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    Vorschläge, basierend auf anderen Versionen (klicken, um zu übernehmen):
      Titel Versionen Compilations Firmen

      # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

      Genre/Thematik (hier klicken, um ein/auszublenden)

      (Teil-)Name: Jahr: Herkunftsland: Erstbuchstabe:
      Platform: Platform-Typ: Addon/DLC? Status:

      4036 Titel entsprechen diesen Kriterien

      Name Jahr Herkunft Ursprungssystem
      B MATH 2024 Ukraine SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      B Senjou no Alice: Alice on Borderlines 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation
      B Team: Metal Cartoon Squad 2009 Ungarn Nintendo DS
      B's-LOG Party 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      B-1 Nuclear Bomber 1983 USA Apple II - Cassette, Apple II/ Commodore PET/CBM/ TRS-80 Cassette, Commodore C64 / Atari 800 - Cassette, Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cassette
      B-17 Bomber 2001 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      B-17 Flying Fortress 1993 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      B-17 Flying Fortress: The Bloody 100th 2024 Australien PC - Download
      B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th 2000 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      B-17 Gunner: Air War over Germany 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM
      B-17 Squadron 2021 Polen PC - Download
      B-24 1987 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      B-Boy 2006 England SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      B-Densetsu! Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits! Honoo Tamashii 2005 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      B-Densetsu! Battle B-Daman: Moero! B-Damashi!! 2004 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      B-Movie 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      B-Project: Kaikan*Everyday 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      B-Project: Muteki*Dangerous 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      B-Project: Ryuusei*Fantasia 2022 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      B-Venture 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      B-Wings 1986 Japan Arcade - Data East M6502, Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - Download
      B. Rap Boys 1992 Japan Arcade - JAMMA
      B.A.D: Battle Armor Division 2011 Italien PC - Download
      B.A.N.E. 1995 USA SEGA 32X
      B.A.T. 1990 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      B.A.T. II 1992 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      B.A.T.S.: Bloodsucker Anti-Terror Squad 2021 Schottland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      B.C. 2006 England Microsoft Xbox
      B.C. Bill 1984 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Dragon 32/64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Cassette
      B.C. II: Grog's Revenge 1984 Kanada CBS Colecovision, Coleco Adam, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      B.C. Kings 2009 Ungarn PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      B.F.I. USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      B.I.O.S. Fear 1995 USA 3DO, Atari Jaguar CD, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA 32X + CD
      B.I.O.T.A. 2022 Italien PC - Download
      b.l.u.e.: Legend of Water 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      B.O.B. 1993 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      B.O.B. II 1996 USA SONY PlayStation
      B.O.T.S.S.: Battle of the Solar System 1992 USA Arcade
      B.U.G.S. 1999 Dänemark PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Baal 1989 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Baba Is You 2019 Dänemark Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Babblix 2007 USA PC - Download
      Babe 2006 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Babe and Friends 1999 England Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Babe Arcade 2002 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM, Pocket PC
      Babel no Tou 1986 Japan Arcade - Nintendo VS. System, Mobile - DoCoMo, Mobile - Vodafone live!, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Sharp X680x0, SONY PlayStation
      Babel Rising 2012 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Wii - Download, Samsung Bada
      Babel Rising 3D 2012 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, RIM BlackBerry, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Babel Rising Apocalypse 2012 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android
      Babes & Balls Vol.1: Xtreme Beachvolleyball 2003 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Babes & Balls Vol.2: Xtreme Beachsoccer 2003 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Babes in Toyland 1996 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bābié Hào Mànyóu Zhǐnán 2023 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Babol the Walking Box 2021 Indonesien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baboon! 2015 Spanien SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Baby & Me 2009 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Baby Berks 1985 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Baby Blues 1994 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Baby Blues 2013 England PC - Download
      Baby Boom 1994 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Baby Drive 2007 Ukraine PC - Download
      Baby Felix Halloween 2001 Spanien Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Baby Felix Tennis 2003 Frankreich SONY PlayStation
      Baby Felix's Shuffle Puck 2004 Ungarn PC - CD-ROM
      Baby Hands 2018 USA PC - Download
      Baby Jo in "Going Home" 1991 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx - CD-ROM², PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Baby Pals 2007 Kanada Nintendo DS
      Baby Sitter 2003 Italien Mobile
      Baby Steps 2024 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Baby T-Rex 1993 Australien Nintendo GameBoy
      Baby's Day Out 1994 USA Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Babylon 2013 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Babylon 5: Arcade Series Entertainment Utility - Shadow Wars 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Babylon 5: Into the Fire 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Babylon Project USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Babylon X Armenien PC - Download
      Babylon's Fall 2022 Japan PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Babylonian Twins 1994 Irak Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Commodore Amiga, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone
      BabySitter 2004 USA Mobile - BREW, Mobile - J2ME
      Babysitter Bloodbath 2013 Belgien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Babysitter Mama 2010 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Babysitter Wanted: The Game 2006 USA PC - DVD-ROM
      Babysitting Party 2008 Frankreich Nintendo Wii
      Baccaroo 1988 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bachelor Party 1982 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Back 4 Blood 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Back 4 Blood: Expansion 1 - Tunnel of Terror [DLC] 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Back 4 Blood: Expansion 2 - Children of the Worm [DLC] 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Back 4 Blood: Expansion 3 - River of Blood [DLC] 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Back Fire 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Back from Hell 2018 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Back in 1995 2019 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Back to Ashes 2020 Polen PC - Download
      Back to Baghdad: The Ultimate Desert Storm Simulation 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Back to Bed 2018 Dänemark Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, Ouya, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Back to Dinosaur Island 2015 Deutschland PC - Download
      Back to Earth 2004 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Back to Earth II 2004 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Back to Gaya 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Back to Skool 1985 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Back to Stone 2006 Frankreich Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Back to the Barnyard: Slop Bucket Games 2008 Australien Nintendo DS
      Back to the Future 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Back to the Future 1986 Japan MSX - Diskette, NEC PC-88 - Diskette
      Back to the Future 1989 Australien Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Back to the Future Adventure 1986 Japan Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5, MSX-2 - Diskette, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, Sharp MZ-80
      Back to the Future Part II 1990 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 - Cassette
      Back to the Future Part II & III 1990 Australien Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Back to the Future Part III 1991 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Back to the Future: Episode 1 - It's about Time 2012 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Back to the Future: Episode 2 - Get Tannen! 2012 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Back to the Future: Episode 3 - Citizen Brown 2012 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Back to the Future: Episode 4 - Double Visions 2012 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Back to the Future: Episode 5 - Outatime 2012 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Backbone 2021 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Backbreaker 2010 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Backbreaker Vengeance 2011 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Backcountry Mayhem 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Backdrop: Behind the Curtain 2019 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Backfirewall_ 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Backgammon 1983 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Backgammon 1987 England Commodore Amiga
      Backgammon 1990 Japan Nintendo Famicom Disk System
      Backgammon 1991 USA Philips CD-i
      Backgammon 1999 England SONY PlayStation
      Backgammon 2000 England PC - Download
      Backgammon 2004 USA Apple iOS, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Backgammon & Othello 2006 Italien PC - CD-ROM
      Backgammon 3D 2006 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      BackGuiner: Yomigaeru Yuusha-tachi - Hishou-hen "Uragiri no Senjou" 1998 Japan SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      BackGuiner: Yomigaeru Yuusha-tachi - Kakusei-hen "Guiner Tensei" 1998 Japan SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Backlash 1988 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Backpack Hero 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Backpack Twins 2019 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Backpacker 2 1997 Schweden PC - CD-ROM
      Backpacker: The Lost Florence Gold Mine 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Backroad Racers 1993 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Backrooms Level X 2025 Spanien Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      BackSlash 2017 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Backspace 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      BackStab 2011 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Backstage 1994 Deutschland Commodore Amiga
      Backstage 2004 Frankreich Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backstage Pass 2014 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Backstreet Boys: Puzzles in Motion 1999 Bulgarien PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      BackTrack 2001 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM
      Backwoods Massacre 2019 Australien PC - Download
      Backyard Baseball 1997 USA PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Backyard Baseball 2002 Malaysia Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Baseball 2008 USA Apple iOS
      Backyard Baseball '09 2009 USA Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM
      Backyard Baseball '10 2009 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Baseball 2001 2000 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Backyard Baseball 2003 2002 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Backyard Baseball 2005 2003 USA PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Baseball 2006 2005 Malaysia Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Basketball 2001 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Backyard Basketball 2004 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Football 1999 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Backyard Football 2002 Australien Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Football 2002 USA Nintendo GameCube
      Backyard Football '08 2007 USA Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Football '09 2009 USA Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Football '10 2009 USA Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Football 2006 2005 Australien Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Hockey 2002 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM
      Backyard Hockey 2009 USA Apple iOS
      Backyard Skateboarding 2004 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM
      Backyard Skating 2008 USA Apple iOS
      Backyard Skating 2008 USA Apple iOS
      Backyard Soccer 2008 USA Apple iOS
      Backyard Soccer 2001 MLS Edition 2000 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Backyard Soccer 2004 2003 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Backyard Sports Baseball 2007 2006 Malaysia Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Sports Baseball 2007 2006 Malaysia Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Sports Basketball 2007 2006 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Backyard Sports Basketball 2007 2007 Malaysia Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Sports: Rookie Rush 2010 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood 2004 USA Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home 2003 USA Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bacon Man: An Adventure 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download
      Bacteria: You are the Cure 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bad 2 Bad: Apocalypse 2024 Südkorea PC - Download
      Bad Apple Wars 2015 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bad Blood 1990 USA Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bad Bots 2013 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bad Boys II 2004 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bad Cat 1996 Deutschland Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bad Company 1990 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bad Day L.A. 2006 China Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bad Dream: Coma 2017 Polen Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bad Dream: Fever 2018 Polen Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja 2010 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bad End 2015 Japan PC - Download
      Bad End Theater 2021 Japan PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bad Guy Bodyguard 2013 England Apple iOS
      Bad Guys at School 2020 USA PC - Download
      Bad Hotel 2012 Schottland Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers 2014 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bad Mojo: The Roach Game 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn
      Bad North 2019 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bad Piggies 2012 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, RIM BlackBerry
      Bad Rats: The Rats' Revenge 2009 Brasilien PC - Download
      Bad School Boy 2017 Frankreich PC - Download
      Bad Toys 1995 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM
      Bad Toys 3D 1996 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM
      Bad Way 2022 USA PC - Download
      Badass Hero 2022 Polen Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Badiya 2016 Saudi-Arabien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Badland 2013 Finnland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Badland 2 2015 Finnland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Badlands 1984 Japan Arcade - Konami LaserDisc, MSX - LaserDisc
      Badlands 2006 China Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Arcade - Atari 68000, Atari Jaguar, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation 2
      Badlands Pete 1991 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bae Yong-joon to Manabu Kankokugo DS 2009 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bae Yong-joon to Manabu Kankokugo DS: Date-hen 2010 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bae Yong-joon to Manabu Kankokugo DS: Test-hen 2010 Japan Nintendo DS
      BAFL: Brakes Are for Losers 2017 Frankreich Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      BagBang Block: Nagashita Shikaku ha Hoshi no Kazu 2007 Japan Mobile - BREW
      Bagger-Simulator 2008 2008 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bagger-Simulator 2011 2011 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Baggers in Space 2020 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next - Download, Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next - SD-Card
      Bahamut Brave 2011 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bahamut Disco 2017 USA Arcade
      Bahamut Lagoon 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bahamut Senki 1991 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bahnsen Knights 2023 Argentinien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bǎi Miàn Qiān Xiāng 2025 USA SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bǎi Qǔ 2017 China Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bail out 2009 Japan Apple iOS
      Baila Latino 2015 Italien Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii U - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baito Hell 2000 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Baja 2 2025 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Baja Destruction 2006 Wales Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2
      Baja Mania 2007 Wales Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2
      Baja: Edge of Control 2017 Spanien Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Portable 2012 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bakatono-sama Mahjong Man'yuki 1991 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart
      Bake 'n Switch 2020 Malaysia Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bakegyamon: Ayakashi Fighting 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Baker's Dozen 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Baker's Game 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Baki Hanma: Blood Arena 2025 Argentinien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Baku Baku 2003 USA Mobile - J2ME
      Baku Baku Animal: Sekai Shiikugakari Senshu-ken 1996 Arcade - SEGA Titan ST-V, AtGames - Sega Mega Drive/Genesis , PC - CD-ROM, SEGA GameGear, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA Saturn, Time DPG-520
      Baku Bomberman 1997 Japan Nintendo 64, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Baku Bomberman 2 1999 Japan Nintendo 64
      Bakudan Yarou: Line of Fire 1990 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Arcade - SEGA X Board, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bakudan ★ Handan 2012 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bakuen Kakusei Neverland Senki ZERO 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakufuu Slash! Kizna Arashi 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakugan: Battle Brawlers 2009 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3
      Bakugan: Battle Brawlers - Battle Trainer 2010 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bakugan: Champions von Vestroia 2020 USA Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bakugan: Defenders of the Core 2010 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bakugan: Rise of the Resistance 2011 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bakukyuu Renpatsu!! Super B-Daman: Gekitan! Rising Valkyrie!! 2000 Japan Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Bakuman: Mangaka he no Michi 2011 Japan Nintendo DS
      BakuMari 2024 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bakumatsu Ishin: Amakakeru Koi 2021 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bakumatsu Kourinden ONI 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bakumatsu Maidol Night 2014 Japan Arcade
      Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi 2004 Japan Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakumatsu Renka: Karyuu Kenshiden 2007 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakumatsu Rock 2014 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bakumatsu Roman Dai Ni Maku: Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana 2006 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, SEGA Dreamcast, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SNK NeoGeo Arcade Stick Pro, SNK NeoGeo Mini, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi 1999 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SNK NeoGeo Arcade Stick Pro - Download, SNK NeoGeo Mini, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakumatsu Tamashii 2011 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bakumatsu Tokubetsu Hen: Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana 2000 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color
      Bakunetsu Dodgeball Fighters 2001 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bakuretsu Hunter 1996 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Bakuretsu Hunter R 1997 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Bakuretsu Hunter: Mahjong Special 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bakuretsu Hunter: Sorezore no Omoi... Nowaan Chatte 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioo 1999 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo 64, SEGA Dreamcast
      Bakuretsu Senshi Warrior 1991 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bakuretsu Slime 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bakuretsu Soccer 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bakushou Jinsei 64: Mezase! Resort Ou 1998 Japan Nintendo 64
      Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3 1991 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bakushou!! Jinsei Kaido NOVA Usagi ga Miteruzo!! 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2: Otoko Jinsei Yume Ichiro 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu Black 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu: Otoko Hanamichi Yume Roman 2003 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu: Otoko Ippiki Yume Kaidoi 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bakusou Jigen Neptune VS Kyoshin Slinu 2024 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bakusou Senki Metal Walker GB: Kotetsu no Yuujou 1999 Japan Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Bakutan 2008 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2001 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002: Nettou! Magne Tag Battle 2002 Japan Nintendo GameCube
      Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Beybattle Tournament 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bakutotsu Kijuutei 1988 Japan Arcade - Namco System 1, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bakutou Dodgers Bumps-Shima ha Oosawagi 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bakutsuri Spirits 2016 Japan Arcade
      Bal Cube 1996 Japan Arcade - Andere
      Baladins 2024 Frankreich Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Balan Wonderworld 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Balance 1993 PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Balance Blox 2015 Deutschland Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Balance of Power 1985 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, MSX - Diskette, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition 1989 USA Apple IIgs, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Balance of the Planet 1990 USA Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Balancelot 2019 Finnland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Balatro 2024 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Baldies 1996 Schottland Atari Jaguar CD, Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore Amiga CD³², PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Baldo: The Guardian Owls 2021 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldr Bringer 2017 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Baldr Force 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation 2
      Baldr Heart 2016 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Balduin: Run for Fun 1994 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Baldur's Gate USA PC - Download
      Baldur's Gate 1998 USA - Unbekannt -, Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldur's Gate 2005 USA Mobile - J2ME
      Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn 2000 Kanada Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldur's Gate II: The Black Pits 2 - Gladiators of Thay [DLC] 2015 Kanada Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldur's Gate II: The Darkest Day [Addon] 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal [Addon] 2001 Kanada Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldur's Gate III 2020 Belgien Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound 2008 USA PC - DVD-ROM
      Baldur's Gate IV Belgien PC - Download
      Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2002 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2004 Frankreich Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II 2004 USA Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance III 2006 USA - Unbekannt -
      Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Siege of Dragonspear [Addon] 2017 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast [Addon] 1999 Kanada Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baldurian's Bibliothek [Addon] 1999 England PC - CD-ROM
      Balko 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Balko 2007 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Ball 1994 Japan Nintendo Game&Watch, Nintendo Game&Watch - Super Mario Bros., Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Ball Adventures 2003 Ungarn PC - CD-ROM
      Ball Fever 1991 Österreich Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Ball Jacks 1993 Japan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Ball Lightning 1988 Deutschland Commodore Amiga
      Ball Raider II 1988 Niederlande Commodore Amiga
      Ball-Blasta 1988 England Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Ballad of Antara 2025 China PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Ballad of Gangsters 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Ballad of Solar 2013 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Ballads of Reemus: When the Bed Bites 2012 USA PC - Download
      Ballance 2004 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Ballblazer 1984 USA Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 400, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari XE, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, MSX-2 - Diskette, Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Ballblazer Champions 1997 USA SONY PlayStation
      Ballerburg 2001 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Ballerium 2005 Israel Internet / BBS / Browser
      Balliard 1987 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Ballistic 2013 Brasilien Internet / BBS / Browser
      Ballistic Diplomacy 1993 Deutschland Commodore Amiga
      Ballistic Missiles 2007 Commodore C64 - Quellcode, PC - CD-ROM
      Ballistic Overkill 2017 Brasilien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Ballistick 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      BallisticNG 2018 England PC - Download
      Ballistics 2001 Schweden Arcade, PC - CD-ROM
      Ballistix 1989 Schottland Acorn BBC - Diskette, Acorn Electron - Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Ballistyx 1999 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Balloon Adventure 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Balloon Blowout 2016 Mexiko PC - Download
      Balloon Bomber 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Balloon Bomber 2006 England Arcade - Taito 8080, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Balloon Brothers 1987 Japan Arcade - Taito X System
      Balloon Dart 2002 USA Pocket PC
      Balloon Fight 1986 Japan Nintendo Game&Watch
      Balloon Kid 1992 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo GameBoy Color - Nintendo Power
      Ballpark 3DX 2004 Ungarn PC - CD-ROM
      Ballpoint Universe: Infinite 2013 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Ballroom Solitaire: Volume Four 2000 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Ballroom Solitaire: Volume One 1999 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Ballroom Solitaire: Volume Three 2000 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Ballroom Solitaire: Volume Two 2000 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Balls of Fury 2007 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Balls of Steel 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Ballspiele 1977 Deutschland MBO Teleball - Cassette
      Ballyhoo 1994 Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad PCW - 3"-Diskette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, Tandy TRS-80-Serie - Diskette
      Ballz 3D: Fighting at its Ballziest 1994 USA 3DO, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Ballz3D 2003 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      BallZup 2008 Schottland Apple iOS
      Balrum 2016 Ungarn PC/Macintosh - Download
      Balsa Model Flight Simulator 2021 USA PC - Download
      Balthazar's Dream 2020 Spanien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Baltic 1985: Corridor to Berlin 1984 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Baltic Folk 2025 Litauen PC - Download
      Baltron 1986 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bam 2009 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bamboo Blade: Sorekara no Chousen 2009 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bamboo Mini Mah Jongg 2009 Deutschland Wacom Bamboo
      Bamse 1993 Australien Nintendo GameBoy
      Ban'yuu Sen'iki Varvarion 2024 USA PC - Download
      Ban: The Prologue of Gucha Gucha 2024 USA PC - Download
      Banana 1986 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Banana Drama 1983 England Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Banana Hell 2020 USA PC - Download
      Banana Kong 2: Running Game 2022 Niederlande Apple iOS, Google Android
      Banana Kong Blast 2019 Niederlande Apple iOS, Google Android
      Banana Run 2006 Israel PC - Download
      Banana Wars 2010 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bananan Ouji no Daibouken 1991 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Banania 1992 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Banbutsu Otome☆Dungeons 2017 Japan SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Banchou Tactics 2023 Thailand Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Band Hero 2009 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3
      Band of Bugs 2007 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Band of Crusaders Polen PC - Download
      Band of Defenders 2018 Tschechien PC - Download
      Band Yarouze! 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach 1989 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bandersnatch 1984 England Sinclair QL
      Bandicoot Brats 2005 Australien - Unbekannt -
      Bandit Mania 2004 England Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bandit Six: Combined Arms 2017 England SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bandits 1983 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette
      Bandits at Zero 1986 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Bandits: Phoenix Rising 2002 Schweden PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story 2024 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bandz Mania 2011 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bang Attack 2008 Niederlande Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bang Ball 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bang Bang Bang! 2014 England Ouya, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bang Bang Busters 2010 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, SEGA Dreamcast, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart
      Bang Bang Kids 2009 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bang Bang Racing 2012 Ungarn Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bang Bead 2000 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      BanG Dream! Girls Band Party 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bang! 1998 Spanien Arcade - Gaelco GAE1, Blaze Evercade
      Bang-guseog-e In-eoagassi 2018 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bang-On Balls: Chronicles 2023 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bangai-O Spirits 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      BangBangBang: The Good, the Bad, the Army 2012 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bangkok Knights 1989 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - Memory Stick, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BanHammer 2015 USA PC - Download
      Banished 2014 USA PC - Download
      Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Banishing Racer 1991 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Banjo Pilot 2005 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Banjo-Kazooie 1998 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 64
      Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge 2003 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts 2008 England Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download
      Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - L.O.G.'s Lost Challenges [DLC] 2008 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Banjo-Kazoomie 2004 England Microsoft Xbox
      Banjo-Tooie 2000 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 64
      Bank Heist 1983 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bank Panic 1987 Japan Arcade - SEGA Z80, MSX - Cartridge, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA Mark III/Master System - MyCard, SEGA SG-1000
      Bankshot Billiards 2 2005 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Bannerman 2017 Australien PC - Download
      Bannermen 2019 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Banners of Ruin 2021 England Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Banners of Ruin: Moonstone [DLC] 2022 England Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Banners of Ruin: The Powdermaster [DLC] 2022 England Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Banquet for Fools 2025 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Banshee 1994 England Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore Amiga CD³²
      Banzai Bug 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Banzai Pecan: The Last Hope For the Young Century 2012 USA PC - Download
      Banzai Rabbit 2010 Australien Apple iOS
      Bào Zuǐ Cāimí 2013 China Google Android
      Bào Zuǐ Cāimí: Yǐngshì Bǎn 2014 China Google Android
      Baobabs Mausoleum: Episode - 1: Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingos 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Baobabs Mausoleum: Episode - 2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive 2018 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Baobabs Mausoleum: Episode - 3: Un pato en Muertoburgo 2019 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Baobabs Mausoleum: Grindhouse Edition - Country of Woods and Creepy Tales 2021 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bar Games 1989 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bar Stella Abyss 2024 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bar'er Mirov 2007 Ukraine PC - CD-ROM
      Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite 2016 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Barack Fu: The Legend of Dirty Barry [DLC] 2018 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baraduke 1997 Japan Arcade - Namco Pac-Land, Microsoft Xbox 360, Mobile - i-Mode, Nintendo Wii - Download, Sharp X680x0, SONY PlayStation
      Barakel: The Fallen Angel 2005 Spanien Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge
      Barb Wire 1996 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Barbarian 1989 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cartridge
      Barbarian 1996 England PC - CD-ROM
      Barbarian 2003 USA Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Barbarian Brawl 2015 England PC - Download
      Barbarian II 1991 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax 1989 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC - Diskette, Acorn Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Amstrad GX4000, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior 1989 USA Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC - Diskette, Acorn BBC Master Compact - 3,5"-Diskette, Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Acorn Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - 6''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 3.5''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Barbaric 2017 USA PC - Download
      Barbarossa 1992 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr 2019 England Nintendo Switch - Download
      Barberian 2018 Polen Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download
      Barbie 1984 USA Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Barbie 1991 USA Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Barbie Adventure: Riding Club 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie and Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue 2015 Australien Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, SONY PlayStation 3
      Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus 2005 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie and The Three Musketeers 2009 Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC - DVD-ROM
