Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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 Uncharted 3: L'illusion de Drake    (Frankreich)
 Uncharted 3: Иллюзии Дрейка    (Russland)
 アンチャーテッド 砂漠に眠るアトランティス    (Japan)
 Uncharted: Sabaku ni Nemuru Atlantis    (Japan)
 Uncharted 3: L'inganno di Drake    (Italien)
 Uncharted 3: Oszustwo Drake'a    (Polen)
  Darstellung:  3D, 3rd-Person
  Genre:  Abenteuer • Sonstiges, Action • Sonstiges
  Sonstiges:  Mehrspieler-Modus, Kooperativ, Online
  Herkunftsland:  USA
  Addon/DLC:  NEIN
Ausgewähltes Cover

Hinzugefügt von: evildead86 (2118) am 02.01.2012 16:47:04

Zuletzt bearbeitet von: evildead86 (2118) am 02.01.2012 16:47:04


 Verfügbare/geplante Systeme:
  Jahr:   System:  Entwickler:
2011 SONY PlayStation 3 * Naughty Dog, Inc.
* GL33k, L.L.C. [Programmierung, Sound]
* SCE Foster City Studio [Produzent]
2013 SONY PlayStation 3 - Download * Naughty Dog, Inc.
* GL33k, L.L.C. [Programmierung, Sound]
* SCE Foster City Studio [Produzent]
2015 SONY PlayStation 4 * Bluepoint Games, Inc.
* Virtuos Games [Grafik]
Portierung Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
- Verbesserte Grafik (Lighting, Texturen und Models)
- Neue Schwierigkeitsgrade
- Fotomodus
- Ohne 3D- und Multiplayer-Modus
2015 SONY PlayStation 4 - Download * Bluepoint Games, Inc.
* Virtuos Games [Grafik]
Portierung Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
- siehe PS4-Retail

  Eingetragen:  09.12.2010 18:10:44 von Notarzt [Admin]
  Zuletzt aktualisiert:  12.04.2016 23:09:57 von KT [Admin]

 Weitere Informationen:
  Keine nähere Information vorhanden.

Versionen dieses Titels:
Jahr Erschienen als / Publisher, Vertrieb System Besonderheiten
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Limited Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment America, Inc.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Vorverkaufsbox) SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Explorer Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PlayStation 3 Bundle) SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Special Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted Trilogy Edition
2012 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2013 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Essentials) SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Special Edition)
2016 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered (Software Pyramide) SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Interactive Entertainment Europe, Ltd.    Software Pyramide   
2016 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Re-Release)
2018 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Interactive Entertainment Europe, Ltd.    Software Pyramide   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PlayStation Hits)
2018 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Interactive Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Bundle, PlayStation Hits)
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (englisches Cover) SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Explorer Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Inklusive Sony Wireless Headset) (multilinguales Cover) SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (mehrsprachiges Cover) SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Buch) (Promo) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Promo) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2013 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year PSN Edition) SONY PlayStation 3 - Download          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (multilinguales Cover)
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Special Edition, multilinguales Cover)
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4 - Download            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (DE, DI, DK, FR, IT, NL, NO, SE)
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
2016 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4 - Download            
SONY Interactive Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2016 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Re-Release, multilinguales Cover)
2011 Uncharted: Sabaku ni nemuru Atlantis SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment, Inc.   
2011 Uncharted: Sabaku ni nemuru Atlantis (Original Dual Shock 3 Package) SONY PlayStation 3        
SONY Computer Entertainment, Inc.   
2014 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Singleplayer) SONY PlayStation 3 - Download            
SONY Computer Entertainment America, Inc.   
2015 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4 - Download            
SONY Computer Entertainment America, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Korea, Inc.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Special Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Korea, Inc.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment America, Inc.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (320GB PS3 Bundle) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment America, Inc.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Collector's Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment America, Inc.   
Vereinigtes Königreich
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SONY PlayStation 3            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2012 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2016 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered SONY PlayStation 4            
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Special Edition) SONY PlayStation 3          
SONY Computer Entertainment Europe, Ltd.   
Dieser Titel ist Teil folgender Spielreihe(n):
   Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (a.k.a. Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal) (2007)

SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download und 2 weitere

   Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)

SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download und 2 weitere

   Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (2011)

SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download und 2 weitere

   Uncharted: Golden Abyss (2011)

SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download

   Uncharted: Fight for Fortune (2012)

SONY PlayStation Vita - Download

   Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016)

SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download und 3 weitere

   Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017)

SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download und 3 weitere

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