Aftermath (GameStar 11/2012) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2012)
UFO: Extraterrestrials [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2007)
Ugh! [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Ugh! [Dragon 32/64/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Ultima I (Presse Release) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress (Mini Black Box) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ultima III: Exodus [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1985)
Ultima III: Exodus [Atari ST/USA] (1986)
Ultima III: Exodus [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/Frankreich] (1985)
Ultima III: Exodus [Atari 800 - Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1985)
Ultima III: Exodus [NEC PC-88 - Diskette/Japan] (1986)
Ultima III: Exodus [NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette/Japan] (1986)
Ultima III: Exodus [Atari 400/USA] (1983)
Ultima III: Exodus [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5/Japan] (1986)
Ultima III: Exodus [Commodore C64/ Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1985)
Ultima Online: 7th Anniversary Edition [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Ultima Online: Charter Edition [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1997)
Ultima Online: Gold [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Ultima Online: Samurai Empire [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Ultima Online: The Eighth Age [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1992)
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1988)
Ultima VI: The False Prophet (Limited Edition) [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1990)
Ultima VI: The False Prophet (Origin Classic) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1993)
Ultima VII, Part Two: Serpent Isle [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Ultima VII: Forge of Virtue [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Ultima VIII: Pagan [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1994)
Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash [Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette/USA] (1983)
Ultimate Body Blows [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1994)
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1981)
UMS II: Nations at War [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
UMS II: Nations at War [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
UMS: The Universal Military Simulator [Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1987)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Fortune Hunters Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2009)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2011)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PlayStation 3 Bundle) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2011)
Uncle Henry's Playhouse [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Under a Killing Moon (englisch) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Under a Killing Moon (XL Kixx) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1995)
Undercover: Operation Wintersonne (GameStar 03/2011) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2011)
Undercover: Operation Wintersun [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2007)
Universal Chaos [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1988)
Universe III [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1989)
Unnecessary Roughness '95 [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict [Microsoft Xbox/Deutschland] (2005)
Unreal Tournament (Game of the Year Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2000)
Unten am Fluss: Auf der Suche nach Watership Down [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2001)
Unusual Findings (Steam) [PC/Macintosh - Download/Weltweit] (2022)
Up'n Down [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Urban Chaos: Riot Response [SONY PlayStation 2/Australien] (2006)
Urban Empire (GameStar 05/2018) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2018)
Uridium [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Italien]
Uridium (Blockbusters) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Australien]
Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Europa] (2020)
Utopia [Mattel Intellivision/Europa] (1981)
V Tylu Vraga 2: Shturm [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2011)
V-Rally 3 (PC Games 09/2005 mit CD-ROM) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
V.Z.R.Y.V. [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Valhalla & The Fortress of Eve [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1996)
Valhalla & the Lord of Infinity [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1994)
Valhalla Hills (GameStar 05/2017) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2017)
Valora Valley Golf [SEGA Saturn/Europa] (1996)
Valorant (Epic) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2021)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (Platinum Hit Series) [PC - CD-ROM/USA]
Vanguard (Silver Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1982)
Vanishing Point (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation/Deutschland] (2000)
Vanquish (Promotional Copy) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
Vaxine [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Spanien] (1990)
Vaxine (Especial) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
Vaxine (Limited Edition) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1990)
Ved'mak 2: Ubijjcy Korolejj (Rasshirennoe Izdanie) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2012)
Vegas Jackpot [Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette/Europa] (1985)
Veil of Darkness [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
Veil of Darkness (Topshot Deluxe on CD) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Velikaja Otechestvennaja: Bitva za Rodinu [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Venom: Codename - Outbreak [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Venom: Codename - Outbreak (Keepcase) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Venture [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Venture [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1982)
Vera Cruz [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)
Vermeer [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Vermeer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1987)
