Dance Dance Revolution 6thMix

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 Dancing Stage MegaMix    (Deutschland)
 Dance Dance Revolution Max    (USA)
 DDRMAX    (gängige Abkürzung)
  Darstellung:  2D, Manga/Anime
  Genre:  Tanz/Musik/Rhythmus
  Sonstiges:  Lizenztitel
  Herkunftsland:  Japan
  Addon/DLC:  NEIN


 Verfügbare/geplante Systeme:
  Jahr:   System:  Entwickler:
2001 Arcade - Konami Bemani 573 * Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo Co., Ltd.
2002 SONY PlayStation 2 * Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo Co., Ltd.

  Eingetragen:  04.08.2009 21:56:34 von Raiden
  Zuletzt aktualisiert:  06.08.2009 01:32:48 von Motoko [Admin]

 Weitere Informationen:
  Keine nähere Information vorhanden.

Versionen dieses Titels:
Jahr Erschienen als / Publisher, Vertrieb System Besonderheiten
2003 Dancing Stage MegaMix SONY PlayStation 2            
Konami of Europe GmbH   
Dieser Titel ist Teil folgender Spielreihe(n):
Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage
   Dance Dance Revolution (1998)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation

   Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX (1999)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation

   Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX (a.k.a. Dancing Stage EuroMIX) (1999)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation

   Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True (1999)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation

   Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination (1999)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation

   Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits (2000)

SONY PlayStation

   Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Dancing Museum (2000)

Nintendo 64

   Dancing Stage featuring Disney's Rave (a.k.a. Dancing Stage: Disney Mix) (2000)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation und 2 weitere

   Dance Dance Revolution 6thMix (a.k.a. Dancing Stage MegaMix) (2001)

Arcade - Konami Bemani 573, SONY PlayStation 2

   Dancing Stage Party Edition (2002)

SONY PlayStation

   Dance Dance Revolution: Ultramix (a.k.a. Dancing Stage Unleashed) (2003)

Microsoft Xbox

   Dancing Stage Fever (2003)

SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2

   Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 (a.k.a. Dancing Stage Max) (2005)

SONY PlayStation 2

   Dance Dance Revolution with Mario (a.k.a. Dancing Stage: Mario Mix) (2005)

Nintendo GameCube

   Dancing Stage Unleashed 2 (2005)

Microsoft Xbox

   Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA (a.k.a. Dancing Stage SuperNOVA) (2006)

SONY PlayStation 2

   Dancing Stage Unleashed 3 (2006)

Microsoft Xbox

   Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party (2007)

Nintendo Wii

   Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 (2007)

SONY PlayStation 2

   Dance Dance Revolution Universe (a.k.a. Dancing Stage Universe) (2007)

Microsoft Xbox 360

   Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party (a.k.a. Dancing Stage: Hottest Party) (2007)

Nintendo Wii

   Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 (a.k.a. Dancing Stage Universe 2) (2008)

Microsoft Xbox 360

   Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Channel Edition (2008)

SONY PlayStation 2

   Dance Dance Revolution (a.k.a. Dance Dance Revolution: New Moves) (2010)

SONY PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360

   Dance Dance Revolution: Pocket Edition (2013)

Apple iOS

   Dance Dance Revolution V (2020)

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