      Barbie as Rapunzel: A Creative Adventure 2002 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie as Sleeping Beauty 1999 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Barbie as The Island Princess 2007 Litauen Nintendo Wii, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Barbie as The Island Princess 2007 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper 2004 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Barbie Fashion Designer 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie Fashion Show: An Eye for Style 2008 Thailand Nintendo DS, PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie Horse Adventures: Mystery Ride 2003 England PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp 2008 Philippinen Nintendo Wii, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp 2008 Finnland Nintendo DS
      Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue 2003 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses 2006 England PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses 2007 USA Nintendo DS
      Barbie Magic Genie Bottle 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie Software: Gotta Have Games 2003 Kanada SONY PlayStation
      Barbie Software: Groovy Games 2002 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Barbie's Beach House 1995 USA SEGA Kids Computer Pico
      Barbie: Beach Vacation 2001 Australien PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie: Dreamhouse Party 2013 Australien Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, PC - Download
      Barbie: Explorer 2001 England Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Barbie: Explorer 2002 England PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Barbie: Game Girl 1992 USA Nintendo GameBoy
      Barbie: Magic Genie Adventure 2000 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Barbie: Ocean Discovery 1997 USA Nintendo GameBoy Color, PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie: Race & Ride 1999 England SONY PlayStation
      Barbie: Sparkling Ice Show 2002 Australien PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie: Super Model 1993 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, SEGA GameGear, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Barbie: Super Sports 1999 England SONY PlayStation
      Barbie: Team Gymnastics 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Barbie: Vacation Adventure 1994 England Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Barcode Boy: Battle Space 1992 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bard to the Future 2015 Irland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bard's Gold 2016 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bardbarian 2014 Kanada Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BARDO 2018 England PC - Download
      Bardysh: Kromeford no Juunin-tachi 1998 Japan PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bare Butt Boxing 2023 Kanada Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bare Knuckle II: Shitou he no Chinkonka 2011 England - Unbekannt -, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA Dreamcast, SEGA GameGear, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis Mini, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bare Knuckle III 1994 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis Mini, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bare Knuckle: Ikari no Tekken 2011 England Apple iOS, Arcade - SEGA Mega-Tech, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA GameGear, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Barely Racing 2023 USA PC - Download
      BarFight 2005 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bargon Attack 1992 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bari-Arm 1993 Japan SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Baribari Densetsu 1989 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Barkanoid 1997 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Barkanoid II 2004 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Barker Bill's Trick Shooting 1990 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Barkhan 2023 Russland PC - Download
      Barkley: Shut Up and Jam 2 1995 USA Blaze Evercade, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Barkley: Shut Up and Jam! 1994 USA Atari Jaguar, Atari Jaguar CD, Blaze Evercade, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Barn Finders 2020 Polen PC - Download
      Barnanza 2016 Australien SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Barnard's Star 2021 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Barney Brown and the Chicago Connection 2005 Commodore C64 - Cassette, PC - CD-ROM
      Barney Command 2000 USA PC - Download
      Barney's Hide & Seek Game 1993 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Barnsley Badger 2016 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Barnstorming 2003 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Barnstorming 2008 England PC - CD-ROM
      Barnyard 2006 Australien Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Barnyard 2006 Australien Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Barnyard Blast: Swine of the Night 2008 Thailand Nintendo DS
      Barnyard Blaster 1988 Atari 7800, Atari XE
      Barnyard Mahjong 3 2016 Mexiko PC - Download
      Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly 2020 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baroness 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Barony 2020 USA PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Baroque 1999 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Baroque Shooting 2000 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Baroque Syndrome 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Baroque Typing 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Barotrauma 2019 Finnland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Barrage 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Barrage Tribe 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Barravento: O mestre da capoeira 1993 Brasilien Commodore Amiga
      Barricadez 2020 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Barrier X 2016 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Barrow Hill 2006 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Barrow Hill: The Dark Path 2016 England PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Barry the Bunny 2020 Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      BARS 1994 Island PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly 1991 USA Nintendo GameBoy
      Barter Empire 2014 Japan PC - Download
      Bartlow's Dread Machine 2020 USA PC - Download
      Barton Lynch Pro Surfing 2022 2022 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download
      Barunba 1990 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Barver Battle Saga: Tàikōng Zhànshì - Mófǎ Zhànshì 1996 Taiwan Blaze Evercade, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Baryon 1995 Südkorea PC - CD-ROM
      Basar de Gozaru Game de Gozaru 1996 Japan NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²
      Base Attack 1983 Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      BASE Jumping: S Uchastiem Valerija Rozova 2007 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Base One 2021 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Base Sottomarina 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Baseball 1983 Japan Arcade - Nintendo Playchoice, Arcade - Nintendo VS. System, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Famicom Disk System, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo GameBoy Advance e-Reader, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Baseball Addict 2002 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, Pocket PC
      Baseball by Jamdat 2003 USA Mobile
      Baseball Legacy Manager 24 2024 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Baseball Mogul 2003 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Baseball Mogul 2015 2014 USA PC - Download
      Baseball Mogul 2016 2015 USA PC - Download
      Baseball Mogul 2017 2017 USA PC - Download
      Baseball Mogul 2018 2018 USA PC - Download
      Baseball Riot 2015 Finnland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Baseball Star: Mezase Sankanou 1989 Japan Arcade - Nintendo Playchoice, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Baseball Stars 2 2008 USA Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Baseball Stars II 1992 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Baseball Stars Professional 1991 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Nintendo Switch, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Baseball! 1978 USA PC - Download, Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac
      Basement Crawl 2014 Polen SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bash The Bear 2016 Türkei Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bashnja 2003 Ukraine PC - CD-ROM
      Basic Math 2003 USA Apple iOS, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Basic Maths 1977 Hong Kong Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System
      BASIC Programming 2003 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2
      Basil the Great Mouse Detective 1987 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Basingstoke 2018 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Basket Playoff 1994 Italien Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Basketball 1978 USA Apple iOS, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, Retro Games - The 400 Mini, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Basketball 2018 England Nintendo Switch - Download
      Basketball Nightmare 1989 Japan SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      Basketball Pro Management 2012 2012 Frankreich PC - DVD-ROM
      Basketball Pro Management 2014 2013 Frankreich PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Basketball Pro Management 2015 2014 Frankreich PC - Download
      Basketball! 1978 USA Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac
      Basketballverse 2023 USA Internet / BBS / Browser
      BasketBelle 2014 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Basketbrawl 1992 USA Atari 7800, Atari Lynx, Blaze Evercade, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bass Angler 1999 Japan Arcade - Konami System 573, SONY PlayStation
      Bass Angler Championship 2005 Ungarn Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games
      Bass Avenger 2000 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bass Fishing Wii: Rokumaru Densetsu 2007 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bass Fishing: Rokumaru Densetsu 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bass Landing 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bass Masters Classic 1995 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bass Masters Classic: Pro Edition 1996 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bass Masters Classic: Tournament Edition 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bass Pro Shops: The Hunt - Trophy Showdown 2011 USA Nintendo Wii
      Bass Pro Shops: The Strike 2009 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM
      Bass Pro Shops: Trophy Hunter 2007 2006 Kanada Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bass Rush: ECOGEAR PowerWorm Championship 2000 Japan Nintendo 64, SEGA Dreamcast
      BASS Strike 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bass Trusi Shiyou ze! Tournament ha Senryaku da! 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bassmaster Fishing 2022 2022 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bassmasters 2000 1999 USA Nintendo 64
      Bastard 2018 Belarus PC - Download
      Bastard Bonds 2016 Kanada PC - Download
      Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakaishin 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bastard!! Online 2010 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Bastard!! Utsuronaru Kamigami no Utsuwa 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bastards 2011 Rumänien Apple iOS
      Basted 1994 Japan NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²
      Bastion 2011 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bat Boy 2023 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Batalyx 1985 England Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Baten Kaitos II: Hajimari no Tsubasa to Kamigami no Shishi 2006 Japan Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Baten Kaitos: Owaranai Tsubasa to Ushinawareta Umi 2003 Japan Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Batman 1987 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, MSX - Cartridge, MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Batman 1989 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Amstrad GX4000, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Batman 1989 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Batman 1990 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Batman 1990 Japan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Batman 1990 England Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Batman 1990 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Batman 1990 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Batman 1990 USA Arcade - Atari 68000
      Batman 2013 USA Arcade
      Batman 2016 Kanada - Unbekannt -
      Batman & Robin 1997 USA TIGER
      Batman & Robin 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      Batman Begins 2005 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Batman Begins 2005 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Batman Forever 1996 England Atari Jaguar CD, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA GameGear, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Batman Forever 1996 England Arcade - SEGA Titan ST-V, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Batman of the Future: Return of the Joker 2000 Japan Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameBoy Color, SONY PlayStation
      Batman Racing 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Batman Returns 1992 Japan SEGA GameGear, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      Batman Returns 1992 USA Atari Lynx
      Batman Returns 1992 USA SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Batman Returns 1992 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Batman Returns 1993 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Batman Returns 1993 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Batman Returns 1993 England Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Batman v Superman 2016 Australien Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Batman: A Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows 2016 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: A Telltale Series - Episode 2: Children of Arkham 2016 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: A Telltale Series - Episode 3: New World Order 2016 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: A Telltale Series - Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham 2016 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: A Telltale Series - Episode 5: City of Light 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Asylum 2009 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham City 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham City - Catwoman Pack [DLC] 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinn's Revenge [DLC] 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham City - Nightwing Pack [DLC] 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham City - Robin Pack [DLC] 2012 England Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham City Lockdown 2012 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Batman: Arkham Knight 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - Harley Quinn Story Pack [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - A Flip of a Coin [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - A Matter of Family [DLC] 2015 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - Catwoman's Revenge [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - GCPD Lockdown [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - Red Hood Story Pack [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - Scarecrow Nightmare Missions [DLC] 2015 USA SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Knight - Season of Infamy: Most Wanted [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Origins 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart [DLC] 2014 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Origins - Initiation [DLC] 2013 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 2014 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Batman: Arkham Shadow 2024 USA Meta - Oculus Quest
      Batman: Arkham VR 2017 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Chaos in Gotham 2001 USA Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Batman: Dark Tomorrow 2003 Japan Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Batman: Gotham by Gaslight 2009 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Batman: Gotham City Racer 2001 USA SONY PlayStation
      Batman: Return of the Joker 1992 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu 2003 Kanada Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu 2003 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Batman: The Adventure 1985 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Batman: The Animated Series 1993 USA Nintendo GameBoy
      Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame 2010 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Batman: The Caped Crusader 1988 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within - Episode 1: The Enigma 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within - Episode 2: The Pact 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within - Episode 3: Fractured Mask 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within - Episode 4: What Ails You? 2018 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within - Episode 5: Same Stitch 2018 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Batman: Vengeance 2001 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Batman: Vengeance 2002 Kanada Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Batora: Lost Haven 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bats & Terry: Makyou no Tetsujin Race 1987 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Batsugun 1996 Japan Arcade - exA-Arcadia, Arcade - Toaplan Version 2, Blaze Evercade, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battalion Commander 1985 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Battalion Commander 2016 Russland SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Battalion Wars 2005 USA Nintendo GameCube
      Battalion Wars 2 2007 England Nintendo Wii
      Battalion: Legacy 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battery Jam 2018 Georgien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Battlantis 1987 Japan Arcade - Konami Blades of Steel, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Battle 1987 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Battle & Crash 2019 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download
      Battle & Get! Pokémon Typing DS 2011 Japan Nintendo DS
      Battle Academy 2: Battle of Kursk [DLC] 2015 England Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front 2014 England Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Battle Academy: Fortress Metz [DLC] 2013 England PC - Download
      Battle Academy: Operation Husky [DLC] 2013 England PC - Download
      Battle Academy: Operation Market Garden [DLC] 2011 England PC - Download
      Battle Academy: Operation Sealion [DLC] 2012 England PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battle Academy: Rommel in Normandy [Addon] 2013 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Ace 1989 Japan NEC PC Engine Super Grafx, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Battle Aces 2024 USA PC - Download
      Battle Ages 2016 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Arena TouShinDen 2 1997 USA Arcade - Capcom SONY ZN-1, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Battle Arena TouShinDen 3 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Battle Arena: The First Match 2003 USA Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Athletess Daiundoukai 1996 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Battle Athletess Daiundoukai Alternative 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Battle Athletess Daiundoukai GTO 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Battle Axe 2021 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Battle Bakraid 1999 Japan Arcade - Raizing Type 4
      Battle Baseball 1993 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Battle Beast 1995 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Beaster 2001 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Battle Bird 1985 Japan Arcade
      Battle Blaze 1992 Japan Arcade, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Blues 1996 Südkorea 3DO
      Battle Bound 1991 Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Battle Breakers 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download
      Battle Brothers 2015 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Battle Brothers: Beasts & Exploration [DLC] 2018 Deutschland PC - Download
      Battle Brothers: Blazing Deserts [DLC] 2020 Deutschland PC - Download
      Battle Brothers: Of Flesh and Faith [DLC] 2022 Deutschland PC - Download
      Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North [DLC] 2019 Deutschland PC - Download
      Battle Bugs 1994 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation
      Battle Bull 1990 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Battle Cars 1993 USA Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Chasers: Nightwar 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Chef Brigade 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Chess 1993 USA 3DO, Acorn Archimedes - Diskette, Apple II - 3.5''-Diskette, Apple IIgs, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Atari ST, Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³², Commodore C64 - Diskette, Commodore CDTV, Fujitsu FM-Towns/Marty - CD, NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, Philips CD-i, Retro Games - The A500 Mini, Sharp X680x0
      Battle Chess 2011 USA Apple iOS, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battle Chess 4000 1997 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess 1997 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Circuit 1997 Japan Arcade - Capcom CPS 2, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle City 1985 Japan Arcade - Nintendo VS. System, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, Sharp X-1, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Command 1990 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 - Cassette
      Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou 1991 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Commander: Return of Waroid 1999 Südkorea PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Commanders 2018 Türkei PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Cross 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Cruiser 1987 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Battle Crush 2024 Südkorea PC - Download
      Battle Crusher 1995 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Battle Crust 2015 Japan PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA Dreamcast
      Battle Cry of Freedom 2022 Niederlande PC - Download
      Battle Dodge Ball 1992 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Battle Dodge Ball 3 2012 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Battle Dodge Ball II 1993 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Dodge Ball: Toukyuu Daigekitotsu! 1991 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Engine Aquila 2004 England Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Fantasia 2008 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battle Fantasy 1994 Japan SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Battle Field 1989 Japan Arcade - SNK Alpha 68k, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Battle Fishers: Hoshiimono ha Tsure 2000 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Battle Fleet 2014 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, PC - Download
      Battle Fleet 2 2014 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Fleet: Ground Assault 2018 Kanada PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle for Midway 1984 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battle for Normandy 1983 USA Atari 800/ Apple II - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Battle for Troy 2004 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Formula 1991 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Battle Frogs 2013 Schweden PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Garegga 1998 Japan Arcade - Raizing Type 2, Mobile, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Gear 1999 Japan Arcade - Taito Type Zero
      Battle Gear 2 2001 Japan Arcade - Taito Type Zero, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Gear 3 2002 Japan Arcade - Taito System 246, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Gear 3 Tuned 2002 Japan Arcade - Namco System 246
      Battle Gear 4 2005 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X/X+
      Battle Gear 4 Tuned 2006 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X/X+
      Battle Girls 2017 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Golfer Yui 1991 Japan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battle Grand Prix 1992 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Group 2 2014 Australien Apple iOS, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Heat! 1994 Japan NEC PC-FX
      Battle Houshin 2002 Japan Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Island 1988 England Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Battle Islands 2014 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Isle 1994 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Isle 2 1993 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Isle 2: Scenery CD - Das Erbe des Titan [Addon] 1994 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Isle 3: Schatten des Imperators 1995 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Isle: Dark Space 2001 Deutschland PC - Download
      Battle Isle: Data Disk I [Addon] 1994 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Isle: Data Disk II - Der Mond von Cromos 1994 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Isle: The Andosia War 2000 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Jockey 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle K-Road: Multi Style Fighting Tournament 1994 Japan Arcade - Psikyo Hardware
      Battle Khaos 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril 2010 USA Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Battle Lane! Vol. 5 1986 Japan Arcade - Taito - Andere, Blaze Evercade
      Battle Magus 2007 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Mah Jongg 2008 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Battle Mania 1991 Japan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battle Mania DaiGinJou 1993 Japan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battle Metal: Street Riot Control 2008 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Monsters 1995 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Battle Network Rockman EXE 2001 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Switch, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 2001 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Switch, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle of Antietam 1986 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Battle of Blades 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Battle of Britain 1985 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battle of Britain 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory 2005 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battle of Crowns 2013 Österreich Internet / BBS / Browser
      Battle of Elemental 2011 Japan Nintendo DSi - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 2014 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - British Empire [DLC] 2015 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - Blazing guns [DLC] 2015 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - French Campaign [DLC] 2014 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - German Campaign [DLC] 2015 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - Honor of the Empire [DLC] 2017 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - Russian Empire [DLC] 2015 Ukraine PC - Download
      Battle of Europe: Royal Air Forces 2006 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs Strike 2010 Kanada Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Battle of Kingdom 1991 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Battle of Puppets 2010 Spanien Apple iOS, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Battle of the Atlantic: A Computer Game of the Ocean Lifeline, 1939-1944 1988 Kanada Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette
      Battle of the Bands 2008 USA Nintendo Wii
      Battle of the Bulge 2015 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle of the Eras 1995 Kanada PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Battle of the Planets 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battle of the World 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Battle of Warplanes 2016 Russland Google Android, PC - Download
      Battle of WWII 2010 Deutschland Apple iOS
      Battle on the Moon 2019 USA Arcade
      Battle Out Run 1989 Japan SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      Battle Pinball 1994 Japan 3DO
      Battle Pinball 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle PingPong 1990 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Battle Planet: Judgement Day 2019 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Planets 2011 Spanien Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser, Microsoft Windows Phone
      Battle Princess Madelyn 2018 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Battle Punks 2010 USA Internet / BBS / Browser, Microsoft Windows Phone
      Battle Race 1996 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Race 3D 2000 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Racers 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Rage: Reflex 2010 Polen Nintendo DSi - Download
      Battle Rage: The Robot Wars 2008 Polen Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Raper 2002 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Battle Raper II: The Game 2005 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Battle Realms 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf [Addon] 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Robot Damashii 2013 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Battle Robot Retsuden 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Rockets 2020 USA SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Battle Royal 1999 Japan SNK NeoGeo Pocket
      Battle Series: Eastern Front - Battle For Korsun 2018 Südkorea PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Series: Eastern Front - Kursk: Battle at Prochorovka 2017 Südkorea PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle Shapers 2023 USA PC - Download
      Battle Shark 2005 England Arcade - Taito Z System, Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Slots 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Battle Soccer 2 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Soccer: Field no Hasha 1992 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Spirit: Digimon Frontier 2003 Bandai WonderSwan Color, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Battle Spirit: Digimon Tamers 2003 Japan Bandai WonderSwan Color, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Battle Spirits: Connected Battlers 2022 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Spirits: Heroes Soul 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Battle Spirits: Kiseki no Hasha 2008 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Battle Sports Mekuru 2017 USA Nintendo Switch - Download
      Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax Empire 1990 Dänemark Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga - Download, Commodore Amiga PPC, Google Android, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh/Amiga - DVD-ROM, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battle Stadium D.O.N. 2006 Japan Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Stadium: Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu 1990 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Battle Star 1987 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Battle Stations 1997 USA SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Battle Sugoroku: Hunter 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Battle Supremacy 2014 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Battle Supremacy: Evolution 2015 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Battle Supremacy: Ground Assault 2019 Rumänien Nintendo Switch - Download
      Battle Tank Sword W 2012 Japan Google Android, PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Tank: Barbarossa to Stalingrad 1990 Kanada PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Battle Tanks 2004 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battle Tech 3025 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battle Throne 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Battle through Time 1984 England Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Battle Tiger I 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Tokyo 23 2000 Japan Mobile - i-Mode
      Battle Tryst 1998 Japan Arcade - Konami M2
      Battle Tycoon 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle Unit Zeoth 1990 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Battle Valley 2004 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, Retro Games - The C64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battle Vision Network 2024 Kanada PC - Download
      Battle vs. Chess 2013 Russland Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Battle vs. Chess: Dark Desert [DLC] 2014 Russland PC - Download
      Battle vs. Chess: Floating Island [DLC] 2015 Russland PC - Download
      Battle Wheels 1992 USA Atari Lynx
      Battle Wheels 1995 USA Atari Jaguar
      Battle Worlds: Kronos 2007 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Battle Worlds: Kronos 2013 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battle Worlds: Kronos - Trains [DLC] 2014 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battle X: Rise of the Alliance 2018 Südkorea PC - Download
      Battle Zeque Den 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battle-Field 1988 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battle: Los Angeles 2011 Russland Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      BattleBlock Theater 2014 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Battleborn 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BattleBots 2002 England Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      BattleBots: Beyond the Battlebox 2003 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Battlecars 1984 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battlecorps 1994 England SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Battlecrew: Space Pirates 2017 Frankreich PC - Download
      Battlecruiser 3000AD 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlecruiser 3020AD: Redemption 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battlecruiser Millennium 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlecry 1991 Japan Arcade
      BattleCry 2015 USA PC - Download
      Battlecursed 2018 USA PC - Download
      Battlefall: State of Conflict 2025 Australien PC - Download
      Battlefield Schweden - Unbekannt -
      Battlefield 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Battlefield 2024 Schweden - Unbekannt -
      Battlefield 1 2016 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 1942 2002 Schweden Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII [Addon] 2003 Schweden Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome [Addon] 2003 Schweden Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Battlefield 1943 2011 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 1: Apocalypse [DLC] 2018 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar [DLC] 2017 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass [DLC] 2017 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 1: Turning Tides [DLC] 2017 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 2 2005 Schweden PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield 2042 2021 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Battlefield 2142 2006 Schweden Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike [Addon] 2007 Schweden PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield 2: Armored Fury [Addon] 2006 Schweden PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield 2: Euro Force [Addon] 2006 Schweden PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 2005 Schweden Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battlefield 2: Special Forces [Addon] 2005 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield 3 2011 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 3: Aftermath [DLC] 2012 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 3: Aftershock 2012 USA Apple iOS
      Battlefield 3: Armored Kill [DLC] 2012 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand [DLC] 2011 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 3: Close Quarters [DLC] 2012 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 3: End Game [DLC] 2013 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield 4 2013 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 4: China Rising [DLC] 2013 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth [DLC] 2014 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 4: Final Stand [DLC] 2014 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 4: Legacy Operations [Addon] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 4: Naval Strike [DLC] 2014 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield 4: Second Assault [DLC] 2014 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield Academy 2010 England Apple iOS, Nintendo DS, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Battlefield Academy: Blitzkrieg France [Addon] 2010 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlefield Commander WWII 2025 USA PC - Download
      Battlefield Germany 1987 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Battlefield Mobile 2022 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Battlefield Online 2010 Schweden PC - Download
      Battlefield V 2018 Schweden Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield Vietnam 2004 Kanada PC - CD-ROM
      Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Vietnam [Addon] 2010 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield: Bad Company 2008 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 3
      Battlefield: Bad Company 2 2010 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Battlefield: Bad Company 2 2010 Spanien Amazon Kindle/FireOS, Apple iOS
      Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Onslaught Mode [DLC] 2010 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Battlefield: Hardline 2015 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield: Hardline - Betrayal [DLC] 2016 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield: Hardline - Criminal Activity [DLC] 2015 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield: Hardline - Getaway [DLC] 2016 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield: Hardline - Robbery [DLC] 2015 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlefield: Heroes 2009 Schweden PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefield: Play4Free 2011 Schweden PC - Download
      Battlefield: Urban Combat 2000 Schweden PC - CD-ROM
      Battlefleet Commander II 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2016 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefleet Gothic: Armada - Space Marines [DLC] 2016 Frankreich PC - Download
      Battlefleet Gothic: Armada - Tau Empire [DLC] 2016 Frankreich PC - Download
      Battlefleet Gothic: Armada II 2018 USA PC - Download
      Battlefleet Gothic: Armada II - Chaos Campaign Expansion [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Battlefleet Gothic: Leviathan 2016 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android
      BattleForge 2009 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlefront 2008 Australien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlefront: Corps Level Command in World War II 1986 Australien Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Battleground 2020 England Nintendo Switch - Download
      Battleground 1: Ardennes 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 2: Gettysburg 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 3: Waterloo 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 4: Shiloh 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 5: Antietam 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russia 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 7: Bull Run 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleground 9: Chickamauga 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battlegrounds [Addon] 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      BattleGroup 1986 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Battlehawks 1942 1993 USA Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Battleheart Legacy 2014 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BattleLeague 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      BattleMan 2002 Belarus PC - Download
      Battlemaster 1990 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battlemons 2001 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Battlemorph 1995 England Atari Jaguar CD
      Battlepaths 2012 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Battleplan: American Civil War 2014 England Apple iOS, PC - Download
      Battleplans 2015 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android
      Battlerite 2017 Schweden PC - Download
      BattleRush 2018 Russland PC - Download
      BattleRush 2 2018 Russland PC - Download
      BattleRush: Ardennes Assault 2019 Russland PC - Download
      Battles for Spain 2019 Spanien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battles in Normandy: June-July 1944 1987 Australien Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Battles in Time 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battles of Destiny 1992 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Battles of Napoleon: A Construction Set 1996 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Battles of Prince of Persia 2005 Kanada Nintendo DS
      Battles of the Outer Rim [Addon] 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleship 1991 USA Philips CD-i
      Battleship 2006 England Mobile - J2ME
      Battleship 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Battleship 2012 Frankreich Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Battleship 2016 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battleship Bismarck 1989 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Battleship Game 2007 Commodore C64 - Quellcode, PC - CD-ROM
      Battleship of Stone England PC - CD-ROM
      Battleship Wars 2016 Japan Google Android
      Battleship: Surface Thunder 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Battleship: The Classic Naval Combat Game 1993 China Nintendo Famicom/NES, SEGA GameGear
      Battleship: The Classic Naval Warfare Game 1995 England PC - CD-ROM
      Battleships 1987 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BattleSouls 2016 Dänemark PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battlesport 1997 USA 3DO, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Battlesport II 1997 USA Panasonic M2, SONY PlayStation
      Battlestar Galactica 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battlestar Galactica 2006 England Mobile - J2ME
      Battlestar Galactica 2007 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlestar Galactica Online 2011 Norwegen Internet / BBS / Browser
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock 2017 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock - Armistice [DLC] 2020 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock - Anabasis [DLC] 2018 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock - Ghost Fleet Offensive [DLC] 2020 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock - Resurrection [DLC] 2019 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock - Sin and Sacrifice [DLC] 2019 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock - The Broken Alliance [DLC] 2018 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlestar Galactica: Squadrons 2016 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android
      Battlestations: Midway 2007 Ungarn Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Battlestations: Pacific 2009 Tschechien Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Battlestorm 1995 Frankreich Commodore Amiga, Commodore CDTV, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Battletank: L.O.B.A. 2014 Kanada PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BattleTanx 1998 USA Nintendo 64
      BattleTanx 2000 USA Nintendo GameBoy Color
      BattleTanx: Global Assault 1999 USA Nintendo 64, SONY PlayStation
      BattleTech 2018 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat 1995 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      BattleTech: Flashpoint [DLC] 2018 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battletech: Gray Death Legion 2000 USA SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD, SEGA Saturn
      BattleTech: Heavy Metal [DLC] 2019 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception 1993 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge 1993 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      BattleTech: Urban Warfare [DLC] 2018 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battletoads 1991 Japan Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³², Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, SEGA GameGear, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battletoads 1991 England Nintendo GameBoy
      Battletoads 1995 England Arcade, Arcade - Arcade1UP, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Battletoads 2003 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Battletoads 2020 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download
      Battletoads & Double Dragon 1993 England Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battletoads Double Dragon: The Dark Queen 2017 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Battletoads in Battlemaniacs 1993 England Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      Battlevoid: Classic 2014 Finnland Google Android
      Battlevoid: First Contact 2014 Finnland Google Android
      Battlevoid: Harbinger 2015 Finnland Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battlevoid: Sector Siege 2017 Finnland Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Battlewake 2019 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlezone 1998 USA Apple iOS, Nintendo 64, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlezone 2001 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Arcade - Atari 6502 Vector, Atari 5200, Atari ST, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Atari XE, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore VIC 20 - Cartridge, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, Retro Games - The 400 Mini, SEGA Dreamcast, SEGA Saturn, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge
      Battlezone 2006 USA SONY PlayStation Portable
      Battlezone 2017 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Battlezone 2000 1995 England Atari Lynx
      Battlezone II: Combat Commander 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlezone: The Red Odyssey [Addon] 1999 USA Apple iOS, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Battlloon 2019 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Batty Zabella 2022 Deutschland Blaze Evercade, Nintendo GameBoy
      Batu Ta Batu 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bau-Simulator 2022 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bau-Simulator 2 2017 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bau-Simulator 2012 2011 Deutschland Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2014 2013 Deutschland Amazon Kindle/FireOS, Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bau-Simulator 2015 2014 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Liebherr 150 EC-B [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Liebherr A 918 [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Liebherr HTM 1204 ZA [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Liebherr LB 28 [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Liebherr LR 1300 [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Liebherr LTM 1300 6.2 [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: St. Johannes Klinikum Fuchsberg [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 2015: Vertical Skyline [DLC] 2017 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bau-Simulator 3 2019 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bau-Simulator: Spaceport Expansion [DLC] 2023 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Baumaschinen-Simulator 2011 2010 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Baumaschinen-Simulator 2012 2012 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4
      Bayala: Das Spiel 2019 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bayla Bunny 2016 Mexiko PC - Download
      Bayonetta 2009 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bayonetta 2 2014 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Bayonetta 3 2022 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bayonetta Origins: Cereza to Maigo no Akuma 2023 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bayou Island 2017 England PC - Download
      Bazar: Sudou Masumi no Sekai 1996 Japan PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bazooka Bill 1986 Australien Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bazooka Budz 2014 England Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bazooka Sue 1997 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      BBC Top Gear: Stunt School Revolution 2015 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, PC - Download
      BBQ - Big Boop Quest 2001 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      BC Racers 1995 England 3DO, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA 32X, SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      BC's Quest for Tires 1984 Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 400, CBS Colecovision, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cartridge, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre 2019 Russland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Be a King 2009 Tschechien PC - Download
      Be a King: Lost Lands [Addon] 2009 Tschechien PC - Download
      Be Ball 1990 Japan Konami PC Engine Mini, NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Be the Creature 2006 Kanada PC - CD-ROM
      BE-A Walker 2020 Russland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Be-Bop High School: Koukousei Gokuraku Densetsu 1988 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Beach Blox 2010 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Beach Bounce 2015 England Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beach Buggy Racing 2014 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure 2021 USA Amazon Luna, Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure - Hot Wheels Booster Pack [DLC] 2021 USA Amazon Luna, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beach Buggy Simulator 1992 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Beach de Reach! 1998 Japan Arcade, SEGA Saturn
      Beach Fun: Summer Challenge 2009 Österreich Nintendo Wii
      Beach Head 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beach Head 2000 2000 Spanien Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Arcade - Global VR Vortek, Arcade - Tsunami Visual Technologies TsuMo, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation
      Beach Head 2002 2001 Spanien Arcade - Global VR Vortek, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Beach Head 2020 2020 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beach Head: Desert War 2003 USA Arcade - Global VR Vortek, PC - Download
      Beach Invasion 1944 2022 Türkei PC - Download
      Beach Invasion 1945: Pacific 2023 Türkei PC - Download
      Beach King Stunt Racing 2003 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Beach Life 2002 England PC - CD-ROM
      Beach Resort Simulator 2014 Slowenien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Beach Soccer 2003 Schweiz PC - CD-ROM
      Beach Spikers: Virtua Beach Volleyball 2001 Japan Arcade - SEGA Naomi 2 GD-ROM, Nintendo GameCube, SEGA Dreamcast
      Beach Volley 1989 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Microdrive
      Beach Volley: Hot Sports 2005 Italien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Beach Volleyball 2001 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Beach Volleyball 2003 Schweiz PC - CD-ROM
      Beach Volleyball 2003 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beach'n Ball 2000 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Beach-Head 1989 USA Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC - Diskette, Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Acorn Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari 800/ Apple II - Diskette, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Enterprise 64/128, MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, Thomson MO5, Thomson TO7-70
      Beach-Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back! 1985 USA Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari 800/ Apple II - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Beacon 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download
      Beacon of Neyda 2024 Argentinien PC - Download
      Beacon Pines 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Beam 1989 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Beam 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Beam Breakers 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Beambender 1998 Österreich Commodore Amiga, PC - CD-ROM 2015 USA PC - Download
      Beamrider 2003 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Atari 5200, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, CBS Colecovision, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Google Android, Mattel Intellivision, MSX - Cartridge, MSX - Cassette, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bean Ball Benny 1991 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bean Dreams 2014 Australien Apple iOS
      Beanie Kids 2008 Thailand Nintendo Wii
      Beanstalker 1994 England SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Beany Bopper 1982 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bear & Breakfast 2022 Rumänien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bear Bovver 1984 Commodore C64 - Cassette, PC - Download, Retro Games - The C64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bear with Me: Episode One 2019 Kroatien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bear with Me: Episode Three 2019 Kroatien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bear with Me: Episode Two 2019 Kroatien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bear with Me: The Lost Robots 2019 Kroatien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beard Blade 2018 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beards and Beaks 2011 USA Microsoft Windows Phone
      Bears Can't Drift 2016 England PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bears In Space 2024 Australien PC - Download
      Beast 2023 USA PC - Download
      Beast Book Japan Bandai WonderSwan
      Beast Boxing Turbo 2013 USA Ouya, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beast Breaker 2021 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beast Busters 1990 England Arcade - SNK Beast Busters, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4
      Beast Busters: Second Nightmare 1999 Japan Arcade - SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64
      Beast Busters: Yami no Seitaiheiki 1999 Japan Nintendo Switch, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color
      Beast Lord: Haou he no Michi 1991 Japan NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette
      Beast Quest 2018 Australien Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beast Saga: Saikyou Gekitotsu Colosseum! 2013 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Beast War 1984 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette
      Beast Warriors 1991 Japan Blaze Evercade, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Beast Wars: Transformers 1998 England PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Beast's Night Online 2005 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Beastiarium 2017 Russland PC - Download
      Beastlord 1993 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Beastly 2011 Frankreich Nintendo Wii
      Beastmancer 2017 Chile PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beasts & Bumpkins 1997 England PC - CD-ROM
      Beasts of Bedlam 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beasts of Bermuda 2018 USA PC - Download
      Beasts of Maravilla Island 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beasts of Prey 2014 Spanien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em 1982 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Beat Arena 2021 Japan PC - Download
      Beat Blaster 2019 Spanien PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beat Boxing Flyer 2020 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Beat City 2010 Finnland Nintendo DS
      Beat Cop 2017 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beat Down 2005 Japan Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Beat Hazard 2009 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beat Hazard 2 2019 England PC - Download
      Beat Hazard 3 2022 England PC - Download
      Beat Hazard Ultra 2012 England Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Beat Head 1993 USA Arcade - Atari - Andere
      Beat Machine 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Beat Refle 2022 Japan PC - Download
      Beat Saber 2018 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beat Sketch! 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Beat Slayer 2024 USA PC - Download
      Beat Sneak Bandit 2012 Schweden Apple iOS
      Beat the Champ 1996 USA Arcade - Konami GV
      Beat the House 1995 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Beat the Intro: The Ultimate Music Game! 2010 England Nintendo DS
      Beat'n Groovy 2008 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Beat: The Game 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BeatBlasters III 2014 Kanada PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beatbuddy: On Tour 2015 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians 2013 Deutschland Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beatdown 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beaterator 2009 England Apple iOS, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Beatle Quest: The Four Kings of EMI 1985 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Beatmania 1997 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani DJ-Main
      Beatmania 2ndMIX 1998 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani DJ-Main, SONY PlayStation
      Beatmania 3rdMIX 1998 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani DJ-Main, SONY PlayStation
      Beatmania 4thMIX: The Beat Goes on 1999 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani DJ-Main, SONY PlayStation
      Beatmania 5thMIX: Time to Get down 2000 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani DJ-Main, SONY PlayStation
      Beatmania Append GottaMix [Addon] 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Beatmania Append GottaMix 2: Going Global [Addon] 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Beatmania BEST Da!! 2000 Japan PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Beatmania Da! 2000 Japan PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Beatmania DaDaDa!! 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Beatmania GB 1999 Japan Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Beatmania GB2: Gaccha Mix 1999 Japan Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Beatmania IIDX 10th Style 2004 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani PC
      Beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD 2007 Japan Arcade, SONY PlayStation 2
      Beatmania IIDX 4th Style 2001 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani Twinkle, SONY PlayStation 2
      Beatmania IIDX 5th Style 2001 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani Twinkle
      Beatmania IIDX 6th Style 2001 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani Twinkle
      Beatmania IIDX 9th Style 2005 Japan Arcade - Konami Bemani PC, SONY PlayStation 2
      Beatmania: The Sound of Tokyo! 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Beats 2007 England SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Beats of Rage 2004 GamePark 32, Google Android, GP2X, Microsoft Xbox - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Beats Slider 2012 England Google Android, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Beautiful Desolation 2020 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - Memory Stick, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beautiful Katamari Damacy 2007 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3
      Beautiful Light 2024 Schweiz PC - Download
      Beautiful Mystic Survivors 2022 Vietnam PC - Download
      Beauty & The Beast 1982 USA Mattel Intellivision
      Beauty Bounce 2017 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beauty Salon 2009 Thailand Nintendo DS
      Beavers 1993 England Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³²
      Bebe's Kids 1994 Kanada Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bebylon: Battle Royale 2019 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Becastled 2021 Ukraine PC - Download
      Beckett 2018 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Becky & Tim: Spooky Spirits 2008 Schweden Apple iOS, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download
      Bedlam 1983 USA Vectrex
      Bedlam 1988 Australien Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Diskette
      Bedlam 1996 England Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Bedlam 2: Absolute Bedlam 1997 England PC - CD-ROM
      Bee 52 1992 England Blaze Evercade, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bee Movie Game 2007 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bee Simulator 2019 USA Amazon Luna, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bee Simulator: The Hive [DLC] 2025 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Beefy the Umpire Slayer 2004 Australien Mobile - J2ME
      Beekyr 2014 Spanien PC - Download
      Beekyr Reloaded 2017 Spanien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      BEEP 2011 Kanada PC - Download
      Beep! Beep! Deliveries 2019 England SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beer Factory 2024 Frankreich PC - Download
      Beer Slinger 2015 USA Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Beer Tycoon 2006 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Beethoven's 2nd: The Quest for Pups 1994 USA Nintendo GameBoy, SEGA Kids Computer Pico, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper! 1993 USA Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Beetle Adventure Racing! 1999 USA Nintendo 64
      Beetle Ju 2003 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Beetle Ju 2 2009 Russland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Beetle Ju 3 2009 Russland PC - Download
      Beetle Junior DS 2008 Deutschland Nintendo DS
      Beetle Soldiers 2006 China Mobile - J2ME
      Beetlejuice 1991 England Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Beetlejuice 1992 England Nintendo GameBoy
      Before 2019 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII 2004 Japan Mobile - BREW
      Before I Forget 2023 England PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Before the Blood 2018 Nordirland PC - Download
      Before We Leave 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Before Your Eyes 2021 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      beHEXed 2013 Deutschland Apple iOS
      Behind a Locked Door 2006 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM
      Behind Closed Doors: A Developer's Tale 2021 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Behind the Iron Gate 1995 Polen Commodore Amiga
      Behind the Memory 2016 Spanien PC - Download
      Behind the Reflection 2: Witch's Revenge 2011 Russland PC - Download
      Behold the Kickmen 2017 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Beholder 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beholder 2024 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beholder 2 2023 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beholder 3 2022 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beholder: Conductor 2024 Russland PC - Download
      Beholgar 2022 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beijing 2008 2008 England Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Being and Becoming 2024 USA PC - Download
      Bejeweled 2000 USA Apple iOS, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games, Microsoft Xbox - Download, Mobile - PalmOS, PC - Download
      Bejeweled 2 2004 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Mobile - J2ME, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bejeweled 3 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo DS, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bejeweled Blitz 2009 USA Internet / BBS / Browser, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Bejeweled Densetsu 2012 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bejeweled Live 2010 USA Microsoft Windows Phone
      Bejeweled Twist 2009 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bel'tion: Svod Ravnovesija 2009 Ukraine PC - DVD-ROM
      Belegost 1989 Tschechien Apple iOS, Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 - Cassette
      Believer! 2015 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Belka i Strelka: Lunnye Prikljuchenija 2015 Russland Apple iOS, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bell Ringer 2016 Schweden PC - Download
      Bella Sara 2008 USA Nintendo DS, PC - CD-ROM
      Belladonna 2015 Deutschland PC - Download
      Bellator: MMA Onslaught 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bellatores 2024 USA PC - Download
      Bellwright 2024 Polen PC - Download
      Beloe Solnce Pustyni 2004 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Belonging 2024 Deutschland PC - Download
      Belote World Tour 2011 Frankreich Microsoft Windows Phone
      Beloved Rapture 2024 USA PC - Download
      Below 2018 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Below the Root 1984 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Beltlogger 9 1998 Japan PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Belzebuddy 2018 Polen PC - Download
      Bem Feito 2023 Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Ben 10 2017 Australien Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Ben 10: Alien Force 2008 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Ben 10: Alien Force - The Rise of Hex 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks 2009 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks 2009 USA Nintendo DS
      Ben 10: Galactic Racing 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Ben 10: Omniverse 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, SONY PlayStation 3
      Ben 10: Omniverse 2012 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS
      Ben 10: Omniverse 2 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, SONY PlayStation 3
      Ben 10: Omniverse 2 2013 USA Nintendo 3DS
      Ben 10: Power Trip 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Ben 10: Protector of Earth 2007 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Ben 10: Slammers 2013 Australien Apple iOS
      Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction 2010 USA Nintendo DS
      Ben and Ed 2017 USA PC - Download
      Ben and Ed: Blood Party 2017 USA PC - Download
      Ben Bero Beh 2007 Japan Arcade, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Ben Hur 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Ben Hur: Blood of Braves 2002 Frankreich SONY PlayStation 2
      Ben there, Dan that! 2008 USA PC - Download
      Ben-Hur 2016 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download
      Bendy and the Dark Revival 2022 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bendy and the Ink Machine - Chapter Five: The Last Reel 2018 Tschechien Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bendy and the Ink Machine - Chapter Four: Colossal Wonders 2018 Tschechien Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bendy and the Ink Machine - Chapter One: Moving Pictures 2018 Tschechien Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bendy and the Ink Machine - Chapter Three: Rise and Fall 2018 Tschechien Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bendy and the Ink Machine - Chapter Two: The Old Song 2018 Tschechien Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bendy in Nightmare Run! 2018 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bendy: Lone Wolf 2025 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Beneath 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beneath 2024 Portugal Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beneath a Steel Sky 1994 England Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³², PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beneath a Steel Sky: Remastered 2009 England Apple iOS
      Beneath Apple Manor 1983 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple II - Cassette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Beneath the Mountain 2022 USA PC - Download
      Benefactor 1994 Schweden Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³², SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Bēng Huài 3 2021 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download
      Bēng Huài: Xīng Qióng Tiědào 2023 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bengal: Spiel der Götter 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi Kitan 2008 Japan PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi Kitan: Ranmaru Torimonochou 2010 Japan PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Benisome no Meiyaku: Birth of Blue Teardrop 2003 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Benjamin Blümchen: Ein Tag im Zoo 2008 Russland Nintendo DS
      Benjamin Blümchen: Ein verrückter Tag im Zoo 2001 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Benjamin Blümchen: Töröö im Zoo 2012 Deutschland Nintendo Wii
      Benko 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Benny Beetle in Colorworld 2004 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Benny Hill's Madcap Chase 1985 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Benoît Sokal's Paradise 2006 Frankreich Apple iOS, Nintendo DS, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bentley Bear’s Crystal Quest 2024 USA Atari 7800
      Bentley's Hackpack 2013 USA SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bentou no Subarashisa wo Ano 2-do 3-do 2015 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bentou no Subarashisa wo Ano 2-do 3-do: Nama-ham to Yaki-udon Hen 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Beowulf: Attack of the Grendel 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Beowulf: The Game 2007 China Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Beowulf: The Game 2007 Frankreich SONY PlayStation Portable
      Beowulf: Viking Warrior 2007 Deutschland PC - DVD-ROM
      BER Bausimulator 2020 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Berania: Erstes Buch - Der Kampf 1994 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Beregis' Avtomobilja! 1998 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Berenstain Bears 1983 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bergbau-Industrie: Die Wirtschaftssimulation 2014 Österreich PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bergrettungs-Simulator 2015 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Berks 1985 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Berks 3: They're Angry! 1987 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Berlin 1948: East versus West 1996 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Berlin Connection 1997 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Berlin Subway: Mit der U-Bahn durch Berlin [Addon] 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Berlin Taxi 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bermuda 2014 Australien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bermuda Project 1988 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bermuda Syndrome 1996 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bermuda Triangle 1982 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bermuda Triangle 2011 USA Arcade - SNK Triple Z80, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bermuda: Lost Survival 2017 Deutschland PC - Download
      Bernard & Hank 2005 Niederlande PC - Download
      Bernard and Hank: Springtime Again 2006 Niederlande PC - Download
      Bernd das Brot und die Unmöglichen 2014 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach 2013 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bernie Boulder 1999 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Berry Hill 2014 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone
      Berry's 2013 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Berserk 2005 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Berserk Boy 2024 Schottland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Berserk Musou 2016 Japan PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Berserk: Millennium Falcon - Sennen Teikoku no TakaHen - SeiMa no Senki no Shou 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Berserker: Sennen Teikoku no Taka Hen - Soushitsu Hana no Shou 1999 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Bert the Barbarian 2005 England PC - Download
      Berufsfeuerwehr: Die Simulation 2016 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Berzerk 1980 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Arcade - Andere, Atari 400, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, Retro Games - The 400 Mini, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, Vectrex
      Berzerk: Recharged 2023 Litauen Ataribox, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Beside Myself 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Besiege 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Beskonechnoe Leto 2013 Russland PC - Download
      Besser Essen 2009 Deutschland Apple iOS, Nintendo DS
      Bessere Welten [Addon] 2003 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Best Buds vs. Bad Guys 2016 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Best Friend Forever 2019 Neuseeland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Best Friends Tonight 2010 Kanada Nintendo DS
      Best Friends: Hunde & Katzen 2007 Österreich Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM
      Best Keiba: Derby Stallion 1991 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Best Mall Simulator 2022 Polen PC - Download
      Best Month Ever! 2022 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Best of Arcade Games 2015 Frankreich Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita
      Best of Card Games DS 2006 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Best of Casual Games 2014 Ungarn Nintendo 3DS
      Best of Solitaire 2011 Ukraine Nintendo 3DS - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Best of the Best: Championship Karate 1992 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Commodore Amiga, NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM², Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Best Play Pro Yakyuu 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Best Play Pro Yakyuu '00 2000 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Best Served Cold Belgien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bestial Warrior 1989 Spanien Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bet and Race 2010 Österreich PC - CD-ROM
      Bet on Soldier 2005 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bet on Soldier: Black-out Saigon 2006 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bet on Soldier: Blood of Sahara 2006 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bethesda Pinball [DLC] 2016 Ungarn Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Betia Pera Pera Eigo Adventure 2022 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Betrayal 1990 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Betrayal at Krondor 1994 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Betrayal in Antara 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Betrayer 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Betrayer 2013 USA PC - Download
      Betrayer: Curse of the Spine 2021 USA PC - Download