Vermeer: Die Kunst zu erben (PC Action PLUS 12/98) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Vette! [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Vid Grid [Atari Jaguar CD/Weltweit] (1995)
Video Checkers (Text Label) [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1980)
Video Chess [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Video Olympics [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/- Unbekannt -]
Video Olympics [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1977)
Video Olympics [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Nordamerika] (1977)
Video Olympics [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1978)
Videocart 10: Baseball [Fairchild Channel F/Deutschland] (1979)
Videocart 3: Blackjack [Fairchild Channel F/Deutschland] (1977)
Videocart 6: Magische Zahlen [Fairchild Channel F/Deutschland] (1977)
Videocart 7: Autorennen [Fairchild Channel F/Deutschland] (1977)
Videocart 9: Backgammon [Fairchild Channel F/Deutschland] (1977)
Vietcong [PC - CD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2003)
Vietcong 2 [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2005)
Vietcong: Fist Alpha [PC - CD-ROM/Australien] (2004)
Vietcong: Specnaz SSHA vo V'etname [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Vijj: Istorija Rasskazannaja Zanovo [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Viking: Battle for Asgard (Collectors Tin Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2008)
Violator [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1991)
Virtual Reality Dating Simulator May Club [PC - CD-ROM/Weltweit] (1999)
Visible Solar System [Commodore C64 - Cartridge/USA] (1982)
Vision: The 5 Dimension Utopia [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1992)
Vision²: Aufbruch ins Weltall [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1994)
Vitalsign [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2006)
Vojaki: Taktika v Vozdukhe [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Vojjna s Terrorom: Zachistka [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Vokrug Sveta za 80 Dnejj [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Vokrug Sveta za 80 Dnejj [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Volejjbol XXX [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Vomitoreum (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2021)
Voodoo Castle [Atari 800 - Cassette/USA] (1981)
Vortex Raider [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1983)
Voskreshenie: Vozvrashhenie Chernogo Drakona [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2001)
Vozdushnyjj Desant [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Vozdushnyjj Desant (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Vozdushnyjj Dozor [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Vozvrashhenie Mushketerov [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2009)
Vtoraja Mirovaja: Stal'nojj Kulak [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2002)
Vtorzhenie: Vyzhzhennaja Zemlja [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2000)
Wacky Wheels [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1994)
War Games [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1984)
War Room [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
War Stars [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1983)
War Train: Normandie 1944 [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2002)
War Wind II: Die Invasion (PC Action 11/99) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
WarBreeds (PC Games PLUS 07/99) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
WarCraft II: Battle.net Edition (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2004)
Warcraft: Battle Chest [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (englischsprachig) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade (Jewel) [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Warm Up [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1991)
Warp [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Warrior Kings: Battles [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Warrior Kings: Battles (GameStar 06/05 Bonus-CD) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
Wasted (Steam) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2016)
Wasteland 2 (Kickstarter Exclusive Collector's Edition) [PC - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2014)
Watch_Dogs (GameStar 01/2020) [PC - Download/Deutschland] (2019)
Welcome to Merriweather Farm [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (2005)
Weltraumtunnel [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland] (1983)
Weltuntergang [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
Wetlands (PC Action PLUS 05/97) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Whale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1995)
Where's My Bones? [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School [SONY PlayStation 5/- Unbekannt -]
Who Framed Roger Rabbit [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1987)
Wiedźmin (Edycja kolekcjonerska) [PC - DVD-ROM/Polen] (2007)
Wii Fit Plus (inkl. Balance Board) [Nintendo Wii/Deutschland] (2009)
Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2007)
Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2007)
Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2008)
Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2008)
Wii Sports (Wii Konsolen-Bundle) (Re-Release) [Nintendo Wii/Europa] (2009)
Wii Sports Resort (Wii Sports Resort Pak) [Nintendo Wii/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2010)
Wild West World [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
WildLife Park (Limited Edition) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2003)
Will Rock [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Will Rock: Gibel' Bogov [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
Will Rock: Gibel' Bogov (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
William Wobbler [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1985)
Windjammers (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/USA] (2017)
Wing Commander [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1991)
Wing Commander Academy [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1993)
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1991)
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi (Re-Release) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (1992)
