Zork I: The Great Underground Empire

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 ゾーク・ワン    (japanisch)
  Genre:  Abenteuer • Text, Puzzle/Rätsel
  Thematik:  Fantasy
  Herkunftsland:  USA
  Addon/DLC:  NEIN
Ausgewähltes Cover

Hinzugefügt von: alb78 (68264) am 06.12.2024 02:35:27

Zuletzt bearbeitet von: alb78 (68264) am 06.12.2024 02:35:27


 Verfügbare/geplante Systeme:
  Jahr:   System:  Entwickler:
1980 DEC PDP-11 * Infocom, Inc.
1980 Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1982 Atari XE * Infocom, Inc.
1982 PC - 5.25'' Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1983 Amstrad CPC/PCW +3 - Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
Das Spiel läuft nur unter CP/M.
1983 Commodore C64 - Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1983 MSX - Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1983 Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1984 Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1984 Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette * Infocom, Inc.
1984 Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1984 Tandy Color Computer - Cartridge * Infocom, Inc.
1984 Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1985 Atari ST * Infocom, Inc.
1986 Commodore Amiga * Infocom, Inc.
1988 Commodore C64 - Cassette * Infocom, Inc.
1990 PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1991 NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1991 NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette * Infocom, Inc.
1994 PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM * Infocom, Inc.
1996 SEGA Saturn * ARC System Works Co., Ltd.
* Shoeisha Software Solution Department
* Ancient Corporation [Musik]
* Feathered Corporation, Ltd. [Sound]
1996 SONY PlayStation * ARC System Works Co., Ltd.
* Shoeisha Software Solution Department
* Ancient Corporation [Musik]
* Feathered Corporation, Ltd. [Sound]
1997 PC - CD-ROM * Infocom, Inc.
2010 Microsoft Xbox 360 * Infocom, Inc.
Portierung Call of Duty: Black Ops (Bonus)
Als Bonus bei „Call of Duty: Black Ops“ enthalten
2010 Nintendo Wii * Infocom, Inc.
Portierung Call of Duty: Black Ops (Bonus)
Als Bonus bei „Call of Duty: Black Ops“ enthalten
2010 PC - DVD-ROM * Infocom, Inc.
Portierung Call of Duty: Black Ops (Bonus)
Als Bonus bei „Call of Duty: Black Ops“ enthalten
2010 SONY PlayStation 3 * Infocom, Inc.
Portierung Call of Duty: Black Ops (Bonus)
Als Bonus bei „Call of Duty: Black Ops“ enthalten
2011 PC - Download * Infocom, Inc.

  Eingetragen:  24.09.2004 23:28:44 von Grinsekatze [Admin]
  Zuletzt aktualisiert:  07.12.2024 00:47:56 von alb78 (68264)

 Weitere Informationen:
  Keine nähere Information vorhanden.

Versionen dieses Titels:
Jahr Erschienen als / Publisher, Vertrieb System Besonderheiten
1997 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire PC - CD-ROM            
Alchemy Publishing   
Teil der Compilation: PC Power 11/97
1997 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire PC - CD-ROM            
Activision, Inc.    Activision Deutschland GmbH   
Teil der Compilation: Zork (Special Edition)
2000 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire PC - CD-ROM            
Future Verlag GmbH   
Teil der Compilation: PC Player 08/2000
1983 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.   
1987 Zork I Amstrad CPC/PCW +3 - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.    Activision UK, Ltd.   
1988 Zork I Commodore C64 - Cassette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1990 Zork I (Infocom from Mastertronic 2) Atari ST            
Mastertronic, Ltd.   
1990 Zork I (Infocom from Mastertronic 2) Commodore Amiga            
Mastertronic, Ltd.   
1990 Zork I (Infocom from Mastertronic 2) PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette            
Mastertronic, Ltd.   
1991 Zork I NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette            
SystemSoft Corporation   
1991 Zork I NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette            
SystemSoft Corporation   
1996 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire SEGA Saturn          
Shoeisha Co., Ltd.   
1996 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire SONY PlayStation          
Shoeisha Co., Ltd.   
1983 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.   
1981 Zork: The Great Underground Empire Part I Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette            
Personal Software, Inc.   
1981 Zork I (Cardboard) Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1981 Zork: The Great Underground Empire Part I (Model III) Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette            
Personal Software, Inc.   
1982 Zork I (Cardboard) Atari XE            
Infocom, Inc.   
1982 Zork: The Great Underground Empire Part I (Model I) Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette            
Personal Software, Inc.   
1983 Zork I (Folio) Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1983 Zork I (Folio) Atari XE            
Infocom, Inc.   
1983 Zork I (Cardboard) Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1983 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.   
1983 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.   
1983 Zork I (Folio) (PC Booter) PC - 5.25'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1983 Zork I (Folio) Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) Atari XE            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) PC - 5.25'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) (PC Booter) PC - 5.25'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1984 Zork I (Grey Box) Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1985 Zork I (Grey Box) Atari ST            
Infocom, Inc.   
1986 Zork I Atari ST            
Infocom, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: Zork Trilogy
1986 Zork I (Grey Box) Commodore Amiga            
Infocom, Inc.   
1986 Zork I Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: Zork Trilogy
1986 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire PC - 5.25'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: Zork Trilogy
1987 Zork I (Solid Gold) Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1987 Zork I (Solid Gold) Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1988 Zork I (Solid Gold) Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1988 Zork I (Solid Gold) PC - 5.25'' Diskette            
Infocom, Inc.   
1991 Zork I: the Great Underground Empire PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette            
Activision, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: The Lost Treasures of Infocom
1992 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Commodore Amiga            
Activision, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: The Lost Treasures of Infocom
1992 Zork I: the Great Underground Empire PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette            
Activision, Inc.   
1994 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM            
Infocom, Inc.    Activision, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: The Zork Anthology: The 5 Original Text Adventures
1994 Zork I: the Great Underground Empire PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM            
Activision, Inc.   
Teil der Compilation: The Lost Treasures of Infocom I (Infocom Classics Anthology)
Vereinigtes Königreich
2010 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Nintendo Wii            
Activision Blizzard UK, Ltd.   
Als Bonus bei: Call of Duty: Black Ops [Nintendo Wii]
1983 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Commodore C64 - Diskette            
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.   
2011 Zork I: The Great Underground Empire PC - Download            
Activision Publishing, Inc.    GOG Sp. z o.o.   
Teil der Compilation: The Zork Anthology (GOG)
Dieser Titel ist Teil folgender Spielreihe(n):
   Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (1980)

DEC PDP-11, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette und 26 weitere

   Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz (1981)

Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette und 15 weitere

   Zork III: The Dungeon Master (1982)

Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Tandy Color Computer - Cartridge und 14 weitere

   Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor (1987)

Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette und 8 weitere

   Zork Zero (1988)

PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette und 5 weitere

   Return to Zork (1993)

PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM und 8 weitere

   Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (a.k.a. Zork Nemesis: Das verbotene Land) (1996)

PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn und 3 weitere

   Zork: Grand Inquisitor (a.k.a. Zork: Der Großinquisitor) (1997)

PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM und 2 weitere

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