      Betsy Ross 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Better Dead Than Alien! 1988 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Better Late Than Dead 2016 Brasilien PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Betting Hi/Lo Game 2007 Commodore C64 - Quellcode, PC - CD-ROM
      Betty Bad 2002 USA PC - Download
      Betty Boop Color Cross 2009 Frankreich Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download
      Betty Boop's Double Shift 2007 USA Nintendo DS
      Between Horizons 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Between Me and The Night 2016 Portugal PC/Macintosh - Download
      Between the Eyes 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      Between the Lines [Addon] 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Between the Stars 2019 Spanien PC - Download
      Beverly Hills Cop 1990 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC - Diskette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Beverly Hills Cop 2006 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Beware 2017 Tschechien PC - Download
      Beware Planet Earth 2014 Frankreich Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beware the Ultimate Evil of Warlock 1994 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bewitched 1983 England Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette, Retro Games - The VIC20
      Bewitched 2020 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Beyblade Burst 2016 Japan Nintendo 3DS
      Beyblade Burst Battle Zero 2018 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Beyblade Burst Bey Terminal 2016 Japan Arcade
      Beyblade Burst God 2017 Japan Nintendo 3DS
      Beyblade Metal Masters: Nightmare Rex 2011 Japan Nintendo DS
      Beyblade VForce: Ultimate Blader Jam 2003 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Beyblade X: XONE 2024 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Beyblade: Fighting Tournament 2000 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Beyond a Steel Sky 2020 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beyond All Reason 2023 Niederlande PC - Download
      Beyond Astra 2025 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Blue 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Cars 2016 England - Unbekannt -
      Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1985 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Beyond Citadel 2025 Japan PC - Download
      Beyond Contact 2021 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Beyond Dark Castle 1989 USA Apple IIgs, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Beyond Divinity 2004 Belgien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines - Operation: Arctic Hawk [DLC] 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Burning Sand [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Covert Strike [DLC] 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: God [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Harbor [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Homecoming [DLC] 2021 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Military Airfield [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Origins [DLC] 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Stronghold [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Tank Base [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines: Covert Operations 2019 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines: Essentials 2020 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download
      Beyond Enemy Lines: Vietnam 2025 Deutschland PC - Download
      Beyond Extinct 2020 Türkei PC - Download
      Beyond Eyes 2015 Niederlande Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Flesh and Blood 2016 England Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Galaxyland 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Beyond Good & Evil 2003 Italien Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Beyond Good & Evil 2 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Good & Evil 2 2011 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Beyond Gravity 2014 England Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beyond Hanwell 2024 England PC - Download
      Beyond Hope 2022 Slowenien PC - Download
      Beyond Mankind: The Awakening 2021 Spanien PC - Download
      Beyond Normandy - Assignment: Berlin 2003 Österreich PC - CD-ROM
      Beyond Senses 2020 Deutschland PC - Download
      Beyond Shadowgate 1993 USA NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²
      Beyond Sol 2015 Kanada PC - Download
      Beyond Space 2014 Polen Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beyond Sunset 2023 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beyond the Beyond: Harukanaru Kanaan he 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Beyond the Black Hole 1991 USA Commodore C64 - Diskette, Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard 2022 Deutschland PC - Download
      Beyond the Evil 2023 USA PC - Download
      Beyond the Forbidden Forest 1985 USA Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Beyond the Future: Fix the Time Arrows 2011 Japan SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Beyond the Ice Palace 1988 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Beyond the Ice Palace II 2025 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Beyond the Legend: Mysteries of Olympus 2012 Polen PC - DVD-ROM
      Beyond the Sky 2018 Italien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Beyond the Thaw 2024 USA PC - Download
      Beyond the Titanic 1986 USA PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Beyond the Wall of Stars 1992 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Beyond The Wire 2022 USA PC - Download
      Beyond These Stars 2024 Neuseeland PC - Download
      Beyond Your Window 2020 Italien PC - Download
      Beyond Zero Tolerance 1996 USA Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SEGA 32X, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor 1997 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple IIgs, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C128 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Beyond-Human 2016 Niederlande PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Beyond: Two Souls 2013 Frankreich PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Beyond: Two Souls - Advanced Experiments [DLC] 2019 Frankreich PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bezmolvie: Vojjna Grjadet 2007 Belarus PC - DVD-ROM
      BFB Champions 2.0: Football Club Manager 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      BFF or Die 2018 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BFRIS Zero Gravity Fighter Combat 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bhagat Singh 2002 Indien PC - CD-ROM
      Bharney Blast 1998 USA PC - Download
      BHunter 1999 Dänemark PC - CD-ROM
      Bi-Fi Roll: Action in Hollywood 1994 PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Biānyuán Zhànqū 1996 Taiwan PC - CD-ROM
      Biān​jìng 2023 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biathlon Deutschland Mobile
      Biathlon 2002 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Biathlon 2002 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Biathlon 2003 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Biathlon 2004 2003 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Biathlon 2005 featuring Andreas Birnbacher 2004 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Biathlon 2006: Go for Gold 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Biathlon Champion 2007 2006 Slowakei PC - CD-ROM
      Bibi & Tina 2014 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bibi & Tina auf dem Martinshof 2019 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bibi & Tina: Das große Reiterfest 2011 Deutschland Nintendo Wii
      Bibi & Tina: Das große Unwetter 2010 Deutschland Nintendo DS
      Bibi & Tina: Das Pferdeabenteuer 2022 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bibi & Tina: Das Spiel zum Kinofilm 2014 Deutschland Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bibi & Tina: Die große Schnitzeljagd 2009 Deutschland Nintendo DS
      Bibi & Tina: Jump & Ride 2011 Deutschland Nintendo DS
      Bibi & Tina: Pferdeabenteuer 2015 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bibi & Tina: Pferdetunier 2016 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bibi & Tina: Reiterferien 2019 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bibi Blocksberg: Das gestohlene Hexbuch 2009 Deutschland Nintendo DS
      Bibi Blocksberg: Das große Hexenbesen-Rennen 2010 Deutschland Nintendo Wii
      Bibi Blocksberg: Das große Hexenbesen-Rennen 2 2013 Deutschland Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii
      Bibi Blocksberg: Das große Hexenbesen-Rennen 3 2018 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bibi Blocksberg: Drachenwelt 2012 Deutschland Apple iOS
      Bibi Blocksberg: Im Bann der Hexenkugel 2001 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bibi Blocksberg: Mathe - Klassen 1 bis 4 2011 Deutschland Nintendo DS
      Bibi und Tina: Fohlen "Felix" in Gefahr 2002 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bibi und Tina: Treffpunkt Martinshof 2007 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bible Adventures 1994 USA Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bible Buffet 1993 USA Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Biblioteca 2014 England PC - Download
      Bibots 2022 Frankreich PC - Download
      Bicqlo Vader 2012 Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bicycle Casino 2004 USA Microsoft Xbox
      Bientôt l’été 2012 Belgien PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - Memory Stick
      Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis : Le jeu 2008 Frankreich Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM
      Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis : Le jeu 2008 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bier universiteit 2002 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM
      Bier-König 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bierzerkers 2015 USA PC - Download
      BiFi Roll: Snack Zone 1997 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bifrost Polen PC - Download
      Big Air Snowboarding 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      Big Ambitions 2023 Dänemark PC/Macintosh - Download
      Big App Quiz 2012 England Apple iOS, Google Android
      Big Band 1986 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette
      Big Bang 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast
      Big Bang bidule ! chez l'oncle Ernest 2004 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Big Bang Empire 2015 Deutschland Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Big Bang Mini 2009 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Big Bang Pro Wrestling 2000 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color
      Big Bash Boom 2018 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Big Bass Fishing 2002 USA SONY PlayStation
      Big Beach Sports 2008 USA Nintendo Wii
      Big Beach Sports 2 2010 Kanada Nintendo Wii
      Big Bird's Egg Catch 1983 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Big Biz Tycoon! 2 2003 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Big Brain Wolf 2011 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Big Brother 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Big Brother 3 2002 England Interactive TV
      Big Brother 4 2004 England Interactive TV
      Big Brother Trivia 2006 Niederlande Mobile - J2ME
      Big Brother: Director's Cut 2004 Niederlande Mobile - J2ME
      Big Brother: The Game 2000 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM
      Big Brother: The Game 2 2000 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM
      Big Brother: The Games 2004 Niederlande Mobile - J2ME
      Big Buck Hunter 2001 USA Arcade
      Big Buck Hunter Arcade 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4
      Big Buck Hunter Pro 2005 USA Apple iOS, Arcade, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games, Sure Shot HD
      Big Buck Safari 2009 USA Apple iOS, Arcade, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games, Sure Shot HD
      Big Bucks Trivia 1986 USA Arcade
      Big Bug Bang : Le retour de Commander Blood 1996 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM
      Big Bumpin' 2006 England Microsoft Xbox/Xbox 360
      Big Business 1990 USA Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Big Challenge! Dogfight Spirit 1988 Japan Nintendo Famicom Disk System
      Big Challenge! Go! Go! Bowling 1989 Japan Nintendo Famicom Disk System
      Big Challenge! Gun Fighter 1989 Japan Nintendo Famicom Disk System
      Big Challenge! Juudou Senshuken 1988 Japan Nintendo Famicom Disk System
      Big City Mystery 2008 Deutschland Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Big Crown: Showdown 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Big Day 2018 China PC/Macintosh - Download
      Big Dipper 2020 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Big Family Games 2009 Kanada Nintendo Wii
      Big Fest 2015 England SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Big Fight: Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean 1992 Japan Arcade
      Big Game Fishing 1994 Italien Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Big Helmet Heroes 2025 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Big Idea's VeggieTales: LarryBoy and the Bad Apple 2006 USA SONY PlayStation 2
      Big Idea's VeggieTales: LarryBoy and the Bad Apple 2006 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Big Idea's VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes 2004 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Big Island 2013 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Big Jets [Addon] 1998 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Big Karnak 1991 Spanien Arcade - Andere, Blaze Evercade
      Big League Bisley 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Big League Sports 2008 Kanada Nintendo Wii
      Big League Sports: Kinect 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360
      Big Match Striker 2010 England Internet / BBS / Browser
      Big Money! Deluxe 2002 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download
      Big Mutha Truckers 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder! 2005 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Big Nose Freaks Out 1992 England Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Big Nose the Caveman 1991 England Atari ST, Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Big Nose's American Adventure 1992 England Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Big Pharma 2015 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Big Pharma: Marketing and Malpractice [DLC] 2016 England Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Big Pizza Ski Challenge 2009 2009 Österreich PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Big Red Racing 1995 England PC - CD-ROM
      Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing 2003 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Big Scale Racing 2002 Niederlande PC - CD-ROM
      Big Sea: The Better One Will Win 1997 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Big Sky 2010 England PC - Download
      Big Sky Trooper 1995 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Big Sky: Infinity 2012 England SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Big Strike Bowling 2003 USA SONY PlayStation
      Big Striker 1992 Japan Arcade - Jaleco Mega System 1-C
      Big Time Gangsta 2011 Spanien Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Big Tournament Golf 2008 USA Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Big Trouble in Little China 1987 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Big Truck Country: Mudfest USA PC - Download
      Big Walk 2025 Australien PC - Download
      Big Wave Surfing 2001 USA SONY PlayStation 2
      BIG-Bobby-Car: The Big Race 2020 Deutschland Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Big2Small 2022 USA Blaze Evercade, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameBoy Color, SEGA Dreamcast
      Bigfoot 1990 Australien Nintendo Famicom/NES
      BigFoot 1990 Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Bigfoot Collision Course 2008 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bigfoot Competition: Russian Classics 2009 Polen PC - CD-ROM
      Bigfoot Evolution: French Classics 2008 Polen PC - CD-ROM
      Bigfoot: King of Crush 2011 USA Nintendo Wii
      Bigfoot: Polish Classics 2010 Polen PC - CD-ROM
      Biggles 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Biglands: A Game Made by Kids 2014 USA Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Biiing!: Beauty, Bars und Sonnenöl Deutschland PC - Download
      Biing! 2: Sonne, Strand und heiße Nächte 2000 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Biing!: Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle 1995 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette + CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bik: A Space Adventure 2014 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bike Daisuki! Hashiriya Kon: Rider's Spirits 2024 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bike Mechanic Simulator 2023 2023 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Biker Bash 2013 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Biker Garage: Mechanic Simulator 2019 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biker Mice from Mars 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Biker Mice from Mars 2006 Russland SONY PlayStation 2
      Biker Mice from Mars 2007 England Nintendo DS
      Bikers 2020 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next - Download
      Bikes 2004 England Mobile - J2ME
      Bikini Beach Jet Ski 2003 Niederlande Mobile - J2ME, Nokia N-Gage - Download
      Bikini Karate Babes 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bikini Karate Babes 2: Warriors of Elysia 2011 USA PC - DVD-ROM
      Bikkuri Nekketsu Shinkiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal 1992 Japan Blaze Evercade, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, SONY PlayStation 4
      Bikkuri Pachinko: Ashita no Joe 2010 Japan Arcade, SONY PlayStation 3
      Bikou 3 2004 Japan PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bìlán Hángxiàn 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android Wahlkompetenz-O-Meter 2002 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bilkins' Folly 2023 Australien PC - Download
      Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 1991 USA Atari Lynx
      Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure: The Computer Game 1993 USA Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure 1991 Australien Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure 1991 USA Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge 1991 Kanada Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette
      Bill Nye The Science Guy: Stop The Rock! 1996 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bill Palmer 1987 Frankreich Apple IIgs, Atari ST
      Bill Walsh College Football 1994 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bill Walsh College Football 95 1994 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bill's Tomato Game Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Billard 1984 Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Billard 1985 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bille Art 1992 Frankreich Apple IIgs
      Billiard 2018 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download
      Billiards II Simulator 1991 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Billiards Simulator 1989 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Billie Bust up 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Billion Beat 2020 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Billion Road 2020 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Billusion Collection Vol. 2: Yuko Sakaki 1994 Japan Pioneer LaserActive - Mega-LD
      Billusion Collection: Minayo Watanabe 1994 Japan Pioneer LaserActive - Mega-LD
      Billy 101 2022 Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Billy Blade and the Temple of Time 2004 Spanien PC - CD-ROM
      Billy Bomber 2016 Polen Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Billy the Kid 1989 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Billy the Kid Returns! 1994 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing 2006 England Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Billy's Boot Camp: Wii de Enjoy Diet! 2011 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bimini Run 1990 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Binaries 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Binary Domain 2012 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Binary Gods 2021 Taiwan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Binary Land 1985 Japan Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - Cassette, MSX - Cassette, NEC PC-6001, NEC PC-88 - Kassette, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Binary Smoke 2021 USA PC - Download
      Binary Star 2014 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Binbin Gakuen 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Binman 2002 England PC - CD-ROM
      BinoBix 2004 PC - CD-ROM
      Binobix 2004 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Binyu Hunter 1995 Japan NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette
      Bio Challenge 1989 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bio Evil 2024 Russland SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bio Force Ape 1992 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bio Hazard 1996 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameBoy Color, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Classic, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bio Inc. 2017 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bio Inc.: Redemption 2018 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bio Menace 1995 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa 1993 Japan Mobile - i-Mode, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Famicom Disk System, Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Disk Writer, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Bio Senshi Dan: Increaser to no Tatakai 1987 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Biocide 2005 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      Biocide 2 2006 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      BioCrisis 2020 Frankreich PC - Download
      BioCrisis : Return 2 the Lab 2024 Frankreich PC - Download
      Biodrone Battle 2015 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bioforge 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation
      Bioforge Plus 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      BioFrame: Outpost 2024 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Biofreaks 1998 Arcade - Midway Seattle, Nintendo 64, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Biohazard 2016 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard - Code: Veronica 2003 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo GameCube, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 1.5 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Biohazard 2 1999 Japan Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download, TIGER
      Biohazard 3.5 2003 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Biohazard 3: Last Escape 2000 Japan Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard 4 2007 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 4 Remake 2021 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Biohazard 4 VR 2021 Japan PC - Download
      Biohazard 4: Mobile Edition 2005 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge, Zeebo
      Biohazard 5 2009 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 5: Desperate Escape [DLC] 2010 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 5: Lost in Nightmares [DLC] 2010 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 5: Versus [DLC] 2010 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 6 2013 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard 7: Resident Evil 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard 7: Resident Evil - Banned Footage Vol. 1 [DLC] 2017 Japan Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard 7: Resident Evil - Banned Footage Vol. 2 [DLC] 2017 Japan Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard 7: Resident Evil - End of Zoe [DLC] 2017 Japan Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard 7: Resident Evil - Not a Hero [DLC] 2017 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard 8 2019 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Biohazard 9 2025 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Biohazard A.T.N. 2002 Japan Mobile - J2ME
      Biohazard Dash 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Biohazard Portable 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Biohazard RE - Code: Veronica 2026 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Biohazard RE:2 2019 Japan Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard RE:2 - The Ghost Survivors [DLC] 2019 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard RE:3 2020 Japan Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard RE:4 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Biohazard RE:4 - Separate Ways [DLC] 2023 Japan Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard RE:4 - The Mercenaries [DLC] 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard RE:4 - VR Mode [DLC] 2023 USA SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biohazard Re:Verse [Addon] 2022 China Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard Zero Japan - Unbekannt -
      Biohazard Zero 2016 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard: Gun Survivor 2002 PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Biohazard: Outbreak 2003 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Biohazard: Outbreak - File 2 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Biohazard: Outbreak - File 3 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Biohazard: Resistance [Addon] 2020 China Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2013 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony 2015 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2 - Episode 2: Contemplation 2015 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2 - Episode 3: Judgement 2015 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2 - Episode 4: Metamorphosis 2015 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2 - Extra Episode 1: The Struggle 2015 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 2 - Extra Episode 2: Little Miss 2015 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Biohazard: Revelations 3 2021 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download
      Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles 2009 Japan Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Biohazard: The Mercenaries 3D 2011 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Biohazard: The Operations 2007 Japan Mobile
      Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles 2007 Japan Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Biohazard: Umbrella Corps 2016 Japan PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Biohazard: Valiant Raid 2019 USA Arcade
      Biohazard: Village 2021 Japan Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Biohazard: Village - Winters' Expansion [DLC] 2022 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Biolab 2001 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Biolab Wars 2019 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioLabs: Outbreak! 2011 Spanien Apple iOS
      Biology Battle 2010 Thailand Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Biomass 2020 Australien PC - Download
      Biomechanical Toy 1995 Spanien Arcade - Andere, Blaze Evercade
      BioMetal 1993 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Biomorph 2024 Kanada Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Biomotor Unitron 1999 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color
      Biomutant 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bionic Battle Mutants 2017 Deutschland PC - Download
      Bionic Bay 2025 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bionic Commando 1992 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo GameBoy
      Bionic Commando 2009 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Bionic Commando: Elite Forces 1999 USA Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2008 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 2012 Schweden Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bionic Dues 2013 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bionic Granny 1984 England Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Bionic Heart 2014 Italien Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bionic Heart 2 2013 Italien Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bionic Mayhem 2019 England PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bionic Ninja 1988 England Acorn Electron - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bionicle 2003 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bionicle 2004 England Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bionicle Heroes 2006 England Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bionicle Heroes 2006 USA Nintendo DS
      Bionicle Heroes 2006 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bionicle: Matoran Adventures 2002 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bionicle: Maze of Shadows 2005 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bionite: Origins 2015 USA PC - Download
      BIOS 2016 USA PC - Download
      BioShock 2007 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock 2012 USA SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      BioShock 2 2010 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock 2: Kill 'em Kindly [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      BioShock 2: Minerva's Den [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock 2: Rapture Metro Pack [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      BioShock 2: Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      BioShock 2: The Protector Trials [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock Infinite 2013 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 1 [DLC] 2014 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2 [DLC] 2014 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioShock Infinite: Clash in the Clouds [DLC] 2014 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bioshock: Isolation USA PC - Download
      BioShock: PS3 Challenge Rooms [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BioSwarm 1998 USA Nintendo 64, SONY PlayStation
      Biosys 1999 England PC - CD-ROM
      BioTeam1 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      BioTech: Liberator 1999 Australien PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Biotope: Aquarium Simulator 2019 Deutschland PC - Download
      Biplanes 2004 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Biprolex 1997 Russland PC - Download
      Bird 1984 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bird Assassin 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Bird Brain 1984 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cassette
      Bird Game 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bird Hunter 2003: Legendary Hunting 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bird Pirates 2009 Russland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bird Watcher: The Interactive Birding Game 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bird Week 1986 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bird Zapper! 2011 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bird Zapper: Seasons 2013 Rumänien Apple iOS
      Birdcakes 2018 Costa Rica Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Birdie King 2011 Kanada Arcade - Taito Birdie King, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games
      Birdie Shoot 2 2009 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Birds of Prey 1992 England Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Birds of Steel 2012 Russland Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Birds on a Wire 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Birfia: A Chaotic Couch Action Game of Wobbly Birdies 2019 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Birth of America 2006 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Birth of America II: Wars in America 1750 - 1815 2008 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Birth of Cultures Kanada PC - Download
      Birthday of Midnight 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Birthdays the Beginning 2017 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Birushana Senki: Genpei Hika Musou 2020 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Birushana Senki: Ichiju no Kaze 2022 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bish Bash Bots 2023 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bishi and the Alien Slime Invasion! 2018 England PC - Download
      Bishi Bashi Special 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bishi Bashi Special 2 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bishin Densetsu Zoku: The Legend of Bishin 1993 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoku Seimei-tai Harapeko Mogumon 2011 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai 1993 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon 1993 Japan Arcade, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon 1994 Japan NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon 1995 Japan Arcade - Cave
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Collection 1994 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx - CD-ROM²
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R 1993 Japan Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S 1995 Japan 3DO
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S 1995 Japan SEGA GameGear
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Jougai Rantou!? Shuyaku Soudatsusen 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kurukkurin 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: Shin Shuyaku Soudatsusen 1996 Japan SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden: Blizzard Yuki Rannyuu!! 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bisley 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bisley Two 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bismarck 1985 Spanien Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bismarck 1987 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bistro World 2011 Japan Google Android, Mobile - J-Phone
      Bit Blaster XL 2016 Kanada PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bit Boy!! 2009 Österreich Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bit Boy!! Arcade 2014 Österreich Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bit Boy!! Arcade Deluxe 2017 Österreich Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bit Dungeon 2012 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bit Dungeon II 2014 USA Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bit Dungeon III 2019 USA PC - Download
      Bit Evolution 2015 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      bit Generations: Digidrive 2006 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bit Shifter 2013 USA PC - Download
      Bit.Trip Beat 2011 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bit.Trip Core 2011 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bit.Trip Fate 2011 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bit.Trip Flux 2011 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bit.Trip ReRunner USA - Unbekannt -
      Bit.Trip Runner 2011 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bit.Trip Void 2011 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bite the Bullet 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BitMaster 2016 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BitRay 2 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bitte nicht stören! 1995 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bitter 2022 USA PC - Download
      Bitter Smile. 2010 Japan PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bittersweet Birthday 2025 Argentinien Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bitva Geroev 2003 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bitva Geroev: Padenie Imperii 2003 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bitva Magov 2005 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bitva Polov 2012 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bivouac 1988 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple IIgs, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Biyu Biyu Rocket 2006 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Biz Taiken Series: Kigyoudou 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bjuro Kladoiskatelejj 2010 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Black 2006 England Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black & Bruised 2003 Kanada Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black & White 2001 England Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black & White 2 2005 England Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods [Addon] 2006 England Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Black & White Bushido 2015 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black & White: Creature Isle [Addon] 2002 England Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Black & White: Creatures 2006 England Nintendo DS, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Black & White: Next Generation 2002 England Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black 2 2008 England Microsoft Xbox 360
      Black 9 2004 USA Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black Angel 1995 USA SEGA 32X
      Black Annex 2019 Australien PC - Download
      Black Beard 1988 Spanien MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Black Belt 1984 USA Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Black Belt Challenge 2002 Niederlande Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Black Bird 2018 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Black Blade 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 3
      Black Book 2021 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Book: Endless Battles [DLC] 2022 Zypern PC/Macintosh - Download
      Black Buccaneer 2006 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black Castle 2020 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy