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (1994)
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (1994)
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger [PC - CD-ROM/Spanien] (1994)
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom [PC - CD-ROM/Spanien]
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (1995)
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom [PC - CD-ROM/Polen] (1995)
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Creative DVD Encore Dxr2) [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Wing Commander: El simulador de combate espacial en 3-D [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1994)
Wing Commander: Privateer [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Spanien] (1993)
Wing Commander: Privateer (inkl. Speech Pack) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Deutschland] (1993)
Wing Commander: Prophecy [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1997)
Wing Commander: Secret Ops (PC Gamer UK) [PC - CD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1998)
Wing Commander: The 3-D Space Combat Simulator (Big Games) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Italien]
Wings [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Winnie Puuh: Tiggers Honigjagd [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2000)
Winter Games [Commodore Amiga/USA] (1985)
Winter Games [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1985)
Winterjagd [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Deutschland]
WipEout HD Fury [SONY PlayStation 3/Südkorea] (2009)
Wizard [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1980)
Wizard and the Princess [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Wizard and the Princess [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1980)
Wizard and the Princess [Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1980)
Wizardry 8 (Re-Release) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (2002)
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1988)
Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge (englische Version) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1990)
Wizardry: Legacy of Llylgamyn [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1983)
Wizards of Id's Wiz Math [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1983)
Wolfenstein 3D [PC - CD-ROM/Australien]
Wolfenstein 3D [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Wolfenstein 3d (Mail Order, v1.4) [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Israel] (1994)
Wolfenstein 3D: Second Encounter [Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1994)
Wolfenstein 3D: Third Encounter [Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette/USA] (1995)
Wolfsbane (Enhanced PC CD-ROM) [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1995)
Wolfschanze II: Padenie Tret'jego Rejjkha [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2010)
Wonderland [PC - 3.5'' Diskette/Europa] (1990)
World Cup 90: Arcade Soccer [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1990)
World Heroes [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1992)
World Heroes 2 [Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS/USA] (1993)
World of Final Fantasy (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 4/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2016)
World of WarCraft (Collector's Edition) [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM + DVD-ROM/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2005)
World of WarCraft: The Burning Crusade (Probeversion) [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
World's Scariest Police Chases (Re-Release) [SONY PlayStation/Deutschland]
Worms United [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1997)
Worms World Party [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2004)
WRC 9: FIA World Rally Championship (Epic Game Store) [PC - Download/Weltweit] (2020)
Wreckin Crew: Drive Dangerously [PC - CD-ROM/Europa] (1998)
Wunderling DX (Retro Edition) [Nintendo Switch/USA] (2022)
WWE '12 (People's Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2011)
WWE 2K14 (First Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2013)
WWE 2K14 (Phenom Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2013)
WWE 2K23 (Deluxe Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2023)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008: Featuring ECW (Collector's Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2007)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008: Featuring ECW (Dirty Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2007)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008: Featuring ECW (High Flyer Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2007)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2009 (Greatest Hits) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2009)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2009 (SteelBook) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2008)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2010 (Greatest Hits) [SONY PlayStation 3/USA] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 [SONY PlayStation Portable/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Mexiko] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (Limited Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Kanada] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Hit Man Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Hit Man Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Hit Man Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Hit Man Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Hit Man Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Hit Man Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Lord of Darkness Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Deutschland] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Lord of Darkness Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Lord of Darkness Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Lord of Darkness Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Lord of Darkness Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Lord of Darkness Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Viper Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Viper Edition) [SONY PlayStation 3/Europa] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Viper Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Deutschland] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Viper Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2010)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 (The Viper Edition) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Europa] (2010)