      Black Cat: Kikai Shikake no Tenshi 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Black Cat: Kuroneko no Concerto 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Black Citadel 2004 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      Black Citadel II 2006 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      Black Clover: Quartet Knights 2018 Japan PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Command 2018 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Black Crypt 1992 USA Commodore Amiga
      Black Dahlia 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Black Dawn 1996 USA SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Black Day 2017 USA PC - Download
      Black Death 2011 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Black Desert Online 2015 Südkorea Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Dragon 2006 USA Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Arcade - Capcom Commando, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Black Feather Forest 2014 Niederlande PC/Macintosh - Download
      Black Finger JET 2024 USA PC - Download
      Black Fire 1995 USA SEGA Saturn
      Black Fire 2013 USA PC - Download
      Black Forest 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Black Future '88 2019 USA Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Black Gate: Kanin no Gakuen 2005 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness 2021 Ungarn PC - Download
      Black Gold 1994 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Black Gold 2002 Russland PC - Download
      Black Gold 2020 USA PC - Download
      Black Hawk 1984 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Black Heart 1991 Japan Arcade
      Black Hole 2016 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download, Ouya
      Black Hornet 1991 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Black ICE\White Noise 1995 USA Atari Jaguar CD
      Black Iris 2018 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Jack 1985 Japan Nintendo Game&Watch
      Black Jack vs. Matsuda Jun 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Black Jack: Ho no Tori-hen 2006 Japan Nintendo DS
      Black Jewel 2017 Italien PC - Download
      Black Jewel Reborn 2024 Italien Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Black Knight 1984 Australien Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Black Knight Sword 2012 Ungarn Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Black Knight: Marine Strike Fighter 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Black Lake 2013 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Black Lamp 1988 England Atari ST, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Atari XE, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Black Legend 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Black Legion 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360
      Black Lightning 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Black Magic 1987 Kanada Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple iOS, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Black Magic 1989 Deutschland Commodore Amiga
      Black Market Bowling 2005 Irland SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Black Max 1983 USA Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette
      Black Mesa 2012 USA PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Black Mesa: Blue Shift [Addon] 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Black Mirror 2017 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Mirror II 2009 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Black Mirror III 2011 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Black Monday 1987 USA Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Black Moon Chronicles 1999 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Black Moon Chronicles: Wind of War 2001 Kanada PC - CD-ROM
      Black Ocean 2011 Russland PC - DVD-ROM
      Black One: Blood Brothers 2022 USA PC - Download
      Black Panther 2000 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Black Paradox 2018 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Powder, Red Earth 2010 USA Internet / BBS / Browser
      Black Prophecy 2011 Deutschland PC - Download
      Black Prophecy Tactics: Nexus Conflict 2012 Deutschland PC - Download
      Black Rain: Revenge 2004 Australien Mobile - J2ME
      Black Rein 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Black Robinia 2011 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Black Rock Shooter: The Game 2011 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Black Sails: Das Geisterschiff 2010 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Black Sands Spanien PC - CD-ROM
      Black Shadow 1987 England Commodore Amiga
      Black Sheep Town 2022 Japan PC - Download
      Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled 2009 Niederlande Nintendo DS
      Black Skylands 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Star: Theater Starless 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Black State Türkei PC - Download
      Black Stone: Magic & Steel 2003 Japan Microsoft Xbox
      Black Sun 2005 USA Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Black The Fall 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Viper 1996 Italien Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³²
      Black Viper: Sophia's Fate 2014 Frankreich Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Black Widow 1981 USA Arcade - Taito Qix
      Black Widow 2003 USA Apple iOS, Arcade - Atari Vector, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Black Widow: Recharged 2021 Litauen Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Black Witchcraft 2022 Südkorea Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Black Wolves Saga: Bloody Nightmare 2012 Japan PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Black Wolves Saga: Last Hope 2012 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Black Zone 1995 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Black/Matrix 2000 Japan SEGA Dreamcast, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Black/Matrix 00 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Black/Matrix 2 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Black/Matrix Zero 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Blackball 1995 Russland PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blackbay Asylum 2014 Schweden PC - Download
      Blackbeard 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Blackberry Honey 2017 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Blackbox City 2015 Spanien Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blackfaun 2017 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blackfrost: The Long Dark II 2025 Kanada PC - Download
      Blackhawk Striker 2002 Chile PC - Download
      Blackhawk Striker 2 2004 Chile PC - Download
      Blackhole 2015 Tschechien Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blackhole Assault 1992 Japan NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM², SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Blackish House 2016 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Blackjack 1977 Hong Kong Interton VC 4000/Radofin Advanced Programmable Video System
      Blackjack 1992 USA Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Blackjack 2004 USA Apple iOS, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blackjack 2007 Commodore C64 - Quellcode, PC - CD-ROM
      Blackjack & Poker 1979 USA Mattel Intellivision
      Blackjack - 17 & 4 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      BlackJack Waifu Tour 2023 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blacklight: Retribution 2012 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blacklight: Tango Down 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blackmoor 2: The Traitor King 2018 China Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Blackout 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blackout 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Blackout Z: Slaughterhouse Edition 2017 Brasilien PC - Download
      Blackroom 2018 Irland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blackrose Suspects 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blacksad: Under the Skin 2019 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blacksea Odyssey 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4
      BlackShadows 2014 Frankreich PC - Download
      BlackSite: Area 51 2007 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blacksmith Legends 2022 Slowakei PC - Download
      Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom 2021 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      BlackSoul 2013 Italien PC - Download
      Blackspace 2014 USA PC - Download
      Blackstar 2008 USA PC - DVD-ROM
      Blacktail 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      BlackThorne 1994 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SEGA 32X, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blackwake 2017 Australien PC - Download
      Blackwater 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360
      Blackwell Unbound 2007 USA Apple iOS, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blackwind 2022 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Blackwood Crossing 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blackwyche 1985 England Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Blade 2000 England SONY PlayStation
      Blade 2000 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Blade & Bones 2016 Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blade & Magic 2012 Japan Google Android
      Blade & Soul 2011 USA PC - Download
      Blade & Soul: Table Arena 2017 Südkorea PC - Download
      Blade and Sorcery 2018 Irland PC - Download
      Blade Arcus from Shining 2015 Japan Arcade - SEGA RingEdge2, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blade Arcus Rebellion from Shining  2019 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blade Arts: Tasogare no Miyako Ruruie 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Blade Assault 2022 Südkorea Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Blade Chimera 2024 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Blade Chronicle: Samurai Online 2009 Japan PC - Download
      Blade Dancer: Sennen no Yakusoku 2006 Japan SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blade Force 1995 USA 3DO
      Blade Guardian 2012 Japan Apple iOS
      Blade II 2002 England Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Blade Kitten 2010 Australien Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blade Kitten: Episode 2 [DLC] 2015 Australien PC - Download
      Blade Master 2004 Belarus PC - Download
      Blade Prince Academy 2024 Frankreich PC - Download
      Blade Runner 1985 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blade Runner 1997 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth 2025 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab 2017 USA PC - Download
      Blade Runner 2049: Replicant Pursuit 2018 USA Google Android, PC - Download
      Blade Runner: Revelations 2018 USA Google Android
      Blade Runner: Rogue 2021 Finnland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blade Smash 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blade Strangers 2018 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blade Symphony 2014 USA PC - Download
      Blade Trinity 2004 England Mobile - BREW, Mobile - J2ME
      Blade Warrior 1992 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blade Xlord 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blade: The Edge of Darkness 2001 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Blades & Battles Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Blades of Avernum 2006 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blades of Fire 2025 Spanien Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blades of Passage: Thu Lu Khan 2000 Kanada Nintendo 64 Disc Drive
      Blades of Steel: The Supreme Hockey Challenge 1990 Ungarn Arcade - Konami Blades of Steel, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Famicom Disk System, Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Disk Writer, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Blades of Thunder 2005 Dänemark Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Blades of Time 2012 Russland Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blades of Time: The Dismal Swamp [DLC] 2012 Russland Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Blades of Vengeance 1993 Australien SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      BladeShield 2016 USA PC - Download
      Bladestorm: Hyakunen Sensou 2007 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blagger 1983 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, MSX - Diskette
      Blagger goes to Hollywood 1985 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blair Witch 2019 USA Amazon Luna, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Blair Witch Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Blair Witch Volume III: The Elly Kedward Tale 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Blake and Mortimer: The Curse of the Thirty Denarii 2018 Frankreich PC - Download
      Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold 1994 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blake Stone: Planet Strike! 1994 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blam! Machinehead 1996 England PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Blameless 2016 Tschechien PC - Download
      Blanc 2023 Frankreich Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Blandia 1992 Japan Arcade - SETA 1
      Blank 2018 Belgien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blank City 2019 Südkorea Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blankos: Block Party 2020 England PC - Download
      Blankspace 2020 Polen PC - Download
      Blasphemous 2019 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blasphemous II 2023 England Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blast 'Em Bunnies 2016 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blast Brigade vs. the Evil Legion of Dr. Cread 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Blast Chamber 1997 England PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Blast Corps 1997 USA Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Blast Em! 2014 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blast Factor 2006 USA SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blast Lacrosse 2001 USA SONY PlayStation
      Blast Off 1989 Japan Arcade - Namco System 1
      Blast Radius 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      Blast Wind 1997 Japan Arcade, SEGA Saturn
      Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy 2008 USA Nintendo Wii
      Blast Zone! Tournament 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blastar 1984 Südafrika Spectravideo SVI-318/328 - Cassette
      Blasted Road Terror 2017 Tschechien PC - Download
      Blaster 1997 USA Arcade - Williams 6809 Rev.1, Atari 400, Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2
      Blaster 2005 PC - CD-ROM
      Blaster Cop 2017 Russland PC - Download
      Blaster Master 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Blaster Master 2 1993 England SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Blaster Master Zero 2019 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blaster Master Zero II 2019 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blaster Master Zero III 2021 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blaster Master: Overdrive 2010 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      Blaster Shooter GunGuy! 2015 USA PC - Download
      BlasterBall 3 2006 Chile PC - Download
      Blasteroids 1989 England Arcade - Atari 68000, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Diskette
      Blasters of the Universe 2017 Kanada PC - Download
      Blastful 2021 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition 2016 Russland Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blasto 1998 USA SONY PlayStation
      BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War 2021 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger 2010 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      BlazBlue: Centralfiction 2016 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BlazBlue: Chronophantasma 2013 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      BlazBlue: Chronophantasma 2.0 2015 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2011 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo 3DS, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable
      BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend 2012 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II 2011 Japan Arcade - Taito Type X², Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo 3DS, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable
      BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle 2018 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BlazBlue: Entropy Effect 2023 China PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest 1999 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blaze Union: Story to Reach the Future 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      BlaZeon 1992 Japan Arcade, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      BlazeRush 2014 Russland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII 2007 Ukraine Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII 2006 Rumänien Arcade - Andere, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blazing Beaks 2017 Schottland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blazing Birds 2009 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Blazing Chrome 2019 Brasilien Arcade - exA-Arcadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blazing Dragons 1996 USA SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Blazing Odyssey 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blazing Sails 2020 Belgien PC - Download
      Blazing Souls 2006 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 2
      Blazing Star 1998 Japan Apple iOS, Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SNK NeoGeo Mini, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blazing Strike 2024 Südkorea Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Blazing Thunder 1991 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blazing Tornado 1995 Japan Arcade, SEGA Saturn
      Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru - Soul Society 2005 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bleach DS 2nd: Kokui Hirameku Requiem 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer 2009 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bleach GC: Tasogare ni Mamieru Shinigami 2005 Japan Nintendo GameCube
      Bleach Wii: Hakujin Kirameku Rondo 2006 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bleach: Blade Battlers 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bleach: Brave Souls 2020 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bleach: Erabareshi Tamashii 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 2007 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 2008 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 2009 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bleach: Immortal Soul 2020 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Japan Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bleach: Soul Ignition 2011 Japan SONY PlayStation 3
      Bleach: The 3rd Phantom 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bleach: Versus Crusade 2008 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bleak 2018 USA PC - Download
      Bleak Faith: Forsaken 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bleak Sword 2023 Spanien Apple iOS, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bleed 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bleed 2 2017 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bleeding Edge 2020 England Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download
      Bleeding Moons 2020 Frankreich PC - Download
      Bleep Bloop 2019 Spanien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Blek 2013 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Blend X Brand: Odekake Gousei RPG 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Blender Bros. 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bless Unleashed 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bless: Close Your eyes, Open Your Mind 2000 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Blessed Work 2022 Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Blight 2023 USA PC - Download
      Blight: Survival 2025 USA PC - Download
      Blightbound 2020 USA PC - Download
      Blind 2018 Italien PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blind Fate: Edo no Yami 2022 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blind Fate: Edo no Yami - Dojo 2021 Spanien PC - Download
      Blind Men 2020 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blind Shot: Assassin's Confession 2009 Polen PC - DVD-ROM
      BlindDate 2002 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Blindfire 2024 England PC/Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download
      Blinding Dark 2014 Rumänien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blindness 1996 Italien PC - CD-ROM
      Blindy 2019 Polen Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Blink: The Last Night 2022 USA PC - Download
      Blinkys Scary School 1990 England Atari ST, Atari XE, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blinx 2: Battle of Time & Space 2004 Japan Microsoft Xbox
      Blinx: The Time Sweeper 2002 Japan Microsoft Xbox
      Blipblaster 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bliss 2014 Schweden PC - Download
      Bliss Island 2006 England Internet / BBS / Browser, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Blitter Boy 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      Blitz & Massive 2010 Portugal Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download
      Blitz Bombers 1998 Wales Commodore Amiga AGA
      Blitz Breaker 2016 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blitz: The League 2005 USA Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Blitz: The League II 2008 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blitzkrieg 2003 Russland Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg 3 2017 USA PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blitzkrieg at the Ardennes 1994 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg Fire 2021 Australien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blitzkrieg II 2005 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg II 2005 Russland Mobile - J2ME
      Blitzkrieg II: Osvobozhdenie [Addon] 2007 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg II: Vozmezdie 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg: Battle at the Ardennes 1989 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon 2004 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg: Iron Division [Addon] 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg: Operacija 'Taifun' [Addon] 2003 PC - CD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg: Operacija Sever [Addon] 2004 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder 2004 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Blitzkrieg: Toubu Sensen 1941-45 1991 Japan NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, Sharp X680x0
      Blitzschlag [Addon] 2001 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Blob 2000 Slowakei Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blob From Space 2014 Niederlande PC - Download
      BlobCat 2018 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download
      Block 'n' Load 2015 Norwegen PC - Download
      Block Block 2006 USA Arcade - Capcom CPS, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Block Blowout 2016 Mexiko PC - Download
      Block Breaker Deluxe 2005 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Block Buster 1995 Russland PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Block Droppin' 2024 England Blaze Evercade, Nintendo GameBoy
      Block Frenzy 2008 England Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Download
      Block Kuzushi 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Block Kuzushi 2 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Block Kuzushi Breakqube 2015 Japan Apple iOS
      Block Kuzushi NEO 2009 Japan Mobile - i-Mode
      Block Legend DX 2014 Japan Apple iOS, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Block Mahjong 1978 Japan Arcade
      Block N Load 2015 England PC - Download
      Block Shock 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Block Ten 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Block Tsugushi? 2012 Japan Google Android
      Block War 1999 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Block Wars 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Block'Em Sock'Em 2023 USA Blaze Evercade, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Block'hood 2017 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Block'n'Bubble 1987 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Block++ 2010 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Block-a-Pix Color 2019 England Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Block-Out 1985 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blockade 1991 USA Apple IIgs, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette
      Blockade Runner 1984 Kanada CBS Colecovision, Mattel Intellivision, MSX - Cassette
      Blockade: War Stories 2019 Russland PC - Download
      BlockBunny 2007 Spanien Mobile - J2ME
      BlockBuster 3D 2018 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Blockbuster Inc. 2024 Griechenland PC - Download
      Blockbuster World Video Game Championships II 1995 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Blockbusters 1984 England Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blockbusters 1986 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Blockbusters 1988 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC - Diskette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blockbusters 1988 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blockbusters: Gold Run 1986 England Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette
      Blockbusters: Gold Run 1986 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blockbusters: Gold Run 1986 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Blocken 1994 Japan Arcade
      Blockhead 2004 England Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Blockhead II 2004 England Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Blockids 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      BlockiX 2004 Deutschland PC - Download
      Blockland 2007 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blockle 2015 Japan Google Android
      Blockout 1993 Polen Apple IIgs, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Arcade, Atari Lynx, Atari ST, Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, Nintendo Famicom/NES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Blocks That Matter 2011 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blokus 2010 Frankreich Apple iOS, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blokus Club Portable with Bumpy Trot 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Blokus Duo 2005 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      Blokuzu Project 2018 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bloo Kid 2011 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bloo Kid 2 2014 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Nintendo Switch - Download, Ouya, PC - Download
      Blood 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC - Memory Stick
      Blood & Bacon 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blood & Glory 2010 Kanada - Unbekannt -
      Blood & Lace 2001 Italien PC - CD-ROM
      Blood & Truth 2019 England SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blood 'n Bikinis 2018 Japan PC - Download
      Blood 'n Guts 1986 Schweden Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blood Ancestors 2018 Spanien PC - Download
      Blood and Gold: Caribbean! - The Zombiest Adventures [DLC] 2017 Russland PC - Download
      Blood and Zombies 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Blood Bath at Red Falls 1995 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Blood Beach 2010 USA Apple iOS, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Blood Bond: Into the Shroud 2019 England PC - Download
      Blood Bowl 1995 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blood Bowl 1998 England PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Blood Bowl 2009 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Blood Bowl II 2015 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blood Bowl II: Official Expansion [DLC] 2017 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blood Bowl III 2022 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Blood Bowl: Death Zone 2018 Frankreich PC - Download
      Blood Breed 2019 Australien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Blood Bros. Japan Arcade, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Blood Brothers 1988 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blood Drive 2010 Australien Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blood Dust 2011 Australien Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blood Gear 1994 Japan NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²
      Blood Hunter 2008 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Blood II: Revelations [Addon] 2002 England PC - CD-ROM
      Blood II: The Chosen 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Blood II: The Chosen - The Nightmare Levels [Addon] 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Blood Knights 2013 Deutschland Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blood Lust: I.K.3 1998 England Arcade - Atari - Andere, SONY PlayStation
      Blood Money 1989 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Blood nor Water 2021 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blood Nova 2022 Niederlande PC - Download
      Blood Oath 2010 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Blood of Bahamuth 2009 Japan Nintendo DS
      Blood of Bin Laden 2013 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download
      Blood of Heroes 2021 Belarus Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Blood of Old 2015 Schottland PC - Download
      Blood of the Werewolf 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blood Omen 2: The Legacy of Kain Series 2002 Niederlande Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain 1996 USA Blaze Evercade, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain II 1997 USA SONY PlayStation
      Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain II 1997 Kanada SONY PlayStation
      Blood Rage: Digital Edition 2020 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blood Spear 2021 Kanada PC - Download
      Blood Star 2014 Frankreich PC - Download
      Blood Storm 1995 USA Arcade - Incredible Technologies 32-bit, SEGA 32X, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Blood Wake 2001 USA Microsoft Xbox
      Blood Waves 2018 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blood West 2022 USA PC - Download
      Blood West: Dead Man’s Promise [DLC] 2024 USA PC - Download
      Blood Will Be Spilled 2019 Slowakei Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BLOOD+: Final Piece 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      BLOOD+: One Night Kiss 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      BLOOD+: Souyoku no Battle Rondo 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Blood: Plasma Pak [Addon] 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC - Memory Stick
      Blood: The Last Vampire - Joukan 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bloodbath Kavkaz 2015 Russland PC - Download
      Bloodbath Kavkaz: Khovan Revenge [DLC] 2015 Russland PC - Download
      Bloodbath Requiem 2018 Russland PC - Download
      Bloodbath: Fight for Your Life 2014 Spanien Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bloodborne 2015 Japan SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bloodborne: The Old Hunters [DLC] 2015 Japan SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bloodforge 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Bloodhound 2023 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bloodie 1998 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM
      Bloodkill 2024 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bloodless Brasilien PC - Download
      Bloodline 2005 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM
      Bloodline Champions 2011 Schweden PC - Download
      Bloodlines 1996 England PC - CD-ROM
      Bloodlines 1999 Kanada SONY PlayStation
      Bloodlines: The Game Series 2013 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bloodlust 2: Nemesis 2020 USA PC - Download
      BloodLust Shadowhunter 2015 USA PC - Download
      Bloodmoon 2012 Bulgarien Internet / BBS / Browser
      BloodNet: A Cyberpunk Gothic 1993 USA Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BloodRayne 2003 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation Portable
      BloodRayne 2 2005 USA Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      BloodRayne: Betrayal 2014 Niederlande Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      BloodRayne: The Shroud 2011 Nintendo 3DS
      Bloodroots 2019 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bloodshed 2024 Deutschland PC - Download
      Bloodshed Ninja 2011 Deutschland Apple iOS
      Bloodshore 2021 Wales Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bloodshot 1994 England SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bloodshot 1999 England PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bloodsports.TV 2015 Schweden PC - Download
      Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2018 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 2020 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 2 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Bloodstone: An Epic Dwarven Tale 1995 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bloodstroke: A John Woo Game 2014 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bloodwash 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bloodwych 1991 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bloodwych: Data Disks Vol. 1 [Addon] 1990 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bloody Boobs 2017 Russland PC - Download
      Bloody Bride: Imodoki no Vampire 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bloody Chain 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bloody Chronicles: Act 1 - Secret Operation [DLC] 2019 Japan PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloody Chronicles: New Cycle of Death 2019 Japan PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloody Good Time 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Bloody Hell 2023 Niederlande PC - Download
      Bloody Hell Hotel 2024 USA PC - Download
      Bloody Moon 2007 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      Bloody Rally Show 2020 Litauen Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age 1999 Japan Arcade - JAMMA, SONY PlayStation
      Bloody Roar 3 2001 Japan Arcade - Namco System 246, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bloody Roar 4 2003 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bloody Roar Extreme 2002 Japan Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube
      Bloody Roar: Hyper Beast Duel 2002 Arcade - Sony ZN-1, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Bloody Secretz 2001 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bloody Streets 2014 USA PC - Download
      Bloody Trains 2019 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloody Trapland 2013 Schweden PC - Download
      Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no Gyakushuu 1990 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bloody Zombies 2017 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bloom 2020 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloom: Labyrinth 2019 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blooming Business: Casino 2023 Frankreich PC - Download
      Bloomtown: A Different Story 2024 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bloons TD 5 2010 Neuseeland Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloons TD 6 2022 Neuseeland PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bloop 2013 Ungarn PC - Download
      Blossom Tales II: The Minotaur Prince 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King 2017 USA Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Blown Away 1994 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Blowout 2004 USA Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blox & Bones 2009 Italien Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bloxeed 2006 Japan Arcade - SEGA System 16, Arcade - SEGA System 18, Arcade - SEGA System C, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bloxiq 2015 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blubber Busters 2021 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blue Almanac 1991 Japan Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Blue Angel 69 1996 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blue Angelo 2005 Belgien GamePark 32, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - Download
      Blue Angels Aerobatic Flight Simulator 2017 Italien Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blue Angels: Formation Flight Simulation 1989 Kanada Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Blue Baron 1992 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blue Boy 1992 Italien Commodore Amiga
      Blue Breaker Burst: Hohoemi wo Anata to 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Blue Breaker: Ken yori mo Hohoemi wo 1997 Japan NEC PC-FX, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Blue Code 1991 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Blue Dot 2001 Frankreich Internet / BBS / Browser
      Blue Dragon 2006 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360
      Blue Dragon Plus 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Blue Dragon: Ikai no Kyoujuu 2009 Japan Nintendo DS
      Blue Fire 2021 USA Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blue Flow Fandisc 2005 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Blue Force 1993 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blue Forest Story: Kaze no Fuuin 1996 Japan 3DO, SONY PlayStation
      Blue Heat 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Blue Heaven 2019 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blue Horizon 2017 USA PC - Download
      Blue Ice 1995 England PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Blue Lightning 1989 USA Atari Lynx, Blaze Evercade, PC - Download
      Blue Lightning 1995 England Atari Jaguar CD
      Blue Madonna 2011 Schweden PC - Download
      Blue Max 1983 USA Atari 800 - Cartridge, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari XE, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blue Max 2001 1984 USA Atari XE, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blue Max: Aces of the Great War 1993 Kanada Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Blue Moon: The Lucium Project 2017 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blue Mule 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Blue Oasis: Sakana no Iyashi Kuukan 2008 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blue Prince 2024 USA PC - Download
      Blue Protocol 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Blue Reflection Sun 2023 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download
      Blue Reflection Tie 2021 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blue Reflection: Maboroshi ni Mau - Shoujo no Ken 2017 Japan PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blue Rider 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blue Rose 2012 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Blue Roses: Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Blue Sabers - Blue Wings Part 3 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden 1995 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Blue Stinger 1999 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Blue Submarine No. 6: Saigetsu Fumachbito - Time and Tide 2000 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Blue Thunder 1984 England Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Blue Toad Murder Files: The Mysteries of Little Riddle 2010 England PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Blue Wing Blitz 2001 Japan Bandai WonderSwan Color
      Blue's Clues: Blue's Alphabet Book 2001 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Blue-Collar Astronaut 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Blue-Sky-Blue【s】 Sora wo Mau Tsubasa 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast
      Blueberry 1987 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Thomson TO8
      Blueberry Garden 2009 Schweden PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bluelight Magic 2000 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Blueprint 1983 USA Arcade - Midway V-Unit, Atari 5200, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Blues and Bullets - Episode 1: The End of Peace 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blues and Bullets - Episode 2: Shaking the Hive 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blues and Bullets - Episode 3: Mourning the Dead 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blues and Bullets - Episode 4: Behind the Mask 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blues and Bullets - Episode 5: The New Untouchables 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Blues Brothers 2000 2000 USA Nintendo 64, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bluestar 1995 USA 3DO, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bluey: The Videogame 2023 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Blumenmacht 2007 Schweiz PC - Download
      Blunt Force Polen PC - Download
      Blunt Force 2017 Hong Kong PC - Download
      Blur 2010 England Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Blur 2 2011 England Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      BMW M3 Challenge 2007 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      BMX Air Master 1989 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      BMX Freestyle Simulator 1989 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BMX Pro Racing 2001 USA PC - Download
      BMX Racers 1985 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BMX Simulator 1993 England Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BMX Simulator II: Dirt Biking 1989 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BMX Streets 2024 Kanada Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BMX Trials 1984 England Commodore C64 - Cassette
      BMX XXX 2002 USA Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      BMX: The Game 2020 Spanien Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download
      Bo Jackson Hit and Run Baseball 1991 USA Nintendo GameBoy
      Bo Jackson Hit and Run Football 1991 USA Nintendo GameBoy
      Bō Xī Yà Shíguāng 2019 China Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Board Game Classics 2005 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Board Games Gallery 2004 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Boat Crew 2022 Türkei PC - Download
      Bob & Bernard against the Nazis 2021 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bob Came in Pieces 2009 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BoB Help Them! 2020 Argentinien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bob Morane: Chevalerie 1 1987 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bob Morane: Jungle 1987 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bob Morane: Ocean 1989 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bob Morane: Science Fiction 1 1987 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting 2006 USA Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM
      Bob Squisch und der moosige Moorkönig 1997 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bob the Builder: Bob Builds a Park 2002 England PC - CD-ROM
      Bob the Builder: Bob's Castle Adventure 2005 Schottland PC - CD-ROM, Video - DVD (DVD-PG)
      Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? 2000 Schottland PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bob the Builder: Fix it Fun! 2001 USA Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bob the Elementalist 2023 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bob Winner 1986 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Amstrad PCW - 3"-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Thomson MO5, Thomson TO7-70
      Bob's Bad Day 1993 England Commodore Amiga
      Bobby Bearing 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Retro Games - The Spectrum, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bobby Fischers Fritz 2016 Deutschland PC - DVD-ROM
      Bobby is Going Home 1981 Taiwan Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bobby's World 1994 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bobix 2000 Niederlande Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Böbl 2020 Deutschland Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bobo and Fletcher Go Deep into the Congo 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Atsumare! Taikan Bo-bobo 2007 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Dasshutsu!! Hajike Royale 2005 Japan Nintendo GameCube
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: 9kyoku Senshi Gag Yuugou 2004 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: Bakutou Hajike Taisen 2004 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: Hajike Matsuri! 2003 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: Majide!!? Shinken Shoubu 2003 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: Ougi 87.5 Bakuretsu Hanage Shinken 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bocconi Fashion Empire 2007 Italien Mobile
      Bocconi Ice Cream Empire 2006 Italien Mobile
      Bode Miller Alpine Racing 2006 USA Mobile - BREW, Mobile - J2ME
      Body Blows 1993 England Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Body Blows Galactic 1993 England Commodore Amiga
      Body Count 1994 England SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Body Glove: Bluewater Hunter 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Body Harvest 1998 England Nintendo 64
      Body of Evidence 2020 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Body Slam: Super Pro Wrestling 1998 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Body Special 264: Girls in Motion Puzzle Vol. 2 1996 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Bodycam 2024 USA PC - Download
      Bodycam: Unrecord Shooter 2024 USA PC - Download
      Bodycheck 2017 Schottland SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bodycount 2011 England Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bodyworks Voyager: Missions in Anatomy 1994 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Boec SOBR 2007 Ukraine PC - CD-ROM
      Boec Specnaza FSKN Rossii 2007 Russland PC - Download
      Bogey Manor 1985 Japan Arcade - Data East Burger Time
      Boggle 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Boggle 2012 Indien Google Android
      Boggle 2015 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bogue 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      BOH 2009 Italien PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bohemian Killing 2016 Polen Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boid 2015 Ukraine PC - Download
      Boiling Bolt 2017 Frankreich PC - Download
      Boing! 2005 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Mobile - J2ME, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Boing! Docomodake 2009 Japan Nintendo DS
      Boingkid & the Chambers of Destiny 2017 Iran PC - Download
      BOÏNIHI: The Ki Codex 2017 Frankreich PC - Download
      Bojj s Ten'ju 2005 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bojj s Ten'ju 2011 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bojj s Ten'ju 2: Revansh 2007 Russland PC - DVD-ROM
      Bokida: Heartfelt Reunion 2017 USA PC - Download
      Bokosuka Seven 2010 Japan Mobile
      Bokosuka Wars 1985 Japan Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5, MSX - Cartridge, NEC PC-6001, NEC PC-8001 - Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo Wii - Download, Sharp X-1
      Bokosuka Wars II 2016 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boku ga Sadame Kimi ni wa Tsubasa wo. 2007 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku mo Sekai wo Sukuitai 2010 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      Boku no Choro Q 2002 SONY PlayStation
      Boku no Hero Academia: Battle for All 2016 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Boku no Hero Academia: Gekitotsu! Heroes Battle 2016 Japan Arcade
      Boku no Hero Academia: Gekitotsu! Heroes Battle Plus Ultra!!! 2018 Japan Arcade
      Boku no Hero Academia: Gekitotsu! Heroes Battle Rush 2019 Japan Arcade
      Boku no Hero Academia: Gekitotsu! Heroes Battle W 2017 Japan Arcade
      Boku no Hero Academia: One's Justice 2018 Japan Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boku no Hero Academia: One's Justice 2 2020 Japan Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boku no Hero Academia: Ultra Impact 2021 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku no Hero Academia: Ultra Rumble 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boku no Hitori Sensou 2015 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku no Mirai ha, Koi to Kakin to. Charge to the Future 2019 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku no Monster: Monster Ikusei × Houchi RPG 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku no Natsuyasumi 2: Umi no Bouken Hen 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Boku no Natsuyasumi 3: Kitaguni Hen - Chiisana Boku no Dai Sougen​ 2007 Japan SONY PlayStation 3
      Boku no Natsuyasumi 4: Seitouchi Shounen Tanteidan, Boku to Himitsu no Chizu 2009 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable 2: Nazo Nazo Shimai to Chinbotsusen no Himitsu 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Boku no Natsuyasumi: Himitsu Taiken 2004 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Boku no Natsuyasumi: Summer Holiday 20th Century 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Boku no Restaurant 3 2014 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku no Restaurant II 2013 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku no Te no Naka no Rakuen 2009 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku no Tennis Jinsei 2001 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damashii 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Boku to Dragon 2015 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi 2019 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boku to Kanojo to Sunahama 2007 Japan Mobile - i-Mode
      Boku to Kare no Kiken na Doukyo Seikatsu 2013 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma. 2015 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma. Suggoi Ecchi! 2016 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku to Maou 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boku to Neko 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi 2018 Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Boku to Onee-san 2011 Japan PC - Download
      Boku to Sekai no Euclid 2015 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku to, Bokura no Natsu 2002 Japan PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast
      Boku wa Chiisai 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan 3 2008 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan 4 2015 Japan PC - Download
      Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan 4: Airport NAHA [ROAH] [DLC] 2019 Japan PC - Download
      Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan DS: Air Traffic Controller 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan: Airport Hero Shinchitose 2007 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Boku wa Mori Sekai no Kami ni naru 2010 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 2011 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Portable 2012 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bokube 2017 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bokuhime Project 2021 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bokujou Keie-teki Board Game: Umapoly 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bokujou Monogatari Japan - Unbekannt -
      Bokujou Monogatari 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Nintendo Power, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari 2 1999 Japan Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari 3: Heart ni Hi wo Tsukete 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari GB 1997 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Bokujou Monogatari GB 2 1999 Japan Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Bokujou Monogatari GB 3: Boy Meets Girl 2000 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bokujou Monogatari Mobile: Life & Love 2024 Japan Mobile - BREW, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari Multiplayer Japan - Unbekannt -
      Bokujou Monogatari: Colobocle Station 2005 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Futago no Mura! 2010 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Hajimari no Daichi 2012 Japan Nintendo 3DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Kimi to Sodatsu Shima 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Kira Kira Taiyou to Nakamatachi 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Makiba no Omise 2009 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Mineral Town no Nakamatachi 2003 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bokujou Monogatari: Mittsu no Sato no Taisetsuna Tomodachi 2016 Japan Nintendo 3DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Olive Town to Kibou no Daichi 2021 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Saikai no Mineral Town 2020 Japan Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Shiawase no Uta 2005 Japan Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii
      Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Tsunagaru Shin Tenchi 2014 Japan Nintendo 3DS
      Bokujou Monogatari: Waku Waku Animal March 2008 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bokujou Monogatari: Welcome! Wonderful Life 2023 Japan Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Wonderful Life 2003 Japan Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bokujou Monogatari: Yasuragi no Ki 2007 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bokujou Monogatari: Youkoso Kaze no Bazaaru 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bokura ha Kaseki Horider 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bokura no Fantasia 2010 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bokura no Gakkou Sensou: Tsuukai Adventure 2015 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bokura no Houkago Sensou: After School Wars 2018 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bokura no Kazoku 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bokura no Kingdom 2011 Japan Mobile
      Bokura no Nanokan Sensou: Yuujou Adventure 2015 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bokura no Taiyou: Django & Sabata 2006 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bokura no Taiyou: Taiyou Action RPG 2003 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bol'shie Gonki v Moskovskojj Kommunalke 2005 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bolo 1995 Deutschland Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Bolt Riley: A Reggae Adventure Game - Chapter 1 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bolzplatz 2006 2006 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boma Boma 2005 Japan Mobile, Mobile - i-Mode
      BOMB Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Bomb Alley 1982 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette
      Bomb Buster 2001 Italien Arcade
      Bomb Chase 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Bomb Chicken 2019 England Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bomb Jack 2004 Ungarn PC - CD-ROM
      Bomb Jack 2012 Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox, Mobile - ExEn, Mobile - J2ME, Mobile - Mophun, MSX-2 - Cartridge, MSX-2 - Diskette, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, Nintendo GameBoy, PC - DVD-ROM, SEGA SG-1000, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bomb Jack II 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bomb Logic 2007 Russland Mobile - J2ME
      Bomb Monkey 2020 USA Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bomb Riders 2018 Russland PC - Download
      Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 2023 Niederlande Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bomb Rush Cyberfunk: Base & Jay [DLC] 2023 Niederlande Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bomb Squad 2001 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bomb-Runner 1987 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      BOMB: The Adventures of Marcel Gaston Against Time of Pride 2014 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bombardix 2003 Belarus PC - Download
      Bomber 1982 England Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, Retro Games - The VIC20, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bomber 1990 USA Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bomber Attack 1982 USA Apple II - Cassette, Commodore C64 / Atari 800 - Cassette, Commodore Pet-Serie
      Bomber Boy 1990 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bomber Crew 2017 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bomber Crew: Secret Weapons [DLC] 2017 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bomber Crew: USAAF [DLC] 2018 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bomber Hehhe 2002 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Bomber II 1993 USA Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bomber III 1997 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bomber Kat 2016 Belarus Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bomber King 1987 Japan MSX - Cartridge, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bomber King: Scenario 2 1991 Japan Blaze Evercade, Nintendo GameBoy
      Bomber Man 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Bomber Man '93 2002 China Konami PC Engine Mini, NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Bomber Man '94 1994 Japan Konami PC Engine Mini, Mobile, NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Bomber Man II 1991 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bomber Man World 1992 Japan Arcade - Irem M97
      Bomber Raid 1988 Japan SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      BomberFun 2003 Deutschland Arcade, PC - CD-ROM
      BomberFun Tournament 2005 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bombergirl 2018 Japan Arcade - Konami - Andere, PC - Download
      Bomberic 2000 Russland PC - Download
      Bomberic 2 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bomberland 2013 Polen Commodore C64 - Cartridge
      Bomberman 1983 Japan Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - Cassette, MSX - Cassette, NEC PC-6001, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, Sharp MZ-700, Sharp X-1, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bomberman 1985 Japan Mobile - J2ME, MSX - BeeCard, Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Disk Writer, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bomberman 1992 Japan Arcade - Irem M90
      Bomberman 2002 China Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Mobile, NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM², NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, Sharp X680x0
      Bomberman 2004 Japan Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge
      Bomberman 2005 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bomberman 2008 Japan Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bomberman 64 2001 Japan Nintendo 64
      Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bomberman Battles 2004 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bomberman Blitz 2009 Japan Nintendo DSi - Download
      Bomberman C64 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Bomberman Fantasy Race 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bomberman GB 1994 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bomberman GB 2 1995 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bomberman GB 3 1996 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bomberman Generation 2002 Japan Nintendo GameCube
      Bomberman Hero: Milian Oujo wo Sukue! 1998 Japan Nintendo 64, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bomberman Jetters 2002 Japan Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bomberman Jetters: Densetsu no Bomberman 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bomberman Land 2000 Japan Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bomberman Land 2 2003 Japan Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bomberman Land 3 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bomberman Live 2010 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bomberman Live: Battlefest 2010 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Bomberman Max 2 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bomberman Online 2001 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Bomberman Portable 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Bomberman Quest 1998 Japan Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color
      Bomberman RPG 2006 Japan Mobile - i-Mode
      Bomberman Story 2001 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bomberman Story DS 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bomberman Wars 1998 Japan SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Bomberman World 2002 China PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bomberman: Act Zero 2006 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360
      Bomberman: Bakufuu Sentai Bombermen 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bomberman: Panic Bomber 1995 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Konami PC Engine Mini, NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM², Nintendo VirtualBoy, Sharp X680x0
      BombFall 2019 England Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bombing Busters 2015 Thailand Microsoft Xbox One - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bombjack Twin 1993 Japan Arcade
      Bombmania 2004 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Bomboy 1993 Taiwan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bombs Away 1988 Japan Arcade
      Bombs Away 1994 Australien PC - CD-ROM
      Bombshell 2016 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bombshell: Time to Kill 2016 USA PC - Download
      Bombslinger 2018 Belgien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bombsweeper 2002 Japan Nintendo Game&Watch, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bombuzal: It's Dynamite! 1989 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bonanza Bros. 2010 England Arcade - SEGA System 24, AtGames - Sega Mega Drive/Genesis , Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA Astro City Mini, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis Mini, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bonaparte 2004 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bonaparte: A Mechanized Revolution 2025 Kanada PC - Download
      Bond Casino 1998 England PC - CD-ROM
      Bonded 2015 Portugal Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bone Marrow 2022 Russland Blaze Evercade, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bone: Out from Boneville 2005 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bone: The Great Cow Race 2007 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      BoneCraft: Somewhere in Some Galaxy [Addon] 2008 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      BoneCruncher 1988 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bones Brigade 1989 Österreich Commodore Amiga
      Bones of Halloween 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bones: The First Adventure 2002 Finnland Mobile - J2ME
      BoneTown 2008 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boneworks 2020 USA PC - Download
      BoneyBoy 2011 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android, Pocket PC
      Bonez Adventures: Fulaova hrobka 2005 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      BongaBonga 2009 Thailand Nintendo DS
      BongaBonga Digi Pets 2007 Thailand Mobile - J2ME
      BongaBonga Electric 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga Foodlover 2007 Thailand Mobile - J2ME
      BongaBonga Home 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga Learning 1 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga Learning 2 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga Learning 3 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga Learning 4 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga River Raffing 2007 Thailand Mobile - J2ME
      BongaBonga School Kits 2009 Thailand Nintendo DS
      BongaBonga Sliding 2007 Thailand Mobile - J2ME
      BongaBonga Traveler 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      BongaBonga Zoo 2006 Thailand PC - CD-ROM
      Bongo 1987 Deutschland Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bonk's Return 2006 Niederlande Mobile - BREW
      Bonk: Brink of Extinction 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bonka 1983 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Dragon 32/64
      Bonkies 2021 Norwegen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bonn Ouvert 1998 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bonnie's Bookstore 2005 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bonsai Barber 2009 England Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bonsai Casino 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bonx Racing 2001 Frankreich Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boo Bunny Plague 2014 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boo! 1995 England Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Boobie Beach 2007 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Booby Kids 1987 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure 1995 USA Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Boogie 2007 Kanada Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2
      Boogie Bunnies 2008 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Boogie SuperStar 2008 Kanada Nintendo Wii
      Boogie Woogie Bowling 1993 Japan SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Book of Aliens 2022 Polen PC - Download
      Book of Demons 2023 Polen Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Book of Demons: Hellcard 2023 Polen PC - Download
      Book of Hours 2023 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Book of Legends 2009 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Book of Legends 2010 Kanada PC - Download
      Book of the Dead 1987 England Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Diskette
      Book Series: Alice in Wonderland 2016 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bookai Racer 1996 England PC - CD-ROM
      Bookbound Brigade 2020 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bookworm 2004 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Windows Phone, Mobile - PalmOS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi - Download, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC/Macintosh - Download, RIM BlackBerry
      Bookworm Adventures Deluxe 2006 USA PC - Download
      Bookworm Adventures: Volume 2 2009 USA PC - Download
      Bookworms 2021 Schweden PC - Download
      Booly 1991 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Boom Ball 2018 Finnland Nintendo Switch - Download
      Boom Blaster 2020 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boom Blox 2008 USA Nintendo Wii
      Boom Blox 2008 Kanada Mobile - BREW, Mobile - J2ME
      Boom Blox: Bash Party 2009 USA Nintendo Wii
      Boom Boom Rocket 2007 England Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Boom Karts 2019 Finnland Google Android
      Boom Power Pack (Limited Edition) [Addon] 1994 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Boom Power Pack 2 [Addon] 1995 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Boom Power Pack Classic [Addon] 1995 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      BoomBots 1999 USA SONY PlayStation
      Boomerang 2001 Schweiz PC - CD-ROM
      Boomerang 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Boomerang Fu 2020 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boomerang Kid 1991 England Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Boomerang X 2021 Schottland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Boong! - Die ultimatiefe Fußballsimulation 1996 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Boor 2017 Spanien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boorp's Balls 2001 Spanien PC - CD-ROM
      Boost Beast 2015 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Booster Poker 2008 Österreich Internet / BBS / Browser
      Booster Trooper 2010 Deutschland PC - Download
      Boot Camp Academy 2010 Italien Nintendo Wii
      Boot Duell 2011 Russland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Boot Hill Heroes 2014 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Booty 1984 Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Boovie 1998 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM
      Bop-A-Bet 1983 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette
      Boppin' 1994 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Border England PC - Download
      Border Army 1987 Japan LCD Handheld
      Border Break 2009 Japan Arcade - SEGA RingEdge, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Border Break Mobile: Shippuu no Gun Front 2013 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Border Break Scramble 2014 Japan Arcade - SEGA RingEdge
      Border Break X Zero Plus 2017 Japan Arcade - SEGA RingEdge
      Border Defense: National Security Patrol 2007 England PC - CD-ROM
      Border Down 2003 Japan Arcade - SEGA Naomi GD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast
      Border Zone 1994 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Borderlands 2009 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360/Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary [DLC] 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Creature Slaughterdome [DLC] 2020 USA PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Borderlands 2: Headhunter 1 - T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Headhunter 2 - The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Headhunter 3 - How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Headhunter 4 - Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Headhunter 5 - Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack [DLC] 2020 USA PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Borderlands 2: Psycho Pack [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack [DLC] 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack Two - Digistruct Peak Challenge [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 3 2019 USA Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood [DLC] 2020 USA Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 3: Designer's Cut [DLC] 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 3: Director's Cut [DLC] 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles [DLC] 2020 USA Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 3: Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot [DLC] 2019 USA Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 3: Outlaws & Dinosaurs [DLC] 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands 3: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck [DLC] 2020 USA Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Borderlands 4 2025 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands Legends 2012 USA Apple iOS
      Borderlands Online 2015 USA PC - Download
      Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot [DLC] 2010 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360/Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: New Revolution [DLC] 2010 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360/Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! 2014 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! - Claptastic Voyage and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! - Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! - Lady Hammerlock the Baroness [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! - Shock Drop Slaughter Pit [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! - Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack: The Holodome Onslaught [DLC] 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx [DLC] 2010 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360/Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned [DLC] 2010 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360/Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Borderline 2005 Japan Arcade - SEGA Vic Dual, SEGA SG-1000, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Borderwalker 2012 Japan Apple iOS
      Boreal Blade 2020 Finnland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Borealis 2012 USA PC - Download
      Bored of the Rings 1986 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Borg Nukem 2002 PC - Download
      Borgia 2011 Deutschland PC - DVD-ROM
      Boris Russian Bear 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Boris The Rocket 2020 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Born Into Fear 2022 USA PC - Download
      Born of Bread 2023 Kanada Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Born Punk 2022 Australien Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Born to Fire 2011 Südkorea PC - Download
      Born-A-Fighter 2001 Schweden PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare 2022 USA PC - Download
      Borobodur: The Planet of Doom 1992 Niederlande Commodore Amiga
      Borodino 1989 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Borodino: Nauka Pobezhdat' 1997 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Borrowed Time 1985 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC/C64 - 5,25" Diskette
      Börse 1987 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Börsenfieber 1989 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bosch's Domination 2014 Schweden PC - Download
      Bosconian 2005 USA Arcade - Namco Galaga, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Mobile - DoCoMo, MSX - Cartridge, MSX - Diskette, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, Sharp X680x0, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bosconian '87 1987 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Böse Nachbarn 2005 Österreich Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube
      Böse Nachbarn 2: Urlaub mit Hindernissen 2004 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - BD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Böse Nachbarn: Rache ist ein süsses Spiel 2003 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - BD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bosei Kanojo 2: Chisei Houkai Hen 2019 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bosei Kanojo: Shikyuu Kikan Hen 2018 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boson X 2013 Australien Apple iOS, Ouya, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boss 1982 Deutschland Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore Pet-Serie, Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette
      Boss 101 with S.T.E.V.E. and Max 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download
      Boss Hunter: Revenge is Sweet! 2006 Brasilien PC - CD-ROM
      Boss Rally 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Boston Bomb Club 1998 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bot Colony 2014 Kanada PC - Download
      Bot Net: Ramshackle Robotics 2020 Kanada PC - Download
      Bot Soccer 1996 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bot Vice 2016 Spanien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      BOT.vinnik Chess: Early USSR Championships 2021 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BOT.vinnik Chess: Late USSR Championships 2021 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BOT.vinnik Chess: Mid-Century USSR Championships 2021 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BOT.vinnik Chess: Opening Traps 2020 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      BOT.vinnik Chess: Winning Patterns 2020 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Botanicula 2012 Tschechien PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Botany Manor 2024 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Boti: Byteland Overclocked 2023 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Botkiller 1995 Deutschland Acorn Risc PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Botkiller 2 1999 Deutschland Acorn Risc PC - 3.5'' Diskette, Acorn Risc PC - CD-ROM
      Bots Boom Bang 2014 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Botschaft in Gefahr: Das Jesus-Pergament 2009 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      BotsNews Characters VR: Dragonball Z 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bottle Battle 2015 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bottom of the 9th 1999 USA Nintendo 64, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Bottom of the 9th '97 1997 USA SONY PlayStation