WWF With Authority! [PC - CD-ROM/USA] (2001)
WWI: Isonzo - Italian Front (Deluxe Edition) [Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download/Vereinigtes Königreich] (2022)
X-Change 2: Imperija Chuvstv [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
X-Com: em@il Games [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1999)
X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse [Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge/Deutschland] (2005)
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse [PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM/USA] (1998)
Xeno Crisis (japanisches Cover) [SNK NeoGeo - CD/Weltweit] (2021)
Xenon 2: Megablast [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1989)
XIII [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2003)
XIII (GameStar 05/2007) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland] (2007)
XIII (Software Pyramide) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (2005)
X²: Ugroza [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
X³: Terran Conflict (Hammerpreis, Re-Release) [PC - DVD-ROM/Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz] (2011)
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Limited Edition) [SONY PlayStation 5/Deutschland] (2021)
Yar no Fukushuu [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Japan] (1983)
Yars' Revenge [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1981)
Yars' Revenge [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1981)
Yars' Revenge [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/Europa] (1985)
Yetisports: Polnyjj Pingvin [Internet / BBS / Browser/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Yo Frankie! [PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM/Weltweit] (2009)
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 [Nintendo GameBoy Advance/USA]
You are Empty [PC - DVD-ROM/Asien/Pazifik] (2007)
You're in the Movies (inkl. Live-Vision Kamera) [Microsoft Xbox 360/Österreich/Schweiz] (2008)
Ys Eternal [PC - CD-ROM/Südkorea] (1999)
Ys Eternal (Great Series) [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2003)
Ys Eternal VE (Yuyu Series) [PC - CD-ROM/Japan] (2004)
Ys II Eternal [PC - DVD-ROM/Südkorea] (2000)
Ys II Special [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/Südkorea] (1994)
Ys Origin [SONY PlayStation 4/Weltweit] (2017)
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (Collector's Pack) [PC - DVD-ROM/Japan] (2004)
Yuppi's Revenge: Hier geht es um Millionen... [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1988)
Z (PC Games Plus 07/1998) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Z - Platinum [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Z : Comme Zark Davor [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Frankreich] (1987)
Z : Comme Zark Davor [Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette/Frankreich] (1987)
Z and Z Expansion Kit (GT Replay) [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1998)
Z-Tack [Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge/USA] (1983)
Z.A.R.: Mission Pack [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Z.A.R.: Mission Pack (Jewel) [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (1999)
Zack [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1991)
Zaga Mission [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Zaga Mission [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Europa] (1984)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1988)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1988)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [Atari ST/Deutschland] (1989)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [Atari ST/USA] (1989)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Kixx XL) [Commodore Amiga/Europa] (1992)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Topshots Deluxe) [Commodore Amiga/Deutschland] (1993)
Zaxxon [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Europa] (1984)
Zaxxon [Atari 800 - Cartridge/USA] (1984)
Zaxxon [CBS Colecovision/USA] (1982)
Zaxxon [Atari 400/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1983)
Zevs: Povelitel' Olimpa [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Zhàn Fŭ [Nintendo Famicom/NES/China] (1996)
Zhenskijj Klub: Zapretnye Udovol'stvija [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Ziggurat [Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ziggurat [Commodore C64/ Atari 800 - Diskette/USA] (1983)
Ziggurat: The Temple of Doom [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1984)
Zmeinoe Gnezdo [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Zoggon (Magic Disk 64 11/89) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1989)
Zolushka: Neporochnyjj Son [PC - DVD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2007)
Zombie Massacre [Commodore Amiga AGA/Europa] (1998)
Zona Tenejj [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2004)
Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension [Commodore Amiga/Vereinigtes Königreich] (1992)
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Zork I: the Great Underground Empire [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1982)
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Zork II: the Wizard of Frobozz [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz (Blister Box) [Commodore C64 - Diskette/USA] (1982)
Zork III: The Dungeon Master [PC - 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1986)
Zork III: The Dungeon Master [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands [PC - CD-ROM/Deutschland] (1996)
Zork Zero [PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette/USA] (1992)
Zorro [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Skandinavien] (1986)
Zorro [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Spanien] (1985)
Zorro [Commodore C64 - Cassette/Skandinavien] (1986)
Zorro [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Zorro [Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Zorro (Serie Leyenda) [Amstrad CPC - Cassette/Spanien] (1986)
Zvezdnyjj Desant [PC - CD-ROM/Russland/GUS] (2006)
Zvezdnyjj Dozor [Video - DVD (DVD-PG)/Russland/GUS] (2005)
Zyron [Commodore C64 - Diskette/Deutschland] (1986)

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