      Bottom of the 9th '99 1999 USA SONY PlayStation
      Bou Ningen Challenge! 2016 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bouken Danshaku Don: The Lost Sunheart 1992 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Bouken Dungeon Mura 2012 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Mobile - i-Mode, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bouken Gakuen Univale 2007 Japan Mobile - i-Mode
      Bouken Jidai Katsugeki: Goemon 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bouken Katsugeki Monomono 1997 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Bouken Kawakudari VR Rapid River 2018 Japan Arcade
      Bouken Ou Beat: Darkness Century 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bouken Ou Topple 1994 Japan Arcade - LaserDisc
      Bouken Yuuki Pluster World: Densetsu no Plust Gate 2003 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boukoku no Aegis 2035: Warship Gunner 2005 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Boukoku no Last Legion 2012 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boukyaku no Senritsu 2004 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boukyaku Shitsuji to Koi Suru Ojou-sama no Memoir 2017 Japan PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Boulder Dash 1986 USA Acorn BBC - Diskette, Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Arcade, Arcade - Data East DECO Cassette, Atari 800 - Cartridge, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Blaze Evercade, CBS Colecovision, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Epoch Super Cassettevision, Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 5.25, Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - Cassette, Mobile - J2ME, MSX - Cartridge, MSX - Cassette, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, NEC PC-88 - Kassette, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC/Macintosh - Download, Retro Games - The 400 Mini, Sharp X-1, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Boulder Dash 1990 Japan Arcade - Data East MC68000, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy
      Boulder Däsh 2004 Deutschland Commodore Amiga
      Boulder Dash Construction Kit 1987 USA Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Boulder Dash Deluxe 2021 Deutschland Apple Macintosh - Download, Ataribox, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Microsoft Xbox One - Download
      Boulder Dash EX 2002 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge 1985 USA Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Boulder Dash III 1986 USA Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Boulder Dash Rocks! 2007 USA Apple iOS, Mobile - J2ME, Nintendo DS, RIM BlackBerry, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Boulder Dash XL 2011 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Boulder Dash: 30th Anniversary 2014 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boulder Dash: M.E. 2003 Kroatien Mobile - BREW, Mobile - J2ME, Mobile - Mophun
      Boulder Dash: Palm Extreme 2004 Ungarn Mobile - PalmOS
      Boulder Dash: PocketPC Extreme 2004 Ungarn Pocket PC
      Boulder Dash: SmartPhone Extreme 2004 Ungarn Mobile
      Boulder Dash: The Guardian Quest 2005 USA PC - Download
      Boulder Dash: Tournaments for Prizes 2005 Mobile - BREW, Mobile - J2ME
      Boulder Dash: Treasure Pleasure 2003 Ungarn Internet / BBS / Browser, PC - Download
      Boulder Dash: Xmas 2002 2002 Ungarn Internet / BBS / Browser
      Boulder Match 2 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Boulder Rush 2017 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boule et Bill : Vive les vacances ! 2008 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bounce 2016 USA PC - Download
      Bounce It 2000 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bouncer 1987 Niederlande Commodore Amiga
      Bouncer 2 1998 England SONY PlayStation
      Bounces 1986 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bouncing Bomb 1986 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bouncing Bomb: Redux 2012 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bouncy Bob 2017 Polen Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bouncy Bob 2 2019 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bouncy Bullets 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bouncy Bullets 2 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bound 2016 USA SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bound by Blades 2022 USA PC - Download
      Bound by Flame 2014 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bound High 1996 Japan Nintendo VirtualBoy
      Bound To Light 2017 Schweden PC - Download
      Boundary Gate: Daughter of Kingdom 1997 Japan NEC PC-FX, SONY PlayStation
      Bounder 1986 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Amstrad PCW - 3"-Diskette, Apple iOS, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Google Android, MSX - Cassette, PC - Download, Retro Games - The C64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bounder's World 2013 Italien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Boundish 2006 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boundless 2014 England PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bounty Arms 1995 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bounty Battle 2020 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bounty Bay Online 2007 China Internet / BBS / Browser, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bounty Bob Strikes Back! 1985 USA Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari 800 - Cartridge, Atari 800 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bounty Hounds 2006 Taiwan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bounty Hunter 1993 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bounty Hunter 1996 England PC - CD-ROM
      Bounty Hunter Sara: Holy Mountain no Teiou 2001 Japan SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation
      Bounty Star: The Morose Tale of Graveyard Clem 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bounty Sword 1995 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bounty Train 2017 USA PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bourbon Empire 2020 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boushitsu no Istria 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing 2019 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bowl 1983 USA Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette
      Bowl Bound College Football 2015 USA PC - Download
      Bowling 2003 USA Apple iOS, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Blaze Evercade, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Mobile, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, RIM BlackBerry, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bowling 2019 England Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bowling Master 2006 Frankreich Mobile - J2ME
      Bowling Simulator 2011 PC - DVD-ROM
      Bowling! 1978 USA Philips G7000/Magnavox Odyssey2/Jopac
      Bowling☆ 2013 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Box Align 2019 Brasilien Nintendo Switch - Download
      Box Pusher 2012 Deutschland Nintendo DSi - Download
      Box VR 2019 England PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BoxBoxBoy! 2016 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Boxenstop für Grand Prix 2 [Addon] 1997 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Boxer's Road 1995 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Boxer's Road 2: The Real 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Boxes: Lost Fragments 2024 Bulgarien PC - Download
      BoxesWithGuns 2014 Österreich PC - Download
      Boximals Bounce 2014 Kanada PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boxing 1995 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable, TV Plug & Play
      Boxing 1998 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2
      Boxing 2002 Japan Nintendo Game&Watch, Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boxing 2004 England Mobile - J2ME
      Boxing Apocalypse 2018 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Boxing Champion 2002 Dänemark Mobile - PalmOS, Pocket PC
      Boxing Champs 2019 Australien Nintendo Switch - Download
      Boxing Club Manager 2022 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boxing Fever 2001 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Boxing Legends of the Ring 1993 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      BoxingMania: Ashita no Joe 2001 Japan Arcade - Konami - Andere
      BoxMaker 2017 China PC - Download
      Boxsport Manager 2007 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Boxville 2022 Ukraine Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BoxWorld 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Boxymoxy 2020 Italien Commodore C64 - Cartridge
      Boy Beats World 2021 Niederlande PC/Macintosh - Download
      Boyfriend Dungeon 2021 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Boys Be... 1998 Japan PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Boys Be... 2nd Season 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bozo's Night Out 1984 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bozuma: Deutsches Kriminalspiel 1996 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bó​mù Xià Mèng 2024 China PC - Download
      BPM Racing 2008 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      BPM: Bullets Per Minute 2020 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BQM: BlockQuest Maker 2018 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bracken Tor: The Time of Tooth and Claw 2010 England PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bradyon Veda 2014 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Braid 2010 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Braid: Anniversary Edition 2021 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Brain Artifice 1991 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Brain Blasters 1990 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Brain Challenge 2008 Frankreich Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Brain Challenge: The Arena of Death 1991 Deutschland Commodore Amiga
      Brain Coach with Dr. Kawashima 2007 Rumänien Mobile - J2ME
      Brain Dead 13 1995 Kanada 3DO, Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Atari Jaguar CD, PC - CD-ROM, Philips CD-i, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima 2009 PC - CD-ROM
      Brain Games 1978 USA Apple iOS, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Brain Killer 1998 Polen Commodore Amiga AGA
      Brain Lord 1994 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Brain My Day 2008 Russland PC - Download, Pocket PC
      BraIn Sanity 2007 Spanien PC - Download
      Brain Strain 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Brain Strainers 1984 USA CBS Colecovision
      Brain Tonic : Force 1 - Débutant 2007 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, Video - DVD (DVD-PG)
      Brain Tonic : Force 2 - Confirmé 2007 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, Video - DVD (DVD-PG)
      Brain Tonic : Force 3 - Expert 2007 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, Video - DVD (DVD-PG)
      Brain Voyagers : Ricochet 2017 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brain!Fix 2001 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Brainball 2004 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Brainbender 1991 England Blaze Evercade, Nintendo GameBoy
      BrainBlizzard 2000 Deutschland PC - Download
      BrainMan 2004 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Brainpipe: A Plunge to Unhumanity 2008 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brains & Hearts 2014 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brainstein Japan Arcade
      Brainstorm 1982 England Commodore VIC 20 - Cassette, Retro Games - The VIC20
      Brainstorm 1987 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Brainstorm: The Game Show 2002 Dänemark PC - CD-ROM
      BrainZ 2020 Türkei Nintendo Switch - Download
      Brainz 2010 2009 PC - CD-ROM
      Bram Stoker's Dracula 1986 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bram Stoker's Dracula 1993 England Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bram Stoker's Dracula 1993 USA SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Bram Stoker's Dracula 1993 England Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, SEGA GameGear, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      Bram Stoker's Dracula 1994 England Commodore Amiga
      Bram Stoker's Dracula 1995 England PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bramble: The Mountain King 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Brand im Hafen? 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Brandel no Mahoutsukai 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Brandish 1996 Südkorea Fujitsu FM-Towns/Marty - Diskette, NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM², NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, NEC PC-98 - CD-ROM, NEC PC-98 3,5"-Diskette + CD-ROM, NEC PC-98 5,25"-Diskette + CD-ROM, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - Download, SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Brandish 2: The Planet Buster 1997 Südkorea NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - CD-ROM
      Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan 1999 Südkorea NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Brandish 4: Nemureru Kami no Tou 1998 Japan PC - CD-ROM
      Brandish VT: Fata Morgana Templum 1998 Japan NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, NEC PC-98 - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Brandish: The Dark Revenant 2009 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Brands 1983 England Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Brány Skeldalu 1998 Tschechien Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - CD-ROM
      Brány Skeldalu 2: Pátý učedník 2002 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brass Brigade 2019 USA PC - Download
      Brass Tactics 2019 USA PC - Download
      Brassheart 2023 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brat 1991 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Brat 2: Obratno v Ameriku 2000 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Brat'ja Piloty 3D 2: Tajjny Kluba Sobakovodov 2005 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Brat'ja Piloty 3D: Delo ob Ogorodnykh Vrediteljakh 2004 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Brat'ja Piloty: Delo o Serijjnom Man'jake 1998 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Brat'ja Piloty: Obratnaja Storona Zemli 2004 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Brat'ja Piloty: Olimpiada 2004 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Brat'ja Piloty: Po Sledam Polosatogo Slona 1997 Russland Google Android, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brat'ja Piloty: Zagadka Atlanticheskojj Sel'di 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Brataccas 1986 England Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bratja Piloty: Dogonjalki 2007 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bratki 2005 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bratland 2008 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bratva i Kol'co 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bratz 2002 Kanada Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bratz 4 Real 2007 USA Nintendo DS
      Bratz Kidz 2008 Frankreich Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Bratz: Flaunt Your Fashion 2022 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bratz: Forever Diamondz 2006 England Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bratz: Girlz Really Rock 2008 England Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bratz: Glitz 'N' Glamour 2007 USA Video - DVD (DVD-PG)
      Bratz: Rock Angelz 2005 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bratz: The Movie 2007 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bravada 2014 Ukraine PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brave Blade 2000 Japan Arcade - Sony ZN-1
      Brave Caravan 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Dash 2014 Japan Apple iOS
      Brave Dungeon 2017 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Brave Dungeon: Seigi no Imi 2023 Japan Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Brave Dwarves 2001 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Brave Dwarves 2 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Brave Earth: Prologue 2020 USA PC - Download
      Brave Fantasia 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Fencer Musashiden 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Brave Frontier 2013 Japan Amazon Kindle/FireOS, Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Frontier II 2018 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Frontier Memories: Shinmai Shoukan-shi to Kokoro no Seirei 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Frontier: ReXona 2021 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Frontier: Rogue Story 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brave Girl Ravens 2015 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Brave Prove 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Brave Saga 2 2000 Kanada SONY PlayStation
      Brave Saga: Shinshou Astaria 2001 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Brave Soul 2001 Japan PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brave Stone 2013 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Brave Story: Aratanaru Tabibito 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Brave Story: Wataru no Bouken 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Brave Tank Hero 2015 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Brave: Shaman's Challenge 2009 USA Nintendo DS
      Brave: The Search for Spirit Dancer 2005 Schottland Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Braveheart 1999 Schottland PC - CD-ROM
      Braveheart 2010 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android
      Braveknight: Lieveland Avenue 2001 Japan Microsoft Xbox, SEGA Dreamcast
      Braveland 2014 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Braveland Pirate 2015 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Braveland Wizard 2014 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bravely Archive: D's Report 2015 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bravely Default II 2021 USA Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights 2022 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bravely Default: Fairy's Effect 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bravely Default: Flying Fairy 2012 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bravely Default: Praying Brage 2012 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bravely Gate: Toki no Yousei to Fushigina Meikyuu 2015 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bravely Oblivion 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bravely Second: End Layer 2015 Japan Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bravery & Greed 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bravestarr 1987 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      BraveSword×BlazeSoul 2015 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      BRAVO Hits 41 2003 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bravo Music 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bravo Romeo Delta 1996 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bravo Team 2018 England SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      BRAVO: Click & Win 2002 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser
      Brawl 2018 Polen Nintendo Switch - Download
      Brawl Busters 2012 USA PC - Download
      Brawl Chess 2020 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Brawl of Ages 2017 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brawlhalla 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brawlout 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brazen 2013 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Breach 1987 USA Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Breach 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Breach 2019 USA PC - Download
      Breach & Clear 2013 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Breach & Clear: Deadline 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Breach 2 1990 USA Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Breach 3 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Breachway 2024 Rumänien PC - Download
      Bread & Fred 2023 Spanien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Break Arts 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Break Arts II: Beauty in Destruction 2018 Japan PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Break Arts III 2024 Japan PC - Download
      Break Ball 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Break Ball 2 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Break Boy 3D 2007 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Break Down 1983 Deutschland Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Break Point 1996 Japan SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Break Time: The National Pool Tour 1993 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Break Volley 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Breakaway 2018 USA PC - Download
      Breakdance 1984 USA Blaze Evercade, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Breakdown 2004 Japan Microsoft Xbox
      Breakers 1986 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Breakers 1997 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SEGA Dreamcast, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Breakers Revenge 1998 Japan Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Breakers: Unlock the World 2024 Südkorea Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Breakin 360 2007 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Breaking Bad VR Experience 2017 SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Breaking Bad: Empire Business 2016 Frankreich Google Android
      Breaking Point 2017 USA PC - Download
      Breakline 1994 Frankreich PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Breakout 2000 England PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Breakout 2003 USA Apple iOS, Arcade - Atari Discrete Logic, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Mobile - J2ME, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Breakout 13 2023 China PC/Macintosh - Download
      Breakout 2000 1996 USA Atari Jaguar
      Breakout Construction Kit 2000 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Breakout Defender 2019 Norwegen Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Breakout: Recharged 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      BreakQuest 2006 Niederlande Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Breakthrough in the Ardennes 1984 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Breakthru 2003 Niederlande Mobile - J2ME, Nokia N-Gage - Download
      BreakThru! 1994 Japan Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, SEGA GameGear, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Breath Italien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Breath of Death VII: The Beginning 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download
      Breath of Fire 6: Hakuryuu no Shugosha-tachi 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download
      Breath of Fire II: Shimei no Ko 1994 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Breath of Fire III 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Breath of Fire IV: Utsurowazarumono 2003 Japan PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Breath of Fire: Ryuu no Senshi 1993 Japan Blaze Evercade, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo New 3DS - Download, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii U - Download
      Breath of the Dragon 1985 England Atari 800 - Diskette
      Breath: Toiki ha Akaneiro 2008 Japan Nintendo DS
      Breathedge 2018 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Breathedge 2 Russland PC - Download
      Breathing Fear 2016 Russland Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Breathless 1995 Italien Commodore Amiga AGA
      Breed 2004 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Breed Master 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Breeder 1986 Japan Nintendo Famicom Disk System, Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Disk Writer
      Breeder Homegrown 2019 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships 2005 Schottland Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Breeding Stud '99 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Breeding Stud 2 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Breeding Stud: Bokujou de Aimashou 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Breezeblox 2022 USA Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brestskaja Krepost' 2009 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bret Airborne 2013 Kanada PC - Download
      Bretonne Lays 1990 Japan NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, Sharp X680x0
      Brett Hull Hockey 1994 Kanada Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Brett Hull Hockey 95 1995 Kanada Atari Jaguar CD, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Brewmaster 2022 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Brian Bloodaxe 1985 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Brian Clough's Football Fortunes 1987 England Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Amstrad PCW - 3"-Diskette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Brian Jack's Superstar Challenge 1985 England Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Brian Lara 2008 2007 England Mobile - J2ME
      Brian Lara Cricket 1993 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Brian Lara Cricket 1999 England PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 2005 England Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 2006 England Mobile - J2ME
      Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 2007 England Microsoft Xbox 360
      Brian the Lion 1994 England Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore Amiga CD³²
      Brick Break Blitz 2014 England Amazon Kindle/FireOS, Ouya
      Brick-Force 2013 Südkorea PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brickout 2007 Commodore C64 - Quellcode, PC - CD-ROM
      Brickout! 1998 USA Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bricks 2000 1999 Österreich PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bricks Crusher Breaker Ball 2023 Serbien Google Android, PC - Download
      Bricks Defender 2020 Norwegen Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bricks Defender 2 2020 Norwegen Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bricks DeLuxe 1997 Spanien PC - CD-ROM
      Bricks of Egypt 2004 Belarus PC - Download
      Bricks Pinball 2020 Norwegen Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bricks Pinball 2 2020 Norwegen Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Brickshooter Egypt 2011 Russland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brico Party 2009 Spanien Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download
      Brico utile 2009 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bride of Frankenstein 1987 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bride of the Robot 1989 USA Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bridge 2000 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bridge 2003 USA Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Google Android, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bridge 2011 Deutschland Nintendo DSi - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Die Brückenbau Simulation 2011 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Mittelalter 2014 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Playground 2013 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Wii U - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Portal 2017 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Portal - Portal Proficiency [DLC] 2019 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Stunts 2015 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead 2020 Österreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bridge Constructor: Trains [DLC] 2016 Österreich PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridge Deluxe 2 with Omar Sharif 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bridge It 2003 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bridge Project 2013 Deutschland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridge Strike 2016 Polen Apple iOS, Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bridge to Another World: A Trail of Breadcrumbs 2023 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Alice in Shadowland 2016 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Burnt Dreams 2014 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Christmas Flight 2021 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Cursed Clouds 2022 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Endless Game 2021 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Escape From Oz 2017 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Gulliver Syndrome 2019 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Secrets of the Nutcracker 2020 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: The Others 2015 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge to Another World: Through the Looking Glass 2018 Ukraine PC - Download
      Bridge Training 2009 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Bridge! 2: The Construction Game 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridge! 3 2019 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bridge!: The Construction Game 2011 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bridgehead 1986 Deutschland Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Bridger 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Brief Battles 2019 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Brieflos 2006 Österreich Internet / BBS / Browser
      Brigada E5: Novyjj Al'jans 2005 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brigade Commander 1991 USA Commodore Amiga
      Brigador 2015 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brigador Killers 2024 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brigand: Battles [DLC] 2022 USA PC - Download
      Brigand: Nightmare [DLC] 2021 USA PC - Download
      Brigand: Oaxaca 2017 USA PC - Download
      Brigand: Panama [DLC] 2019 USA PC - Download
      Brigandine: Gensou Tairiku Senki 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Brigandine: Runersia Senki 2022 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Briganty: The Roots of Darkness 1999 Japan NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bright Lights of Svetlov 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Bright Memory 2019 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download
      Bright Memory: Infinite 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bright Paw 2020 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bright Red Skies 2019 USA PC - Download
      Bright Tracer 2023 Japan PC - Download
      Brightis 1999 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Briks 2017 USA SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Briks 2 2018 USA SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Briks: Head to Head 2020 USA SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brilliant Bob 2015 Kroatien PC - Download
      Brilliant Girls 2005 Russland Mobile - J2ME
      Brilliantcrypto 2024 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brimstone 1985 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Brimstone 1994 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bring Them Home 2018 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bring to Light 2018 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brink 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome 2012 Moldawien Apple iOS, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders 2013 Moldawien Apple iOS, PC - Download
      Brink: Agents of Change [DLC] 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Brisby & Donnovan 2011 Schweden Apple iOS
      Bristles: Starring Peter the Painter 1984 USA Arcade, Atari 5200, Atari 800 - Cartridge, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Retro Games - The 400 Mini, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bristol 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      British Open Championship Golf 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      British Square 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Britney's Dance Beat 2002 USA PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Britney's Dance Beat 2002 USA Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Brix 1991 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Brix 1992 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Brix 2: Deluxe 1992 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Brix 3: Superlogic 1994 USA PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Brix 4: Genius 1995 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Broadside 2015 Australien PC/Macintosh - Download
      Broadsides 1984 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Broadsword: Age of Chivalry 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Broadway 2009 Frankreich PC - DVD-ROM
      Broforce 2014 Südafrika Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brok: The InvestiGator 2022 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Brok: The InvestiGator - Natal Tail, A New Christmas 2024 Frankreich PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brok: The InvestiGator - Prologue 2020 Frankreich PC - Download
      Broken 2016 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Broken Age: Part One 2015 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Ouya, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Broken Age: Part Two 2015 USA Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Ouya, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Broken Arrow 2024 Frankreich PC - Download
      Broken Circle 2006 Thailand Mobile - J2ME
      Broken Circle 2009 Thailand Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Broken Dreams 2016 PC - Download
      Broken Helix 1997 USA SONY PlayStation
      Broken Lines 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Broken Mind 2022 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Broken Pieces 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Broken Ranks 2022 Polen PC - Download
      Broken Reality 2015 Deutschland Apple iOS
      Broken Reality 2018 Mexiko PC - Download
      Broken Roads 2024 Australien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Broken Saints 2006 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3
      Broken Sea 2012 Ungarn PC - Download
      Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars 2008 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse - Episode 1 2014 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse - Episode 2 2014 England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Broken Sword 6: Parzival's Stone England Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Broken Sword 6: Parzival's Stone VR 2019 England PC - Download
      Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror 1997 England Apple iOS, Blaze Evercade, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Broken Sword: The Angel of Death 2006 England PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars 1996 England Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, Blaze Evercade, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox Series X, Mobile - PalmOS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, PDA, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Broken World 2004 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Broker: Börsen-Simulation 1997 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus 1994 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bronx Medal 2000 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      BroodStar 2020 Ungarn PC/Macintosh - Download
      Brooklyn Stories 2014 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 3
      Broomstick League 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brotato 2022 Argentinien Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Brotato: Abyssal Terrors [DLC] 2024 Argentinien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Brother Against Brother: The Drawing of the Sword 2015 USA PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brotherhood United 2018 Schweiz Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Brothers Conflict: Brilliant Blue 2013 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Brothers Conflict: Passion Pink 2012 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Brothers Conflict: Precious Baby 2016 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Brothers in Arms 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front 2010 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War 2014 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brothers in Arms 4 USA - Unbekannt -
      Brothers in Arms DS 2007 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Brothers in Arms: Art of War 2008 China Mobile - J2ME
      Brothers in Arms: D-Day 2006 USA SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood 2005 USA Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood 3D 2006 Frankreich Mobile
      Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 2015 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway 2008 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Brothers in Arms: Hour of Heroes 2009 Frankreich Apple iOS
      Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 2005 USA Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Brothers in Arms: Savage 7 2010 USA SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 2013 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Browning 1992 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx - CD-ROM²
      Browning African Safari: Who's Hunting Who? 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Browning Duck Hunter 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Browser Sangokushi 2009 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Browser Suchie-Pai 2014 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Brubaker 1992 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bruce 2017 Dänemark Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bruce Jenner's World Class Decathlon 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bruce Lee 1987 USA Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC - Diskette, Acorn Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari 800 - Cassette, Atari 800 - Diskette, Blaze Evercade, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Commodore C64/ Atari 800 - Diskette, Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 3.5, Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - 5.25, Fujitsu FM-7/FM-77 - Cassette, MSX - Cartridge, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Retro Games - The 400 Mini, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, Sharp X-1, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bruce Lee Lives 1989 USA Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Bruce Lee: Enter The Game 2014 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon 2002 USA Microsoft Xbox
      Bruce Lee: Return of the Legend 2003 Deutschland Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Bruce: The Game 2012 Polen Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Brukel 2019 Belgien PC - Download
      Bruno: Das Spiel - Ein Bär zu Gast bei Freunden 2006 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 1998 USA Nintendo 64, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 2000 USA SONY PlayStation
      Brunswick Pro Billiards 2020 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brunswick Pro Bowling 2007 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Brunswick Pro Bowling 2015 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Brunswick World Tournament of Champions 1997 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Brut@l 2017 Schottland PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Brutal Force 2015 Brasilien PC - Download
      Brütal Legend 2014 USA Apple Macintosh - DVD-ROM, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 3
      Brutal MooD 2020 Russland PC - Download
      Brutal Orchestra 2021 Kanada PC - Download
      Brutal Rage 2021 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Brutal Sports Football 1993 England Atari Jaguar, Blaze Evercade, Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore AmigaCD, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Brutal: Above the Claw 1995 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, SEGA 32X
      Brutal: Paws of Fury 1995 England Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³², Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Brute Force 2003 USA Microsoft Xbox
      Brute Force 2 2003 USA Microsoft Xbox
      Brute Horse 2025 Tschechien Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Brutte Storie: I Rivoltanti Romani 2009 Italien Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Brydż 3000 2001 Polen PC - CD-ROM
      Brydż 99 1999 Polen PC - CD-ROM
      BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 1997 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki Hen - Akai Ryuu Kishi 1997 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki Hen - Hajimari no Toki 1997 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki Hen - Palace Kanraku 1997 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki Hen - Seigi no Touzokudan 1997 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS Super Mario USA 1996 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview
      BS Zelda no Densetsu 2015 Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      BS Zelda no Densetsu: Inishie no Sekiban 2018 - Mehrere - Nintendo Super Famicom - Satellaview, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      BSE Bomber 2001 Ukraine PC - CD-ROM
      BSE Hunter 2001 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Btooom! Online 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bù Sīyì De Huángguān 2020 China Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bubba 'n' Stix 1994 England Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD³², SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bubbelsche Deluxe 2024 Deutschland Nintendo Switch - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bubble + 1990 Frankreich Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bubble and Squeak 1994 USA Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore Amiga CD³², SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bubble Blowout 2016 Mexiko PC - Download
      Bubble Bobble 2003 Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Arcade - Taito - Andere, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Google Android, Jakks Pacific - Plug It In & Play TV Games, Microsoft Xbox, MSX-2 - Cartridge, Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom/NES, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Famicom Disk System, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, Nokia N-Gage - Cartridge, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA GameGear, SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge, SEGA Saturn, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bubble Bobble 2 1993 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bubble Bobble 4 Friends 2021 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bubble Bobble Double 2010 Japan Apple iOS
      Bubble Bobble Double Shot 2007 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bubble Bobble DS 2005 Japan Nintendo DS
      Bubble Bobble Junior 1993 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bubble Bobble Neo! 2009 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Bubble Bobble Nostalgie 2001 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bubble Bobble Part 2 1993 Japan Nintendo GameBoy
      Bubble Bobble Wii 2009 Japan Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bubble Bobble: Magical Tower Daisakusen!! 2006 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable
      Bubble Breeze 2007 Thailand Mobile - J2ME
      Bubble Dizzy 1990 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bubble Ghost 1988 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple IIgs, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Nintendo GameBoy, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - Download
      Bubble Heroes 2000 Italien Commodore AmigaCD
      Bubble Ice Age 2003 Russland PC - Download
      Bubble It 2000 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bubble Jungle: Super Chameleon Platformer World 2016 Italien Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download
      Bubble Mania 2000 England Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bubble Memories: The Story of Bubble Bobble III 1995 Japan Arcade - Taito F3 System
      Bubble Multiverse 2016 Russland Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bubble O 2002 Thailand Mobile, Mobile - J2ME, PC - Download, Pocket PC
      Bubble Seahorse Adventures 2015 USA Blaze Evercade, PC - Download
      Bubble Shooter DX 2015 Deutschland Google Android
      Bubble Symphony 2006 England Arcade - Taito F3 System, Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2
      Bubble Town 2 2009 Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Mobile - J2ME
      Bubble Trouble 1986 England Commodore C16/C116/Plus/4 - Cassette
      Bubble Trouble 1993 England Atari Lynx
      Bubblegum Bros. 2020 Schottland Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next - Download
      Bubblegum Crash! 1991 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Bubblegum Crisis: Crime Wave 1989 Japan NEC PC-88 - Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette
      Bubbler 1987 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, MSX - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bubbles 1996 USA Arcade - Williams 6809 Rev.1, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3
      Bubbles the Goldfish 2007 Frankreich Video - DVD (DVD-PG)
      Bubsy 3D: Furbitten Planet 1997 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bubsy II 1994 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales 1994 England Atari Jaguar, Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind 1995 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bubsy: Paws on Fire! 2019 USA Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back 2017 Deutschland PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Buccaneer 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Buccaneer Blitz 2011 Rumänien Apple iOS
      Buccaneer: The Pursuit of Infamy 2010 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Buccaneers 1995 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Buccaneers! 2022 England Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download
      Buccanyar 2023 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Buck 2017 Israel Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Buck Bradley: Comic Adventure 2020 Italien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Buck Bradley: Comic Adventure 2 2020 Italien Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Buck Bumble 1998 Frankreich Nintendo 64
      Buck Fever 2009 USA Nintendo Wii
      Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday 1990 USA Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed 1992 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom 1983 Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Arcade - SEGA - Andere, Atari 5200, Atari 800 - Cartridge, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, CBS Colecovision, Commodore C64 - Cartridge, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Commodore VIC 20 - Cartridge, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, SEGA SG-1000, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge
      Bucket Knight 2019 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bucky O'Hare 1992 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bucky O'Hare 1992 Japan Arcade - Konami Xexex
      Bud Light's Snowboard Mountain 2005 USA PC - Download
      Bud Redhead: The Time Chase 2004 Belarus PC - Download
      Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans 2019 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans 2 2023 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bud Tucker in Double Trouble 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Buddy Complex: Senjou no Coupling 2014 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Buddy Mission: Bond 2021 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Buddy Simulator 1984 2021 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Budget Cuts 2018 USA PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency 2019 Schweden PC - Download
      Budokan: The Martial Spirit 1989 USA Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 - Cassette, SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games 1992 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Buffalo Roundup 1983 Ungarn Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Buffers Evolution 1999 Japan Bandai WonderSwan
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2000 USA Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Dreamcast, SONY PlayStation
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2000 Malaysia Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer MMO 2008 USA Internet / BBS / Browser, PC - Download
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sacrifice 2009 Rumänien Nintendo DS
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Quest for Oz 2004 Indien Mobile - J2ME
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wrath of the Darkhul King 2003 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      BufoStorch 2001 Deutschland PC - Download
      Bug Academy 2020 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bug Assault 2012 Rumänien Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bug Attack 2003 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bug Bash 1990 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
      Bug Blasters: The Exterminators 2001 USA SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Bug Bomber 1992 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bug Bustin' 2008 Kanada Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling 2019 Panama Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bug Too! 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn
      Bug Village 2011 Spanien Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bug! 1996 Australien PC - CD-ROM, SEGA Saturn
      Bugdom 2000 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Bugdom 2 2004 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Buggy 1998 England PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation
      Buggy 2007 Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Buggy Boy 1988 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Arcade - Data East HFT, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Diskette
      Buggy Heat 1999 Japan SEGA Dreamcast
      Buggy Ranger 1990 Uruguay Amstrad CPC - Cassette, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Buggy Run 1993 Japan SEGA Mark III/Master System - Cartridge
      Bugi 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      BugRiders: The Race of Kings 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation
      Bugs 1982 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny: Operation Carottes 1999 Frankreich Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters 2000 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 1989 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES
      Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble 1996 USA SEGA GameGear, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time 1999 Kanada PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation
      Bugs Bunny: Private Eye 1993 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage 1994 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bugs in Buggyland 2007 Commodore C64 - Download, PC - CD-ROM
      Bugsnax 2020 Australien Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC/Microsoft Xbox One - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5
      Bugsy 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Buichi Terasawa's Takeru: Letter of the Law - Episode 1 1996 England PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Buick PGA Tour Courses [Addon] 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Build 'n Race 2009 England Nintendo Wii
      Build a Bridge! 2019 Polen Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Build a City: Constructor 2050 2025 England Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Build and Discover: America 2021 Polen PC - Download
      Build It: Das Bauhaus 1991 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Build It: Miami Beach Resort 2009 Deutschland Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download
      Build Lands 2022 Brasilien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Build Order Japan - Unbekannt -
      Build-A-Bear Workshop 2007 Frankreich Nintendo DS
      Build-A-Lot 2007 USA Mobile, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi - Download, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Build-A-Lot 2: Town of the Year 2008 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Build-A-Lot 3: Passport to Europe 2008 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Build-A-Lot 4: Power Source 2009 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Build-A-Lot: Fairy Tales 2012 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Build-A-Lot: On Vacation 2011 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Build-A-Lot: The Elizabethan Era 2010 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Buildanauts 2017 Kanada PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Builderland: The Story of Melba 1991 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx - CD-ROM²
      Builders of Egypt 2024 Polen PC - Download
      Builders of Greece 2024 Polen PC - Download
      Building & Co 2008 Frankreich PC - CD-ROM
      Building Crush 1996 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Buildings Have Feelings Too! 2021 Nordirland Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Buile Baku 2002 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Buissons 2021 Frankreich Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bujingai 2003 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Bùkěsīyì zhī mèng dié 2018 China Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bukigami 2014 Japan Arcade
      Bukigami 2014 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bukigami Otakara Dash 2015 Japan Arcade
      Bukiyosaraba 2017 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Buku Kakuro 2006 Ukraine Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM
      Buku Sudoku 2006 Ukraine Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Buku Sudoku 2008 Ukraine Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download
      Bulb Boy 2016 Polen Apple iOS, Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bulb Boy: Jar of Despair 2021 Polen PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bulba the Cat 2011 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bulg-eunsamag 2025 Südkorea Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bùliáng Shàonǚ: Liújí Shēng 2024 China Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bulk Slash 1997 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Bull Fighter 1984 Japan Arcade
      Bulldog 1987 England Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bullet 1987 Japan Arcade - SEGA System 16
      Bullet Age 2018 Kanada Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bullet Battle 2018 Südkorea Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bullet Battle Evolution 2019 Südkorea Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bullet Break 2019 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bullet Candy 2007 England PC - Download
      Bullet Casters 2023 Schweden PC - Download
      Bullet Girls 2014 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bullet Girls 2 2016 Japan SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bullet Girls Phantasia 2020 Japan PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bullet Run 2012 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Bullet Runner: The First Slaughter 2023 Niederlande PC - Download
      Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst 2014 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bullet Soul: Tama Tamashii 2011 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bullet Wave 2021 Russland PC - Download
      Bullet Witch 2006 Japan Microsoft Xbox 360, PC - Download
      Bulletproof Monk 2004 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      BulletRage 2019 Kanada PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bulletstorm 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bulletstorm 2 2013 USA Microsoft Xbox 360, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3
      Bulletstorm VR 2024 Polen Meta - Oculus Quest, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bulletstorm: Bloody Symphony [DLC] 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bulletstorm: Duke Nukem's Bulletstorm Tour [DLC] 2017 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bulletstorm: Gun Sonata [DLC] 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bullfight: Ring no Hasha 1986 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Bullion Blitz 2012 England Google Android, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs 1992 USA Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bulls vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs 1991 USA SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis
      Bullseye 1985 England Acorn BBC - Cassette, Acorn BBC/Electron - Cassette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bully 2008 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bully 2 Schottland - Unbekannt -
      Bully 2 2017 Schottland - Unbekannt -
      Bullyparade: Der Spiel 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bum Simulator 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bumbaloon 2021 Spanien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      BumbleBee Jewel 2010 Deutschland Internet / BBS / Browser, PC - CD-ROM
      Bumbledore 2012 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bumer-2 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bumer: Sorvannye Bashni 2003 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bumerang 2006 Russland PC - CD-ROM
      Bump 'n' Burn 1994 Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore Amiga CD³², PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bump in the Night 1995 USA SEGA Saturn, SONY PlayStation
      Bump, Set, Spike! Doubles Volleyball 1986 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Bump, Set, Spike! Doubles Volleyball 1986 England Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bumper Bash 1983 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Bumper Wars 2001 Ukraine PC - CD-ROM
      BumpIt 1995 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bumpy 1989 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, MSX - Cassette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy 1992 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bunch of Heroes 2011 Argentinien PC - Download
      Bundeskanzler 2009-2013: Du regierst Deutschland 2009 Frankreich PC - DVD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager 1986 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bundesliga Manager 1998 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager 97 1996 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager 98 1998 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager Hattrick 1994 Deutschland Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager Hattrick Supporter [Addon] 1995 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Bundesliga Manager Professional 1998 Deutschland Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager Professional 2.0 1997 Deutschland PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bundesliga Manager Version 2.0 1991 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bundesliga Manager X 2001 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bungee Jumping Simulator 2009 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bungou to Alchemist 2016 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bunker 58 2017 Kanada PC - Download
      Bunker Punks 2018 Kanada PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bunker: The Underground Game 2015 Deutschland PC - Download
      Bunny Bounce 2017 England PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bunny Bricks 1997 Frankreich Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bunny Jagd 1989 Deutschland Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bunny Park 2020 Kanada Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Bunnyrama! 2023 Russland PC - DVD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - Download
      Buoy Sumo 2003 Italien Mobile
      Bura Bura Donkey 2005 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Burai Fighter 1990 Japan Arcade
      Burai Fighter Color 1999 Japan Nintendo GameBoy Color
      Burai II: Yami Koutei no Gyakushuu 1992 Japan NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²
      Burai Senshi 1990 Japan Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy
      Burai: Gekan Kanketsu-hen 1991 Japan Fujitsu FM-Towns/Marty - CD, MSX-2 - Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette
      Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu 1993 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx - CD-ROM², Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES, SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Burai: Joukan 1990 Japan Fujitsu FM-Towns/Marty - CD, MSX-2 - Diskette, NEC PC-88 - Diskette, NEC PC-98 - 5.2"-Diskette
      Buratillo 2008 Russland PC - DVD-ROM
      Burden 2018 USA PC - Download
      Burden of Command 2025 USA PC - Download
      Bureau 13 1995 USA Commodore Amiga AGA, Commodore Amiga CD³², PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Bureaucracy 1994 USA Apple II - 5.25''-Diskette, Apple Macintosh - 3.5'' Diskette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C128 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Burg Drachenstein 1997 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Burg Schreckenstein 2: Streiche auf Burg Schreckenstein 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Burg Schreckenstein: Der Dieb von Burg Schreckenstein 2002 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Burger Bot 2010 Thailand Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
      Burger Burger 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Burger Chef Tycoon 2019 Polen Nintendo Switch - Download
      Burger Island 2009 Brasilien Nintendo DSi - Download, Nintendo Wii, PC - Download
      Burgers 2015 USA PC - Download
      Burgers II 2017 USA PC - Download
      BurgerTime 1997 USA Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Apple II - Cassette, Arcade - Data East Burger Time, Arcade - Data East DECO Cassette, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Blaze Evercade, CBS Colecovision, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, LCD Handheld, Mattel Intellivision, Mobile, MSX - Cartridge, NEC PC-8001 - Kassette, Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Disk Writer, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo GameBoy, Nintendo Wii, PC - 5.25'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM, Sharp MZ-1500, Sharp X-1, SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 2, Texas Instruments TI99/4a - Cartridge
      BurgerTime Party! 2019 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      BurgerTime World Tour 2011 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Burggeist 2024 Japan PC - Download
      Burglar X 1997 Südkorea Arcade - Andere, Blaze Evercade
      Buried in Ice 2022 Polen PC - Download
      Buried Stars 2021 Südkorea Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Buriki One 2000 Japan Arcade - SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64, SONY PlayStation
      Burja v Stakane: Gonki na Marshrutkakh 2009 Russland PC - DVD-ROM
      Burly Men at Sea 2016 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Burn 2007 Polen PC - CD-ROM
      Burn It 2009 Rumänien PC - DVD-ROM
      Burn out 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Burn the Rope 2011 Kanada Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Nintendo Wii - Download, SONY PlayStation Vita - Download
      Burn Zombie Burn! 2010 England Apple Macintosh - Download, Google Android, PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Burn Zombie Burn! - In Space [DLC] 2010 England PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Burn Zombie Burn! - Zombie Sushi [DLC] 2010 England PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Burn, Clown, Burn! 2017 Russland PC/Macintosh - Download
      Burn:Cycle 1994 USA Apple Macintosh - CD-ROM, PC - CD-ROM, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, Philips CD-i, SEGA Saturn
      Burndown 2019 Russland PC - Download
      Burnin' Rubber 1986 Japan Arcade - Data East Burger Time, Arcade - Data East DECO Cassette, Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge, Blaze Evercade, CBS Colecovision, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Mattel Intellivision, Nintendo Famicom/NES, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Burnin' Rubber 1990 England Amstrad GX4000
      Burning 2000 Frankreich Microsoft Xbox, PC - CD-ROM
      Burning Ambition 1996 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Burning Angels 1990 Japan NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx16
      Burning Cars 2014 Russland PC - Download
      Burning Desire 1982 USA Atari VCS/2600 - Cartridge
      Burning Fight 2008 USA Arcade - SNK NeoGeo MVS, Nintendo Switch - Download, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii - Download, SNK NeoGeo - CD, SNK NeoGeo - Home Cart, SNK NeoGeo Mini, SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Burning Fists: Force Striker 2006 Japan SEGA Mega CD/Sega CD
      Burning Force 1990 Japan Arcade - Namco System 2, Blaze Evercade, Nintendo Wii - Download, SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis, Sharp X680x0
      Burning Knight 2020 Russland Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Burning Lands USA PC - Download
      Burning Rangers 1998 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Burning Rival 1992 Japan Arcade - SEGA System 32
      Burning Road 1996 Frankreich SONY PlayStation
      Burning Rubber 1993 England Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' Diskette
      Burning Soldier 1994 Japan 3DO
      Burning Street 1995 Japan Arcade
      Burning Sword: Death Sun 2024 USA PC - Download
      Burnout 2000 England Commodore Amiga AGA, PC - CD-ROM
      Burnout 2002 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Burnout 2: Point of Impact 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Burnout 3: Takedown 2004 England Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Burnout: Championship Drag Racing 1998 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Burnout: Crash 2011 England Apple iOS, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Burnout: Dominator 2007 England SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Burnout: Legends 2005 England SONY PlayStation Portable
      Burnout: Legends 2005 USA Nintendo DS
      Burnout: Paradise 2009 England Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Burnout: Paradise - Big Surf Island [DLC] 2018 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Burnout: Paradise - Cops & Robbers [DLC] 2018 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Burnout: Paradise - Party [DLC] 2018 England Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Burnout: Revenge 2005 England Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, SONY PlayStation 2
      Burnstar 2015 USA Apple iOS, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Burnt Out Cop 2003 England Microsoft Xbox, SONY PlayStation 2
      Burntime 1993 Österreich Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga AGA, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Burstfire 2015 USA PC - Download
      Burstrick Wake Boarding!! 2000 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bury Me, My Love 2019 Frankreich Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bus Driver 2007 Tschechien PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bus Driver Simulator 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bus Driving 2015 2015 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bus Driving Sim 2022 2022 Rumänien PC - Download
      Bus Fix 2019 2018 Polen Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bus Mechanic Simulator 2020 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bus Simulator 17 2017 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bus Simulator 2023 2023 USA Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - Ebusco Bus Pack [DLC] 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - IVECO BUS Bus Pack [DLC] 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - MAN Bus Pack [DLC] 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - Official School Bus Extension [DLC] 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - Thomas Built Buses Bus Pack [DLC] 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - Tram Extension [DLC] 2023 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop - VDL Bus Pack [DLC] 2022 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus Turbo Racing 2012 Südkorea Apple iOS, Google Android
      Bus World 2022 Russland PC - Download
      Bus- & Cable-Car-Simulator: San Francisco 2011 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bus-Simulator 18 2018 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bus-Simulator 2008 2007 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Bus-Simulator 2009 2009 Deutschland PC - CD-ROM
      Bus-Simulator 2012 2012 Deutschland PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM
      Bus-Simulator 2016 2016 Österreich PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Bus-Simulator 21 2021 USA Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Microsoft Xbox One/Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, PC - DVD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 4, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY Playstation 4/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bus-Simulator: City Ride 2022 Deutschland Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bush Buck: Global Treasure Hunter 1991 USA Commodore Amiga, PC - 3.5'' + 5.25'' Diskette
      Bushi Gensou: Samurai Kingdom 2002 Japan Internet / BBS / Browser
      Bushi Seiryuuden: Futari no Yuusha 1997 Japan Nintendo Super Famicom/SNES
      Bushiden 2024 USA Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Bushido Blade 1997 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Bushido Blade Ni 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Bushido: The Way of Men 2019 Japan PC/Macintosh - Download
      Bushido: The Way of the Warrior 1989 England Commodore C64 - Diskette
      Bushido: The Way of the Warrior [Addon] 2001 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Busin 0: Wizardry Alternative NEO 2003 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Busin: Wizardry Alternative 2001 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Business Magnate 2019 Österreich PC - Download
      Business Tycoon 2000 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Busou Car Action Game!! Vatlva 1996 Japan SEGA Saturn
      Busou Renkin: Youkoso Papillon Park he 2007 Japan SONY PlayStation 2
      Busou Shinki: Battle Masters 2010 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Busou Shinki: Battle Masters Mk.2 2011 Japan SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Busou Shinki: Battle Rondo 2007 Japan PC - Download
      Busou Shinki  2018 Japan - Unbekannt -
      Bust A Move: Dance & Rhythm Action 1998 Japan SONY PlayStation
      Bust-a-Move: Bash! 2007 Japan Nintendo Wii
      Bust-N-Rush 2012 USA Apple Macintosh - Download, PC - Download
      Bustafellows 2021 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Bustafellows Season 2 2023 Japan Apple iOS, Google Android, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Buster 2006 Japan PC - Download
      Buster's Quest: Trials of Hamsterdam 2020 USA SONY PlayStation 4 - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Busters 1999 PC - CD-ROM
      Bustout 99 1999 USA PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      Busy Bags 2013 Deutschland Apple iOS
      But to Paint a Universe 2015 Schweden PC - Download
      But-ten Ohara's Suit-cha Luck-a Dog-Fight 1984 Japan Arcade
      Buta-san 1988 England Amstrad CPC - 3''-Diskette, Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Arcade, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, MSX - Cassette, Sharp X680x0, Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Butcher 2016 Polen Microsoft Xbox One - Download, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, SONY PlayStation 4 - Download
      Butcher Hill 1989 England Amstrad CPC - Cassette, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore C64 - Cassette, Commodore C64 - Diskette, Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Cassette
      Butcher's Creek 2025 USA PC - Download
      Butt Sniffin Pugs 2018 USA PC - Download
      Butt-Ugly Martians: B.K.M. Battles 2002 England Nintendo GameBoy Advance
      Butt-Ugly Martians: Martian Boot Camp 2002 USA PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM
      Butt-Ugly Martians: Zoom or Doom 2003 USA Nintendo GameCube, SONY PlayStation 2
      Butterflies 1987 Commodore C64 - Cassette
      Butterfly 2010 Frankreich Microsoft Windows Phone
      Butterfly Garden 2008 USA Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download, Nintendo Wii - Download, PC - Download
      Butterfly Rouge 2014 Japan PC - DVD-ROM
      Butto Bird Japan Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Button Button 2017 China PC - Download
      Button Button up! 2019 China Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download
      Button City 2021 USA PC/Macintosh - Download
      Button City Soccer Days 2024 USA Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space 1998 USA NEC PC-98 - 3.5"-Diskette, PC - 3.5'' Diskette, PC - CD-ROM
      Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager 2014 USA Apple iOS, Google Android, PC - Download, PC/Macintosh - Download, PC/Macintosh - DVD-ROM
      Buzz Bombers 1998 USA Blaze Evercade, Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, PC/Macintosh - CD-ROM, SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! Brain Bender 2008 England SONY PlayStation Portable, SONY PlayStation Portable - Download
      Buzz! Brain of the UK 2009 England SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Buzz! Junior: Ace Racers 2008 Schottland SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! Junior: Dino Den 2008 Schottland SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! Junior: Jungle Party 2006 England SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Buzz! Junior: Monster Rumble 2007 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! Junior: Robo Jam 2007 England SONY PlayStation 2, SONY PlayStation 3 - Download
      Buzz! Master Quiz 2008 England SONY PlayStation, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Buzz! Quiz World 2009 England SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Buzz! Quiz-TV 2008 England SONY PlayStation 3
      Buzz! The Big Quiz 2006 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz 2007 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! The Mega-Quiz 2007 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! The Music Quiz 2005 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! The Pop Quiz 2008 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! The Sports Quiz 2006 England SONY PlayStation 2
      Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz 2010 England SONY PlayStation 3, SONY PlayStation Portable
      Buzzfellows 2007 Japan PC - Download
      BuzzingCars 2002 Schweiz PC - CD-ROM, PC - Download
      By Fire & Sword 1985 USA Commodore C64 - Diskette, PC - 5.25'' Diskette
      Byakko: Shijin Butai Enrenki 2025 Japan Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch - Download
      Bye Sweet Carole 2024 Italien Microsoft Xbox One - Download/Xbox Series - Download, Nintendo Switch - Download, PC - Download, SONY Playstation 4 - Download/Sony Playstation 5 - Download
      Bye-Bye BoxBoy! 2017 Japan Nintendo 3DS - Download
      Bye-Bye, Wacky Planet 2016 Russland PC - Download
      Bygg flygplan med Mulle Meck 2000 Schweden PC - CD-ROM
      Bylina 2025 Russland Microsoft Xbox Series - Download, PC - Download, SONY PlayStation 5 - Download
      Byte Breakers 2024 Kanada PC - Download
      Bytown Lumberjack 2012 Kanada Microsoft Xbox 360 - Download
      Byu Byu Maze 2006 Japan Mobile, Mobile - BREW, Mobile - i-Mode
      Byzantine: The Betrayal 1997 USA PC - CD-ROM
      Bzzz The Bee 2006 Kanada Mobile
      Bzzz! 1995 England PC - Download
      Bzzzt 2023 Tschechien PC/Macintosh - Download

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